Member Reviews

Going to Meet the Man was a powerful and unsettling collection of short stories that left a lasting impression on me. Baldwin's writing is raw and unflinching, delving into the complexities of race, sexuality, and the human condition with unflinching honesty. The stories are emotionally charged, exploring themes of love, loss, violence, and the lingering effects of trauma.

One story that particularly resonated with me was "Sonny's Blues," a poignant tale of two brothers navigating the challenges of addiction and the redemptive power of music. Baldwin's prose is both poetic and visceral, capturing the raw emotions of his characters with lines like, "For, while the tale of how we suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new, it always must be heard. There isn't any other tale to tell, it's the only light we've got in all this darkness."

However, some of the stories can be quite graphic and disturbing, dealing with themes of racism, sexual violence, and self-destruction. While these elements are essential to Baldwin's exploration of the human experience, they can be difficult to read at times.

Overall, Going to Meet the Man is a collection that challenges and provokes, leaving the reader with a deeper understanding of the complexities of the human heart and the enduring struggle for equality and justice.

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Going to Meet the Man is a book that wonderfully describes some events that happened during the American Civil Rights Movement between white and black Americans. If you are interested in learning some more about these events from the African American perspective, this is one book that would definitely help you understand what was going on. The book is populated with sorrow, sadness and fury, but also beautiful emotions. The book has eight parts, presenting eight different people as protagonists, and this was one of the reasons that had intrigued me in choosing it. However, at times, I felt like something was off, especially at the beginning of the book. The stories felt incomplete, somehow, unpolished. Nevertheless, knowing that James Baldwin cannot disappoint, I did not give up and now I am pleased I haven't. This is definitely one of the best reads from this year.

Thank you Netgalley for giving me the chance to read another wonderful book.

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Outstanding short stories. Hard hitting, well told, and ultimately literary genius. A must read for anyone.

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A wonderful novel, it is beautifully crafted. Baldwin is a masterful writer and this is no exception to his writing.

His writing captivates the reader and pulls the reader into his world.

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Whenever I read James Baldwin' stories it transports me away from England. Usually to the USA, in this case often to France.
He does not worry about talking about less pleasant things, he has a knack of showing that these unpleasantries are not as important as we think that they are.
He is an expert wordsmith and I never tire of reading his tales.
Needless to say that this collection of stories reaches the heights of the others.
Brilliant! Thank you.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A collection of eight short stories from James Baldwin. Usually with short story collections there are some that are weaker than others, but each of these is beautifully written and emotionally gut wrenching, none more so than the titular tale at the end, Going to Meet the Man. I got absolutely lost in these stories, particularly the ones in first person narrative (Sonny's Blues - a man reflecting on his relationship with the brother he loses to drug addiction; Previous Condition - a man trying to find his feet in New York while hiding that he is Black from his landlady; This Morning, This Evening, So Soon - an American man living in Paris reflects on his time in both places on the eve of taking his family to live in the US) and each time the story ended I felt a jolt back to reality and was disappointed that it ended. This book would be a great entry point to Baldwin's work.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Eight stories, by the man himself, James Baldwin.
This collection is another solid proof that Baldwin is a master of fiction.
This Morning, This Evening, So Soon stood out for me.
I enjoyed the symbolism in Sonny’s Blues.
Man Child and The Rockpile are tragic.
Previous Condition and Come Out the Wilderness tackle discrimination and racism.
I was not entirely engaged with The Outing because of its religious themes.

5 stars for Baldwin’s writing style, 3.5 stars for the plots of the stories.

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Possibly the greatest writer who has ever lived. Nobody writes like he does. Such a beautiful and moving story, I savoured every last word on the page. Gorgeous.

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A great and entertaining set of short stories. Some of them were fantastic and others I struggled to connect with, but still a well written collection with strong characters and important themes

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A mystery: why didn’t he name the collection after the best story, ‘Sonny’s Blues’?

‘The Rockpile’ also has distinction and shows off Baldwin’s talent.

Thanks to NetGalley etc.

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I’ve been wanting to read Baldwin for a while now and this was a great opportunity for me to dive in and what an excellent first place to start. Baldwin is an excellent, evocative writer. I so clearly saw the scenes being set around me and felt the emotions entangled with those time periods and the social and political landscape. The writing was so honest and so brutal and so brilliant.

The only reason why I’m not giving it a 5 is sometimes I got lost within the narrative structures of the short stories — I had to reread parts several times trying to figure out what’s going on and how we got to one part from the last bit. That was my only issue,

I can’t wait to read more Baldwin. I think he’s an excellent writer and there’s a lot to be learned from him.

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