Member Reviews

I really enjoyed reading this book. My favorite character is Noel and he is a perfect definition on “Book Boyfriend “ . The writer was able to keep me on the hook with the twist and turn. In the end my jaw was dropped when Alicia revealed the whole truth. If you like book with a good plot twist, this is for you. I’ll definitely read more books from Nicola Marsh! Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this marvelous book. I’m looking forward to read more from this author.

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This is a story about a family of sisters with some interesting twists and turns. The book was well written and I would say had an almost Lucinda berry feel to it. I figured out the twist fairly early on by the similarities to another novel I had read with a similar plot so that wasn’t a shock to me. The epilogue did however surprise me so despite there not being as much suspense for me in one respect the book was still enjoyable and delivered an unexpected twist to end on.

This was my first reading by this author and I did enjoy it and would read more in future.

Thank you to NetGalley for sending me an arc copy to review.

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Marsh has created characters who are flawed yet deeply human, making their struggles and desires feel authentic. The protagonist’s inner conflict is portrayed with sensitivity, and the dynamics between the characters are both engaging and heartfelt.

Overall, it is a well-crafted, emotionally charged romance that explores the complexities of love, loyalty, and family ties.

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My thanks to thanks Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘My Sister’s Boyfriend’ written by Nicola Marsh in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Lizzie is a psychologist who helps ex-prisoners on their release and during an art therapy class she meets Noel who gives off negative vibes and makes her feel uncomfortable. Her sister Brooke is having a night out with her housekeeper Hazel who brings along her housemate who just happens to be Noel and they hit it off immediately. When Lizzie meets Noel again he whispers what she takes to be threats but what he doesn’t know is that she’ll do everything in her power to protect Brooke.

If I’d known ‘My Sister’s Boyfriend’ was a sequel to a previous novel I would’ve read that one first as I found the family dynamics of Brooke, Lizzie, Freya, Hope and Aunt Alice confusing and difficult to follow. It’s a quick read with a twist that’s easy to guess from early on, and it’s definitely gripping in parts but not enough to make me want to keep turning pages. It’s a good sound psychological thriller with a lot going for it but I struggled to get to terms with the characters who were fairly unlikeable and the story wasn’t as gripping as I’d hoped.

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I'm going to start by saying I didn't read the previous book with these characters but I'm wondering if it would have better if I had.
I spent a good part of this story wondering if I had missed something, while at the same time knowing exactly how it was going to end.

I personally wasnt a fan of the multiple POV, especialy in first person. I felt like they were all too similar and too much thinking the same thing over and over again.

That aside, it was an easy read and I liked some of the concepts.

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I'm a sucker for a good twisty, psychological thriller involving a family's darkest and deepest secrets. Although I figured out one of the big plot twists quite early on, it didn't really take away from the joy of reading the book. It's gritty and suspenseful, the characters are well thought out and the overall plot ties together very nicely. It's definitely a page turner that you won't be able to put down. Something about family drama just does it for me so if you're like me and you're looking for an entertaining and hard-to-put-down read that will leave you gasping at its twists, I definitely recommend My Sister's Boyfriend by Nicola Marsh.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me an ARC for this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Psychological thriller, lots of themes, and twisted family secrets. Surprise ending, I didn't guess it. It was not really my genre, but it held my interest and had to figure out how it would end. Thank you, Net Galley and Nicola Marsh, for the opportunity to read this Advance Reader Copy. This is my personal opinion

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What a ride! This was a great thriller. So many little what the heck moments. I won't lie .. I would voice out loud my disagreeing with a character's decision haha. I have done this during shows too. If you enjoy fast reads that have some what the heck moments then def give this book a read.

I'm thankful I was given the opportunity to read this book from NetGalley and the author.

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I did enjoy this book! Although Ove given it a lower rating, it wasn’t something I hated. The characters were well fleshed out, I enjoyed the flashback chapters a lot and the third act (last few chapters or so) brought a lot of action and tied everything up well in my opinion. The drawbacks included too many points of view for me, it was hard to be able to decipher what was going on, and in addition to this, I guessed the ‘twist’ quite early one which led to a less thrilling reveal. Overall I have given it 2/5 stars. Thank you for letting me read!

