Member Reviews

An interesting premise whereby a lady on a flight starts to predict fellow passengers deaths and cause of death. So what happens once the flight lands and everyone gets on with their lives. Many of those who received predictions are concerned about their futures (which is reasonable). I really enjoyed how the story unfolded.

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What an opening for a novel and what a premise. The book starts at an airport with the passengers and crew boarding a flight. The flight appears unremarkable, the cast appear unremarkable - until one particular passenger makes her way down the plane and seems to predict every passenger’s age of death and cause of death.

What follows is the aftermath of this incident and the effects it has on the passengers, the crew and their lives. We also learn about the events which lead up to ‘The Death Lady’, as she is referred to, making her startling predictions.

This book has one of the best opening chapters I’ve read; it was engaging and I was invested from the start. I had to know ‘why’ I had to know ‘what next’. I had the same questions as the passengers on the plane, who is this woman? Is she psychic? Should I believe her?

The book digs deep and poses complex questions. Would you want to know when your life will end? Would you believe someone if they told you? Is our future pre-determined or do we have the power to change it?

I was fascinated by how the different passengers reacted to their experience and how a seemingly frightening episode could ultimately have positive outcomes on some of their lives and trigger the start of new relationships. I felt for all the characters and was moved by their individual stories.

With such a dramatic opening I was unsure how it could reach a satisfactory ending and I had a fear that I was going to left heartbroken and without answers. However Liane Moriarty steers it just right; there is sadness but also reflection and hope and I felt content with the ending.

I really enjoyed this one, it’s such a thought provoking read and it would make a fantastic book club pick. I can imagine reading groups discussing this for hours.

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An interesting concept and I enjoyed getting to know the different characters. There was a lot of switching between stories however and sometimes struggled to keep up!

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This was a highly entertaining and thought-provoking read, featuring a unique and captivating storyline.

Consider this hypothetical scenario: you are informed of the precise date and cause of your demise. Would you choose to alter your life's trajectory or dismiss it as the mere musings of a charlatan?

An ordinary flight from Hobart to Sydney becomes a catalyst for profound change in the lives of all its passengers. The catalyst for this transformation is not the 92-minute delay, but rather the unassuming woman occupying seat 4D. Initially overlooked and disregarded, she astounds everyone by rising and making a series of seemingly absurd predictions. Who is this enigmatic individual known as "the Death Lady," and what compels her to feel a connection with the passengers on this flight?

We are introduced to a diverse ensemble of characters, each profoundly impacted by their encounter with "the Death Lady." The ramifications of her predictions extend not only to their own lives but also to those of their loved ones.

In addition, we follow the life journey of Cherry Lockwood, from her childhood to the present day.

There were so many characters in the book that I had a hard time keeping track of them at first, but I ended up getting really invested in all of their lives!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House UK, Michael Joseph for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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Loved the idea of this book with the woman on the plane predicting how and when all the other passengers would die! It was an engrossing read seeing how the predictions affected the lives of the passengers and it got really exciting when they started dying!
Loved how the tension built, Initially I found the ending a little disappointing, BUT I’ve been thinking about it more now and am feeling fine about the ending now and feeling it’s more a message about living each day to the fullest!

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This is such a good book! The characters, even though there are a few of them, are easy to keep track of and I was invested in them right from the start. I really enjoyed finding out all about Cherry, I thought she was brilliant. Death happens to us all, and if we are lucky, we don’t spend much time thinking about our own. The book follows the lives of a few of the passengers who on one fateful flight find out their cause of death and what age they will be. It’s not all doom and gloom, it’s about living your best life. Definitely recommend this book. Thank you #netgalley

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This one is definitely a thought provoking read. An old lady on a plane gets up and starts to walk down the plane telling everyone as she goes what age they will die and also what cause of death too. This has a big knock on effect not to just the fellow passengers but also their families and friends when they hear the news. After a couple of deaths not long after this event people start to panic as it seems the lady and her predictions seem correct. What would you do if you knew exactly when you’d die? Would you change your life and lifestyle? It’s an interesting thought and makes you think even though we don’t know how long we have we should really live our lives to the full.

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As always a great read. Beginning on a delayed flight from Hobart to Sydney, and elderly woman, Cherry, wanders the plane making predictions as to age and cause of death for each passenger. When three deaths occur in quick succession, passengers seek each other out and try to find the mystery fortune teller. Gentle Ethan worries about being attacked after his next birthday which is fast approaching; Leo considers giving up his job to avoid dying in a workplace accident; newlywed Dom is terrified that he will kill his bride during a sleepwalking episode. And a young mum obsesses over teaching her baby to swim to avoid drowining in a childhood incident. Cherry has no idea she has done this until she too reads it online. Parallel to the current day story,we are taken through Cherry's life with her fortune telling mother "Madame Mae" and see how life events may have affected her. #netgalley #hereonemoment

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Here One Moment is a brilliant 5 star book from Liane Moriarty.
I particularly enjoyed the final few chapters as connections between characters were revealed.
Will definitely recommend to others!

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Oh my. This book. I was going crazy with it. I mean, I really like Liane Moriarty, like, really. But this one... I have struggled, all the way. Especially at the beginning, and the beginning was about 44% - the author was describing what felt like million characters, in every single details, their lives - the amount of the POVs was enormous and actually till almost very end I was never sure if this character is the one I am thinking they are. Each of the characters had a family, friends, children, whatever, so yes, it felt like reading a telephone book. I think it's simply impossible to care about the characters if you are not able to say who is who and what's their background - you must really think hard. And so I eventually found myself skimming and skipping.

