Member Reviews

Solid Debut, 4 shining stars!

I have followed the author on Instagram and deeply love the Arthurian legend.

It felt a bit like the plot of Outlander at the beginning, but quickly took a much lighter approach. I was so happy that she found a way to add fantasy elements to the Arthurian story. And she found a way for a girl from the 21st century to understand how people spoke when she was transported back to the 600's (magic).

There were some delightful twists and turns and some heartbreaking moments! I particularly liked what she did with Lancelot! He was my favorite (literally no one is surprised lol).

There are many modern-day phrases and moments in the book, since the character was indeed from OUR TIME. However, they often pulled me out of the story, which is just a personal preference I think.

Would I reread? I would reread before book 2 comes out!
Would I recommend! I think lots of rom-com fans will enjoy this and many fans of modern Arthurian tales like Silver in the Bone! If you liked Guinevere Deception or Gwen and Art are not in Love, I think you should give this a try!

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Thank you to Paula Lafferty and Netgalley for the arc.

I stumbled upon this book via the Kickstarter campaign earlier this year and when the opportunity of reading an arc arrived, I didn't hesitate.

This is a retelling of the Arthurian legend told from the point of his queen, Guinevere, with a time travel twist and some changes to the legends themselves.

I really loved the world and the characters Lafferty created and put her own spin on. The narrative itself was quite gripping and especially towards he end I couldn't wait to finish. And the romance between Arthur and Guinevere/Vera was very satisfactory. I love a good slow burn and this was on the slower side. Also the chemistry was off the charts.

I only wish that we had more answers than questions at the end. But that just means the next book needs to come sooner rather than later.

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5/5 ⭐

After the sudden death of her boyfriend, Vera prefers a life of quiet obscurity, working as a maid in modern-day Glastonbury. However, when a mysterious guest at her hotel reveals himself as Merlin and takes her back to seventh-century Camelot, she is thrust into a world of legends. Merlin insists that Vera is Queen Guinevere, the only one who can save Arthur’s kingdom from a power-hungry mage. The problem? Vera has no memory of her past life as Guinevere, and Camelot's future hangs in the balance. As she works with Merlin to recover her lost memories, she discovers unsettling truths about her identity, her fractured relationship with King Arthur, and the curse threatening the kingdom. The secrets hidden in her memories are just the beginning of a much larger mystery.


I praise Paula's debut novel, La Vie de Guinevere, for its fresh and creative take on the King Arthur legends. I appreciate the new twists added while staying true to the source material, particularly the intriguing time travel element and fascinating magic system. While the world-building is strong, the book is character-driven, with well-written, relatable, and flawed characters. My love for the main characters, especially Lancelot, Gawain, and the heroine Vera, whose strength and vulnerability made me feel genuinely human. The side characters also made a significant impact, contributing to the story in memorable ways.

The emotional depth of the relationships, particularly the found family dynamics and the portrayal of an intimate, non-romantic relationship, resonated deeply with me. I found these elements to be touching and appreciated the balanced mix of humour and emotion.

Overall, I highly recommend La Vie de Guinevere for its mystery, humour, wholesome relationships, and deeper themes, making it an excellent choice for fans of character-driven fantasy and Arthurian retellings.

Thank you Paula Lafferty and NetGalley for sending me an arc!!!

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Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way first:
- I stand by my original assessment that I wish this was just a story and wasn’t a Camelot retelling. Having real characters/people to compare this to was a major disservice to Lafferty’s otherwise awesome story.
- I liked the story a lot, save for some of the time travel elements which didn’t feel fully thought out or well described, and a small bit at the end where medieval characters are tasked with addressing homophobia which was not convincing and largely I don’t think was necessary.
- I didn’t relate to or even really like Vera all that much. She was an oddly written character. Self pubs are a tough nut to crack and I hate to say that this book would have benefited from an editor, but Vera’s characterization was very contradictory and not fully fleshed out.
- Arthur read as a side character and ended up being largely unimportant to the novel aside from lending a command as king to make characters reveal pertinent info - another reason I think this story would slay if it wasn’t a Camelot retelling
- definitely spoilers now that I’m writing it, (here’s your warning…exit now if you don’t want spoilers) but there was something I hated so much about the twist of there being 3 Vera’s. Conceptually, I don’t even really mind that being a plot point. But practically, it was not well written. It ended up being a throwaway line to explain Arthur’s increased pain at seeing our Vera when she arrives. It read as a cheap character building bullet point rather than a staggering revelation which is how I believe it was intended.

