Member Reviews

Delve into this new and unique version of Arthur and Guinevere. This story is filled with magic, love, friendship, second chances and such vivid descriptions, that you feel like you are in Camelot. With each turn of the page, you dive deeper in to Camelot and you won’t want to leave. This story has all the feels too! Laughter, great banter, tears, anger, compassion. I did not want this story to end. I hope that there’s a book 2 in the near future! I can’t recommend this book enough. Superb, brilliant and magnificent!

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I have been CRAVING more Camelot retellings in my life and Vera was just what I needed. We jumped right into the action at the beginning of the story and the plot never let up once. If you are looking for a high stakes, fun romp through medieval Glastonbury with romance, badass female characters, magic and mystery - this is the book for you!

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I don't have a review link for this one because I'm still uncertain about leaving a public review.

The first half of the book didn’t make sense to me. The beginning was bizarre, which isn’t necessarily bad, but the characters’ absolute acceptance of it and the casualness surrounding it just didn’t sit right. Vera is meant to return as a queen to save a kingdom, yet there’s no preparation to acclimate her to this world; she runs around like a modern girl instead of taking on her royal role. Then, there’s a relationship with Lancelot that suddenly fizzles out, and she starts with Arthur. About halfway through, there’s a brief trauma dump with serious revelations and heavy topics, but afterward, everyone returns to being nonchalant and playful. They behave like young, unserious teens rather than rulers who have experienced war and are trying to save their people.

I believe the author has potential, but she needs an editor. There are numerous plot holes. I buddy-read this with a friend, and she felt the same. Paula seems wonderful, and I don’t want to disparage her debut novel publicly, but I do hope it gets picked up by an editor for revision so it can truly shine. I wonder if it’s just me, but after reading it with a friend and knowing I’ve enjoyed other Arthurian books, I’m uncertain. I might try again or seek another perspective.

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Thank you Netgalley for this arc.

Wow was this ever a surprise book for me. At first it didn't grab my attention much when they were in the present timeline although the explanation of her modern love and loss made sense later. When Merlin snatched Vera to time travel back centuries the plot ramped up and it was a wild ride.

Arthur's coldness in the beginning is totally justified even though he put Vera through a rough emotional time. He is always trying to put his people and his Kingdoms wellbeing first. But it was the sweet moments of checking in on her secretly that warmed my heart to him. They really were a well matched pair of lovers and I did enjoy that even though they were married, because of Veras memory loss they had to build a relationship from scratch. Even though Arthur kept things from her to presumably save her life and mental wellbeing their communication grew throughout the book and that's not something you always see. Miscommunication trope can sometimes be messy and madening to a reader but all of theirs made sense.

I liked how Vera stood firm on her stance of you loved Guienever and I am not her I am Vera and Arthur learned to love Vera for who she was. I heard them soo much.

I also loved loved loved the platonic friendship between Lancelot and Vera. It was nice to see a well developed balanced friendship in this new world. They weren't perfect. They had secrets from eachother and they fought and that made it feel very real. The little forehead kisses and instant bond they shared was very cute.

Merlin I am sus of. He was kind of a jerk but also you can't tell his motives quite yet. The Mages backstory with him and Gawain has led to many unanswered questions that I am hoping is explored in another book!

The ending has left on a cliff hanger and I need more of this world and Vera and Arthur.

Thanks again Netgalley this book was amazing!!

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I received an arc of this book from the lovely author, however thoughts and opinions are my own. ;)

La Vie de Guinevere is a instant favorite and asks the reader to consider "What if". What if history books didn't tell the whole story? What if Guinevere lost all of her memories? What if she had no memory of Arthur? What if she loved him anyways?

