Member Reviews

I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book!
I can't say I was obsessed with it, I had a very hard time getting into it. I didn't like the layout and the writing felt a bit choppy to me. But the found family in this book is just so so perfect. It's a very tragic story and there is a much needed trigger warning. It was a bit rough for me to get through at times but it is a dark romance so I expected it. There's lots of 90s references and overall I did like it!

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Them Bones is a gritty, slow-burn romance that unfolds over several years in the late nineties. Laney Hawton, burdened with caring for her younger brother Dustin due to her unreliable mother, meets Shane Mathers, a man perpetually between couches. Their chemistry is undeniable, but fate plays a cruel hand.

Raw Emotions: Atkins masterfully captures the intensity of first love, making the reader feel every ache and longing.
Nostalgia: Set in the nineties, the book evokes memories of that era, adding depth to the story.
Realistic Characters: Laney and Shane are flawed, relatable, and utterly human.

Pacing: While the slow burn builds tension, some readers might find it too leisurely.
Cliffhanger: The ending leaves us hanging, craving more—a testament to the book’s power.

Overall, Them Bones is a poignant journey of love, sacrifice, and timing.

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You know when you love a book so much you just want to shake people by the collar and scream “JUST READ IT” in their faces? When you know they will ask you to describe it and you can’t possibly do it justice or explain how completely it wrecked you, and you wish they could just climb into your head and see your feelings on a slide show so they just ‘get it’?
That’s where I’m at with this one.

I've been struggling for days about how to review this book and do it justice and I probably can't, but here it goes;
This story had me in its clutches from the get-go, it's talons sunk directly into my heart where they would. not. let. go.

Laney and Shane's story was raw, emotional, and over the top in the best possible way. I see the word grit being used which I totally get, but for me, intensity is a better fit.
The stakes for each of these perfectly flawed characters is set high immediately which creates an intensity that never lets up. Hand to your chest, lip biting, toe curling, intensity.
The writing and storytelling is flawless and I will not hear otherwise.

I cant remember the last time I was so invested in characters, and not just the MC's - the side characters are just as well crafted and all play a vital role in driving the story forward.
We see the story through a lot of POV's which I really enjoyed. Its not often you get outside glimpses into how the story looks from the outside and it added depth and nuance.

I am apparently the perfect target audience for the 90's references which were amazing and took this from a 10 to an 11 for me (come on - Buffy and Angel references?? Take my money...), but even without that, the characters are what made this story so amazing. This is the kind of tortured angst that I LIVE for.
There is a small age gap and younger characters that may not be for everyone, but it is all created and represented so authentically that the pearl clutcher's can pound sand on that. This is (fictional) real life and sometimes its uncomfortable and beautiful at the same time.

I loved it and I hated it. It wrecked me, and it healed me.
I wanted to throw my kindle at the wall and hold it close with white knuckles.
It was everything I didn't know I needed.
Okay enough gushing, go read it.

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This book wasn't my cup of tea that's not to say it wouldn't be someone else's. Them bones is a coming of age romance about Laney a 14 year old girl and shane a 17 year old guy brought together by her younger brother and life struggles that later turns into a disaster. This story progresses over a span of several years with multiple pov.
The multiple povs threw me off a bit and at times I feel like they didn't blend well together like some pieces were missing.
I also didn't care for Laney being sexualized at such a young age and all the drug use. Even though I don't like it I think that's the point. It’s a harsh reality for many. I do not think the authors intentions are to glorify any of this but to show how life is for some. I did enjoy the little news articles it was different and I think it helps this book stand out. Though I wasn't a fan of this book and it's entirety I do think there's a lot of potential for this debut author.

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This book has really dark, gritty, 90s grunge vibes and being a teen in the late 90s, the nostalgia vibes were 100% there for me. I know it's not for everyone but I really loved the multiple POVs - even if you only got that's person's POV only once in the book. I also loved the addition of the police reports and news articles. This is definitely a book you'll want to read. I really wanted to listen to the audiobook but glad I read it instead cos I would've missed out on that.

