Member Reviews

I really enjoyed "Here One Moment" by Liane Moriarty. The story was engaging and kept me hooked from beginning to end. The writing was engaging and kept me turning the pages - there were many twists and turns and I wasn’t sure which way the story was going to end. Overall, a great read that I would highly recommend. A strong 4 stars ****

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for my copy of Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty.
I put this down twice and nearly gave up on it altogether about a third of the way through as I found it so confusing.
I don't know if it is because this was an early copy and wasn't formatted correctly or my brain wasn't working right.
I picked it up again to have one last try and suddenly it clicked. From then on I was glued to the book, I had to finish it before I would put it down.
I couldn't work out where the book was going or how it would end, but it all came together perfectly. Superb writing.

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It took a while for me to get into this book - I’m not sure if that’s the formatting for the kindle has gone a bit askew or if it is actually the correct format of the book.

Part way through paragraphs the story would change to a different character - this made it hard to follow the flow of the strong and at one point I considered not finishing it.

But I kept going and I’m glad I did, a great concept - I’m not sure if all the story’s were neatly tied up by the end.

If the format of the book is different than this ARC then I would definitely recommend.

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I love Liane Moriarty and her novels

So I was super excited to receive this review copy

I loved it what a great read

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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I am a huge fan of Liane Moriarty and think this could possibly be her best book yet. The novel introduces the many characters as they travel on a flight to Sydney. One passenger leaves a devastating impact on each of them which has huge repercussions once the plane has landed. The book follows these people as they adjust to life with the information they’ve been given, as well as providing a back story for the mysterious passenger.
Liane Moriarty has an amazing talent for creating characters the reader relates to meaning you quickly become invested in their stories. The subtitles of their personalities make them feel like people you know and as the story develops, their links to one another become clear. Liane Moriarty’s books are particularly appealing because they contain laugh out loud humour alongside heartbreaking details and events which makes them incredibly authentic. I had no idea how this book would end, but it all made absolute sense and was concluded in the most beautiful way. I am absolutely devastated that I’ve finished it.

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An elderly woman on a flight from Tasmania to Sydney starts telling other passengers when and how they will die. Most write her off as an oddball or a dementia patient, but one or two of the passengers become obsessed enough to start scouring the country for her. And when three of the passengers die in exactly the manner and at the age she predicted, all hell breaks loose.

Wow. After a slow start, during which I admit I almost put the book down to DNF, I found myself completely gripped in this unusual story about the effect of chance and predictions on our lives. The narrative switches between the 'plane psychic', Cherry, and some of the passengers and staff affected by her predictions. I especially loved the slowly revealed story of who Cherry is and how she came to be on the plane predicting deaths.

4.5 stars rounded up to 5: this is such a complex and gripping read, highly recommended.

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Liane Moriarty is one of my favourite authors and this book is another cracker. The story begins on a plane, where an older woman stands up and begins to go around each passenger, pointing at them and giving them the age and cause of their death. We then gradually unravel her life story, alternating with chapters around some of the passengers and their reactions to the predictions.

The basic premise is wonderfully simple but branches off to all sorts of subjects, including superstition, fate, grief, social media, social contagion and even maths. Every character comes totally to life and I spent a lot of the book not being entirely sure where this was going and really worrying about all of them. The older woman making the predictions, Cherry, is a fantastic character and her actions and predictions make complete sense by the end.

Moriarty is a master of writing books that at first appear to be about giant, complicated plots and end up having entirely believable, faintly prosaic real-life answers and that’s what I love about them. They feel like a genuine glimpse into other people’s lives and she’s particularly good at writing about relationships, whether they’re romantic, family or friends. It’s a good sign that it’s a few days since I finished this but I’m still thinking about it and all sorts of subjects it raises.


Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in return for an honest review.

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Firstly I’d like to say how excited I was to be offered a free ARC of this book, I am an admirer of Liane Moriarty’s work and couldn’t wait to read this.