Vera is just a regular woman in the modern world. She has loving parents, a decent job, and she's experienced considerable heartbreak. So the day Merlin appears in her family's inn she's shocked to learn of a whole new destiny. Or rather, the truth behind her mundane, forgettable life. Convinced to travel back to her own timeline, Vera sets out to recover the memories that might save Camelot. Vera arrives in Camelot, expecting it all to come flooding back. Instead, with each revelation about the women she was, new questions and challenges pop up.
Lancelot offers a much needed comedic relief at times, taking on the role of "golden retriever" best friend. His loyalty to Arthur and strength of self prove themselves as he helps Vera rediscover her world.
Merlin is a hot headed mage with far to many secrets of his own.
Gawain is wise beyond his years.
Then there is King Arthur. The noble king that fuels legends. The man that Vera once loved. The man that can hardly look her in the eyes.

I loved this story. I enjoyed the writing and structure. But most importantly I invested in the characters. Vera is complex, straddling two realities with much more ease than I ever could. Her humanity makes her brave. Her desire for community in an unfamiliar world knits her found family tightly together, introducing these legendary characters to the reader in a whole new way. We can visibly see her growth as the story progresses, as well as all the flaws and decisions that have guided her to this moment.

I don't think the age of the characters is ever outright stated, but it is clear that Vera is an adult that has finished college. I am very appreciative that she was not written as a teenager. The nature of the story, and the way Vera problem solves is much more suited to someone in their mid/late 20s. This also opens the story up to a much larger audience, while still appealing to younger readers.
Prepare to be unprepared. History never has the full story. La Vie de Guinevere is action packed, full of budding romances and magic. A modern take on history colliding with fantasy in a story that will keep you guessing up until the very end.

You Can Pre-order La Vie de Guinevere now. (Releasing late Oct. 2024)

Spice: Low Spice. Some instances reference spicy activity.
Content Warning: There is at least one mention of SA or attempts of SA.

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An Arthurian tale fit for both Outlander and A Knight’s Tale fans, La Vie de Guinevere is author Paula Lafferty’s mystical debut that unfurls in modern-day Glastonbury, but soon enough, transports you to a seventh century wholly unlike what the history books and lore have told you.

The story, unlike every iteration of Arthurian legends in the past, places central focus on Guinevere and the pivotal role she plays in creating the legend of present. In La Vie de Guinevere we meet newly graduated and freshly grieving Vera, the adopted daughter of two doting inn-keepers, and the third custodian of the George and Pilgrims Inn.

The story opens with an almost aerial view of Glastonbury, and all its picturesque and mystical nooks and crannies—the perfect jaunt, or even jogging trail for the protagonist. We meet Vera at this very time: when she is in the swing of her ordinary and daily existence.

Enter the titular Merlin, and his revelation that Vera is actually the seventh-century Arthurian Queen Guinevere, and that she is the key to not only saving Camelot, but the magic that allowed her reincarnated existence itself.

The story is an adult fantasy that neither leans too hefty nor insufficient in the page-count department, and establishes the premise at a comfortable yet quick pace. Readers venture into Camelot with Vera and Merlin fairly early, and thus the magic begins.

From here, we meet the other famed and beloved characters of yore, such as Sir Lancelot, Sir Percival, and of course, King Arthur himself—who bears a striking resemblance to Henry Cavill in my mind’s eye (if that holds any stock for people). We learn that magic is dying, and Vera’s locked memories are the only key to reviving and sustaining it—i.e. not even the divinely chosen Arthur can save his kingdom.

We love a damsel in distress.

This is the overall synopsis for would-be readers, and my thoughts on it are as follow:

I grew up with the tales of King Arthur. They provided me ample escapism, but the modern retelling that is La Vie de Guinevere literally grabbed my hand and took me through the escapist portal.

This was a story that was always experienced from the male perspective of chivalry—a story where even the significance of major female characters such as Morgana or Nimue is described as in servitude to men and their holy quest.

La Vie de Guinevere takes that idea and says, ‘mad respect for the longstanding legend, but check this,’ and spins us a story where women are the main driving forces.

It is truly a woman’s world, and Arthur’s grateful to be in it.

