Member Reviews

The description of this book captured my imagination along with the beautiful cover and dual timeline that the story itself is presented through. Books like this always remind me how much we can learn through history and by opening up our imagination to the lives of those who were rarely written about in the history books. There much about Clare's story that resonated with me in terms of religion, love, and most important of all animal protection and exploitation.

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In The Rhino Keeper, Jillian Forsberg spins a charming tale full of adventure, discovery, mystery, and heart based on the true story of a Dutch sea captain who travelled across 18th century Europe with Clara the Indian rhinoceros; this historical fiction novel might not feature any real magic, but it’s just as entrancing as the most mystical fairy tales, myths and legends.

As a proud Dutchwoman, The Rhino Keeper’s Dutch roots immediately caught my interest, and I found myself stunned to have never heard of Clara the rhinoceros despite the fact that I have been hammered over the head with this time period in history classes at school. Though, as excited as I was to dig into this story, I have to admit that I was just as nervous; not only was I wary of how authentically Forsberg would be able to depict Dutch culture, but there’s obviously also the big elephant (or in this case maybe we could say rhino) in the room regarding my country’s dark and devastating colonial history.

Now, as soon as I started The Rhino Keeper, many of my concerns flew straight out the window. Forsberg’s passion and intellect just bleed through the pages, and her warmly welcoming prose immediately pulled me in and transported me back and forth in time through the smoothly executed dual timeline set 300 years apart. The incredible story of Douwemout van der Meer and his beloved rhinoceros, Clara the two-ton queen, just unfolded in an inexplicably captivating way, filling me with equal parts wonder, fear, excitement, and beautifully bittersweet heartache.

It’s remarkable to me how Forsberg brought both eras to life in such an immersive way, especially through the seamless shifts in prose style to fit the sensibilities of the historical and the modern timeperiod. Moreover, I was really impressed with the authentic and honest way that Dutch culture and history was depicted, and I just loved meeting so many (in)famous historical figures as we travelled through space and time with Douwe and Andrea. Though, I do have to admit that I felt like the balance between the two perspectives was maybe a bit off, and I found myself infinitely more invested and engaged in Douwe’s life than in Andrea’s.

See, while I really admired Andrea for her unapologetic passion, ferocity and resilience, I felt like she was more of a vessel to explore the themes of animal’s rights, women’s rights, and the importance of historical preservation rather than an actually full-fleshed and three-dimensional character. And while I deeply appreciate and fiercely support those themes, I felt like her chapters were just too short to explore them with the depth and nuance they deserve.

All that said, the story of the eponymous rhino keeper absolutely shines, and I ultimately loved how both storylines connected and interweaved. Douwe quickly proved to be an incredibly endearing and admirable man, despite (or maybe especially because of) the fact that he is anything but a perfectly flawless hero. And whereas the side characters in Andrea’s timeline all fell quite flat for me, I absolutely adored the unconventional yet wholesome found family that Douwe gathers around himself.

The dynamic between him, Zubin, Lonnie, and of course Clara absolutely warmed my heart, and I loved the level of emotional complexity and tender vulnerability between them all. Though as wholesome as they were together, it was also tragic to see them being under increasing stress and deadly threat from people who would rather see Clara dead to profit off her. Not to mention, Clara might have been treated like a queen by all of them, but there is no denying that their limited knowledge to properly care for her on their many voyages and travels was slightly painful and heartbreaking at times from a modern viewpoint.

This story could so easily have been boring and messy, but Jillian Forsberg just executed it all in an inexplicably magical yet thrilling way. Despite some of my quibbles, I think The Rhino Keeper is a very ambitious and promising (fiction) debut, and I can’t thank Forsberg enough for giving Clara a spotlight and bringing her into my life in this way. So if you have been looking for a heartwarming yet bittersweet historical fiction novel that spans continents and centuries, then you can’t go wrong with The Rhino Keeper!

Thank you to NetGalley and History Through Fiction for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. The Rhino Keeper is scheduled for release on 22 October, 2024.

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In a Nutshell: A dual-timeline novel, with the historical plot based on a rhino being taken from India to Europe in the 18th century. Great story, average character development, good research for some of the content, too much telling instead of showing. Might work better for you if you prioritise the plot more than the writing style, because the (historical) storyline is truly amazing. This is an outlier review.