Unfortunately however, this book ended up being a DNF for me, I tried and tried and made it to 40% but I just couldn’t force myself to read further. This was mainly for two reasons, one of which was not the fault of the author.

The first reason was that the list of characters was so vast that they were hard to keep up with, trying to recall everyone’s back stories and details that we were told previously became too much and in the end it was becoming more of a challenge than an enjoyable read, resulting in me no longer caring what happened in the end.

The second reason was down to the exceptionally poor formatting of this book for kindle. It was already hard enough to keep track of who was who without characters changing in the same paragraph (further on it became clear that this was the beginning of another chapter but was not marked as such). I had to reread pages to realise we had suddenly swapped to another characters pov. This removed me completely from what could and should have been an immersive story.

Thank you to Michael Joseph for the ARC.

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An interesting concept. Travellers on a plane are told when and how they will die by another passenger. Does she have psychic powers? Can the passengers change their destiny?

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This is Liane Moriarty’s best book by far it was excellent. I really enjoyed the book and couldn’t put it down .
Cherry was an interesting character and I loved hearing about her life starting from when she was a young child. I also found the other characters and their background stories very compelling and was enthralled to see what path their lives would take.
I thought the ending was brilliant and not what I was expecting at all but fitting for the story.
I would definitely recommend this book as a five star read.
Thanks to NetGalley, Liane Moriarty and Michael Joseph , Penguin Random House for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review

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I received a surprise email that I was selected for an ARC of Liane Moriarty's upcoming book and immediately put aside the several other books I am reading. It was a slow start for me trying to figure out who all the characters are and at first not really caring about them. But about 20% of the way in, I realized the story wasn't going in the direction I expected. I couldn't put it down.

"Here One Moment" follows the lives of people on a flight who have each received an unsolicited prediction from an unassuming lady about when and how they will die. Would they change how they lived? Would they forgo medical treatment because "it was fate?" I was drawn in and felt invested in the individuals' well-being.

We get to know Cherry, the elderly woman who made the predictions and tells her story in the first person. She is a bit quirky and at first, I felt put off by her before being absolutely enchanted by her. Her clever turns of phrase, observations of those around her, and honest insecurities shine a light on the bittersweet nature of a life well lived. As the story is woven together, we delve into the complexities of life and death, relationships, grief, and joy. I laughed, gasped, and cried as predictions, expectations, and coincidences(?) fell into place.

Liane Moriarty is skilled at character development and "Here One Moment" is no exception. The story is unique and heartwarming and different from the domestic thrillers like Big Little Lies (which is my favorite). Make sure to add it to your fall reading list. I expect you will not be disappointed.

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Much of the time, we are so caught up in obsessing over the day to day details of our lives that we risk missing the bigger picture. Of course, things might come sharply into focus if, for example, you were to encounter a stranger on a plane who claims to tell you the date of your death!

After boarding an aircraft, Cherry - an older woman - does just that, reaching out to several passengers (aka characters) to give them what could be key information about their lives. But is she a liar or a psychic?

And what will those people do with whatever she tells them? Because the choices that we make determines the direction of our lives...

This story does a terrific job of holding your attention - gripping and tense and mysterious and compelling, all at the same time. Not to mention, at times amusing, and with a deeper message hidden behind Moriarty's storytelling. Highly recommended.

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I was asked to review this book by NetGalley, the author never fails to stop inspiring me, so when I got the chance to review this book I was super pleased to read this.

The scene is set with a lady boading a plane in Australia and creepily she makes predictions to fellow passengers. Would you brush off that the predicted date of your dealth is being told to you? What will the effects of this ladys predictions be to these passengers.

The storylinf becomes quite intense, there is suspence and the reader is then thrown in different directions.

This is about choices, the way we live our lives and the the journeys we take.

Recommended read

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We’re all so busy, caught up in life's moments, big and small . . . 