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Just finished this morning. I had predicted the storyline at the beginning of the book but there was still another twist right at the end that i hadn't worked out. This one is certaibnly a book you won't want to put down.

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This novel was impossible to put down. Even though I guessed one of the main twists early on, I loved this book. It’s a gritty psychological thriller that will keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat. It’s pacy and full of suspense with even more twists thrown in. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the chance to review.

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Wow! How many secrets does this family have?!?. Although you could read this as a stand-alone book, I recommend reading My Sister's Husband first. This will give you a better understanding of the backstories and plot twists in this book.

My Sister's Boyfriend takes you back to the Shomack family where they are trying to move forward from the tragedies in the previous book. Brooke and Hope are building a relationship as Brooke tries to forgive the past betrayals from her aunt and sister. This book is told in multiple POV which I felt worked well for this story.

This book has it all - betrayal, revenge, suspense, and so many family secrets - I don't know how they keep them all straight! Just when you think you have it all figured out - another twist! It's definitely a page-turner!

Thank you to Nicola , her Publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of My Sister's Boyfriend.. I enjoyed this book and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this arc.

This story is told from 3 POVs. Noel, Brooke, and Lizzie.
Brooke has fallen for Noel. He is the one surviving twin. They are having a good time forming a relationship. However, when he crosses paths with Lizzie at work, she instantly feels something is not quite right. She tries to express this to Brooke, but it falls on deaf ears because the two of them are just starting to rebuild their relationship as it has been estranged for a while. There are many twists and turns in this book that were good. I did figure out a twist kind of early on and just had to keep reading to see if I was right. I'm not sure if the author set it up that way for the reader or not. There were some things I didn't see coming which was nice.
Was it my favorite read? No, but it was a good read. 3.5 stars rounded to 4.

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I enjoyed this book! The storyline and characters were easy to follow. The biggest twists were predictable by the end but otherwise it was very entertaining and kept me changing my mind at times. I would definitely recommend this to other readers.

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I really wanted to enjoy this book but there was too many characters, it was hard to get my head round which spoilt my enjoyment of the story.

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Thank you soooo much Bookouture and NetGalley for an early copy of My Sister’s Boyfriend. Whenever I see a Nicola Marsh book coming out, I am like YES!!!!! This one was a definite winner, the only problem was the beginning was toooooo many characters introduced at once, I was confused. Eventually I got who was whom and started enjoying the story. When I realized the TWIST, that was a WOW moment and I couldn’t stop reading!! Excellent characters and story, great ending. Loved it!!!!

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I've read a few of Nicola Marsh's thrillers, and this is written in that same distinctive way.
A three-POV story between two estranged sisters, Brooke and Lizzie, and Noel, the surviving half of a set of twins, introduces us to some crazy family dynamics, a whole load of lies, and pretty twisted characters!
Brooke and Lizzie's relationship is fragile due to the lies they have been told their whole lives, and mistrust is still at the forefront of their minds.
Then Noel enters. He is a seemingly decent guy, even though he was incarcerated for an accidental death he was responsible for.
But things are off from when Lizzie meets him, and she cannot get her sister, Brooke, to listen.
I must admit I figured out one of the twists along the way, but there were plenty of other betrayals and untruths that emerged later in the story.
It kept me turning the pages!
Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC.

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Wild ride! I was on the edge of my seat while reading this book. The characters were intertwined and had me hooked. Great writing!

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I really enjoyed this book and I could tell from the start it was going to have some twists and turns but I really wasn’t expecting that one at the end . I loved the characters, flaws and all and enjoyed their stories . I have been a fan of this author for a while now and this book doesn’t disappoint. I would definitely recommend this book and give it 5 stars

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Must read, page turner, biting my finger nails thriller! This book will be on my book shelf the minute it goes on sale! I loved the way this was written, The family secrets, the psychological thrills, the Multiple POVs......This had it all! 5Stars from the first chapter!

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