Member Reviews

A nice read with a different storyline - trains! I enjoyed reading about the friends’ relationships and the chocolate making however I did find that the overall feel of the book was a little stilted and I was hoping for more descriptions of the chocolates being made

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This book is actually the last book - book four - in the Railway Lane series. They are all written as a stand alone book but do have a lot of cross over characters and themes.

In this story we find out all about Libby and Ethan who used to be childhood best friends but fell out due to an unfortunate misunderstanding.

I absolutely loved the small-town setting and honestly just wanted to go and live in this story!

I really enjoyed this gorgeous, festive story, it was heartwarming and Christmassy and also had that all important happy ever after…..

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Winter Magic is the fourth and sadly the final book in the Railway Lane series.

Cranfield is another of those places that's always a delight to return to and catch up with friends old and new.

This was Libby's story and it took us on quite the emotional journey, but she had the love and support from the community rallying round her, so she wasn't alone with her feelings.

It's heartwarming, uplifting and it's Christmas, so was a definite win for me!

I absolutely loved the book and the series, and I'm definitely going to miss Railway Lane.

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This book aproaches so many things. We can see grief, sadness, disabilities and at the same time friendship, kindness, a sense of community and love. 

Libby returns home after being fired from her job as a flight assistant. But.. hey, maybe it's a good thing as she can now go all in as a chocolate maker (her dream job and passion). 
Ethan's a electric engineer, that is home for a small amount of time to help his dad and grandad help with the steam train. In the beggining he feels that he doen't belong and then he starts to crave all the familiar thing he once wanted to run away from. 

Libby and Ethan were once friends, but even in their teen years, they had a thing for each other, but some bad things happened, and they grew very appart. Being in the same small town and constantly into each other company makes them reignite their friendship and them makes them fall for each other all over again. But it's a slow, slow, slow burn in this one. 
Their path isn't an easy one. They must struggle to find their place and feel worthy of what they can accomplish.  They have an amazing support system (friends and family) to help them, and it's endearing to see them all helping them when they need!

The story has a fall kind of vive and then all of a Chistmassy feeling. It makes us want a cozy blanket and just enjoy the ride!

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Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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In this cozy winter romance novel, Alison Sherlock brings readers back to Railway Lane for a snowy December. Libby Jacobs might have lost her job, but time in her home village of Cranfield will allow her to spend more time on her chocolate making hobby, perhaps turning it into a business. Ethan Connolly has a large kitchen she can use, but they’ve been on the outs since high school. Ethan has his own troubles with fulfilling his granddad’s dream of a Christmas train in time for the holiday. Libby and Ethan might get a second chance at realizing their dreams and finding the magic of winter in Cranfield after all. Libby and Ethan are complex but realistic characters, and their problems parallel each other nicely as the novel unfolds. Their complicated history only adds to the challenges and plot points of the novel, and it builds up the tension and will-they-won’t-they between Libby and Ethan. As for the setting of Cranfield and Railway Lane, they are charming and sentimental, bringing the idea of home and winter to the forefront of the novel. With all of the charm and heart in this novel, fans of Sherlock’s other books are sure to love this return to a snowy Railway Lane.

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What a cozy read this was, loved going back to railway lane. The perfect book to read if you just want to snuggle on the sofa and lose yourself in a cutesy love story. Loved reading about Libby and devoured this book in a couple of days.

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Review for 'Winter Magic On Railway Lane' by Alison Sherlock.

This may be the first book I have read by this fantastic author but it most definitely will NOT be my last and I cannot wait to get stuck into the rest of her previous and future books. It is also the fourth book in Alison's 'The Railway Lane' series but can be read as a standalone, as can the previous books in this series.

This is a fantastically written book that has vivid descriptions which will make you feel that you are breaking your heart and then feeling it repair again, breathing the Cranfield air, feeling the festivities, and falling in love!! It takes you on a journey to Cranfield and I was devastated when I had to pack my case to come back home and leave Cranfield behind 😭 The title, synopsis and cover suit the storyline perfectly.

