Member Reviews

A cute story told from a man's point of view
I loved how the author has shown how a man is human that has feelings too as we delved deeper into Conrads life and expectations.
Maeve is an excellent character too.
I.loved how this book has just the right amount of everything in it to keep me interested in the whole book. I finished it in two days it was so cute.
Written in In Verse style as well but still pretty good.
4 stars
Why 4 stars? I didn't really like the cover at all. First time in all my born days that i didnt like a cover on a book. Nor did I think the story go with the title except maybe just a teeny tiny bit.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review of this book All opinions expressed are mine.

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5/5 Stars ⭐️

"Pit and Peach" by Anna Pollock is a refreshing breath of air in the romance genre, offering a story told from a man's point of view. Conrad, the main character, is the kind of guy you'll find yourself rooting for from start to finish—he's charming, relatable, and could easily become your next book boyfriend.

What makes this novel stand out is its blend of fun and angst, balanced perfectly to keep you engaged. It's the kind of story that makes you giggle and smile, and you might even find yourself kicking your feet in delight as you read. The plot is both cute and realistic, with the "pit and peach" idea playing a significant role throughout, adding depth and continuity to the narrative.

The romance is sweet, and while there's only one mild spice scene, it fits seamlessly into the story. The focus remains on the characters and their journey, and frankly, the book doesn't need any more spice to be thoroughly enjoyable.

I highly recommend "Pit and Peach" to anyone who loves a good romcom. It's a unique and delightful read that will leave you smiling long after you've turned the last page.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was a cute book. I like/dislike the artsy peach and pit cover, which seems to not fit the plot inside.

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I really liked the storyline of this book. I also thought it was very unique of the author to use the POV from the male main character. I don’t think I have ever seen that done before. Originally I was a bit nervous that I wouldn’t like the book because of that, but the author did an amazing job.

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Pre-Read Review:
This story sounds like my kind of romance! I'm really looking forward to reading Pit and a Peach. The mix of self-discovery, healing, and new beginnings, all wrapped up in a charming narrative, has definitely caught my interest. I can't wait to see how Conrad's journey unfolds and how his new friendship sparks a transformation in his life. This book seems like it will be a delightful and heartfelt read.

Post Read Review:
"Pit and a Peach" is a charming, light-hearted read with a few standout elements. The dynamic between Conrad and Maeve adds a refreshing touch, though Conrad’s character can be hard to empathise with due to inconsistencies between his actions. The conversational style makes for an easy read but sometimes edges into cheesiness. Overall, it’s a fun, enjoyable romance with themes of family and relationships, ideal for a relaxed read.

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Thanks Netgalley for the ARC!

I almost DNFed this book about 40 pages in because the main character felt like such an irredeemable whiny twerp. There was a lit of condescension for his current relationship who's only personality trait seemed to be Annoying. His dry sarcasm and poor choices eventually grew on me a bit, but our FMC had a bit too much manic pixie dream girl in her. She's simultaneously sweet and cute and made of sunshine and conducting an emotional affair. I almost wish they didn't end up together but they deserve each other with their mess and chaotic relationship behavior. All whining said and done still rounded to 3 stars because I had fun hating them. This isn't a romcom it's a tale of some of the messiest unhappiest people you know finding love with each other. Also the references were SOOOO specific and will date this book to death in the future. Do we really think the negroni spagliato with prosecco meme is going to have lasting influence? My girl Chappell Roan did get a shout out though which I accept. Read this for fun and chaos! It's a pretty quick read after the first 50 pages.

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I loved how simple and at the same time, interesting this book seemed. I fell in love with the characters a few pages in and the story drew me in. All in all, it was a simple, enjoyable read that wasn't too long, the perfect beach read. I look forward to reading more stories like this :)

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Pit and a Peach by Anna Pollock is a compelling story of love and self-discovery. Initially, Conrad comes across as unlikeable, but as the story progresses and his layers are revealed, he becomes a deeply relatable character. I found myself gradually understanding and rooting for him, especially in his relationship with Maeve. The concept of "pit and a peach" effectively symbolizes the duality within each character, adding depth to their development. This novel is a heartfelt exploration of complex emotions, with moments that made me both laugh and cry.