Plot Preview:
2022. When American college student Andrea, studying abroad in Holland, discovers an old document in a secret compartment of her dorm desk, she is surprised to see it mention a rhino, which is not an animal found naturally in Europe. While working with her team exhuming some old graves because of a flood threat, she stumbles on to another unexpected rhino-related discovery. What happens next?
1740. Dutch ship captain Douwemout van der Meer (known as Douwe) has often traded Indian goods and even exotic animals from Calcutta (present-day Kolkata) to Europe. But he certainly doesn’t expect being given charge of an orphaned rhino calf called Clara. Surmounting many challenges, Douwe manages to take Clara to Europe with the help of his Indian lackey, a Bengali boy named Zubin. What happens next?
The story comes to us in the alternating third-person perspectives of Andrea and Douwe.

PSA: Don’t read the Goodreads blurb. It reveals almost the entire plot!

Bookish Yays:
🦏 The prologue. It is so refreshing to see a FMC know her mind, not accept so many red flags in a relationship, and declare a vehement ‘No’ to the question asked. (If only she had stayed this sensible throughout the book!)
🦏 The unusual historical story, which is based on actual events. A part of me was heartbroken to see an Indian rhino taken from her homeland this way, but we can’t change history, only learn from it. No use applying modern sensibilities to the 18th century, when it was common for animals to be hunted for fun or to be shipped abroad for the entertainment of white Europeans. From all accounts, it does look like Douwe took good care of Clara, so that’s that.
🦏 Clara the rhino. I hate her name (an Indian rhino named Clara – sheesh!) but love everything else about her. Through Clara’s arc, we learn several fascinating facts about rhinos and their behaviour.
🦏 Even beyond the rhino trivia, there are many historical facts and personalities integrated into the plot. This makes the story feel even more authentic.
🦏 Douwe and Zubin are interesting characters. An unusual pair because of their differing ages, nationalities, and social status, but united in their fondness for Clara.
🦏 The reference to the Dutch colonial rule in India. Almost all stories set in this country during the colonial years focus on the “British Raj”, forgetting that the Dutch, the French, and the Portuguese (who were the first to arrive) were also present in India around the same time, albeit colonising relatively smaller territories. This story doesn’t focus much on the history of the Dutch rule, but it does offer some glimpse of their time here.
🦏 The ship journey carrying Clara from Calcutta, India to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. This was in the pre-Suez canal days, so the route went around the tricky Cape of Good Hope. The voyage is captured really well, be it the navigation of the ship, the challenges of such a long travel period, and the employee and living conditions.
🦏 The ending of the historical timeline. Somewhat bittersweet but works nicely for the plot.
🦏 The author's note, which elucidates her writing choices excellently. She’s a historian, so it is not a surprise to see her get the historical aspects related to Clara and Douwe’s journey right.

Bookish Mixed Bags:
🐐 As mentioned above, the research of Clara and Douwe’s story is impeccable. However, the India-related segments aren’t that accurate. Zubin’s tone of speaking isn’t as deferential to Douwe as a boy in his position would typically use. Moreover, no Indian servant boy would call Sichterman, his employer and a high-ranking naval officer, by his surname. There’s no word called ‘kanasmah’; the plot possibly wanted to use ‘khansamah’, which means ‘steward’ or ‘butler’. Indians are not vegans but vegetarians. (And this isn’t even true of all Indians. More than half the country ate/eats nonvegetarian food in some form or the other.) There is a subsequence related to an Indian statue, where all clues point at the statue being that of Goddess Kali, but the book declares it to be that of Durga. (Technically, both are avatars of the same goddess, but their physical manifestation is quite distinct and not substitutable with each other.)
I cannot make any declarations about the accuracy of the Dutch rep, but honestly, if there were so many errors in the Indian depiction, it generates doubts about how precise the Dutch portrayal would be. But one thing I can highlight: Douwe’s practice of referring to a married woman (and a stranger to him) by her first name immediately after their introduction seems anachronous to the era.
🐐 The historical story is the main attraction, though the plot gets somewhat episodic (and slightly repetitive) after a point, detailing the various places and people Douwe visits with Clara and Zubin, and the local reaction to the playful and perennially hungry rhino. The contemporary story starts off well, but functions mainly as a framework to keep the past story going. It doesn’t contribute much value to the overall proceedings other than that singular purpose of filling in the gaps in the historical events.