Well, you may have noticed I have started reading festive books regular and very early considering it is only September but it doesn't matter if you are the type who doesn't want to hear the word Christmas until the day or whether you have already started thinking about getting the decorations down because regardless of how you feel about Christmas you will absolutely LOVE this adorable story!! As I have mentioned it is the fourth book, and sadly the last, in this series. However, the good thing about reading book series out of order is that I get to go back to the first book in this series which is called 'Heading Home To Lavender Cottage' and get stuck into the series from the start!!! The storyline itself is absolutely ram packed with love, friends, Christmas, chocolate, broken families, family, secrets, comedy, community, romance, redundancy, stress, second chances, emotional angst, health concerns and absolutely everything you could want in a beautiful novel!! It made me smile, cry, scream, shout, angry and jump for joy!! This gorgeous book tells us the story of Libby and Ethan. Libby has just lost her job as a flight attendant, she hated her job anyway but is now worrying how to make a living. to not only support herself but also her father who is living with. What she does love is to make chocolate but can she find a way to turn a much loved hobby into a successful career? Ethan has been avoiding relationships and family ever since he watched his parents marriage collapse. Love is all around him in Cranfield and his first instinct is to leave. However, he realises he needs to start changing his ways and making better choices. Libby and Ethan who were best friends during childhood but lost touch due to a lack of communication and Ethan's commitment problems. Everybody else can see that they are perfect for each other but they fail to see it themselves. That is until it dawns on Libby how much Ethan means to her and she sets out to get Ethan to understand. Can Ethan get over his commitment phobia and can Libby make her dream job come true? Well, grab your copy of this absolutely stunning festive page turner to find out for yourself!! I promise that you will not regret it!!! With Alison's absolutely stunning evocative, vivid and emotive writing skills and descriptions you really can see, feel, hear, taste and smell everything that the characters are from the stunning smell of chocolate to Ethan's beautiful home and kitchen, the Halloween decorations to the Christmas decorations. the love to the sadness and absolutely everything and anything in between!! Alison does an amazing job of weaving Ethan and Libby's storylines together perfectly using multiple protagonist perspectives and I loved seeing how they were both feeling and what they were both doing throughout the book which takes us on a journey from August to January. I absolutely devoured this stunning storyline in one sitting being unable to put it down and I cannot wait to get hooked on to the previous books in this series. Congratulations Alison on an absolutely gorgeous, cosy and heart-warming page turner.

Although this is the fourth and last book in 'The Railway Lane' series I had absolutely no problems reading it without any of the others. Any details or events that have previously happened are mentioned in just the right amount of detail to let a new reader know what has happened and yet not too much to bore a previous reader. However, I would recommend reading it in order as I do with most book series and I'm looking forward to going back and reading the previous books.

There were so many large and unique personalities in this book and thanks to Alison's amazing writing skills each and every one of them came alive. My heart went out to Libby with her losing her job and it feels like she is under so much pressure with needing money to pay the bills. I was invested in her immediately and was rooting for both her and Ethan who, although could seem distant at times, I still really liked. There were so many characters that I loved meeting that I could go on about them forever but it would be much better if you grabbed your copy and met these fantastic, unique, memorable and larger than life characters yourself. They all have their own personalities, strengths, flaws and weaknesses and thanks to Alison's brilliant descriptions it feels like you are standing next to them throughout!! They were all great together and I loved seeing their interactions and watching their characters, personalities and relationships grow and develop through the pages. Alison really has created such amazing characters that I became immediately invested in and was sad to say goodbye to. I absolutely LOVED watching all the separate relationships develop and change between the characters and I cannot wait to go back to the previous 3 books to see how they got to where they are now!! This book was filled with a lovely range of characters so a huge WELL done to Alison for bringing them to life!!

Overall an absolutely gorgeous, festive, feel good, page turning novel filled with friendships, love and family that will keep you up late at night.

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4 Stars
One Liner: Heartwarming and sweet

Libby Jacobs just lost her job as a flight attendant. She doesn’t miss the job but worries about having enough money to support herself and her father. Can she turn her chocolate-making hobby into a living? But for that, she needs a kitchen big enough to accommodate her work.
Ethan had been running away from family and relationships since he saw his parents’ marriage fail. The recent love stories in Cranfield may have warmed him a little but his first instinct is to up and leave. However, he needs to make better decisions if he wants more from life.
With Christmas challenges looming overhead, Libby and Ethan need to sort a lot more than their careers. They have a shared past that went sour. Can they find a way forward?
The story comes in the third-person POV of Libby and Ethan.

My Thoughts:
I’ve been waiting for Libby and Ethan’s story since I read the first book in the series. It makes sense to wait until the end to write theirs. They needed to let go of a lot to move on.
The book covers autumn and winter (starts sometime in August and the main story ends at the end of Jan).
The focus is not just on the couple but their families and the community as well. The MMC had to learn to step up and take responsibility, while the FMC had to learn to ask for help when she needed it. I could understand Libby’s determination to do everything on her own.
Despite being a cozy read, it covers themes like broken families, secrets, health concerns, lost jobs, career risks, and second chances. The MMC has much learning to do, mainly about himself and getting rid of the toxicity dumped on him by his mother.
The side characters are, as always, quite involved in the plot and play an active role. Paddington is back too, showing his silent furry support whenever necessary.
The setting is, of course, beautiful. I think this series covered the lovely village in all major seasons. I could relocate there maybe… if it existed and someone sponsored a ticket. ;)
The pacing is steady and keeps the story moving. I like how all relationships come under the spotlight. It’s not just about Libby and Ethan realizing they are meant to be. It is also about mending their relationships with their family and allowing their people to provide support when necessary.
Dodgy Del also has a bigger role this time. I won’t say what he does. It’s for you to find out!
To summarize, Winter Magic on Railway Lane is a beautiful conclusion to the series and a satisfying read if want a cozy read. While the book works as a standalone, those who read the series can see the growth of the main characters.
I look forward to the author's next series.
Thank you, NetGalley and Boldwood Books, for eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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What an absolute treat this book is! If all the chocolate talk doesn’t entice you, the romance, and all things Christmassy will. The perfect end to a wonderful series (all the books can be read as standalone books easily), with such a great, satisfying ending which even Dodgy Del could wreck! The characters are warm and cosy and the writing conjures up Railway Lane as somewhere I would love to visit! Truly enjoyable and devoured in less than a day! Thank you for such a delight.

