Member Reviews

Thanks for the opportunity to listen to this book.

It was originally published in the early 90s and is also set around that time. It felt like time travel really and made you wonder how much things have changed now.

But if you keep that aside, it wasn't a bad tale.

Love that now books published in the past are also being converted into audiobooks. Gives us the chance to discover new authors from the past.

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Struggled to get to grips with this book, the blub was more gripping and enticing than reality.
Struggled to get to grips with this book, the blub was more gripping and enticing than reality.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this story in its entirety. The characters were complex and interesting, each with their own personal struggles, backgrounds, and faults. I appreciated the fact that this extended to the main characters as well - even the protagonist is not infallible. The murder mystery was also interesting with many possible suspects and expertly interwoven connections with each other. The murderer wasn't obvious until the end of the novel and that specific character was well-hidden throughout the first half of the story, appearing even more innocent than most. The generational difference between the two main detectives was fascinating to read as they conflicted on practically everything and yet still got the job done. It was an enjoyable novel and I can't wait to read the next in the series!

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Didn’t like the audiobook narrator at all. They put me of this book the whole way though it. I didn’t really understand the plot or anything about this book it was such a shame the narrator was so so bad

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Thank you Belinda Audio, Netgalley and Brian Battison for the audio Arc of Tied to Murder. ( Originally published as The Christmas Bow Murder in 1994)

Narrated by Mark Elstob.

Who can resist a good old Murder Mystery?! Set in the Midlands, UK.. A veteran Chief Inspector Jim Ashworth works along side the man who is inline to take over, DS Owen Turner on a case of a murdered women. Jim, driven by his instincts, Turner driven by new tech that's coming into play fight to come to a conclusion of who murdered this women.

Given that this book is set in the 90's in the Midlands, it was quite a nostalgic read! I loved the dynamics between the two detectives, their characters very well depicted. One old school, the other more tech savvy, working together to solve murders works very well.

The plot was solid and constant throughout the book and I loved the references to the time this book was originally set. Im going to have to have a listen to the rest of the series as id love to see where their working relationship takes them.

Mark Elstob narrated this book which I really enjoyed listening to. Mark has a great voice which suited the pace and narrative of this book which made its all the more interesting

4 stars

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I listened to an audio version of the title. I wasn’t overwhelmed by the narration which I found rather dull and flat. This is a reissue of a book first published in the 1990s and I don’t think it’s aged well. I’m not sure that I’d have enjoyed it more 25 years ago because it feels very dated. It’s basically a murder mystery and a police procedural, driven by both events and characters. The two lead police officers are direct opposites; Ashworth is old school, bigoted and stubborn. His colleague is keen to advance and use new techniques but is hampered by his boss. Added to this, his marriage is struggling and he’s involved in an extra marital affair with a police colleague

I liked the premise but found it difficult to engage with the characters. Ashworth was particularly irritating as he reflected all the mysoginistic traits so common at that time ( and now, to some extent). The whole story felt more like it was from the 1970s and lacked pace and to some extent plot. Unlike Morse or Dalgliesh, there’s no significant strength in the central character and the writing and insight isn’t strong enough to weather the years. I won’t be looking for more in the series.

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Not a bad story but so dated. Was actually surprised when I discovered it was set in the 90s. Felt more like the 70s. The way women are spoken about was awful. Additionally the narration was terrible. The voices the narrator put on cringeworthy.

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A good listen to the first book in a new detective series not my usual kind of book but worth a listen

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This is the first book of a series of 8 from the Detective Jim Ashworth series. Even though some of the reviews aren’t the best, I still did enjoy the book and the storyline. There was quite a lot of characters in the book, it got a little confusing to start off with but I eventually managed to get my head round who is who. I will definitely be seeking out more of Pattinsons books for this series.

I really liked the narrator, he managed to keep my interest throughout the book.

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This was such a good listen. A strong narrator that made all the parts fit well together and made the gruff chief inspector appealing despite the 1980s machismo. This was a messy murder and investigation. There are affairs, and counter affairs, there is blackmail and money and colleagues that aren’t quite as they seem. The strands all get tangled and emotions push hard with harsh words spoken and mad decisions made in police work as well as private life. This is a gem of a book that really did leave me guessing.

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Tied to Murder by Brian Battison featuring DCI Jim Ashworth was originally published in 1994 under the title, The Christmas Bow Murder. I listened to this on audio, approximately 7 hours and 50 minutes long, narrated by Jim Elsob, acceptable enough to keep my attention in a narrative that was not always to my taste or a storyline that appealed to me. Set in the 1990s, Ashworth is an old school but experienced detective, whom superiors are frustrated by, feeling he is not keeping up with new methods and technology, unlike his ambitious partner, DS Owen Turner. We are given insights into the 2 men and their personal lives, Ashworth has a solid marriage and Turner's relationship with his wife is more turbulent and full of tension, so much so he is seeing another woman, a police colleague who is keen for him to leave his wife.

The body of Stella Carway is found, she has been discovered murdered in her home, a pretty bow tied around her broken neck as if she is horrifingly being presented as a gift, her husband, Steven, is away, but it soon emerges their marriage is far from perfect. In efforts to understand the life of the victim, a host of suspects, witnesses, and other people are interviewed, and alibis sought, as Stella has a complicated personal life, she has been seeing many other men, including her good looking 'gardener'. Turner is convinced that the primary suspect, the husband, is guilty, but Ashworth is not so certain, which man will prove to be right?

This was an okay mystery read, an audio in which I managed to hang on and persevere until the conclusions, where a police force does not cover itself with glory. This is not my kind of mystery, and I was not particularly engaged by the central characters or the plot, Turner, in particular was most unappealing. However, I have no doubt many readers will enjoy this, so please do read other reviews, it was just not for me. Many thanks to Bolinda Audio for an ALC.

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An entertaining storyline and an interesting view into the style of late '90s police procedurals. Intriguing enough character introduction to make me willing to listen to more...

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⭐⭐⭐⭐ for the story
⭐⭐.5 stars for the narrator
Overall ⭐⭐⭐.5

Honestly, the story is great but the narrator sounds like they are from the 1970s. Everyone sounds old and the same age. Only later on, I realised one is much younger. The women all sound old or like they should be on Coronation Street in the 1970s. The men sound like they are inspector Morse. It makes it hard to tell which character is which.

Now the story is great! I really enjoyed it and love the twist on the last 10%! The storytelling is good and you felt angry towards certain characters. I would listen to more by this author but not this narrator.

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Originally published in 1994 I’m sad to say that this title hasn’t aged well, in actual fact I’m trying to cast my mind back to 94 and wondering if rampant sexism and misogyny was actually this bad! I reckon it was, but it was kind of weird to read.

I think the outdated views and language hampered my enjoyment of the novel, there were countless wait what moments. Others may enjoy this series, I don’t think I’ll continue with it unfortunately.

I enjoyed that narration of the title.

Thanks to Bolinda Audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in return for an honest review.

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