The flight attendant working a shift on her birthday.
The mother struggling alone with two young children.
The newlyweds excited about their tropical honeymoon .
The overworked father missing his kid’s big show.
The young man returning from his best friend’s funeral.
The ER nurse wondering what retirement will bring.

All strangers. All unsuspecting. Each with a life heading in a particular direction – or so they imagine.

Because an elderly woman is about to step into each of their paths. In just a few words, she will make a prediction, tying herself to all of them. And, in being bound to her, these disparate strangers will all face similar existential dilemmas. .

Who is this woman? Is she a genuine clairvoyant? A charlatan? The answer to prayers, or a harbinger of nightmares? 

REVIEW ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you so much for this pre approved ARC am a long time fan of Lianne’s work having read all her previous novel, some more than once, and watched all the tv adaptions of her work so I was over the moon to given the chance to review this. Happy to report that this is utterly an outstanding novel that is worth more than five stars. I was hooked from the very first page.

From the start of this, it’s immediately tense and suspenseful as it processed the plot becomes even more mysterious and takes a creative and philosophical turn. It’s a clever and different novel it is very intriguing.

Told from the third-person point of view of the plane passengers , and written in the first-person point of view of Cherry “The Death Lady”

Moriarty uses suspense elements and a nonlinear timeline to tell the story of both the passengers and Cherry's reactions, their past experiences to not only tell the story but explore how different people from the plane react with deep emotional and psychological repercussions while this sounds very serious it is done in typical Moriarty style and is told with wit, dark humour and a sense of satire.

It’s hard to imagine what it must be like living with a death prediction hanging over you as they start to come true but Liane Moriarty does a great job in getting across the chaos that Cherry unleashes. Each of the passengers we hear about in detail are living very different lives but face the same fallout they start to examine the themes of fate versus self determination ,they learn when to hold on and when to let go, and the necessity for attitude adjustments in the face of life’s changing circumstances. When your time is up or think it is how do you respond, how do the people around respond, do you even believe it???? All sort of questions are raised not just but the characters but you as reader start reflect on them too.

It becomes emotional as it’s sad, moving, happy and joyous in turn which makes for compelling reading.

Initially, it’s not easy to keep all the characters in mind as it follows a few of them but it gets easier and I become invested in their lives and willing them to ‘buck the odds’. In particular Sue and Max were stand outs for me. Moriarty always managed to create such a diverse array of characters in her work with solid back stories and makes them seem real she gets the little things right that make the most normal of people seem interesting she truly gets people and what makes them tick.

Cherry is obviously the standout character. I really like her, from the off she’s entertaining. She’s clever, funny, ironic, witty and sarcastic as she tells her story, both the good and the bad. What a life she has lived, it was so interesting to see how that life in turn impacted what she did on the plane that in turn then impacted the passengers. The impact of her actions on the passengers was incredibly fascinating especially as the effects were both positive and negative but made them reflect deeply on their lives either way. It also really questions how much of life is already set out for you, can you change it going on the book I believe you can again this shows the power of Moriarty's writing she does make you think I have found this in all her works.

It’s a different, well thought out, thoughtful and thought provoking novel about the different choices and paths that our lives can take, the interactions and interruptions that affect us and how we can control some things but not others as life can be very unpredictable. It makes me reflect and think of a few if only’s which could have led me somewhere entirely different!

I loved how Moriarty used different math theories to explain things it was never boring and very interesting it also give a somewhat extra to twist to Cherry's character.

Although it’s a long book the short chapters don’t make it feel that way, it so well written time flashes by so quick while reading the layout and switching between the characters narratives kept it fresh all the way to the end

I enjoy the surprising connections and coincidences and how it all comes together as life is full of both of those.

Again Moriarty hitting the right note, she takes the everyday and makes into something.

The ending was spot on and tied up everything nicely. It was what I'd call a happy ending but not in a twee chic lit way Moriarty could never give that type ending but it was to say as happy as any of her books could be. It worked for me 

The epilogue goes on solidifies the novel’s theme of interconnectedness, revealing the extent to which the choices we make have significant impacts on the lives of those around us.
It especially amused me as it was an extreme example of cause and effect but in the most positive way with that sense of dark humour.