Thank you Netgalley

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a cute book. I really enjoyed it. This was my first by this author and will not be my last. Great writing style! A fun and easy read.

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I've been excited about Libby's story for a while now. Throughout this series, we have seen the chemistry between Libby and Ethan, which has an enemies-to-lovers feel to it. These two have a history, and whatever happened between them didn't end well. I've been dying to find out what happened. This is the fourth installment in the Railway Lane series, but it can be read as a stand-alone. Each book focuses on a different couple, and Alison does a wonderful job at catching readers up to speed on what happened in prior books. But if you are looking for a cozy and heartwarming series to dive into this fall, you should try this series and all of Alison's other books. For those who are new to Alison's books, you are in for a real treat. Her books, including this one, have that wonderful Hallmark charm. Reading her stories is like being wrapped in a cozy blanket. The pacing of this book is perfect. There are moments when things move slowly, but then some sort of twist or event happens and then the pacing picks up for a bit. I really enjoyed the ebb and flow of this story.

Fans of the series will be delighted that most of the characters from the previous books appear in this book. I always love it when authors bring previous MCs into other stories because it feels like you get to catch up with old friends. I especially loved that Doggy Del made an appearance or two in this story. Wherever that man is chaos is sure to follow. Libby and Ethan story was everything I hoped it would be. Libby has always felt like a bit of a mystery. She was putting up walls to keep those around her at arm's length. It was great to see what was going on in her head and learn more about her past and how it shaped her as an adult. Libby's growth is around learning to be a little less independent. She doesn't believe in asking for help and thinks that she can take care of everything on her own. But when her new chocolate business starts to become overwhelming, disastrous strikes, and she realizes that asking for help is ok. Ethan was a delight. He often comes across as this carefree guy, but underneath that exterior is some serious emotional baggage. Ethan struggles with what happened in his parents' marriage and has chosen never to fall in love or get married. But of course, Libby will tear down every one of those carefully built walls around his heart and show him how wonderful it is to be with someone you love.

This is a second-chance romance. I loved that sparky, feisty chemistry between Ethan and Libby. These two have this wonderful playfulness that you cannot help but love. This is a closed-door sweet romance, which means you will get a lot of moments between these two love birds that will have you oh-so-happy. I adored the history that these two shared. It added much depth and richness to their love story. We get flashbacks of moments they shared growing up and get to see how close they were and how everything fell apart. You will devour this love story if you are a fan of second-chance romances, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, small-town romances, and forced proximity.

Winter Magic on Railway Lane is a charming heartfelt romance that I simply adored.

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This is the fourth and final book in the Railway Lane series by Alison Sherlock. Although they are written to work as standalone novels, they really do make more sense if you read them in order. Plus they are all really enjoyable!

In this story we get Libby and Ethan’s story. Childhood best friends who fall out due to a lack of communication. Factor in Ethan’s commitment issues following the example set by his mother, and it is hard to see them being able to sort out how they both feel. It’s clear to everyone around them that they belong together. They just need to be able to see that for themselves.

I loved the way Libby came to the realisation of what Ethan meant to her, and set out to make sure Ethan understood, although he needed to get closure on his past himself.

I really enjoyed Libby’s business venture, making luxury chocolate truffles which sounds so much more fun than flying around the world as a flight attendant. I also fell in love with Ethan’s kitchen with its marble topped island and walk in pantry. It was the kitchen of my dreams!

After all of the time in the previous books it was wonderful to see that the steam train renovated by Bob and his father Eddie was finally ready to make journeys along the track. The organised trips sounded so perfect with a halloween trip and a themed Christmas train.

If you know the previous books, chaos is never far away, especially with Ethan’s cousin Dodgy Del ideas on how to help never quite working out.

Winter Magic on Railway Lane is a magically festive read that will have you craving a steam train journey followed by a hot drink and some homemade truffles.

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Winter Magic on Railway Lane by Alison Sherlock

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Globetrotting Libby Jacobs has lost her job but is looking forward to spending more time in her home village of Cranfield.

