Member Reviews

Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This book is full of twists and turns that made me excited, it's full of clever, funny moments and ultimately it was an enjoyable read. It was an interesting take on one of my favourite tropes; marriage of convenience.

I have read previous books by Alexis, and although this one wasn't quite as gripping as her London Calling series, I still had a great time with it. I did feel a bit lost during the second half of the book, thigs became a little clunky - hence the three stars. But I would still recommend giving it a go!

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Fun chaotic romp with a touch of angst.

If you read the other two you know what to expect. A good wrap up to the series. Not to be missed if you enjoyed the other two books.

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The characters in this book are interesting, have fun and engaging dialogue and get into all sorts of hilarious antics. I struggled with the pace of the story line as Arabella spends a lot of time in her head thinking through her decisions over and over, getting a little repetitive. Arabella and Sir Horley go back and forth over their decision to marry and spend a lot of time arguing their points to the point of confusion.

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2.5 Stars

I struggled a lot with this book, which is unfortunate because I would say it is well written. I just couldn't stay engaged, I didn't feel a strong pull or care for the characters unfortunately. Perhaps it just wasn't written in my style...

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I love a good Regency drama/romance. The manners and silly characters and way they can talk in circles usually is totally my jam. This story didn’t quite hit the mark for me for multiple reasons. One was that I didn’t realize that it was book 3 of a series when I signed up for the arc and felt like I should know a lot of character backstory that I didn’t know. Another impediment was that I didn’t love the characters. They felt selfish and not kind. The concept of saving each other by marrying a beard was definitely an interesting plot twist for this kind of novel, but it fell flat on the execution for me. I do like Hall’s banter writing and humour, but I think they showed this much better in their book “A Lady for a Duke”. I plan to read book one and two before this book releases and then see if I want to circle back for a reread.

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This was a bit hard to get into and quite wordy. But once I was a few chapters in I was gripped.

This is a must read for Bridgerton fans. It’s a cutesy period drama mostly about friendship with a little bit of romance thrown in.

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Something Extraordinary by Alexis Hall is a fun and heartwarming historical queer romance. The story follows Sir Horley, who is gay, and Arabella Tarleton, who is aromantic, as they try to escape Sir Horley's unwanted marriage. Their journey is filled with hilarious adventures and touching moments, making their unique relationship both believable and endearing. Hall's witty dialogue and engaging characters shine throughout the book, making it a joy to read. The representation of queer and aromantic identities is handled with care and depth, adding an extra layer of authenticity to the story. Overall, it's a hilarious and touching tale that leaves you feeling good and satisfied.

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*eARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

this book was really something extraordinary. for a romance reader, it might be hard to imagine how a romcom-style book with an aromantic protagonist would work, but the book retains all the fun tropiness of romcoms and the series generally without compromising on the solidity of either protagonist's identities. it was a really beautiful book that explored the myriad of ways people can connect with each other outside of conventional relationship structures incredibly well. the side characters, both new and old, were really great to read about and enriched the story.

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What a trip of a story! It's a rollercoaster between laughing out loud, heartbreaking, twists and turns, cleverness, and lots of love in ways I have not yet come across in any other romance in this way.

Am not quite sure where to start and where to end but this is Alexis Hall at his best with buckets full of humour and heart.

I'm thankful to Montlake and Netgalley to have had the opportunity to read this third installment of the Something Something series ahead of it's publication date.

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Very cute story! Cliche but the author puts a very good spin on it! Alexis' writing is unhinged and I love it!

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One thing that I have accepted as true about Alexis Hall's writing in general, and the Something Fabulous series in particular, is that it will be at turns thought-provoking, unconventional, hilarious, and moving. And very, very queer. This is an excellent example of that.

I was never sure about Belle when she was a side character in the others' stories, but I loved her here. She is harder and sharper than Bonny and I love how Alexis Hall treated her aromanticism. She has no problem engaging in plenty of enthusiastic sex with all manner of partners, but she has discovered in herself an inability to comprehend romantic love and has come to think of herself as broken because of it.

Sir Horley - Rufus - thinks of himself as just as broken and unloveable after a lifetime of mistreatment.

They don't seem, at first, as if they will work out together, but their marriage works surprisingly well and brings them both contentment. After many, many hijinks, shenanigans, and other misadventures, of course, because this is an Alexis Hall novel.

Their arrangement is rather unconventional, but they are no less happy because of it. In fact, it rather suits them both.

I laughed out loud while reading this, even though I was feeling particularly sick and miserable, which is why I picked it up in the first place. Not my usual snorts and chuckles, but the sort of wheezing helpless laughter that you can't stop. It has been quite I while since I laughed like that. It was a welcome release.

I am not sure if there will be more in this series, as all of the main characters have been granted their various happy-ever-afters, but I hope Alexis Hall will surprise me and write more because I dearly love all three books. Even if not, I know there will be plenty more of his books for me to devour in the future.

*Thanks to Montlake for providing an early copy for review.

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Oh, I really loved this one. I have been impatiently awaiting this book, as I have really loved Sir Horley in the first two books of this series and I was distraught over how we left him in Something Spectacular.

