Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book and have read all Lianes other books, as always it’s a very character based book, the story is told by multiple characters and of course by Cherry herself who’s story becomes so fascinating that I could not put it down. The storyline of being told when and how you would die had drawn me to this and the little twists and turns wer very good and I would highly recommend this. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this early copy.

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After reading this author's previous releases, I was excited to read this. The idea of being told when your life will be over made for an interesting storyline, even if you are not a believer in the supernatural or the world of psychics/fortune tellers/mediums.

As anticipated, the plot was flawlessly executed in a dual timeline and told from multiple characters’ points of view. This created depth for each character and made an intriguing storyline. Because of the plot twists included and thought-provoking aspects, this would make an ideal book club read.

Despite being a bit of a slow burn for my preferences, I still enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to fans of this author and genre.

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I loved this. It was utterly enthralling. It does take a while to get going and you have to stick with it. But once it does, it's a can't-put-down kind of book. I loved all the different characters as we got to know them a bit. Cherry's story, of course, is the core of it, but each character is special. The plot isn't a plot as such, more a variety of interactions and decisions and a really compelling study of fate and belief and circumstance. It's just wonderful. And best of all, the ending is absolutely perfect.

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A brilliant array of characters and stories all come together in this life affirming story about fate, chance and humanity. I found it such an intriguing storyline and I especially loved the background of Cherry, such a fascinating character.

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The scheduled flight from Hobart to Sydney is delayed. Only fifteen minutes, so that’s not too bad. Connections will be met, lifts will be waiting and appointments fulfilled. When all passengers are boarded it becomes apparent that the fifteen minutes was optimistic, and it’s over ninety minutes before the plane takes off. Whilst waiting on the tarmac, passengers have become increasingly frustrated and annoyed, knowing that their connecting flight has gone without them, their promised lift has rescheduled and gone elsewhere, and the school’s Lion King musical in which a much loved daughter is appearing will be missed. Still, all this pales into insignificance when the genteel elderly lady in seat 4D gets to her feet and proceeds to make declarations that cause more than a stir.

This is an author that likes to take her time getting a story going, but when it’s in motion it is a beautiful event. This book was amazing, so well written. Every little nuance was explored and explained and the characterisation was superb. A lovely epilogue!

A gem of of book, unique and compelling.

Thank you NetGalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House.

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Another good read by Liane Moriarty. I always enjoy her books and they keep me guessing until the end. Recommend

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I loved it. Loved it, loved it. What a super read. It was entertaining and compulsive and literally sent chills down my spine. One of the best books I have read.

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I've read a lot of Liane Moriarty's books, and like the fact that they are often left field, but this left me baffled at first, and I didn't know what to expect.
A woman on a flight seemingly predicts people's deaths, but we have no idea why, or who she is.
The story then follows several passengers on the flight, and we delve into their lives and relationships, as they wonder whether there is any truth to these predictions or not.
The interesting question is: if you knew the future, would you behave differently? Would you change things in your life?
I really warmed to all the characters and was almost sad when the book ended and I had to leave them to their lives.

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To be honest I found a book about death to be a bit of a difficult read at times but there is a twist at the end that I didn’t see coming.

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I was so excited to read this book as I have read some of Liane Moriartys books in the past and been fully engaged in them. Unfortunately I found this book so difficult to really get into the swing of, likely because of the switching perspectives and many characters. Because of the vast amount of characters I felt as though I couldn't really get to know any of the characters, which I really missed. Despite this I would probably recommend this book to others, because I think others may enjoy - it was just a preference thing for me. Looking forward to seeing more of her books in the future!

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Ok so... Liane Moriarty used to be one of my favourite authors but she lost me during her last two novels. When I heard she was releasing another, I thought I'd give her one more chance and I'm glad I did.

Here One Moment starts during a plane journey when an older woman, Cherry, makes predictions about how and when other passengers will die.

The story continues with the passengers coming to terms with their predictions and how this affects their lives.

We also learn more about Cherry - her background, her family situation, and what lead to her making those predictions.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and the premise was very intriguing. It's definitely a story that makes you think about fate and things being destined. And thinking about if it's possible to change the course of your life.

For me, there were too many characters and sometimes it was confusing to remember who was who and what their prediction was. I wouldn't say every character got a conclusion either. I feel some were just forgotten about. It was also unnecessarily long... It's just under 500 pages and could definitely have been 100 pages shorter and still as impactful, if not even more so.

The epilogue did give me chills though and this is a book I'd recommend but one you have to really focus on and invest time to!

Thank you netgalley for sending me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty will be released on September 26th and can be pre-ordered now.

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I enjoyed this book, my first by this author and I will definitely be looking for more. It took a while at the beginning to remember who each character was as there are a lot introduced at the same time, once I got my head round this it was a very enjoyable read. Cherry what a character! I loved her back story and how it all came together at the end, slightly disappointed at the ending I felt it needed just a little more but overall 4 stars
Thank you

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Quite a fascinating book really, about a woman who tells everyone on a flight what age they are going to die at and by what means, but is she a true psychic or not? Do they believe her or not?

There are a variety of people on the plan, all of whom get a 'death' prediction, and we learn about each of them as the book goes on and they return to their real lives. Some really take everything the psychic said to heart, and some more with a pinch of salt. But then some of the predictions come true, so because some of them have stayed in touch and set up a 'Death Lady' Facebook page, panic starts to set in that she may actually know what she's talking about.

