Member Reviews

This book is incredible. I did not want it to end. Superb writing. Excellent plot. Classic Liane Moriarty and for me her best to date. I will take the message from this book to make memories, and live my life to the fullest.

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I really enjoyed this book. It’s not my normal genre but I do like her writing and the way the story flows. I like the way the stories intertwined nothing was predictable.

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I loved everything about this book. Despite there being multiple narrative, Moriarty gets you invested in each character’s life from the outset. Plane journeys and airports are fascinating as they bring together a range of people from all walks of life and I loved the concept of this used in this intriguing narrative. I couldn’t put this book down.

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A very unusual story which had me completely hooked. I found this very interesting and unnerving at the same time. I haven't read this author before but will do in the future. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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The premise of this book intrigued me from the moment I read the synopsis.
On a delayed flight from Hobart to Sydney, midway through the flight, a psychic starts to make her way through the plane, predicting when and how each of the passengers will die.

The book starts with the aforementioned flight, and I was hooked!
For me, though, I did struggle at times after the initial 'incident' as there were so many different characters to follow and remember, and the perspective very quickly shifted from one character back into the life of the psychic - Cherry.
Due to this, I did find myself having to re-read some lines just to get to grips to who the chapter was now following or whether we'd changed back into Cherry's backstory and point of view.

The concept behind this book was brilliant. What would you do if you knew how and when you would die? What would you change? Can fate be fought?

A very thought-provoking book, Liane Moriarty's Here One Moment, will stick with me for a long time.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an Arc of this book via Netgalley.

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Thank you to Netgalley for my ARC of this. I really enjoy reading Liane's books usually so I was excited to read this and the cover is just stunning.
However this one just didn't do it for me. I thought it would be suspenseful and gripping when reading that the Death Lady predicts how and when all the passengers on her flight are going to die.
There was too many POV going on and I'm not sure whether it was because it was an ARC or a kindle read but there was no breaks when the next narrator was talking, so it was hard to keep up with who was who and whether it was still the same character to someone new!
There was way too much background story of the Death Lady and I understood at the end why so we could find out why she was on that plane, but there was way too much that didn't really need to be and the predictions and story just seemed a bit pointless? We didn't get chance to connect to the other characters as there was so many and it all felt a bit dragged out.
Could have been shorter and less characters.
Unfortunately this just didn't hit the mark for me.

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I loved books by the author, so I jumper at this ARC when I saw it. I was expecting it to be just as humorous as her previous books, so I was surprised by the more serious tone of this book. It is not a bad thing but I just didn’t expect it. It has a strong focus on grief which I liked and has some beautiful quote. Characters that I could really feel for and care about. The final quarter of the book is very strong and I loved the way everything came together. So it has its strength. However I often found myself lost unable to remember who’s who. There are way too many characters in this book. And the book goes through everyone’s backstories in more details than necessary, so it ends up being too long. I think she could’ve narrowed down characters then it could have been 100-150 pages shorter. So I cannot give this a 5 star like I normally give to books by Moriarty. But still a good read!

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Fantastic book with great core characters. Recommend to friends for anyone who loves this genre of book!

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Liane moriarty books are just so good. Could not put this one down. The pace and the story line were compelling and the characters intrinsically woven. I would recommend this 100%

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I’m in two minds about this book. In the plus side, it’s a great plot, very descriptive and has a good back story interweaved. The less positive aspects are this book is way too long. Almost half way through before anything really happened. There’s setting the scene, but this went on far too long. This would be a good beach read and I’d rate it 3.5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley, Michael Joseph Penguin Random House was the author for the chance to review.

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Can you outrun your predicted date of death? An elderly lady on a flight forces a group of passengers to reevaluate their lives. Interesting background for Cherry's life. Life is indeed strange and unexpected.

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This is the second Liane Moriarty book I've read and what I have discovered is that her books are never what you think they're going to be when you start out. This is a smart, deftly plotted book with moments of real tension that hooks you right from the start. By the time I was half way through I had reimagined the ending in my head several times. Strong characters who you can believe in and who you want to believe in, despite their flaws and complexities. This is a thriller in the truest sense of the word and I ate it up.

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Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty

Here One Moment and gone the next ( maybe ? )

A brilliant premise for a book , kept me guessing !
Quite a lot of characters to keep in your mind but once you've got them in your head , I really enjoyed it.
Would I want to meet a Cherry ? Not on your life !

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It took me a while to get into this book (which surprised me), I found the scene setting on the plane a bit slow. But then I loved it. It starts as a sort of thriller as people try to avoid their death predictions and was incredibly moving and quite philosophical at the end. Initially it was difficult keeping track of all the characters but I soon got to know them. All in all, a brilliant read and definitely recommended.

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Really enjoyed this although it took me a little while to get into - definitely worth persevering with and understanding the different characters’ motivations and how they deal with their own prophecies. It’s one of those incredible books that stays with you long after you finish it, and you find yourself ruminating over the various responses and how you would have dealt with the same news.

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This is a book completely different from any other I have read and not at all what I was expecting, I must add both in a good way.

The book is told from several viewpoints but the main character is an older lady who has led a very full life, including being an exceptional mathematician and the daughter of a well respected medium. One day she is on board a plane and uncharacteristically stands up and delivers to most of the passengers the age they will die and how it will happen.

Many of the passengers are clearly effected by the news and the book follows many of them as they deal with their “destiny” and how it changes them.

Well written and a great concept from an author I have read and enjoyed previously. This is definitely a very different approach and one which I am sure will be very much appreciated.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was quite a challenging read for me as there was a lot of characters and I did find it a bit confusing at times which is all down to me I’m sure.Although I enjoyed the read I did find it hard to connect with as I was spending my time trying to remember just who was who and this was quite distracting sadly. I have read and enjoyed the authors previous books so I was thrilled to get this one and it was very well written as you would expect from this vey good author.
So overall the book was a good read but took me quite some time to finish it and I think other readers may enjoy it more than I did, sometimes the time is just not right to read a certain book and I think this was just one of those times.
My thanks to NetGalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A multi-perspective read with fantastic characters who- tightly plotted and well written. Unfortunately the readability was let down by what I assume is a poor kindle translation, with chapters and paragraphs running into each other in a way which made initially getting into the story troublesome.

Another fantastic read by Moriarty.

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On a flight from Sydney to Hobart, a woman goes into a fugue state and tells each passenger their estimated cause of death and age of death. This book follows the passengers as they adapt to life with this knowledge as well as flashbacks from the erstwhile fortune teller's life.

I can't really say more about the book as I don't want to spoil the twists!

A recommended read for fans of Liane Moriarty, The Measure, and They Both Die at the End.

Thank you to Netgalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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In 'Here One Moment' by Liane Moriarty, the passengers and crew on a delayed flight from Hobart to Sydney discover more than they bargained for. A nondescript elderly woman gives prophecies that no one requested as she walks down the aisle. Suddenly people are told the age at which they'll die and what of. But, is the woman a psychic, or a madwoman, and how do the people deal with this new information?

Told from multiple different perspectives, Moriarty explores both what would make somebody give out these predictions, and the impact upon the recipients and their loved ones. In doing so, she raises many questions including: can death be predicted? Can fate be altered? If a coin is thrown and it lands on heads, does it effect the likely outcome of the next toss of the coin? Moriarty is a very observant writer with a sharp wit that makes her writing hugely enjoyable as well as thought provoking. I would really recommend this novel, along with her other books.

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