Bookish Nays:
🦴 Let’s face it. This is an overly romanticised portrayal of colonialism. Not a single derogatory remark or corporal action against Zubin by virtue of his racial background? Every Indian being met and approached by the whites as an equal? Impossible!
🦴 Andrea’s thinking seems to be rather black and white, and she is quite judgemental as well. Something about her character rubbed me off the wrong way. I didn’t get why she had so much trauma about taxidermy as a whole, when it is only certain taxidermy practices that are ethically wrong. She also seems surprisingly naive about the historical treatment of animals, especially considering her eidetic memory and educational background.
🦴 The character development in the contemporary timeline is weak. The content reveals only the bare necessary details about their personalities, so we don’t see any depth to their speech or actions. The way they handed the historical artefacts left me cringing. Also, it is common knowledge (at least among educated historians and archaeologists) that exotic animals were carried off by traders to Europe for the entertainment of the wealthy, so I didn’t get why this team acts almost surprised to learn such details. Plus, we get just the barebones of Andrea’s backstory, which is strange considering that she is the pivotal character of this timeline. Andrea’s mom is often mentioned but we don’t even know her name or where she stays or how exactly she is disabled.
🦴 There is a lot of telling instead of showing in both timelines. The random insertions of outfit or physical trait descriptions, even in between conversations, breaks the flow of the scene. In the historical timeline, there is an overdetailing of the clothing and the architecture. Plus, emotions are highly (melo)dramatized. It is especially odd to see words like ‘blushing’, ‘trembling’ and ‘shivering’ applied to (historical) men’s reactions in perfectly ordinary situations.
🦴 There are sequences in both timelines that focus on physical attraction between characters not in a relationship. These are quite forced in and awkward to read. Imagine being in between a serious professional discussion with your new colleagues and suddenly staring at a man's "full lips" and feeling “heat rise in the belly." If a male character had been written this way, it would have been a big red flag against him. Why are women characters allowed to get away with such objectifying behaviour? Romance novels can get away with such questionable writing choices, but not serious fiction.
🦴 The final section of the contemporary timeline jumps the shark by opting for a sudden swing in genre. This was out of the blue, and didn’t make any sense overall.

Bookish Doubt:
🤔 Can a body buried in the 1770s (in a coffin) last till the 21st century? I was surprised when one of the graves exhumed by Andrea’s team revealed an almost intact skeleton with even some patches of their clothing left. Considering that this cemetery is in a flood-prone area, it was slightly unconvincing. But I’m not sure about the embalming practices of the Dutch or the sturdiness of their coffins in the 18th century, hence this is a doubt and not a nay.

All in all, this is still a commendable debut that doesn’t overload my proverbial kitchen sink with too many themes but keeps its focus (mostly) straight. In all honesty, I am wary of books set in historical India and written by Western authors because the depiction is almost always flawed and/or whitewashed. But my curiosity to learn more about Clara made me succumb this once, and in this aspect, I was well rewarded.

Mine is an outlier review. The fact is that most readers mainly look at the plot. So the areas that I found lacking might not bother many, as the rating clearly proves. Most of the issues I had with the plot could have been resolved by a round of developmental or proofing edits.

Recommended (though not with gusto) to those looking for an unusual historical story based on true events and are not too finicky about writing style.

2.5 stars, rounding up for Clara.

My thanks to History Through Fiction for providing the DRC of “The Rhino Keeper” via NetGalley and LibraryThing. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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This is an engrossing read that is a lovely example of how historical fiction can both broaden horizons and satisfy one's urgings for a good summer beach read. I much enjoyed the descriptions of colonial enclaves in South Asia, the complex social hierarchies and the locals whose lives unfold in uncontrollable fashions on the peripheries of colonizers' awareness. I also enjoyed the glimpses of life at sea, the order and disorder, and the perils. Entangled in all of this is a fun detective story, though the descriptions of museum personnel and their was of operating were not always convincing or realistic. But perhaps I am being a bit too critical here, as I'm a museum, and arts scholar and have long researched and worked in assistant and adjunct-curatorial positions at several museums. For this reason, I would not use this book as a class resources...but I will definitely be recommending this book to my students as a fun summer read, and will perhaps invite them to look at what the author got right and what she got wrong about museum and archaeology work! I enjoyed reading this book on my chaise lounge during an exceptionally hot August...imagining myself in the even hotter South Asian colonial towns described in the book! 5 stars as an engrossing read! 4 stars for accuracy...4.5 stars overall. I'm sur this book will be a hit!

