Member Reviews

Your best friend was such an addictive and twisty thriller it definitely had me hooked from the first page until the very last it did not stop with the suspense. Tess and Lydia were best friends always together Until one summer when Lydia suddenly moved away. It’s like fate have brought them back together Tess’s life seems to be falling apart she has lost her husband and has two young children to look after so when Tess sees Lydia at a sports day she can’t believe it but Lydia says she doesn’t know who Tess is! Why is has she lied about knowing Tess? This was full of twists and turns I absolutely devoured it in a day I could not put it down. The characters were well developed and the story just flowed throughout. Highly recommended. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this fantastic thriller.

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This is my first Julie Corbin and it's safe to say that I was gripped from start to end. I was so sure I knew how the story line would play out only to be floored by the twists and turns. I was eager to find out the reasoning behind the friendship of Lydia and Tess failing and Lydia's reluctance to pick up where they had left off. Looking forward to reading more from this author!

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I love Julie Corbins books and was gripped from the first to the last page

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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When they were teenagers Tess and Lydia were the very best of friends and this novel starts years later and we don’t know what stopped them being so close.

This was a quick and fun read and it would suit a new genre reader or an old hand.

Skilful characterisation.

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"Your Best Friend" is a book about 2 women who were best friends in their teenage years, lost touch and then happened to find themselves back in their home town and the same time...
The book is full of twists and secrets not giving a lot away, which I love! However, I did find it a little slow in the sense that it took a while for something to actually happen or for the things that happened in the past to rear its head. It is a great read but it does take some time for it to get juicy!

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this was another addictive and twisty read from this author once you start reading you won't want to stop. Lydia is married to Zack they have a son. Zack wants to rent out their house and move back to his home village to be near his mum. but that's a big problem for Lydia as it's her childhood hometown and she has never told Zack. Tess is struggling she has a son and pregnant she lost her husband Steve she has started her own cleaning business to try make money she always thinks about her old best friend Lydia and misses her. Lydia moves but keeps a low profile and one day goes to her son's football match Tess can't believe she is seeing her old friend, but Lydia says she not know her. What happened between them? you will have to read to find out its so good

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#YourBestFriend #NetGalley
Awesome. 5 ⭐
Tess and Lydia were inseparable. Until the end of that last summer when Lydia suddenly moved away.
With the recent loss of her husband and two small children to care for, Tess could really use the support of her old best friend. It feels like a bright spot of light in such a difficult time. Like fate has brought Lydia back to her. But when Tess sees Lydia for the first time in decades, in front of all the other mums at Saturday sport, Lydia pretends not to know her. Tess can't believe Lydia would lie to her face in front of the whole village, or that she seems to want nothing to do with her.
This was really good. I think everyone must read it.

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I struggled through to 50% as the concept intrigued me, but I had to give up as I was bored. I'm so so sorry.

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I don't know that I would say these two were much of friends-one saying she only talked to her because she felt sorry for her, and the other threatening her. Things from the past come out as this book unfolds. Maybe they were better friends that you think at first. Overall, it was kind of confusing. Lots of characters. It was ok.

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Teenagers, Tess and Lydia were inseparable. but loose touch. This story mainly concentrates on what happens when there worlds collide again but we are gradually fed details of there past.
Fabulous read but i did find 'Jenny' a bit over the top.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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