The book dragged on, very much. It started to feel quicker after the first death and I also started to enjoy Cherry's chapters, her story was really great. It's probably Cherry that saved this book for me.

My other problem is, why this book? What was the point of it? Because, you know, I eventually came to the end and... And what? And nothing. No big revelation, nothing, so I'm feeling a little cheated.

Nevertheless, it'S of course very well written and I can see there are many great reviews, so maybe it's just another case of "it's not you, it's me" - give it a try, preserve, maybe it will be worth your time.

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To be honest for the first 15% of this book I just wasn’t sure if I would be able to read to the end. But as I have read previous books by this author and enjoyed them I carried on. Her writing style is good and the characters are always delivers and interesting.
There seemed to be some places where a new chapters or proper break when the person that was being talked about changed would have made reading this much easier.For this reason I deducted one star as it did affect my enjoyment of the book.
Overall good storylines for each of the characters and an interesting way that each of their stories interconnected.
3.5 stars

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Liane Moriarty's *Here One Moment* feels like a conversation with an old friendᅳfamiliar, comforting, but still surprising in the way which only she knows how to do! ⁤⁤The story is about love, life, and those small, everyday moments that end up meaning everything. ⁤⁤Moriarty has a knack for creating characters who feel like real people, with real struggles and joys. As with all her other books, it made for a great read and I suspect it will be turned into a movie or a Netflix series in the not too distant a future!

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When I started reading this I was so confused by the multiple POV there's no distinction between who's who so took me a while to realise which character we were catching up with at that time. However as the storyline evolved I kind of understood a little bit more and by about 60% through I was hooked. I'm not sure if all of Laine's books are like this and it's just the style or if it's just this one as this is the first I've read but I will give another a go to find out.
The storyline is fascinating though and I think I may have stuck it out due to sheer morbid curiosity rather than anything else but I did manage to enjoy the storyline!

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i wanted to love this book and for the first 20% i was hooked and i couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. it then kind of lost me in the middle and i found the constant switching of stories confusing and hard to take in.
did i enjoy it yes i did, did i love it sadly no

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If you were told you only had a certain amount of time left to live, would you do things differently? Would you try to fight fate? That's the brilliant premise of this as six people are given imminent 'death' predictions from an old lady. The chapters alternate between them all so you really get to know and get attached to them, to the point where it's difficult to read as you worry about their deaths. And that's what makes this fascinating, how they each handle their predictions so differently and the unconscious impact it has on their decisions and actions. You also get the 'death lady's' backstory and POV although hers didn't grab me quite as much and it probably wasn't necessary to hear from her quite as often as we did. It's definitely the sort of thought-provoking book that stays with you and you talk to people about afterwards. I totally recommend it.

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A book about fate and destiny.

A lady stands up on a flight and starts telling people their cause and age of death.
The repercussions in those lives following the predictions is a great concept for a novel. Well written as you would expect from Liane Moriaty.

A great read, if a little long.. it kept me engaged to the end.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Here One Moment is a curious read. Following the lives of a number of passengers travelling when the Death Lady (as she becomes known) makes predictions about when people on the plane will die, and of what the story seems to encourage us to consider how we live our lives in light of this knowledge.
Whether they believe her predictions or not, many of the passengers take steps to minimise the likelihood of them dying in the way she foretold. When the predictions start to come true, people can’t decide what to do.
I admit to finding some of the characters more engaging than others. The approach also started to feel a little repetitive. It was interesting to start looking into the lives of some of the characters, and once we learnt a little more about the lady herself I found my interest was maintained.

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Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty presents an intriguing concept—a woman on a flight predicts the deaths of passengers, sparking chaos as her prophecies begin to come true. The story follows multiple characters as they grapple with the unsettling revelations, diving into their fears and existential crises.
While the premise is dark and thought-provoking, the novel's slow pace detracts from its potential. The first half is quite sluggish, and the focus on telling rather than showing made it hard to stay fully engaged. However, the second half of the book picks up significantly, with characters like Cherry, the mysterious clairvoyant, adding depth and intrigue.
Moriarty weaves together these complex lives with her signature insight into human nature, making the resolution satisfying.
Very grateful to the publisher for my copy, opinions are my own

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I didn’t want to put this book down. I had to though, it was a long book, and not a light read. When I did put it down, I was still thinking about it. I’m a true believer in fate. I think your life is pre determined when you’re born. When your time is up there’s nothing you can do about it, so on and so forth. This story however, got me thinking. Can you really fight fate? As much as the story is worrying, it is also uplifting. It’s happy. It’s sad. It did jump back and forth quite a bit, keeping me on my toes. I loved the multiple POVs. It was lovely getting into everyone’s mindset and wondering - ‘how would I react to that?’ Highly entertaining, extremely addictive, and at times a little bit emotional. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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What a gripping, beautifully crafted first chapter. In a few pages, the author introduces us to all the main characters in a thoroughly intriguing way, setting the stage for a very different story. I was gripped.
An otherwise unremarkable woman disrupts a flight by predicting how each of the passengers will die, and when. We gradually learn more about her past and dip into the lives of a number of the passengers, some of whom, according to her, are soon to meet their death.
Will her predictions come true? Do they affect the way the characters live their lives? This book will make you think about age-old questions about fate. Is your life predetermined? Could the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? Can fate be fought?
An enjoyable, interesting read.

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