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I love historical novels based on true events and this one is a real gem. In 1740 a Dutch VOC sea captain, Douwemout van der Meer, purchased a baby Indian Rhino called Clara, whose mother had been killed. He took her from Calcutta by ship to Rotterdam and then Leiden, where he toured around Europe showing her to townsfolk and royalty alike for 18 years before her death in London. Although she wasn’t the first rhinoceros to be sent to Europe, she became famous as the first to be widely seen outside by common people as well as the first to be anatomically accurately depicted in drawings, engravings and ceramics.

With a great deal of research into Clara’s voyage and travels, Jillian Forsberg was woven a fascinating tale around the facts she was able to find, describing Clara’s journey by sea, how she would have been fed and cared for and carted around from country to country. The Clara she describes is a charming gentle giant much loved by all who met her. In Douwe van der Meer she has created a wonderful, kindly man who bonded with the delightful Clara and cared only for her well-being. She has also invented a young Indian boy called Zubin who was Clara’s carer in India and during her travels to Rotterdam and around Europe.

Nothing is known of what happened to Clara’s body or her horn which was removed at some stage or what became of Douwe after she died at a relatively young age. In a second, contemporary timeline, Forsberg has woven in an intriguing mystery involving an American college student, Andrea Clarkson, spending a term at the University of Leiden. Working on a history project documenting old graves, she finds an 18th century grave with a small engraving of a rhino. She also finds old documents featuring a rhinoceros as well as an 18th century grave with a small engraving of a rhino.

Clara’s story hooked me in much more than the contemporary mystery. Although I enjoyed the speculation as to what happened to Clara and Douwe, the Rhino Keeper, after her death, I felt the finding of the grave and documents was a sufficient high point to add to this delightful tale without the events that followed that. Overall, it’s a fascinating and engrossing tale and one I really enjoyed reading. Highly recommended!

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Thank you NetGalley and History Through Fiction for this eCopy to review

I recently finished reading “The Rhino Keeper” by Jillian Forsberg, and I must say, it was an absolutely captivating experience. This novel, based on the true story of a Dutch sea captain and an Indian rhinoceros named Clara, transported me back to 18th century Europe in the most enchanting way.

From the very beginning, I was hooked by the dual timelines. In 2022, college student Andrea Clarkson uncovers a historical mystery involving a rhinoceros while studying abroad in Holland. Her journey of discovery was both thrilling and poignant. Meanwhile, in 1740, Captain Douwemout van der Meer’s adventures with Clara across Europe were nothing short of mesmerizing. The way Forsberg brought Clara to life, making her more than just an animal but a symbol of wonder and change, was truly remarkable

The historical detail was impeccable, and I felt like I was right there with Douwe and Clara, experiencing the awe and challenges they faced. The emotional depth of the characters, especially Douwe’s protective dedication to Clara and the unexpected love that finds him, added layers of richness to the story. The tension with the priest who sees Clara as an idol to be destroyed kept me on the edge of my seat

Andrea's and Lucas' relationship adds a layer of modern-day adventure and camaraderie to the novel, contrasting beautifully with the historical narrative of Douwe and Clara. Their relationship is both engaging and heart warming, making their journey as compelling as the historical events they uncover.

Overall, “The Rhino Keeper” is a beautifully written, deeply moving novel that I would highly recommend to anyone who loves historical fiction, animals, or simply a great story.

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I am so glad that I read this book. Not only did it teach me about a historical figure I had never heard of before, but it also showed me that a fast-paced historical story is both possible and enjoyable. Here's the blurb:

Based on the true story of a Dutch sea captain who travelled with an Indian rhinoceros called Clara across 18th-century Europe, The Rhino Keeper evokes both the thrill of discovery in the archives and the wonder felt by a world in which no European had seen a living rhinoceros.

I'll try not to give too much away, as I think it's best to know as little as possible before jumping into this book. But, essentially, it's a dual narrative historical fiction, switching between events in 2022 and Clara's journey beginning in 1740. What you need to know? It's pretty fast paced, with short chapters that successfully bring Clara and her keepers' story to life, as well as all the action going on in the present time.

