Member Reviews

Superb and unusual, thrilled to have read this. This is a really interesting plot and a real page-turner.

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Here One Moment is my first book by Liane Moriarty and i adored this book. It is definitely a different read from what i go for but i was so engrossed and didn't want to put it down. I will be reading more
by the author

The book follows a group of passengers flying from Hobart to Sydney. The flight is delayed and we learn from one of the passengers POV, an elderly lady will count to three and stand up. What she does next is strange to everybody on the flights.. she starts to predict how they will die and of what age they will be. This unsettles the passengers and later on becomes even worse when they are to find out that some of the predictions have come true.

I really enjoyed all of the characters, they were developed and felt very real. We follow them as they get off the plane as well as their past and future seeing if they change their fate. Cherry was by far my favourite character (she is the elderly lady), her POV and characteristics is so differently quirky but intelligent as we also learn about her family. Everything about all the characters were really realistic and you root for them. This was a favourite read of this year and i would really recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange of my full honest review.

4.5 stars

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I knew I was going to love this right from the opening quote: “I have noticed that even people who claim everything is predestined and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road”.

This has easily been my favourite Liane Moriarty book so far! As with her other books that I’ve read, it is so much about the characters and how their lives are woven together. And it is just perfection!

A group of passengers travelling from Sydney to Hobart are grumbling to various degrees about the flight being delayed. Then once it finally gets in the air, an unremarkable older lady that no one noticed previously starts walking through the plane, predicting how and at what age every passenger is going to die.

At first, people try to explain away the bizarre predictions. Until people start dying at the foretold ages for the foretold reasons and then the hunt is on to find the Death Lady and find out what powers she really has.

Here One Moment beautifully tackles the expression ‘everything happens for a reason’ (which always totally winds me up!) As we learn more about The Death Lady and what perhaps brought her to make her grim predictions - and our characters’ lives become more interconnected - the book throws up lots of questions and things to ponder around why things happen and the nature of coincidences and probability.

The characters themselves are so wonderfully vivid and I found myself falling in love with all of them - from The Death Lady herself to poor Leo with his awful boss, Ethan with the ‘things like that don’t happen to guys like us’ thoughts, and obsessive Paula taking her little boy to two swimming lessons a day.

And oh, the wrapping up of the story - thank you Liane Moriarty for making it so perfect! I laughed and cried so many times in this book - as grim as some of the ideas were, it never got too heavy with the brilliant humour sprinkled throughout. And as sad as some of it was, most of the tears were joyful ones!

Definitely one I’ll keep thinking about!

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This felt like something John Marrs would write - a genre mix of speculative fiction and psychological thriller with many POV's and short chapters. But because Liane wrote it, there's more depth to the characters, and some flashes of humour.

I was hooked from page one, and became really invested in each of the passengers fate and backstories.

The Story: A "psychic" predicts strangers' causes and ages of death on a delayed flight. As her predictions begin to come true, passengers wonder if they can change their destiny?

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A surprising novel that I wasn't sure I was going to like because of the exploration of fortune telling, which I don't enjoy. I read it because it was an advanced copy sent to me, and it was written by an author whose other books I had appreicated.

I did enjoy this one and won't say more as the surprising unfolding of the plot was engaging and lovely, and to describe what happened would definitely be a spoiler.

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LOVED LOVED LOVED this book !! A great thought provoking read that had you wanting to read just one more chapter before bed ! Highly recommend!!

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An enjoyable book with a variety of interesting characters. As I had a preview copy of this book it's likely there will be further editing before publishing as I found it a little confusing as it went from one character to the next without a clear page break or starting a new chapter. I did get used to it though and as I learned more about each character they were more easily identifiable.
I liked the plot of the book and it kept me guessing what would happen next throughout.

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I loved this book! A flight from Hobart to Sydney is delayed. Tempers are frayed. When they eventually become airborne, an elderly lady stands up and starts walking around the cabin telling people when and how they are going to die. Obviously this causes a big reaction. What follows is the story of the repercussions of these predictions. This is a real character based story and is a thoroughly good read!
Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

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This was a clever concept and the characters were all well developed and pretty likeable. I don’t think I would have been very happy on that flight and can understand the panic and upset many of the characters were going through. I liked hearing what happened from the main protagonist’s view and it made sense completely once you heard what had happened to her. A really enjoyable read.