From tipping her hat in the title itself—a play on Thomas Mallory’s quintessential chronicling of Arthur’s story, Le Morte d’Arthur—to rejecting the binary lens through which we’ve previously experienced Guinevere (either as a pretty ornament in the backdrop of a man’s story, or vilified as his licentious and unfaithful downfall), Paula Lafferty achieves this feat in a seamless tale that hooks you in and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Though a high-stakes story, Paula paints this world like a postcard: with the wanderlust of a far-off and mystical land, and simultaneous nostalgia—that only a tale that literally transports you to the past can achieve—of a time when people still wrote home. It is the perfect story to snuggle up under your covers with during the holiday season, and even comes equipped with Yule and Christmas revelries to tame the FOMO when you sneak away from family to read.

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I've read quite a few Camelot retellings in my time, and this is easily top-tier for me. I have no idea how to talk about this book without spoiling it, but suffice it to say that every single nod to traditional Arthurian legend made me smile, and both Arthur and Lancelot fit into a small bucket that contains only the finest of men.
I was initially drawn to this book through the author's story of inspiration and watching this book come into being over Instagram has been a true gift. I can't wait to see what's next for both Vera and Paula herself.

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I was SO happy when applications for this ARC opened up. I had found Paula on Instagram and the way she described her book made me want to read it immediately. I followed her and watched everything she posted for months. We are in strange times when saying that is not immediately creepy as heck. 🤣 This story will interest fans of Arthurian legends but also fans of Outlander and romance in general. Time travel and romance just work SO well. I'm sure I will try anything that includes time travel and romance at this point but this one was somehow a very warm, cozy read as well, and sometimes we just need that. I have always had an interest in the Middle Ages and Arthurian legend, so this book was either going to go one of two ways. It's clear this author did her research. The writing was lovely. The magic system was cool and different. It's nice to see authors with fresh ideas, not copying the same formulas others all seem to use. Paula Lafferty knows how to make you feel things. I honestly could have done with more spice after the tension and longing she had me experiencing right along with the MC. I absolutely love the queer representation as well. That's always a plus. I know she pared the original drafts down a lot, but I would have read this even if it was twice as long! I hope there is a lot more to come. I loved it and I'll be thinking about this one for a long time! Thank you Netgalley and Paula Lafferty for this ARC.

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Firstly, thank you to Ms. Lafferty for the opportunity to review her book! It was truly a lovely experience. As an avid Arthuriana fan, I'd been so excited to read this book from the moment I'd found her page.

That being said, what I loved most had been reiterated by other reviewers here. Vera, as a character, is truly fascinating and a standout character on her own. We know her to be Guinevere, but how she navigates through the world around her.

Without giving anything away, the way Vera navigates through Camelot after suddenly being in the modern day is very fun. Lafferty's writing is quick and fresh, and she gives a new dimension to each of the characters we know and love.

Overall, a wonderful debut, and one I'm excited to read again.

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Rating forecast: Five clouds ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ with a chance of rain and romance. You can expect rising temperatures, armored knights, magic, and unexpected twists. A mix of fantasy and medieval realism with a risk of unstoppable nighttime page-turning, making morning travel hazardous.

Any author who takes on the quest of retelling a classic tale - one that has been adapted into countless books, movies, and plays - faces a high bar: either excel or fail dramatically. Paula Lafferty, however, absolutely excels.

The book opens with an award-worthy first line that sets the scene perfectly: “To the best of her knowledge, Vera was twenty-two years old.” La Vie de Ginevere tells us the story of Vera, an English inn caretaker who curses like a pirate — which I loved — and feels out of place in present time Glastonbury. When an old man claiming to be Merlin shows up and tells her she is Queen Guinevere, Vera is skeptical and delivers some hilariously snarky comebacks that I couldn’t resist highlighting on my Kindle. It turns out that she was the sole witness to a curse that is draining the kingdom of its magic. So she eventually agrees to go back to the past with him.

Here comes the first twist - grab your tea and take a seat. When freaking King Arthur himself lays eyes on her, he looks at her and goes, “That’s not her.”