As with most dual narratives I read, I spent my time wishing we could solely focus on the historical story. But I understand the need for the present storyline, which injects mystery and action, in addition to broadening a theme that comes up every now and again - the interactions between humans and other animals across time.

Emotional and touching, it was lovely to read a book focusing on a historical figure who isn't human. I ended up loving Clara as though I got to meet her myself and I think that's testament to Jillian Forsberg's writing and her own experiences with rhinos.

Thank you to Jillian Forsberg, NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

Release date: 22 October 2024

Review score: 4/5

TWs: animal cruelty, hunting, d*ath

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This was such an enjoyable read! The story alternates perspective between historians in the present day and the saga of Clara the Rhinoceros and her jaunts about Europe. I absolutely loved reading about the history being uncovered and then seeing how it would tie into the story of Clara and her family. The author did a fantastic job of keeping the pace good between the timelines and leaving the reader wanting to keep reading between chapters to see how it would tie in. I did find myself more engaged in the past chapters vs the present, but that might be just my personal preference.

I absolutely loved all of the characters (except maybe the present day characters? I didn't feel like they were fleshed out as much?). I'm not really an animal lover but Clara and her family were just impossible not to love.

Definitely recommend if you enjoy historical tie in books! Or if you're curious about the first Rhino in Europe!

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I found out about this book from Sarah Penner's Instagram, author of The Lost Apothecary. After reading, I can now see the similarities between TLA and TRK! Obsessed with books that jump from modern to past time periods.

The rhino is our mascot at my job. I was also reading this book during National Rhino Day!

The cover is beautiful. This is a well researched, beautifully spun book.

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This is a fascinating story about a rhino (Clara) being brought from Asia to Europe by boat in 1740.

A great insight in life onboard a ship sailing from India to Europe, the struggles, the need to work together and the challenges posed by women at the time.

Add in some amazing fact about rhinos in genearl and Clara in particular.

It is a gripping and entertaining story, with believable characters (including that priest...) driving the two timelines forward to a satisfactory ending.

All in all, a great historical novel built on facts and the author's imagination.

PS. I LOVE the book cover!

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2.5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an early copy of this book.

Reading this felt like a chore. I found myself counting down the pages, and if I ask myself now whether I enjoyed the experience, the answer would be no. In hindsight, I should have DNF'ed it, but since it was a NetGalley book, I wanted to give my feedback to maintain my account's review ratio.

I'm especially critical when books are set in the Netherlands, as I find it frustrating when there's misinformation about the language or culture of my home country. This book got several things wrong, including the use of a non-existent word and some odd language choices.

I believe this book could have been much better with a different agent or publisher. The pacing was off, with abrupt time jumps that skipped months in a single sentence. The villains in both POVs were one-dimensional and didn't feel necessary to the plot. It all felt too fictionalized for a historical fiction novel based on real events. There’s definitely a compelling story at the core, but the way the author handled it stripped away much of its authenticity.

Andrea really got under my skin, she felt too woke. Most of the characters in the present-day timeline rubbed me the wrong way. The "thriller" element in the modern day timeline also didn’t work for me. The modern timeline is totally made up, and I don't know why it's in there. If its purpose is to give the story of Douwe some modern-day closure, it's not doing well at that task. The characters' actions were often either nonsensical or outright illegal. The part set in London was especially hard to take seriously, and I found it laughable at times.

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I'm a huge history fan especially of the unknown tidbits. I'm not as much of a fan of historical fiction with special anger towards fanciful reads set in Victorian England - so this one was a bit hot and cold for me.
I think this was really the best format to tell the story. So much is unknown or presumed about Clara and her keeper. However, there are also a lot of tropes and gotchas in the book. Everyone is treated very nicely and humanely. We factually know that safety and security were fleeting for many people: women, non-whites, indigent and this while the world was being colonised by rapists and murderers and thieves. So, to tell a bright, cheery story with a romance and everyone dying of natural causes felt narrow minded to me.
Looking forward to more developed writing from the author in the future. I'll certainly be reading more about Clara. Be sure to look up the artwork!