She dreams of turning her chocolate making hobby into something more permanent. There’s only one problem - Ethan Connolly.

Despite being soul mates growing up, Libby hasn’t been close to Ethan since their disastrous date at the school prom. But now he’s back and he has just what Libby needs… a large kitchen! But can they even bear to be in the same room together?

Ethan never stays in Cranfield too long as it reminds him of his parents’ terrible marriage. But when disaster strikes, he’s forced to stay and help realise his grandad’s dream of a Christmas train. Can the whole village help Ethan create a seasonal spectacular in time?

Can Libby confront her secrets and realise her dreams?

And can Ethan ever stop running from his past and trust his heart?

My Opinion

Winter Magic on Railway Lane is the fourth book in The Railway Lane series and whilst it can be read as a standalone I would recommend reading the series in order. The book takes us through Halloween and Christmas so is perfect for reading over the holiday season. I am really enjoying this series, the town seems so charming and the characters are very welcoming.

There is plenty to enjoy in both this book and series so why not hop aboard and see where Railway Lane takes you.

Rating 4/5

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So happy to visit Railway Lane once more
With a second chance romance and more to explore.
There's also the community doing all they can
To repair the steam train - it's years since it ran!

A story where friendship and community are key
Showing asking for help is fine, I'm sure you'll agree.
New opportunities and a second chance, too,
And dreams shared that just might come true.

With chocolate truffles needed by the thousand
Libby is certainly going to need a hand!
Her childhood sweetheart and so much more
Returning home too will be hard to ignore!

There are secrets, accidents, and memories, too,
But can folks move from the past on to something new?
Disasters, dreams and working together
Can the community help heal others for ever?

With family dramas from the past and now
Is there a chance of dreams coming true somehow?
A gorgeous read from beginning to end
One in which I was delighted my time to spend.

For my copy of this book I say a huge thank you
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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I was so excited when i saw that this book was going to be Libby and Ethans story and couldn't wait to get stuck in.

After Libby loses her job and moves back to Cranfield. She decides to make her dream of being a chocolatier a reality, to do so she needs a large kitchen.....and this is where things take a turn for Libby as Ethan is also back and he has exactly what she needs....a large kitchen. Its just that after a disastrous date years ago they aren't exactly best friends!

Such a lovely festive read with some mouth watering descriptions of chocolate highly recommend!

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I just loved this book so much that once I started reading it I couldn’t put it down. I loved all the characters in this book and the positivity in this book that helped others in the book. It also shows that everyone needs help once in a while and you should never be afraid to ask for help from family and friends as it’s actually a very brave thing to do as no one should have to struggle if you have people who love you.

I would highly recommend this book if you love a wonderful Christmas book that makes you wish that you can be there too.

I would like to thank Boldwood Books and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book early.

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I enjoy holiday books, and this one takes us through Halloween and Christmas. Having read one of the other books in the series I was familiar with some of the characters but always look forward to meeting new ones too.
I love the location this takes place in, so charming and how exciting to once again return to Railway Lane and its charming cottages. Being made redundant at work ha s Libby Jacobs with her feet firmly planted on the ground as she was an airline flight attendant and now, she's not. Returning home doesn't leave her with a lot of down time as she had thought it would. She decides to pursue her dreams of becoming a chocolatier. Her former childhood friend and past love Ethan is also home again, and he has just what she needs, a large kitchen to pursue her dreams of chocolate making. As memories surface from times past can this second chance at love really work or will it drift away like those first snowflakes? Reading about the steam engine and its resurrection was so much fun and it really makes me want to take a train trip.
We see a depth to the characters as they weigh their options and don't just jump into getting back together again. The romance was sweet. I enjoyed the holiday descriptions. Though this is the last book in the series I look forward to seeing what the author will come out with next.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Another lovely book by this author and I loved the two main characters this time, Libby and Ethan. As always a good storyline told with warmth and humour so that you fall in love with the village and characters and want to live there. Perfect book for curling up in front of a fire with

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It was so great to be back in Cranfield again and even more amazing to see the train actually running. I was so happy for Bob and Eddie on their maiden journey, so many years spent fixing it up finally paid off.

This was a book that really tugged at my heart. I loved the Libby and Ethan romance, including their secrets that they choose to keep just for them, more than that, I really loved the heart that went into some of the other characters. Phillip, Libby’s dad was a great character and I really felt for him, he felt embarrassed and stuck because of his stroke, and it was amazing to see him step out of his own shadow and flourish and bring so much to the community. I really enjoyed Eddie too, a great character that wants to reminisce his great love but also has to accept new limitations due to his health.

The descriptions were simply magical of the lights and the scenery and the train, I could really imagine that I was there and feel the frost biting at my nose. An amazing read, certainly not to be missed.

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