At this point, I was so immersed that I wanted to step into the story and give Arthur a piece of my mind. I mean, like, hey, she just came all the way from the future to a place with no tampons, bras, or Starbucks coffee... what in Excalibur’s name are you doing, Arthur?

From there, the story moves like a runaway train, and there’s no stopping it. It’s full of clever nods to both the past and present that will make you feel a part of Vera’s incredible journey.

La Vie de Guinevere is a delightful blend of wit, adventure and cozy fantasy with a strong, relatable heroine and all kinds of love representation that will captivate readers!

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Thank you to the author for the ARC copy!

WHAT!!!! Miss Paula pulled me in. Wrapped me up. Played me like a damn fiddle. And then left me wanting, no NEEDING, more. This is all good by the way.
I will be the first to admit I know little about Arthurian lore but damn if this didn't create a new special interest I will be riding for the foreseeable future. The characters, the story, the twists, the CLIFFHANGER. I am stunned and excited and needing this story to continue NOW. Sorry I'm shouting so much. I've never been so engrossed in a book that the author page jumpscared me but this did that in both the best and infuriating (making it the best) way possible. I am so thankful Paula popped up on my Instagram months ago and I took the plung on her Kickstarter. Please everyone go get this book when it comes out in October because not only is this author's story and how this book came to be so different and inspiring, this story grasped me by my 1600s era running tunic and will not let me go until I get 2 or 3 more books.

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La vie de Guinevere

Book: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️

Summary: La vie de Guinevere is about Vera, who is living her ordinary present-day life when she finds out that she’s actually from the 7th century and she’s the legendary Queen Guinevere. And when she comes back to her time, she sees Arthur for the first time, his reaction is: « It’s not her ».


The first time I saw this book was on TikTok, Paula Lafferty viral TikTok when she’s writing all her chapters and putting them on top of the others until she’s completely finished writing the book. When I learned it was an arthurian book, I was like 1000% hooked.🙌🏻 I love the tv show Merlin and I always liked the arthurian story. At the time, I was like October cannot come soon enough. When I saw Paula comments about ARC and I was so excited because I knew that maybe I could be lucky enough to get it and I was.🩷 Thank you so much @paulalafferty_writes and @netgalley for this ARC.

More about the book, it was the book I was waiting for. 🥰 It didn’t disappoint one bit and I was hooked immediately. I was reading it like my life was depending on it. The storyline and the characters were exactly what I needed in this book. Lancelot was so nice and funny. He gave puppy energy haha. Vera/Guinevere was such a good main character with her complexe situation that she had to deal with. The pressure to fit in this new life was so real… 🥺 Arthur was so cold at first but the more you learn the more you understand where he is coming from. And for Merlin, I never thought I could be mad at him but I was. 😡

This story is so magical and compelling.✨ Arthurian retelling fan will be so pleased and happy to read this book. But I would totally recommend it to every fantasy lover or anybody who want to get into fantasy. 🩷

La vie de Guinevere is out October 29 and is available to preorder on Amazon and many bookstores.

Happy reading!

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La Vie de Guinevere is the first book that has truly made me want to get into the Arthurian legends. Filled with complex characters, extensive world building, and an incredible magic system, Guinevere is a quick read, but only because you won't be able to put it down!

Vera is a modern girl who suddenly finds herself in seventh century Camelot and tasked with recovering her lost memories as Guinevere, the wife of the legendary King Arthur. The Camelot Vera discovers is far different from the one she knows about, and her task to remember becomes increasingly more important as the safety and future of the kingdom is threatened. Vera wants to help, but she feels inadequate to the task, and the clear animosity from her husband certainly isn't helping. Forced to find her way in a new old world, Vera must discover herself in the past and present and bring peace to a king and kingdom that may change history.