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Enthralling plot, believable and likable characters, and fascinating history!
A good storyline can capture my attention easily, but to keep it, a book needs good characters. I have an inquiring mind, and a novel that also teaches me something ticks off ALL of my reading pleasures.
The Rhino Keeper opens with a shocking discovery by Andrea, a contemporary American history major, that causes her to flee her current environment to study in Leiden. While doing her research there, she discovers records involving Clara, a rhinoceros from eighteenth-century India who went on a tour of Europe with her handler Douwemoot van der Meer. The story alternates between Andrea’s experiences and Clara’s journey with Douwe and his companion Zubin, a young Indian boy. This kind of shifting structure is popular today but often does not really work well. In The Rhino Keeper it is beautifully done, and I felt fully invested in both eras. Andrea encounters some serious challenges to her work, especially after she discovers an old grave with what appears to be a rhino carved on its gravestone. Douwe and Clara have adventures throughout Europe but also face serious danger as a priest tries to destroy the rhinoceros.
The characters in both eras were both believable and likable. I realized just how much I was drawn to them when Andrea discovers Douwe’s grave, and I felt a good deal of sadness at his death… three hundred years after the fact. Clara also has a bit of personality---if she were not so big, she sounds like a nice pet!
Much as I enjoy a good story, I also like to learn about historical periods I do not hear about often. The Rhino Keeper painted a wonderful picture of the mid-eighteenth century from India to Europe and from a poor boy in India to the reigning monarchs, who were as fascinated by Clara as the common people. Clara was real! To give you a sense of the accuracy in the book, there is mention of a painting of Clara by Jean-Baptiste Ourdy. Just for the heck of it, I looked up Ourdy, and, indeed, found a lovely painting of Clara the Rhinoceros online. Look it up! There is an informative Author’s Note at the end to acknowledge where the book engages in fiction to fill in gaps in available historical information. I also learned a bit about rhinoceroses. Clara weighed over four thousand pounds! WOW!
It is hard to believe that this is Jillian Forsberg’s first book. Please write another soon, Jillian.
I received an advance review copy of this book from NetGalley and History Through Fiction (a publisher I was familiar with but will be exploring further!).

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The beautiful cover and the title drew me in, but the story kept me turning the page! I never knew there had been a rhino being put on display and cared for through out Europe in the 1700s. The rhino part was true, but the story is fictionalized about how Ship captain Douwemout van der Meer and the faithful Zubin toured around with Clara the Rhino around to royalty and cities. The story had to be mostly fictionalized because there were no journals or documentation to follow in the research, per the author notes. The other story line was present day historians finding Douwemout van der Meer's grave in Holland. This one had some mystery and a hint of romance. Both plots were compelling with interesting and well developed characters. Douwemout van der Meer and Zubin were great together as a blended family. Clara had a fun and captivating personality. In the present day story, Andrea fled from her boyfriend and his family to study in Holland to be a part of the project to research and preserve the very old graves next to the river that threatened to overtake them. Once the research team realized they found the Captain's grave, the action and quest began in earnest.
I really enjoyed both story lines. I read historical fiction to learn new parts of history and I'm so glad I learned that Clara spread joy to many so long ago. I definitely recommend this for those that like to learn obscure pieces of the past.
#TheRhinoKeeper #NetGalley
Thank you Net Galley for a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I love historical novels, and especially historical novels with a bit of an edge, and that's what this book had. It had everything I want from an historical novel but with some added surprises I hadn't read before.

It is based on a true story, and it was a story I knew nothing about and so I definitely went down one or two Google blakc holes.

We explore the book via two time periods: the modern item, and the 1740s. Which was fascinating. Each period is given the same amount of time which means you get to invest in the individual stories as well as the combined. Normally in such a book, I like the older scenes more, and whilst that may have had the edge here, I genuinely think I liked both equally. Jillian had clearly put the same amount of care into both.

I normally make notes for my review as I'm reading it as I'll never remember it all once I'm finished, but I struggled to do that here. Mainly because I couldn't tear myself away from it, but also because I couldn't quite explain just how beautiful this book is. It's so tender and sympathetic and sensitive and just perfect.

We have our main character in the 1700s which is Douwemout van der Meer, and our main modern character is Andrea. Andrea is a wonderful character. She's a bit timid and she's gone through a rough time, but she's so relatable and the passion she has for her field of story is commendable and inspiring. I loved her story. And Douwemout in the can be hard as a modern-day woman to attach to a 300-year-old male, but he's as recognisable and relatable and fantastic as Andrea. He clearly has love for this rhino and for his friends and those in his care and I loved him, and am definitely going to do some more research into his real story.

