Member Reviews

I was thrilled to get this ARC, so a big thank you to Ellie at Penguin Random House.

Liane Moriarty's books are always enjoyable, with a plethora of characters that stay distinct and memorable. She skillfully intertwines their stories in a way that keeps readers engaged.

The story kicks off on a plane, where an elderly woman eerily predicts the cause and date of death for her fellow passengers. We then learn about some of the other passengers' stories and how these predictions impact their lives, Cherry's story serves as the central thread connecting them.

Cherry is a fantastic character, quirky, funny, and an endearing narrator. The other characters are well-rounded and distinctive, adding depth to the story.

Liane Moriarty has done it again—another must-read!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for the ARC.

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I've read 8 of Liane Moriarty's books over the years and enjoyed them all. Some of them I loved, some of them not so much. Here One Moment falls somewhere in the middle.

A flight from Hobart to Sydney is slightly delayed and the passengers are not impressed. When the plane finally takes off, an older lady who nobody noticed until this point, gets up from her seat and starts telling everyone onboard their cause of death and the age of death. Even though her predictions unsettle a few people, nobody takes her seriously... but then a couple of months later, a person dies exactly as predicted.

I thought this was quite an intriguing premise, touching upon the belief that 'fate can't be fought'. As I said above, this is not my favourite Moriorty, but there are plenty of interesting characters to root for. I personally loved the backstories of the different passengers, especially the newly wed couple.

[Posted on Goodreads on 7 Aug]

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I love Liane Moriarty's work. Each book is just so different and this one is no exception. Such an interesting premise to the storyline and the writer takes you on a journey where you just don't know where you will end up. Fabulous!

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I loved this book! Liane Moriarty is one of my favourite authors and I’ve read all of her books, but this is definitely her best one yet.
I finished this book last week, however it’s stuck with me. The plot is unique and the book is beautifully written. It’s one of my favourites this year.

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‘Here one moment’ by Liane Moriarty

What a book! This is exactly what I’ve come to expect from Liane Moriarty, and more - it’s an absolute cracking page turner with a rich web of characters whom you come to deeply care about.

The premise, a little old lady on a plane, ‘Cherry’, who suddenly stands up and points at individuals, declaring unsolicited expected age and cause of death to a wide variety of disarmed characters. For those of whom they are told they will live to a ripe old age, they are of course, nonchalantly unperturbed. But, for the multiple characters who are foretold their untimely imminent deaths, with claims such as ‘workplace accident’, or ‘self harm’ with fast approaching alarm, it’s hard for them to ignore. This sets the ball rolling for so many characters to readdress their lives, reconsider their futures, health and fortunes and prepare for the predictions. But surely it’s all just baloney? Many may think so … until the predictions start to come true!

I was fortunate enough to read this on my holidays, and it was a perfect read to keep me both entertained and gripped right until the very end. Highly recommended!

Big thanks to NetGalley for an ARC.

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What I loved about this story... The suspense and mystery were the best parts of this story for me. I enjoyed seeing the predictions being made and seeing what happens afterwards, watching each of the characters reactions to this. Its all very mysterious and certainly kept me on my toes throughout the story wanting to know what was going to happen next.

What I didn't like about this story... Honestly, for me there were too many characters. Now this is more of a its me and not the book type of scenario. I've not read many stories where there is a whole cast of characters and I've realised after reading this one that this type of story just isn't for me.

Would I recommend... If you like stories that keep you on your toes until the very end, give this one a go. I would recommend but maybe not one for those who do not like a whole cast of characters to follow.

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Moriarty’s writing style is so beautiful. She drags attention into each of the characters in every scene and even when they’re introduced all together, you could feel their voices separately even then and they’re actually so fleshed out, it’s so nice. However, it is an ensemble cast or characters living wildly different lives so may take some time to really feel completely immersed in the world.

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Just fantastic ! Really loving this author at present. Very well written. Pacy and a gripping story. I will recommend to anyone who enjoys a great read!

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This was such an original idea for a story! I was gripped from the beginning. I loved all the little subtle connections between 'the death lady' and all the passengers on the plane. Cherry's character was well written and likeable despite her little quirks. I loved that the story made me question whether she had real psychic abilities or if the passengers were falling into self fulfilled prophecies. Such an engaging story from an author whom I already loved to read. Would highly recommend!