Now onto the good:
- Lafferty’s writing has a TON of potential, there were a lot of bits that needed editing, but I find myself thinking about some of the lines/prose she wrote that have stuck with me since finishing the book.
- despite some of the elements I didn’t like regarding the way the time travel was employed, etc. The plot weaved by Lafferty in this novel was spectacular. I believed a lot of the story and the motivations of the characters, or rather, I would if this was a standalone story and not a retelling. I would really love to read this again with characters we’re not familiar with!!
- Lancelot was a boon. I loved him so much! He was clever and funny and loyal, really a spectacular character. He took almost all of the slack left behind by arthur’s weak lead character energy.

As I mentioned before, the first half was a slog for me. The world building was poor, and getting us to the point where the action picked up was a gargantuan task. I let days go by between reading chapters in the first half because nothing energized me to keep reading. After the 50% ish mark, I finished the rest at lightning speed. Once we got there, the plot was killer. I loved the puzzle we needed to solve and had plenty of theories, some right and some wrong. I always enjoy when an author keeps me guessing. If there’s more novels planned in this series, I will certainly give them a shot. I would be more inclined to prioritize them if Lafferty gets picked up by a traditional pub and an editor, but I will still keep reading even if they’re all self pubs.

Overall giving this a 3.5/5, verging on a 4

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Perhaps my issue with this was simply a matter of expectations. I love Arthurian legend, and this (at least in my opinion) used Camelot and its inhabitants as a setting, rather than engaging with the characters and archetypes as they were written. This is probably a good thing, honestly; Lafferty breathes new life into millennia old characters, and in doing so, creates an enjoyable novel. The characters were funny and loveable, even Arthur, whom I typically hate. Honestly, it was a little off-putting for him to not suck a little, but I don't suppose I hate it. This was fun, and I would certainly recommend to fans of romantasy and retellings.

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This book is so well-written, it hooks you from the beginning and I couldn’t put it down. I cried, I laughed and I fell in love with the characters. I don’t know how she does it but it felt like if I were there, experiencing everything. I LOVED IT!!!

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I love Arthurian legends and this is one of my top favourites. The magic system is new and exciting but not too complicated to understand. The descriptions of the town and clothing was lovely. Plenty of hidden twists and turns. I adored the slow burn romance. I zoomed through this novel. Vera is strong and quick to adapt to a new life. I also enjoyed the interactions with the other characters moving from strangers to close friends. Arthur, Vera and Gawain are my favourites. The pace was medium-fast.

Quick plot: Vera finds out she is actually Queen Guinevere of Camelot. She travels back in time to help regain her memories and save Camelot. But from what?? Why is King Arthur keeping his distance?

Can’t wait to own the physical copy of this book soon and will be waiting patiently (not) for the sequel!

Thank you for the arc.

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Wow. This book was a breath of fresh air. Time Travel, romance, well thought out plot lines, interesting characters, and, beautifully written. I absolutely loved this book.

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What a whirlwind of a journey! I couldn’t put this book down and was glued to it until the very last page.

I’d like to thank the author, Paula Lafferty, for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC. I've been following her writing and self-publishing journey for a while and couldn't get my hands on this book fast enough. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for trusting me with it. I also purchased the Deluxe edition because the story and the book are truly works of art!

This is a NA book, as it has a mild sexual element, with a spice level of one 🌶️.

Vera's mundane life turns upside down when she learns she is Queen Guinevere from the 17th century. King Arthur’s kingdom is in peril, and only Vera can save it. She must unlock her past memories to uncover what causes the kingdom's magic to wither. So, she leaves her life behind and time travels to the 17th century.

This fantasy novel features all the familiar names: King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, and Merlin. The spin on the beloved story will leave readers turning page after page, eager to discover what is truly happening in the lives of these characters. This novel has it all—magic, betrayal, angst, tension, and most importantly, love.