I don't want to say too much because I didn't know too much going into the story, and I think that made me like it even more! Vera, Arthur, Lancelot, and the other denizens of Camelot are well-developed with intriguing backstories, clear ambitions, and fun personalities, and the world of Camelot itself is filled with details that will make readers feel as if they're truly there. The plot is quick without feeling too fast--pushed along by the pressing threats to Camelot--and filled with fantastical elements that naturally fit into the world Lafferty has built upon the old legends.
As far as background knowledge needed for this story, I'm not super well-versed in the Arthurian legends, but that's fine; Vera also only has a basic knowledge of King Arthur and Camelot, and Lafferty does a fantastic job of sharing Arthur's story with the readers along with Vera and doing so in a way that naturally fits in the story.

La Vie de Guinevere is just a super fun read that blends modern day with legendary fantasy in a world filled with incredible characters, clever plot twists, and a cliffhanger that wraps up many things while also leaving readers eager for the next book. I didn't know this was going to be a series, and I'm already more than ready for book 2!

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thank you for the ARC! it was such an interesting read. i'm not usually a fan of historical fiction/ fantasy but this kept me really hooked. it kind of subverted my expectations of the typical king arthur and queen guinevere plot a little too! i think lafferty's writing and world building is extremely immersive and was executed well. the cliffhanger at the end was illegal... i will definitely sign up again for the 2nd book's ARC! thank you for telling such a wonderful story.

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Vera has lived in Glastonbury her whole life, helping her parents run an inn and being utterly . . . forgettable. But one day, a stranger shows up and tells her that her life is all a farce. She's the Queen of Briton, the wife of King Arthur of Camelot from the legends, Queen Guinevere. Vera is apparently in possession of some hidden memories that are needed to save their kingdom, so she agrees to go back in time to attempt to fix things. But life in Camelot isn't all she thought it would be.

I absolutely loved this book. It was fantastic!!! I cheered with Vera in her successes, hurt at her losses and failures, and screamed at the book when she didn’t realize how much she loved the King. Hands down one of the best books I’ve read this year. I can’t believe I have to wait so long to read the next installment and get my hands on my preordered copy 😭. I need to know what happens next!

Thank you to Paula Lafferty for this ARC! It was absolutely surreal to see my name in the list of supporters in the back of the book. I'm so proud!

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The story has beautifully captured the essence of Arthurian legend and given it new life. It is told through the character of Vera. It took me on a journey through highs, lows, twists and turns. The pacing was great and didn’t linger or drag but continually moved forward while keeping me engaged. This story has reignited a love for retellings. I am so grateful that I was able to pre read this before its release. Thank you to the author Paula.

I gave this book 5 stars because it deserves it. And I cannot wait to read it an again and add a physical book to my library.

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Holy shit, I'm in awe.

Around 2 years ago I stumbled upon a tiktok of a woman talking about Arthurian legends. More specifically, what if someone time-travelled back to the Dark Ages because she was, in fact, the queen Guinevere? I was immediately hooked and interested. It was so simple and yet brilliant.

Over the course of the next 2 years, I followed Paula on tiktok and followed her journey of writing and publishing this book, and I am so grateful that I can be a small part of its journey too and read the book before publication.

I have to be honest: I was hesitant to read this book, as someone who is not exactly a fan of time travel and hates amnesia. And I was very scared that Paula would fall into the trap so many authors before her did, and have them follow certain aspects of Arthurian legends and make it canon in her story. I was so relieved to see that she avoided it and delivered a beautiful love story instead!

I love characters so much. Vera is a headstrong, badass woman who tries to live her life despite many problems awaiting her, and Arthur, the myth, the legend, the everything is such a generous person who tries his damned best and he was hurt far too many times but who still tries despite it all.

Matilda's an excellent chambermaid/lady's maid and a good friend. Lancelot is known as one of the best knights of the round table, and here he's all that -as well as a cocky little shit whom I love. Merlin is stubborn and laser-focused and I have a complicated relationship with him, but I enjoyed his character too. Percival is amazing, I just love him and his energy. But my absolute favourite (other than Arthur) was Gaiwan. He was everything. I immediately loved him, which only grew with each page. He's just so good and kind and he tries and he's smart and... I can't wait for the next book to see more of him and the rest of the characters. The found family vibes were everything.