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I have to say I struggled with this, I couldn’t properly get into it, too many characters and too complex. Maybe at another time I would have breezed through it, I don’t know, that’s just a maybe, but for me right now it wasn’t to be. It’s well written of course as you’d expect but other than that disappointing.

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An absolutely gorgeous, poignant, funny read about grief and the power of the mind. So incredibly well written and packed with almost poetic storytelling. Truly stunning and I would highly recommend!

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Lianne Moriarty captured my attention from the start with this novel crammed full of smaller stories to entertain and enchant her readers.

On a delayed plane journey suddenly a lady rises from her seat, points to passengers in turn and pronounces the age they will be and their cause of death. Of course on a large plane some passengers believe their prediction wholeheartedly whilst others are sceptical, but I think it's safe to say each and every one of them are unsettled. The plane lands and they return to their friends, family and regular lives. It isn't long before the first prediction comes true and emotions are stirred.

The hook of the prediction is brilliant and we hear so much more from Cherry our fortune teller in every alternate chapter whilst our characters stories are told in between. All in all another winner although the sheer number of characters is a little overwhelming until you get into the swing of the book

Thoroughly enjoyable.

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What would you do if you were told how & when you were going to die?

This is the basic premise of this original & very readable novel from Liane Moriarty. A group of travellers have that very thing to deal with, after a fellow passenger on their flight appears to be a psychic & foretells their remaining futures. How they deal with it & how it affects them & their families makes compelling reading. I liked each of the (many) characters & enjoyed seeing how their stories played out. The novel is well written, as you’d expect from this author & I fully expect to see a mini series with this name appearing on a screen at some point in the next couple of years. I loved it, highly recommended. Massive thanks to NetGalley for an early copy.

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It's a perfect book again.
The author never disappointed me.
It's impossible to stop reading. There are just so many good things I could say about this book. I absolutely tore (pun intended) through this read . Everyone needs to go read it

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I really struggled with this book. I am not sure if was the number of characters, the very very descriptive style or the storyline. Or a mix of all.
I couldn't get in to it and found myself quickly scanning pages to get through it.

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A plane load of people have the course of their lives changed when one passenger stands up and starts making predictions about them. Some take her more seriously than others and start living their lives according to what she says. The concept of this book is amazing but the execution is a bit underwhelming. Each chapter is by a different character but it isn't always clear right now who it is about. Overall it was a good read but it had the potential to be really incredible.

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What @lianemoriarty_official does to a crowd of people is quite startling.
In few words, the Opening chapter of this book sums up, so many people placing them perfectly at odds with the unseen protagonist, the unremarkable and evidently unnoticed protagonist that is! And so it begins ……
It’s a thrilling ride even though it starts with a delayed plane!
It’s impossible to not feel ‘seen’ whilst reading this book as the characters emerge through wry observation of their behaviour. I have literally devoured it!

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Psychics! Predictions of death! Razor-sharp observations of modern life! Deftly weaved together in a delicious, well-paced narrative that includes flashbacks and multiple povs, this is Moriarty at her best: transcending the mundanity of the everyday with relatable characters and satisfying twists, ultimately bringing a deeper appreciation for life, love and the human spirit. Absolutely inhaled this book, and loved every minute.

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This captivating novel follows the lives of the passengers on a flight to Sydney. An unknown woman goes through the plane making predictions of each passenger’s date and cause of death. These predictions have a dramatic effect on their subsequent lives in a series of intertwining stories.

We learn more about the psychic who made the predictions and her reasons.

I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend this highly original book.

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Ah fortune tellers - do you believe them or are you a sceptic?

I have two experiences of mediums.

In the first a good friend broke up with her long term boyfriend. She went to a medium who told her she would marry a man with red hair. She set about kissing every man in London with red hair - and guess what? She married a man with red hair.

In the second I received a letter predicting that a series of disasters would befall me if I carried on issuing parking tickets in a certain road in my role as traffic warden - I wasn't a traffic warden, I was a rice sales representative. I don't think the police needed second sight to track down this particular fortune teller when I took the letter to them as the author had used their headed notepaper. None of the predicted disasters occurred, but then I did not issue any parking ticket so maybe they were correct.

Anyway enough of my experiences, and hence, sceptic views on fortune telling. This is a classic Liane Moriarty tale - a big hook, then lots of characters and stories all leading to one big tie up. I did feel a bit overwhelmed with characters at one point, it was a full plane after all, however my faith in Moriarty was validated, as she pulls off a brilliant conclusion with finesse.

Great read!

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