Paula Lafferty skillfully guides readers through the story as it unfolds in the most magical way. The places and people spring to life from the pages, making readers forget they picked up the book and allowing them to live the story side by side with Vera.

This was an easy 5-star read. The author uses language so precisely that I could see the scenes unfolding in my mind like a movie. It’s a must-read for 2024!

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What an amazing book! From the first chapter, I was invested in Vera’s story. She is such a relatable character and I was rooting for her the entire time. The twists and turns were unpredictable, the characters were multidimensional, and it was such a heartfelt story, I devoured this book! I want to be friends with these characters, Lancelot is the best friend I’ve always wanted. I laughed and I cried and I held my breath reading this book and I cannot wait for the sequel.

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I loved this book and I am honored to have been chosen to receive an eARC of it.
The story focuses on Vera, who finds out she is actually Queen Guinevere from legend via some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
She ends up going back to Camelot, Arthur, and the other knights.
I liked the magic system. It had some complexity but not so much you end up lost or confused.
I've never seen the characters portrayed the way they are here and I loved it. Vera is kind, with a strong sense of justice, and while she's a fish out of water does her best to fulfill what she knows she needs to do in Camelot.
I adore her relationship with Lancelot. It was a breath of fresh air I think the usual tellings of the story often miss. Lancelot is a charismatic, sometimes goofy, but fiercely loyal character. He kind of reminded me of the animated Robin Hood or Dread Pirate Roberts.
Arthur is broody, and sometimes hot and cold, but with good reason. He does warm up and is the kind, reliable, protective king you'd expect.
Everyone had nuance, which can be hard when there are so many characters in play and I loved all the different relationships.
The writing style is very detailed to make imagining the different settings and people easy. It's also written in a way to make the confusion, fear, anger, and love Vera feels palpable.
Paula Lafferty is a master at foreshadowing with little nuggets and details that let you piece everything together so at big reveals you're not left wondering how you got there. I already kind of want to read it again with hindsight to see if and what I may have missed.
This was such a good beginning to a series and I am excited to where everything goes and have some of questions answered!
This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and did not disappoint!

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Wow! For starters, I’m a mood reader and have been in a bit of a fantasy slump lately. But I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley and had been anxiously anticipating its release since one of Paula’s first Instagram posts about it! So of course I had to read it next. And it did not disappoint! It is such a fun, interesting, witty, and fast-paced Arthurian retelling from Guinevere’s perspective. I was hooked from the very first chapter. The author’s writing is so beautifully descriptive and compelling. I found myself falling in love with all of the characters. It was amazing how she could make me feel exactly what Vera was feeling about each character without ever explicitly stating any of it. The character development was so well done. I highly recommend giving it a read! I can hardly wait for the next one to come out and get back to this world with some of my favorite characters!

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"La Vie de Guinevere" is a tale that transcends time, weaving action, adventure, and romance around the very essence of friendship—a bond that shares in laughter and empathizes with pain. It's a narrative journey that promises to captivate readers with every turn of the page.

The book's modern take on Arthurian legend infused a refreshing and delightful levity, flipping a traditional tale in a way I hadn't realized I was missing. Knights bluffing at poker and settling disputes with rock-paper-scissors? It was a whimsical ride from start to finish, and I was here for all the unexpected twists. Paula Lafferty has reimagined the iconic characters from the legends of Camelot, such as Arthur, Lancelot, and Merlin, adding layers of complexity by providing them with deeper backstories and making the familiar characters of legend uniquely her own. The novel centers on Vera, the MFC, who embarks on a journey that disrupts her comfortable and familiar existence, prompting her to challenge all she has ever known. She is the type of woman I want to read about. Vera, captivates with her authenticity, a depth that feels profoundly human. This genuine quality makes her utterly fascinating, alongside the other side characters who burst into life through the author's mastery of storytelling, crafting this universe with what seems like a touch of magic.

"La Vie de Guinevere" offers a wildly entertaining read filled with moments that will make you laugh out loud, friendships that warm the heart, and a romance that will bring a smile to your face, all while delicately balancing the darker aspects of the human experience. The book itself tackles the tough topics of depression, grief, and violence with a delicate balance, ensuring that the reader is engaged without being bombarded by excessive darkness. Throughout the book, you will be laughing along with the characters, you will be frustrated for them, perhaps even frustrated with them! However, no matter what you are feeling at any particular moment, you will be pulled in and hooked on the story from the very start. The world and legend of Camelot is so much more than what the stories say and so are its characters.

