Member Reviews

I found this a really thought provoking read.
Would you live your life differently if you knew the date & cause of your demise is the question this book poses.
Thanks for the opportunity to read & review it.

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I've read all of Liane's books and I found this a little different from the others, it is more philosophical. It really made me think (in a good way) and I can see it will stay with me for a while.

I really enjoyed the story but I found the hopping between characters confusing. There were a lot of people in the book and the author hopped between them in the same paragraph or even the same line sometimes without making it clear (not sure if that was a formatting error in the ARC Kindle copy I received).

This did lower my enjoyment because I was often confused as to whose view point I was reading. If it wasn't for that I would have given this title 5 stars. I think it needed a heading with the character's name above so you knew what was going on.

I saw several reviews have commented on the length of the book. I was so engrossed in the story I honestly didn't notice it was any longer than a standard book. I could have happily read another 100 pages or so. I do recommend this book, it's an interesting story.

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Cherry ‘’the death lady’ boards a plane. She walks the length of the plane and tells each passenger their estimated age and cause of death; then collapses asleep. She suggests some will live to a ripe old age whilst others will die very young and very soon. Most dismiss her premonitions; but then a young girl dies in tragic circumstances at the exact age predicted and people start to believe. This books was a rollercoaster form start to end.

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I absolutely loved this book and was delighted to read it, thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity. Review posted on GoodReads:

To wake up and find an invitation to read an arc of a new Liane Moriarty is just... well, a few "wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"s might have been shouted and it's possible that I danced with the dog for a few minutes, much to her disgust. Then reality hit - I've not been able to read any fiction for quite a while so I was stupidly nervous about starting. Silly me.

Engrossing, unputdownable, thought-provoking, moving -- all words that come to mind to describe this novel but it's also such a feat of imagination, every character is hugely interesting for very different reasons and the way they come together at times is beautifully choreographed.

I loved every minute of this novel - I laughed and cried in equal measure - it's by far the best of her already wonderful body of work and I'm already looking forward to reading it again in the future.

Hugely recommended to one and all.

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This was a fascinating story about the prediction and date of death.. Some really good characters that were easy to relate to and the story became very realistic and also very sad in parts. the coclusion tied everything off beautifully.

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I've loved all of Liane Moriarty's books, but I couldn't get into this one. Usually I don't mind the large cast of characters, but I couldn't connect to these ones. The writing style is as always beautiful though.

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I've always been a fan of Liane Moriarty books, before they became great TV shows and am pleased to say I thoroughly enjoyed this latest book.

The premise of being told when you'll die and how, on a plane, was genius, having sparked my interest from the outset. Normally, I don't love a book that have multiple person narratives but it really works in this book and the way each person's story overlaps and connects with another character is clever rather than lazy.

Weaving through the book is how grief impacts us all in different ways and that it really is the price we pay for love.

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Absolutely loved this book! Imagine being given a cause of death and date of death? Would that be a curse or a blessing Liane Moriarty plays on all our fears with her latest novel.

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I adored this book! Cherry is a delight and I found myself caring about each and every passenger on her flight. There were a lot of characters but they were all so different I didn’t have a problem keeping track. I found the topics of fate and determinism thought provoking. Definitely one of my favourite reads of the year, highly recommend.

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

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This book had quite a large number of characters in it, which I found very different and hard to grasp. I really struggled with this book by an author I have previously enjoyed and DNF'D after 150 pages.
Thanks to Net Galley for an advanced copy

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I enjoy this authors books and was looking forward to reading this one. This was a thought provoking read which really makes you think how would you love your life if you knew how long you had left on this ear and also makes you question of if Fate really does exist. I have always been a firm believer of everything happens for a reason so was fascinated by this story.

The characters were engaging particular the main character cherry and I had a picture of how she would look in my head and loved her quirkiness and eccentricities.