Thanks to NetGalley and Braseberry Press for providing the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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“Pit and a Peach” is a perfect romance story told from the male’s POV. It presents a simple yet deeply engaging narrative of two people falling in love while navigating their individual challenges. This novel encapsulates the essence of what a romance should offer: sweetness, humor, heartbreak, redemption, and, of course, love.

The characters are exceptionally relatable, reflecting real-life struggles and triumphs, which allowed me to form a profound emotional connection with the story. The narrative’s authenticity made me reflect on my own life, prompting me to contemplate my daily “pit” and “peach”—a testament to the book's lasting impact.

The author’s writing style is harmonious and consistent, making for a fast and easy read. The flow of the prose is so captivating that I found it difficult to put the book down. The blend of light-hearted moments with profound emotional depth creates a balanced and compelling romance that resonates on many levels. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a heartfelt, relatable romance. 5/5 stars.

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This book was great! I love romance books, and this one was no exception! The characters were wonderful and realistic, the plot was well written, and the setting was gorgeous. I cannot wait until this is published so everyone can read it!

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i started my galley of this book on a sunday evening (i like to try and finish up what i've been reading that week on sundays and start a new book) and VERY uncharacteristically for me stayed up late to finish it that night! it's a very sweet and unconventional take on a romcom - told from a male character's POV but the pacing and structure were just really done well. there's a little bit that didn't fully land for me, and some small things i didn't love about conrad as a character - like i wish he'd had more introspection about how his fluctuations in mood/temperament affected people close to him, for instance - but overall, loved it, was rooting for all the characters.

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Pit and a Peach is centered around Conrad Sutherland who works in magazine pagination and finds himself recently single after a six-year relationship with "influencer" Lacie ends abruptly. Conrad resolves to feeling sorry for himself/focusing on work until enter stage left, new-hire Maeve, who is outgoing and bubbly and just so happens to live in the same apartment building..

Initially, I found the concept of the "pit" and "peach" slightly cheesy but as the story developed and the characters along with it, it grew on me. Also special mention to "enjoyment insurance" - I will absolutely be using that in my real life, so thank you Anna <3

It was refreshing to have an alternative POV and admittedly, I was intrigued with the concept of a fully male perspective until I realised wait, actually I don’t want that perspective, especially not in fictional romance. *Let me read in a state of delusional, please*
However, credit where credit is due, Pollock did a fantastic job of capturing (from my experience anyway) the epitome of male behaviours in relationships and professional settings.

Speaking of Conrad, I found it hard to empathise with him as a character because of his inconsistencies. It would have been nice, given we were already reading his point of view, to get his actual thoughts and feelings as there was a huge disconnect between his beliefs and behaviours. Without that context, it just seemed like he had the emotional intelligence of a pea..

The conversational writing style made for an easy read but unfortunately, verged on overly cheesy at times (genuinely grimaced at "fuck-er-ino"). Nevertheless, this was a cute, easy-going romance with themes of family, relationships and politics. A perfect by-the-pool read.

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Pit and a Peach is a novel that sits perfectly in the intersection of artful writing and comfortable, thoroughly enjoyable, reading.

In very Maeve fashion, this is less of a review than it is a love letter. This novel was a bone deep five-star from the moment I laid eyes on the stunning cover, a feeling that was only validated more the further I read. If six stars were an option it would be an easy choice. Pit and a Peach is an immediate addition to my highly selective Amazon Wishlist.

The story and the characters felt so tangible. Both Maeve and Conrad felt real and human. They were messy and honest, all while being an absolute pleasure to read about. Getting to see Conrad’s thoughts play out, including asides and his pricks of almost child-like jealousy added a lighthearted element to the novel. Plus, it didn’t hurt that I related so well to Conrad’s job and his occupational pain points.