And obviously we have Clara the rhino, who steals every scene. We see her through a range of ages and, whilst I don't know anything about Jillian's background, I think it's quite obvious that she either has animal experience, or has done some incredible research because Clara is so life-like and is a star in herself.

Something I really enjoyed was the sense of the unknown. We're so used to seeing rhinos that often that they don't hold that special place in our heart, because they're in every zoo and on the telly. We end up forgetting that at one point in time - not that long ago, relatively - no-one knew what a rhino looked like and so there was this amazing sense of wonder and it was great to revisit that.

I was definitely not expecting to cry at it. I won't spoil it by saying why, but there are most definitely some really touching bits that brought upon tears.

I have read A LOT of historical novels. It's one of my favourite genres. But I have never read anything like this. It's so moving in its beauty and sometimes in its harshness, it's just exquisite. I will definitely be shouting about this book for a very long time. I cannot say anything negative about it, other than I wish it was longer so I didn't have to part from it so soon.

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I really enjoyed this tale of Clara, the Indian rhinoceros, and her journey through Europe in the 1700s. The author juxtaposed Clara's adventures with those of modern-day Andrea, a student in Leiden who discovers the story of Clara and her owner. The back-and-forth aspect of the dueling plots set a nice pace for the challenges and surprises that each cast of characters (historical and modern) faced. I do wish there had been more of a backstory for Andrea, as aspects of her personality were given to us (an aversion to taxidermied animals, a poverty-stricken upbringing) without being explained. Overall, though, I would definitely recommend this historical fiction!

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I received an ARC from NetGalley and I'm willingly leaving a review
Highly entertaining and believable, sometimes scary, sometimes sad, with a bit of romance in each era, the flow from one to the other is easy-going. Contains many interesting facts about rhinos. My big, and probably only, complaint is that there are too many repeats about different information, all concerning the people, the animals, the buildings, etc. such as Andrea's visualizations or how Leiden changed the medical care more than anywhere else. I had to laugh at some point. Tanners booth do not smell sweet, or of soft hides; they smell awful because of putrefying hides and other odors that come with the process of making leather. There is no closure about Jake. The author's notes are worth reading.

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This beautiful novel is steeped in fact. It tells of Clara, an African rhinoceros, who traveled with the sea captain who purchased her, cared for her, and loved her. It’s a mystery and a love story told in dual timelines. It is not to be missed. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to be an early reader in exchange for my review.

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I absolutely loved this book! I adore stories about little known true individuals in history, and Douwe was an outstanding person to learn about. His journey with Clara & Zubin was harrowing, heartwarming, and heartbreaking all at once. His story was woven in with Andrea's adventure in Holland in a really engaging way. I plan to choose this book for the historical fiction book club that I host once the book is released! Thank you for sharing an ARC with me!

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Five big animal loving stars.
The Rhino Keeper employs the typical dual timeline plot, but oh, what a unique topic! In 1746, a Dutch sea captain purchased a baby rhino in India. Forced to leave Calcutta, he takes “Clara” back to Europe, showing her off to interested crowds, both the high and the low. Meanwhile, an American college student has come to Holland, helping with the necessary transfer of a historic graveyard. First she finds a document with the drawing of a rhino, then at the graveyard, an unusual gravestone.
The historic story is based on the real life man and rhino. I was much more invested in this story than the present day one, which is really more a mechanism to move the story forward. But I just fell in love with Clara, Douwe, her owner and Zubin, the young boy who cared for her. Labrador retrievers have what is known as a “lab lean”, when the dog insists on leaning into you. Imagine what it was like to have a rhino doing the same?
This is a story that animal lovers will just adore. The characters are richly drawn and their love for Clara just shines through. Forsberg gives the reader an excellent sense of Clara - her stubbornness, her love of food and her connection with her humans. Forsberg also does a great job of giving you a good sense of the time and various places. The mid 18th century was the time of enlightenment and Clara was a prime example that the world included more than what most people had seen. But while many found her a miracle and proof of God’s fascinating creation, others thought she was one of Satan’s creations designed to turn heads away from God.
There’s a real sense of tension here. I had to keep myself from googling to learn Clara’s fate and see how long she survived. Flip side, I felt the big scene in the modern day felt contrived and forced. But I loved the historic story so much, I’m still awarding this five stars.
My thanks to Netgalley and History Through Fiction, LLC for an advance copy of this book.

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