There are varying chapters about the lives of the people on the plane, interspersed with the 'Death Lady' chapters and how she's reached this point in her life.

It did ramble on a bit in parts, and I kept waiting for one of the predictions to come true to see what happened next, but when it did it picked up again for me and started to become more interesting.

Very clever as I really wasn't sure what was true and what wasn't until towards the end, but it certainly changed the lives of most of the people on the plane one way or the other.

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Man...I love Liane Moriarty. I've read most of her books and always love her work in developing characters in such a funny and realistic way. Here One Moment was no different - characters meeting on a plane ride (a setting already full of anxiety and tension) and being told something that changes the course of their lives. I loved Cherry and learning about what led her to the point we meet her at, her development reminded me a little bit of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, another book I adored. I really loved this book and seeing how all of the characters were intertwined. Brilliant.

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There is nothing quite like a book from Liane Moriarty is there? I love this author and I was excited to start her new book with the most intriguing blurb yet.
What if you’re on a flight and a woman stands up and walks down the aisle pointing at your
fellow passengers, predicting the age and cause of their death? When it comes to your prediction, do you take her seriously? What about when the predictions start coming true?

I will start by saying if you are the kind of reader who gets turned off by a book with many multiple characters and narratives, you will find the same with this book. After all, it features a flight full of people….but I would urge to continue reading anyway. I found it much easier as I read on and the multiple narratives and interconnectivity of the characters really did add richness to the plot. Cherry is a brilliant and fascinating character and I loved reading about her past and the events that lead to her becoming The Death Lady. I loved how my assumptions were all proved wrong I thought she was so cleverly written and her narrative was so funny. I thought it was so clever that the reader is left to make up their own mind about her abilities. It’s a perfect thought provoking, insightful read that will have you thinking about your own life and mortality.

I would definitely recommend it to fans of the author or readers who love page turners and books that make you think about life.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a chance to review an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I've read all of Lianne Moriaty's books and on the whole loved them. I was intrigued by the premise of people being told how they will die and the age it happens. It might sound strange but I found the writing very Stephen King like. Lots of characters, lots of back stories and an unexplained mystery with a bit of a macabre edge. Just up my alley as I love Stephen King.
The book didn't disappoint, it wove between the characters, firstly when they are on the plane receiving their predictions then later when they are coming to terms with what may happen. Can they control the outcome, is it inevitable? We see most of this story from Cherry, the lady who does the predictions and we hear her life story with it's ups and downs. I can't give away the ending but ultimately this is a story about making every second count and living life to the full. I loved it and think it's right up there with her best work. However, I'm taking 1 star off what would have been 5 stars, as I was so close to giving up at the beginning. The problem being that the POV (and there are many) seamless run into each other. No end of chapter, little line or even a paragraph to separate one from another. This was so annoying because it took my time to realise I was reading about a different person. Once I'd worked this out I looked out for the change but seriously it was bad. Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this as an ARC .

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Imagine how you would feel if someone predicted your age and cause of death? This is exactly what happens to passengers on the plane when an elderly woman ( later called the death lady ) moves through the cabin and gives her predictions causing alarm and anxiety in equal measure.

Some passengers are told they will die of old age, while others have a more frightening fate predicted. We get to know the well written characters and their back stories, which really added to the book for me and I was totally invested in their outcomes, rooting for them to prove the death lady wrong .

This novel, explores life, death, mortality and destiny, in a very thought provoking way.

The closing quote in the book really resounded with me “it is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth, and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we begin to love each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had “

I raced through the book feeling all the emotions both happy and sad. A really well written, unique book , although starting it on a plane travelling to see my sister mightn’t have been the best idea.

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There is a lot going on in this book, and there is a substantial number of interconnected characters who all feel established and well-rounded, people the reader can and will care about. It's a well written book with a great deal to say about life and death, love and loss, fate and destiny, and basically living life to the full. You could spend a long time unpacking it all. Good though it is, I didn't really enjoy it as much as it probably deserved. One of the characters is prone to waffle and sometimes it made the story painfully slow to move on. The subject matter is also necessarily bleak. Some might find it uplifting I suppose, but I didn't really.

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I've found some of Moriarty's books a little slow in the past but have always enjoyed her writing style and the story itself. Here One Moment was again very slow paced, but despite this I found it interesting. I loved following the paths of each of the characters, but overall it felt a little too slow and long.

Many thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an unbiased review

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I love Liane Moriaty books. Here One Moment was a bit of a slow burner for me, but once it got going I was thoroughly hooked, couldn't get enough and flew through it at such speed wondering where on earth the story was going to lead us!
An elderly lady on a plane causes absolute chaos. She tells passengers the age that they will die and the cause of their death. Fine if you're predicted to die of old age at 102, and you're say 20, but what if you're only 29 and you're told you die at 30? Or you're told your baby is doing to die as a child? What do you do? How do you react? Do you believe this? If so, can you change the outcome? Who is this old woman? Can she genuinely predict time and cause of death?
A fascinating, thrilling and unique book by Liane Moriaty, which I recommend to her fans and those new to her works.
Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for a kindle copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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