Member Reviews
Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.
I very much enjoyed this book. The writing was great and the characters were well developed. I hope to read more from this author in the future.
Unfortunately, this book just didn't work for me. I had high hopes when the main characters and her friends are all in their 70's and find themselves not on a cruise but on an expedition to various islands in Indonesia. I was also interested when I realised that the primary character was also neuro divergent and beginning to realise that about herself as younger family members were diagnosed. The writing style very much told me everything instead of showing me, which sadly, makes for a very dull book indeed.
With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This is a general fiction and not a romance However, it wasn't my favorite but overall, not a bad story.
Thank You NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books
I have no problem with gen fic, or with a fic that has a purpose other than just enjoyment. But, this book goes hard on both from the beginning, and I had no clue it was going to go that way based on the blurb.
It was also hard for me to read because there was so much tell and not a ton of show (I prefer the latter)
On the whole I have no doubt that a lot of readers will enjoy the book. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them.
Helen Rogers is ready for a relaxing cruise to Bali with her friends and married couple Martha Jo and Amy. After flying from Dallas to Australia, they board a small ship bound for Bali, only to quickly realize they have stumbled into a strenuous expedition more suited to CrossFit enthusiasts than vacationers like themselves in their seventies and eighties. Amid shipboard chaos and excursions to seldom-visited Indonesian islands, Helen becomes mesmerized by the younger, enigmatic Grace—unhappily married and searching for a resolution.
Things go from bad to worse when Helen and Amy become ill and must stay in isolation. Totally alone for the first time, Helen begins to be haunted by memories of Grace. Was Grace’s last declaration that she was returning to her husband true? Why does Helen always fall for unavailable women? Could it have something to do with her lifelong aversion to meeting strangers and socializing in general?
This was a lovely story showing us how we are always learning about ourselves and discovering things about ourselves. If you're looking for a typical romance, this isn't it. However, it was a heartwarming story and very interesting to learn more about the autism spectrum. I enjoyed it!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!
Helen Rogers is 83 and travels with two friends who are married to Bali. It isn’t a luxury cruise but instead an expedition which is more strenuous. She meets Grace (almost 70) there who often becomes her companion for dinner or excursions. They share much about their lives. Helen has been married three times, and Grace is in a long marriage which is settled but not overly happy. I went on a cruise this year to Antarctica and understand the difference between cruising and expeditions so I was interested in that part of the story. Also so many people on my trip were in their 70s and 80s that part of the story felt real.
This is general fiction and not a romance. The focus is on Helen learning at her age that she and other members of her family are on the autistic spectrum. The last part of the book is her discussing traits she has and giving experiences from her life to illustrate how she falls into ADS. It is interesting how it is harder to diagnose girls rather than boys. Honestly the story is fine but it wasn’t listed in the correct category on NG. I was expecting a romance. I guess if there is a lesson, it is that we can always learn about ourselves no matter the age.
A story that shows us we still are figuring ourselves out later in life.
Seeing the world thought Helen eyes was a surprising reminder that age does not mean anything when we're talking the confusion life is. In such a way that during the road I sometimes forgot she was 83 years old. Of course, as it's a person born in a different generation, it's visible and very noticeable why she thinks and does some things, although she is very more open to chance then average people in her age gap.
The cruise the book is centered about, unfortunately only took about half of the narrative, and the so told problems on it consisted in probably non explained itinerary to the attendees that was never really cleared out in the reading. I was so invested in finding out why the change of plans, the government officers involvement, if the COVID cases from the first trio had anything to do with Amy and Helen fallen ill.. And like, even the weird and very rapidly resolved trio home had some lose ends I was kinda hoping to have an answer.
After finishing the book is quite clear the intent the autor had when writing it, which was creating an awareness of ASD and making Helen understand and accept that, BUT, the last 16% of the book unfortunately felt as an info dumping about the matter, rather then Helen talking with friends and family.
The connection the narrative tries to make to Helen almost obsession with Grace as a consequence of her diagnosis did felt a bit stretched out, especially because Helen comes to an answer in less then a paragraph while talking with the friend that I still don't kown if she worked in the medical field - because their zoom talks really sounded as a therapist appointed.
Since Helen is a white eldery women from the US, we do see a couple passages in the book that sound very... a product of her environment. But I let it slide because it was not many and she DOES shows up as open to improve herself. Still, noting that here.
So, a lot of the book was 'tell not show', and it's a personal preference that I do prefer narratives that show more, but in a whole this js a sweet story about someone coming terms and understanding more about themselves. It pass out a great message in the end, despite not being in the way I would prefer.
If we had more development in the cruise part, definitely would be a four star read!
Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the ARC!
I got this as an arc on Netgalley and it will come out in August. I don't know how to review this book. It was mostly good and well written, it was gay, it was disability rep but occasionally also very obviously written by someone who is a bit privileged and some elements of the story completely pulled me off kilter. I think in the end despite being autistic and disabled myself, this wasn't for me. It's 3 stars.