The use of only the MMC’s POV in a romance novel was so refreshing and, with Conrad being so much more than just a pair of lustful eyes and a head full of dirty thoughts directed at the FMC, it was done so wonderfully. For those, like myself, who typically reach for a dual POV romance, I assure you that we were far from robbed of that gratification.

An honorable mention to the exceptional execution of the grumpy x sunshine (pit x peach) trope. Maeve is the sun, while still being a dynamic human being; and Conrad is, as Anna Pollock said herself, “a lil sh*t” but he’s not a complete a**hole just for the sake of a trope.

My favourite aspect of this is entire novel was *drumroll please* the role of food in the telling of this story. Food, restaurants, and coffee became tools to share culture, create connection, make memories, and heal. There’s a special brand of intimacy that comes with sharing a meal and laughter, having someone make you a coffee without having to ask “cream or sugar?”, and being able tell from the look on someone’s face that their stomach is smiling.

In addition to all that was so excellently done in Pit and a Peach, the unique epilogue was the perfect ending to this story.

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Braseberry Press for this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I added this to my library because it was auto-approved for anyone, but I got accepted for more advanced reader copies than I thought I would for the time being so unfortunately this has to get moved down the totem pole in terms of priority.

Will update here if I do get around to reading it prior to the release! Predicted rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This is one of those books that I wish I had never read. I say this only to say that I really want to read it all over again, and have no memory of what it's about. I very much enjoyed this book and didn't want it to end.

This book is all about personal growth and dealing with new emotions that come along with every day life. This story was extremely heartfelt and felt like it brought your emotions all over the place, but in a good way.

This book's POV is from the male main character, which is nice to see for a change. I think that's why I liked the book as much as I did. It's very different from the majority of books that are out there. It was also nice to see that it wasn't over loaded with spice, in fact, there was minimal spice in this book.

If you like world building and slow burns - you need to read this book!

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I liked that this was a bit of a slow burn. Conrad splits with his girlfriend at the start of the book. Then he meets Maeve. That seems to open him up to more people. Instead of fake relationships with his instagram girlfriend he forms close and good friendships.
The pit and peach idea is cute and when Maeve says it helps her learn about people I think it helps the reader too.

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Thanks Netgally and Braseberry Press for the ARC!

This book kind of caught me by surprise! It was a quicker read than I was expecting, and a male POV was a change from the normal romance. I found myself really rooting for Conrad and Maeve's growing love story, and also found myself trying to identify a peach and a pit in my own day.

I could have used a little more spice (lol, what can I say, I love spice!) but it didn't detract from how adorable this book was! Recommended!

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I loved this book, the characters were so raw and real. It was a really nice to read a romance book that was written from a male perspective. Conrad is such an interesting character, and he goes through a lot in the novel and having this from him perspective allows us to really experience his thoughts and emotions through it all.

The time that passes in this novel is very realistic and allows the characters to really take you with them on an emotional journey. Conrad and Mauve have Grumpy and Sunshine vibes and they balance each other out nicely. Mauve really brings out the positivity in Conrad and Conrad is a nice reality check for Mauve.

This book is the good kind of emotional roller coaster, has minimal spice and is a lovely slow burn romance.

I would read this book again. 5 stars.

Thank you for Netgally and the publisher for an ARC :)

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All the peaches! And all the stars! I LOVED this book! It was so cute and refreshing.

I really hope there’s a book two but I know there won’t be. I just don’t want to let go yet!

Do yourself a favor and go read this book! It is well written and I connected with the characters and story so much.

It’s a kick your feet up and giggle book while also making sure you have tissues at the ready.

Thank you NetGallery for the ARC!

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A sweet read!

Pit and a Peach was a light and enjoyable read for the summer. Having a romance be solely from a male perspective was quite enjoyable! I loved how sweet and vulnerable Conrad was, and his developing relationship with Maeve was nice to watch unfold. Unfortunately, it fell a bit flat in some places for me, and I don't think it will be memorable enough for me to recommend to others unless they want something specifically from a male POV or about finding love again after a long term relationship ended.

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