This is by far up there with Big Little Lies, in my top 10 books for 2024 100%. It’s thought provoking and engaging till the very last page.

I haven't read such a good novel in ages

An outstanding novel worth more than the five stars I can give it...Tv Adaptation NEEDED ASAP

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From the premise, I was not sure whether this would be a book that I enjoyed, happily I was very wrong about this. 'Here One Moment' is a stunning, gripping and beautiful read from Moriarty. The characters are wonderful, there is a real diverse mix and it was a pleasure getting to know all of them. The plot was surprising, I will not ruin what happens but it takes unexpected turns and I was completely absorbed with it. Everything about this book is a pure joy. This is another fantastic read from Moriarty.
Thank you to NetGalley and Michael Joseph for an advance copy.

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Another wonderful Liane Moriarty book; a great plot but completely character driven and therefore utterly absorbing. There are a multitude of short chapters and POVs but it's always easy to distinguish who's speaking as the stories are so different. I was totally invested in all the passengers and Cherry's story was fascinating. Highly recommended, nobody brings characters to life as well as Liane Moriarty!

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I always love a Liane Moriarty novel but their plots don't always stick with me. I feel like this one might, though.

On a flight, a neatly dressed, silver-haired woman enters a trance and starts telling the passengers the dates, times and causes of their deaths. The passengers react in various ways; some sanguine, some hysterical, some genuinely disturbed. But then the first deaths start...

This book poses the question, 'If you knew when you were going to die, what would you do differently?' Going back though the life of the mysterious but surprisingly normal (if socially awkward) woman, Cherry, Here One Moment paints an increasingly vivid picture, particularly once it focuses on a smaller cast of characters. A witty and surprisingly moving exploration of the butterfly effect/multiverse and what we're here for, that with a light touch explores those themes more successfully than some heavier recent novels that face mortality head-on.

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Sorry but this wasn't for me even though it was well written, I just couldn't get into the storyline.

I found the characters hard to get close to and unfortunately it was a DNF for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and Michael Joseph (Penguin Books) for this ARC.

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Stuck on a delayed flight, passengers get a creepy surprise. A random lady walks up and predicts how everyone will die! Some laugh, some are scared, but things get real spooky when her guesses start coming true. This new book by Liane had me glued to the pages - a great read!

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‘Here One Moment’ by Liane Moriarty is a riveting, thought provoking read that explores fate, psychic arts and multiple interconnected existential crises. The story begins with a seemingly normal group of people boarding a delayed flight in Australia which becomes a transformational experience for them all when an elderly woman enters a trance-like state and begins to make predictions: age of death, cause of death… The novel follows some characters blessed with thoughts of invincibility and others expecting a swift demise.

I always love Liane Moriarty’s gossipy style of writing and her ability to weave together multiple threads into a single, powerful narrative, and she does that so well in this book. In the first few chapters I was worried about my ability to keep track of all the people introduced, but the author truly makes you care deeply about the core characters and after finishing the book I’m pretty sure they will stay with me for a while! The structure of the book, with shifting perspectives throughout and cliffhangers at the end of many sections, ensures it is totally unputdownable!

The novel definitely raises questions about whether predictive powers are real, and whether fate can be fought… it made me reflect on whether the kind of knowledge the psychic imparted on the unsuspecting passengers is power or something to be avoided.

Overall, this gets four stars from me and I really recommend it for fans of contemporary literature and light suspense! For me, it took a few chapters to really get in to the tale, and felt more like a fable than a mystery (I LOVED ‘Big Little Lies’ and ‘Apples Never Fall’ by the same author which have more thriller vibes), but it was a really rewarding and captivating read.

I received an advance Digital Review Copy of this book from the publisher Michael Joseph via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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