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I think this might just be my book of the year so far. I have been fan of Liane Moriarty for some time and this book has me gripped to the point that I finished it in 2 days.
On an internal flight in Australia, a lady tells the passengers their age and cause of death. Unsurprisingly, this unsettles the passengers and becomes more shocking when the predictions start to come true.
Throughout the book, we discover glimpses of her past, and what led to the behaviour on the plane. We also re-visit different passengers as they try to move on with the predictions hanging over their heads. A gripping book, I loved it.

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This was such an easy book to read. I was immediately engrossed in the storyline on board the aeroplane, and I couldn't put it down! Who was the old lady on the plane? Was she genuinely able to predict the passengers' futures and the date of their deaths?
I love the way Lianne Moriaty writes and find it full of humour.
There were such a great cast of well developed characters, and I enjoyed following their journey from the plane to find out how the premonition would affect each of their lives. I also found the life of Cherry (the old lady who had made the predictions)fascinating. Half of the book is narrated by Cherry, and we find out about her life from childhood to the aeroplane episode.
This was a brilliant, slow burn, character driven story. I haven't read any other books by Lianne Moriaty, but I definitely want to now!

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Clever, complex and surprising this novel winds together multiple strands which come together in a wholly satisfying way. Liane Moriarty is always original in her writing and this is no exception. Beautifully written and well observed, I loved it.

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This is classic Liane Moriarty, exactly what it says on the tin. It is hugely enjoyable and twisty, with all the turns she is so good at. I don’t know that this will convert any new readers, but existing fans like me will get a kick out of it.

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A solid story with a great premise that didn’t quite hit the mark for me. I’ve read several of this author’s previous novels and loved them. This feels like it was written by someone else.

The characters are well developed and the hook is good but for me it’s missing the warmth I drew from her earlier books.

Thank you to NetGalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House for the ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book, although it did make me question my own mortality which was a bit uncomfortable.

On a domestic flight in Australia, a very nondescript woman walks down the aisle and predicts the cause of death and age of death of every passenger on the flight. Initially she is dismissed as someone with mental health issues but when some of the deaths start coming true it impacts on the other passengers lives.

The book flits from the past to present in the woman's life, explaining how she got to be on the plane and her actions, and also looks at several passengers in the aftermath of the flight.

It was so different, I really enjoyed this book! Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This wasn't my favourite Moriarty novel however that's simply because there are so many brilliant ones to choose from.

This was a really good read with an exciting premise, guaranteed to keep you turning those pages

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On a flight to Hobart, a passenger called Cherry starts predicting the future of a select few passengers. It’s alarming because she predicts the age that they will die and cause of death. Telling a new mum that her baby son will die from drowning when he is seven, a new groom will severely assault and kill his wife within a year. and others equally harrowing details. The book follows the journey of Cherry and the passengers she had traumatised.
It’s a gripping read and I enjoyed every page right until the last.

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A wonderful tapestry of family drama, suspense and mystery. Beautifully written with themes of loss, grief and love. I was fully invested in the character's stories and fell in love with Cherry. Such a wild, emotional ride with an unexpted but believable ending. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Not for me. Several times I wanted to give up reading this book as it was not just slow.., it was v-e-r-y slow. And not being able-bodied myself, I practically felt like screaming at the screen of the e-reader 'go to the cinema' when Leo preferred to sulk over his lack of productivity and stay home.
Sure, there were things that seemed thoughtful or well-written, making me plod on hoping for an ending that would knock me off my socks, but I gave up at 36% and DNF.

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I have read and enjoyed most Leanne Moriarty’s books, so was looking forward to her latest one, Here One Moment. Unfortunately, it ended up being a disappointment for me. The story started off strong, with an exciting and intriguing premise, but as it progressed, reading it became more of a chore. By the end, I found myself skimming through the pages. Even though I usually, enjoy books with multiple points of view and timelines, this one didn’t work for me. The narrative felt confusing and repetitive at times, and many of the characters seemed one-dimensional. There were a few storylines I enjoyed, but overall, the book lacked the memorable and special qualities I’ve come to expect from this author.

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