I loved that Shane and Lainey's story isn't all hearts and flowers. I wouldn't exactly say this was a mystery/thriller but maybe mystery/thriller lite? I definitely kept wondering throughout the book who died and who did the killing (assuming it wasn't an accident) so that aspect is definitely there but this isn't your typical romance and isn't your typical mystery/thriller.

I do have a small critique about the reviews that I've seen on TikTok and how this book shows up on Goodreads - people haven't been talking about this book as a duet and it isn't referenced as a duet here like most series so I was SUPER thrown by the ending - like more than just the blown away at the ending. I get that it's a me issue cos most people are getting this off the zon and it's referenced as a duet there but still, it was a shock to my system when I was plowing through to the end at 2 am and finding out that I'm gonna have to wait for book 2 for what I *hope* will be an HEA and who knows when that's coming. That said, I will be 100% be there for book 2.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the opportunity to read and review this ebook.

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Laney Hawton, who is a young girl (still at school) with a lot on her plate. She has to juggling the responsibilities of looking after her younger brother, Dustin.
She also has to deal with a messy family situation made even more complicated by her older brother, Cary and her Mother.
Just when she thinks she’s ‘got this’, she meets Shane Mathers.

Their encounter flip’s her world upside down, leaving them both to wonder if….. their meeting is a lucky break or just another challenge thrown their way.

As they navigate growing up, the crazy - that is their world and of course - LOVE. Their survival, and destiny. they face some tough questions. Will they be able to get through it all?

Them Bones is packed with angst, drama, and a nostalgic '90s vibe. Get ready for an emotional ride with this gripping mystery, the first book in the To The Grave Duet.

The cliffhanger has me eagerly anticipating book 2.

Thank you to NetGalley and Audio ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op.

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Where do I even begin? I’m not okay and will need approximately 3-5 business days to recover. That ending?! 😱 I'm furious, but I loved it. I devoured this book and won’t accept a single word of criticism about it.

From the moment I started reading, I was captivated. The inclusion of news articles, police interview transcripts, and medical examiner reports right from the start was so unique and such a great hook! 🪝 It had me questioning and second-guessing everything until the very end. It felt like I was watching that TV show 'seconds before disaster,' except I didn't know what the disaster was, only when it occurs, and the story takes you through every step leading up to it. 🚨📄

Shane and Laney had that raw, teenage, first-love soulmate connection that was beautiful to witness. 💕 I just loved them so much.

The book explored some painful and gritty themes, which were heartbreaking to experience through the eyes of so many different characters. I loved the multiple points of view. The characters were all fleshed out really well, special shoutout to Jerry and Dustin, who were just amazing people.

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A. Atkins is such a fun author to really get into. Them Bones is a gut wrenching forbidden love that doesn’t disappoint. This slow burn will have you longing for more. The perfect amount of thriller is mixed in as my heart was racing the entire time. Thank you to NetGalley for the Arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Them Bones is a wild ride! Atkins nails the gritty 90s vibe and the characters feel real AF. Laney and Shane's slow burn is HOT, but the story is really about family and survival. It's dark and intense, but also hopeful. Can't wait to see what this author does next! Thanks NetGalley and A. Atkins for the ARC!

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The premise of this story was great. I do feel like it was a little busy with all of the different point of views within the story. For me, it was hard to keep up with each character because there was so many. I did love the inclusions of the newspaper clippings as this is a thriller/mystery. But this also has dark romance themes as well.

Thank you Netgalley, author, and publisher for the arc.

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Just wow! This was my first A. Atkins book but definitely not my last. The characters were fantastic and kept me flipping pages long past my bedtime. This book was every bit as tough as it was tender. The power of the human spirit abounds! Packed with tension, secrets and lies. Totally enjoyed the storytelling Highly recommend.
Thank you NetGalley , A Atkins and Anne at Victory Editing for the opportunity to read and review this cracker of a book

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Them Bones is one of those books that you need to call out of work to read just so you can finish it in a day! It's quick paced, dark, the banter is adorable, and it's set in the 90s, so the nostalgia is REAL.

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After the first page I was hooked and wanted to see what would happen. But unfortunately I’m not a huge fan of several POV so I got lost a little. The ending did shock me cus it did include 9/11. I did like the fake news articles that’s the author included in the book.