I look forward to seeing what this author writes next

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Here One Moment follows many different POV’s after they are delayed on a flight and a woman called Cherry starts predicting when people will die. For example one man is told he will die in workplace accident and another is told she will die of pancreatic cancer. This woman could be a charlatan or she could be speaking the truth. Either way it will change these people’s lives.

This is classic Liane Moriarty. It was very long winded and followed multiple POV’s that were all very different. The story makes you think about different things and one which I found very interesting was the idea of the self fulfilling prophecy and the idea that the predictions would come true simply because people had been told them. However personally I did struggle with the amount of POV’s because I never felt connected to any of the characters and I do think this was too long. That is a personal issue though and I do think Liane Moriarty fans will enjoy this. 3.5 stars rounded down to a 3.

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‘Everything means something’.

It’s all starts with the invisible grey haired lady in 4D of the delayed 3.20 flight from Hobart to Sydney. No one really ‘ sees’ her but she will become infamous as the ‘Death Lady’ because of the unnerving predictions she makes to fellow passengers. Free will or destiny? What would you do if you are told that your time is limited? What will the ramifications be of Cherry Lockwood’s foretelling?

I love the start of this, it’s immediately tense and suspenseful but I’m expecting one thing and get something else entirely and I enjoy that surprise. The plot becomes even more mysterious and takes a creative and philosophical turn. It’s a clever and different novel (👏 ) and I find it very intriguing. It becomes emotional as it’s sad, moving, happy and joyous in turn which makes for compelling reading as it examines the fallout of Cherry’s predictions. It’s hard to imagine what it must be like living with this hanging over each character but Liane Moriarty does a great job in getting across the chaos that Cherry unleashes.

Initially, it’s not easy to keep all the characters in my head as it follows a few of them but it gets easier and I become invested in their lives and willing them to ‘buck the odds’. All are well portrayed but Cherry is obviously the standout character. I grow to really like her, although from the off she’s entertaining. She’s clever, funny, ironic, witty and sarcastic as she tells her story, both the good and the bad. Through her the author even manages to make maths interesting to someone who just scraped a pass.

Although it’s a long book the short chapters don’t make it feel that way and I’m surprised at just how many pages they actually are. Don’t let that put you off!! I enjoy the surprising connections and coincidences and how it all comes together as life is full of both of those.

It’s a different, well thought out, thoughtful and thought provoking novel about the different choices and paths that our lives can take, the interactions and interruptions that affect us and how we can control some things but not others as life can be very unpredictable. It makes me reflect and think of a few if only’s which could have led me somewhere entirely different!

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Michael Joseph for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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When a delayed flight causes issues for passengers, they have no idea what is in store.

An unremarkable lady stands up, walks the length of the plan and tells the passengers what age she expects them to die as well as the cause of death.some take her more seriously than others; some are distressed by what they hear and others laugh it off. But what does it mean for the passengers when these “predictions” start to come true?

I love Liane’s books and was thrilled to hear she was back writing. This book had me hooked from the first page and was an engrossing read. Would highly recommend.

Thank youNetGalley for allowing me to read and review.

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I’ve enjoyed Liane Moriarty’s books in the past although less so her newer ones however this is without a doubt my favourite of hers, it was an outstanding read. I love the story itself with an older woman (Cherry) randomly and unexpectedly walking down a plane telling each of the passengers what age she expects them to die and the cause of their death but this was at heart a character read and it had some truly brilliant characters. I thought Cherry’s backstory was interspersed really well with that of a number of the passengers and it was intriguing to look at her life and wonder what lead her to do what she did. The impact of her actions on the passengers was incredibly fascinating especially as the effects were both positive and negative but made them reflect deeply on their lives either way. The epilogue especially amused me as it was an extreme example of cause and effect but in the most positive way. Overall I found this a compulsive read and without a doubt my book of 2024 so far, it’s so thoughtful and thought provoking and I was just engrossed.

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I feel so lucky to have got a copy of this from NetGalley. I literally inhaled it. I was addicted. I have always loved the way she describes characters and this was no exception. I was pretty invested in every one of them. A must read.

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