The plot was amazing. It was a slow read in the first 30% of the book, with a lot of unnecessary details at times, but it all faded away. The further I read the better the writing has become and I was hooked. I read this nook in one sitting and now I'm depressed that I have to wait for so long for the next books.

It had everything: love, friendship (oooh, this one platonic relationship was everything, i need a friend like that too), adventure, a good backstory, amazing characters, and a complicated but very interesting magic system and world.

You can easily follow the plot even if you don't know Arthurian legends. I know only the basics (literally what Vera does) and I could follow everything pretty easily. The references were great, and the author changed a lot of things in a fun and creative way. I was very interested in the story and the characters. I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I was flabbergasted and shocked, and I enjoyed the book so very much it was a pleasure to read it.

I- The damn ending nearly broke me, I did not expect t. I might have guessed one or two things (in a very vague way at the very end) but the rest of them were unexpected. In hindsight the foreshadowing was great, but they all flew over my head and I'm only connecting the dots right now. I'm very interested in the next book in the series and I hope they will answer the questions that I have now.

All in all, it was a fantastic book and I'm excited for more!

Thank you, Paula Lafferty and NetGalley) for this opportunity and for providing me with the eARC.

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The sum of my Camelot/Arthurian lore knowledge comes from "The Magic Treehouse" series and Disney's "Sword and the Stone" so it's entirely possible that "La Vie de Guinivere" deviates from a beloved cannon and I a) don't realize it and b) don't care.

Paula Lafferty's debut is nothing short of enchanting. While it's a chunky 541 pages, I flew through it and was left wanting more.

(Seriously, when do we get the next one?)

Lafferty's voice is distinct, her characters surprisingly relatable, and her world building is impeccable. She manages to paint a perfect picture without miring the text in details or overly intricate prose. The plot is expertly crafted and the characters’ voices are distinct and clear.

And while, yes, this is a time traveling, quasi-romance, magical fantasy, I'm confident "La Vie de Guinivere" will appeal to a broad audience- even readers who are steadfast in their assertion that they don't enjoy fantasy or romance. This novel is fantasy lite (no flow chart or definitions list necessary) and while there is a blush worthy scene, the “romance” takes a firm backseat to the relationship. This is a well-rounded story to get lost in.

I will happily recommend “La Vie de Guinevere”and am delighted my library has it on order.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC, opinion 100% my own.

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I loved this story and was completely won over with the world building and original premise. As a fan of mythology, romantasy, and quality time travel, I felt this book was very successful in balancing the plot, character development, and world building to ensure all themes were adequately defined. Nothing felt lacking or overlooked to propel the plot.

I felt Vera exuded the heroine archtype without relying on tired stereotypes. I think readers of Emily WIlde's Encyclopedia or Faeries and Discovery of Witches will appreciate her approach to difficult situations and thoughtful approach to romance and friendship. Although not a fantasy, I feel like Vera might need Anne of Green Gables added to her shelf because they read to me like kindred spirits. Sent into a new world, forging a found family, all while grappling with their own identities.

The author excelled in creating supporting characters with complexity and depth. Readers really have to engage to determine motives and consider if there is more than one way for the character to support their kingdom. Are they power hungry? Loyal and morally driven? I am still conflicted on several issues that I'm excited to see explored further throughout the trilogy.

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I am still actually reading this book but wanted to review it already.
Growing up whenever I heard about King Arthur I thought "I should read about him. It sounds interesting" but never did. I found this book and author on tik tok and the way she described this book had me hooked! You could tell she really not only excited but in love with her characters.
When I started reading it I could see why! This book grabs you and keeps you wanting more. You can see everything that is being described in your head. I feel like I could be right there with the characters and care about them.
I am trying to take my time reading this because I know how much I will miss this story once I finish. I can already tell this will be a book I will want to re-read again and I can't say that with many books!

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