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Arc review - Audiobook
This book.....devastating!!
Sadness followed me throughout the book and I was so sad and angry with the ending anxiously waiting for book 2!!! Romeo and juliet with a 90's background !!!!
I was feeling like I was reading a true crime love story , so much pain and I loved every second of the audiobook !!!
Just finished and I wanna go back , I already miss Shane and Laney 💔🖤

And can we please talk for the amazing voice of Jessie Elwyn ?!!! 😲😍

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What a dark, gut wrenching, heartbreaking story. This book has me hooked from the very beginning. I couldn't put it down.

Shane and Laney are the main characters of the story - Shane is homeless and Laney's family life is far from perfect. Her brother is a drug dealer and obsessive over her and her mum is rarely around, leaving Laney to bring up her younger brother Dustin.
Dustin originally meets Shane offering him food when he is in need - eventually Laney ends up meeting Shane and inviting him to stay with them. This brings about a rollercoaster of feeling for everyone involved. Shane and Laney's love story is big, epic and dark. This book really is a wild crazy ride, and I loved it all.

The multiple POV's was easy to follow and interesting to see different situations behind another person's eyes. The characters were intense but well written.

I would like to point out that Laney is 14 at the start of the book and some may be uncomfortable with that - but overall I was fine with it.

The ending I definitely didn't see coming.

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Holy smokes what did I just read?? This one is going to stick with me for awhile. This was set in 1997. I couldn’t put it down and I love how the characters were written so well. The love story we witnessed was freaking amazing and the murder mystery was mind blowing 🤯 I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes 90’s grunge, drugs sex parties band Ts and corded phones .

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4 ⭐ 2 🌶 4 🎧

That was a really unique and interesting dark romance. This is a forbidden love story that starts between a 14yr old and a 17yr old and ends about 4 years later, we do get spice while she's a minor which I'm a little torn over... While I wish it had been left undescriptive, I loved the storyline and how this book played out enough to not care too much.

This is pretty dark. Lots of drugs, physical abuse and SA, lots of uncomfortable feelings and inappropriate situations... But Laney is a young girl thrust into adulthood at too young of an age. Her mom is absolute trash and her brother is creepy as heck, both of which bring not okay situations home... Shane is her safe space and he treats her and Dustin so well. He attempts to stay away, but just can't.

The end was so sad and left us on quite the cliffhanger. While it didn't end quite as tragically as I was expecting, it was really sad and heartbreaking on so many fronts. I'm really looking forward to the next book and seeing how Shane and Laney's story continues.

The audio was great. The narrator did a wonderful job, however I did wish we got a male narrator as well. There are a ton of POVs in this story and it would have helped distinguish them all.

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If I could give an example of my favorite kind of story, this would be it, aside from the ending.

I was sucked into this audio from the first chapter. The writing and narration were both incredible. I finish the audio in less than 24 hours. I could not stop listening.

I love how we got a point of view from all of the character. All of the characters were written perfectly. There isn't a single thing I would change about any of the characters.

I wanted to smack Shane more than once a long the way but I still loved everything about his character. He was super stubborn that's for sure. The love between him and Laney was absolutely amazing. You could feel it from the first second. They are literal soul mates. They need each other to be the best that they can be.

I was definitely shocked at the murder part of the story. I can not believe that Cary did what he did for Laney. I hated him through out the entire story until that point.

NOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW let's talk about the only thing I did not like.......... THE ENDING!!!!!! Come on Alex!!!! JK it just makes me want the next one even more!!!

Thank you NetGalley and Victor Editting for a copy of this ARC(:

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This book. *exhales* This book. *shakes head*

I didn’t know what to expect going in, but it wasn’t that. What does it feel like to read this book? Imagine your heart being carved out of your chest, thrown onto the ground and then beat repeatedly with a metal shovel. Then it’s pieced back together, only to be ripped apart again. Rinse and repeat.

The writing style took a bit to get used to - it’s in third person (which I don’t mind), but it was from at least a dozen different POV’s, along with news articles. It was extremely effective in telling the story.

Overall - this was impressive for a debut novel, and I love discovering more Canadian authors!

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