Member Reviews

This book is mainly about a doomsday cult. I wish the book description had mentioned that, and it definitely needs to. I could have saved myself some time and avoided a topic that I do not enjoy reading. I don't like to read of religious zealots, ritualistic ceremonies, animal sacrifices, and cannibalism. Sorry if that's a spoiler, but I feel people need to know what they are getting themselves into with this book. Cannot recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for this eARC.

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This book had a very slow start. Then there were lots of talk about cults ( not mentioned in the synopsis) so I wasn’t sure if I wanted to even finish reading this. When the story does pick up it gets better and it ended up being a decent book.

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The premise for this one truly is the reason why I requested it sounded so good. Unfortunately, this one was just so slow, nothing was happening to keep my interest. I had to skim some parts just to get through some parts and in the end ended up having to DNF as it did not hold my interest.

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3.5 stars

Any thriller with twin in the title I'm going to read. I'm an identical twin myself so I find them fascinating.

Also, the twins in this story are unique as they have albinism. The only reason why I haven't rated this higher is because I'm not a huge fan of cult thrillers.

The writing was fast paced and brilliant but I'm afraid I just don't connect to cults in books.

Recommend to those readers who do though! Very gripping and tense.

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I loved the premise of this book but found it super slow to ever get started. I did end up skipping parts just to get on with things and although it does pick it, it all goes a bit.... odd! Like some of the themes just felt like they'd been thrown in for shock value rather than plot progression or character development but each other their own. Wasn't really my cup of tea but it was a quick read, even quicker when you skim half of it just to try and get to the point. And the ending..... meh! A bit, lacking. Especially after what had gone before

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Bryce and Brinn are twins, their father has recently died and they have taken over the running of the family funeral home.
Bryce has also taken over the running of the cult that his father had founded.
A psychological thriller with some unbelievable twists and turns.
Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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My thanks to Net Galley and Joffee for this arc, but I could not get thru this.. 2 albino twins running a funeral parlor after their controlling father passes away and the male twin starting to be controlling to the female twin and bringing her back to the cult their mother took them away thanks. Can't recommend.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Brynn and Bryce are twins, both have the genetic disorder that makes them albino. Unusually they own a funeral home. When their father dies everything changes. Is Bryce involved with the mysterious family.

I have been through a range of emotions with this one. Disappointment-another book about a cult is not my thing. Excitement when things came to a head and conclusion. Confused -when I couldn’t see where things were heading. Not just a cult book, this was explosive and I really didn’t see what was as coming. Mixed too in that I just wanted it to be over as things were slow, to ignoring life to read and find out what would happen next. This wasn’t what I expected but I enjoyed it all the same.

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I am not sure how I feel about this book.
It kept my interest and I liked some of the main characters but the other things going on were a bit disturbing.

Cannibalism is just not my thing and it made me want to vomit. I just can’t even imagine.

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I couldn't really get into the story. Slow beginning, The story did get better as it progressed. I couldn't really get into the story. Slow beginning, The story did get better as it progressed.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this book.

Oh wow!!! I did not see that plot twist coming!!! This was a first for me by this author but will not be my last! Such a good story!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Joffe Books for the ARC. Being an identical twin, this book piqued my interest, along with being in my favorite genre of mystery/thrillers. The differences between the twins was interesting, given they are twins, as I am always fascinated by the nature/nurture issue. The addition of the cult theme was also interesting and I wished the author had delved a bit more into the many issues regarding cults. I found the writing style to be easy however there was a lot of repetition throughout the narrative and I have to say, I found the ending to be disappointing. It was an easy read but not one that will be memorable to me, as other books related to twins have been.

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This was a fantastic story that is told in both flashbacks and the present day. I usually find this sort of storytelling to be a bit grating as it disrupts the flow and pacing of the book but it worked very well in this case. I saw some of the twists coming but many of them took me completely by surprise, which I enjoyed. The ending was a bit of a let down and felt anti-climatic as I didn't think it was explained as well as it could have been. I'd love to read more from Steena Holmes!
Thank you, NetGalley, for this ARC.

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Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read an ARC of this book
This is my second by this author but I personally didn't enjoy this one quite as much.
That being said overall a good read

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Wow what a great read

Fast paced and I flew through this book. Was a new author to me but will definitely look out for their other books

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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Thank you Netgalley for the free arc! I was very excited to read Steena Holmes new novel. She is one of my go to authors, but this book left me disappointed… the storyline seemed promising, but when reading it wasn’t what I expected or could get into. I found it was not for me and couldn’t continue reading and did not finish.

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Excellent book. Really enjoyed it. Lots of twists and turns. Put this book on your TBR list for Aug. 29. I recommend it. Thanks to NetGalley, Joffe Books and the Author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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This book was provided to me as a free download through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was my first Steena Holmes read.
I was drawn to the book without prior exposure for a variety of reasons.
1- Genre: Mystery/Thriller
2- The cover
3- The title
4-It was an immediate download w/o prior request or approval. (Instant gratification)

I read & listened to this book via the Netgalley app. The voice on the app isn't the greatest, but it truly made it convenient for me to be able to multitask when I wasn't able to sit down and lay eyes on it.

This wasn't a new story. A new telling, new names, a few new perspectives, and even surprises.

However, this read was like a mash-up of cult movies and stories I have read and watched before. I was easy to follow and predict what was going to happen.

That being said, I truly enjoyed it. This author has a wonderful writing style that made it tremendously easy for the words to flow as a movie in my mind's eye. She did a great job with character development as well. If you are like me and have "watched" this story played out before, you may find that you know exactly what's coming, but that don't let that detour you. This is a wonderful read.

The main character, Brynn, annoyed the crap out if me at times. One minute, I was seeing such depth to her character, and the next, she was a moron. (sorry) But in reality, people are like that. Even the smartest and most rational ppl make stupid decisions, especially when it comes to self-doubt, family, and friends are concerned.

I will say I HATED the ending. Thank goodness for epilogues. I wish it hadn't been so abrupt. But for all I know, this may be a part of this particular author's style of writing.

There were some mild triggers. I don't want to give too much away, but ... blood and gore... violence... desecration of the dead...

If this sounds like your cup of tea, I recommend giving this book a try.

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This is quite an amazing story! It is extremely well told in present and future settings, leading the reader to believe they know how the book will end. Although they are twins it’s clear from the beginning of the book they aren’t really close and their growing up years were totally different. This book had me on pins and needles from about the middle because I knew something bad was going to happen and I wasn’t sure I was ready for it. This is a thriller that should not be missed. I received an arc of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Joffe Books for the copy of The Twin by Steena Holmes. Holmes’ writing drew me in from the start, and Brynn and Bryce were intriguing. I got more and more invested in the story, until that explosive reveal knocked me for a loop. It was so surprising, the end of the book was somewhat of a letdown and never fully explored or explained. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars for this fast and immersive read.

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