Overall, I don't feel like this book had quite as much of a bonkers feel to it as Something Fabulous did, but it was still very much in that world. After SF I wasn't the biggest fan of Belle's (she shot Valentine!), but I think that AJH has done an incredible job of showing us why Belle acted the way she did in that book; giving us a glimpse of her at the beginning of Something Spectacular, and then further expanding on that in Something Extraordinary. And by corollary, I really like how when we first meet Sir Horley he seems a bit of a flake, though with good intentions, seeming to be living his life the way he wants. Then we see in Something Spectacular that maybe things aren't quite as carefree as he would lead everyone to believe. I think that Something Extraordinary has a more serious tone than the first two have, but still being very funny and anachronistic. I love reading a QPR, which there are very few of out there, and this is by far the best written of the very few that I've read.

I fear that some people may get uppity about this book and if it's a "true genre romance", as the relationship is platonic, but I absolutely would call this a romance. While maybe it's not romantic between the two protagonists, it is still very much a story about a relationship and arguing for why those two people belong together. Basically the entire book is an argument between Sir Horley and Belle and about why they should be together.

I love that this book focuses on platonic love, because it is very clear that Sir Horley and Belle really do love each other and their relationship will be a good one. I also love the discussions Belle has about being aromantic and how being the focus of romantic love is so upsetting and uncomfortable for her. And while this book focuses on platonic love, it also explores what a marriage based on platonic love could look like. Belle has some fun and finds several people who she really connects with in a platonic, but definitely sexy way, and Sir Horley gets to try his hand at menacing a supposed highwayman.

I also love how we get to see both Belle and Sir Horley being vulnerable with each other. Throughout the first two books we don't really see that; Sir Horley is a fairly happy-go-lucky lad and Belle seems mostly confused and unhappy.

This book absolutely lived up to my high expectations, as do most of AJH's books. I love to see Belle and Sir Horley getting the HEA that works for them, even if it's not at all what others might consider to be an HEA.

ALSO: hilarious cameo by Stella.

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It feels strange to give a book by my all-time favorite author "only" 3 stars, but this one simply didn’t resonate with me as much as Alexis' previous works. While the story had plenty of funny moments and some truly enjoyable scenes, the excessive dialogue and slower pacing made it difficult for me to stay fully engaged.

That said, I did adore the characters. I was thrilled to see an aromantic main character, and it was a pleasant surprise to find myself loving Arabella, despite having despised her in the first book.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for providing me with an e-ARC!

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The high-strung Belle has left behind her heroine era, and the drama-prone Rufus has left behind his Sir Horley Comewithers era. Together they embark on the worst elopement in history (per Belle, it’s not vainglorious to claim that when it’s true), and what ensues is a meditation on friendship, love, sexuality, identity, self-discovery, society, and *home* in a way that only Alexis Hall can do it. There’s a meet-cute with a highwayman just responding to a personals ad; Belle’s dalliance with Sir Horley’s theologically-inclined jilted fiancé; a wayward, thieving steward who just needs some kink, care, and tenderness; and through it all, the rock solid foundation of trust and support Belle and Rufus start to build for themselves.

When I heard they were going to be the pairing, I was giddy with delight. When I read the last line, I was giddy with delight. I’m on record with Sir Horley stealing my heart in the first book, and Belle lowkey having the best background arc in the second. There was rich soil to till there, and still Alexis Hall surprised me at every turn. I’ve yearned for YEARS for a friendship to get the full romance novel treatment, not as something inferior or less interesting or a detour on the way to romance, and he delivers that in extraordinary fashion.

If anything, this third book is the necessary capstone to the rest. Something Fabulous is quite focused and selfish; Something Spectacular embraces a larger, weirder family; Something Extraordinary asks what that even *means* and bares its heart to the world.

I was lucky to get an ARC, so I can’t add my usual wall of quotes until it’s published in December. But I will be re-reading then, and if the first two books are any indication, for many times to come, whenever I need belly laughs and a balm for my soul.

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This book is one hell of a bumly ride!
I loved how developed each character and how fun an engaging the plot line is. So of the dialogue could have been condensed a little, but overall, it is a fluffy fun read!

Thanks to netgalley for providing the ARC

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I’m a huge fan of this saga and I wanted so badly a book about Sir Horley. The fact Bella is also the main character is just a wonderful bonus. Bella is my favorite, I have to said it.
This book is just as funny and weird as the previous two, so of course I loved it so damn much! I cry every time Valentine and Bonny, and Peggy and Orpheus were on the pages. I love those character so much, I love this dysfunctional family so much.
I think I will never be tired of these characters, so I really hope there will be a forth book!

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the book!

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The premise of this book made me think it was going to be right up my street but it just felt it was lacking something. The relationship between the two main characters felt at times forced and then was too quick for the depth of feeling.

Hall writes well and the story has some lovely moments but the whole thing felt a little rushed and I couldn't quite get into it. I did enjoy the representation across the board, this felt a lot more authentic than in some novels and is something I enjoyed reading. I will definitely see what they write next.

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This isn't a romance, but a story of friendship and the love of friendship.

Wonderful queer joy on every page with sparkling banter.

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As a fan of Boyfriend Material, I was excited to read this - regency? Fantastic. QUEER regency? Even better.

In Hall's style the book is fun and silly, the lighthearted moments and banter working in tandem with the deeper complexities of queer identification and understanding. The fact that this is historical had me slightly apprehensive since it is rare to find a queer historical romance that isn't completely and hopelessly tragic, but this was a fun and really enjoyable read that felt similar in tone to Emma and Boyfriend Material.

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