As a reader, it's evident that extensive research and effort have gone into crafting 'La Vie de Guinevere,' with every detail meticulously considered to enhance the plot. The world-building was incredible. The blend of history and fantasy in Camelot's portrayal conjures a realm that's both familiar and magical. The narrative's richness and detail pull the reader into a space that's deeply personal yet feels like a different universe. The pacing was just right, with enough action to keep me on the edge of my seat and quieter moments that deepened the storyline.

The enchanting world within this book has completely captured my heart, and I find myself longing for more. It's a treasure for anyone drawn to character-driven fantasy, where the depth of relationships and the richness of emotional storytelling are paramount. For fans of legends and lore, mythology and history, action and romance, as well as wit and banter, this book is an absolute must-read. It's filled with twists and turns, magic and mystery that make it impossible to part with the world of Camelot in Paula Lafferty's debut novel "La Vie de Guinevere." This is a book that lingers in your thoughts, refusing to be forgotten long after you've turned the final page.

"La Vie de Guinevere" by Paula Lafferty isn't just a story; it's a magical ride through time, blending action, thrill, and love with the heartwarming magic of true friendship. Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions and adventures that will keep you hooked till the very last page! I'm just not ready to leave Camelot behind, it is a must-visit world, trust me!

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This book was pure gold.

I’m gonna start off saying I’ve been following Paula’s journey for who knows how long at this point and from the bottom of my heart how thankful I am for this ARC and also how in awe I am of her success. Her honesty, sincerity, and excitement about her story really shown through in her novel.
La Vie de Guinevere was just as exciting to read, as it was to see teasers on Tik Tok and Instagram. Every chapter, every page, every sentence had me enthralled. There was time travel, magic, wonder, love, anger, betrayal, mystery, and so many more emotions that were displayed so well. The characters felt real and scenes felt natural. I was constantly questioning what was going to happen next. And even though I was wrong every time, it was that much more thrilling to read because what Paula wrote was so much better than I could’ve ever imagined.

Guinevere’s story is so beautiful. Her anguish, her guilt, her reluctance. Her love, her loyalty, her integrity. She is the type of woman I want to read about. I cannot wait to see where this journey goes because small spoiler— there’s a cliffhanger, but in the sense of I want more instantly but I’m willing to wait because I just received so much from the first book.

If you love fantasy, romance, and found family this is a must read. Easy 5⭐️’s I’m so glad this is my first read of August.

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From one reader to another, trust me when I tell you to take the leap with books that seem to be outside your usual genre. La Vie de Guinevere fits in the fantasy genre, but isn't a book I would usually pick up, but what am I glad that I did. As someone who loves mythology and history, but has never ventured too deep into that section, I was instantly wooed by the premise of this book.

The first few chapters were ones I needed to get through to eventually be fully mesmerized by the story. It was not due to the lack of writing nor the pace, those were both admirable. There were times where I could notice that this was a debut novel, but it was hardly prominent. It merily had to do with my own hesitancy for diving into this genre.

This book is more character than plot driven, though I think this was a great premise for the second book in this series. I don't think this would've been a success if the book had been less character driven, because that is what made it so great. I was utterly bewitched reading about Guinevere and Arthur, though Lancelot stole the show for me.

Paula Lafferty is certainly an author that has put herself on my radar, and I cannot wait for more. I must admit, in great shame, that I spent my whole Sunday laying in bed and reading this book. I was torn with frustration by the ending, because I found myself craving more.

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What a delightful story! Solid 4.5 stars and excellent debut. If you enjoy time travel/historical settings, magic, relatable flawed characters, and mystery, you'll like this book.

I felt the beginning was a bit rushed and would have liked to get to know / connect with the FMC better before the crazy stuff started happening, but otherwise, this was a fun adventure of a read. I fell in love with several of the characters. The magic system was interesting and part of the mystery--and when it finally became more clear what was happening with that, it was a super clever twist that I really liked. The ending was perfect, imo: some resolution for this initial part of the story but with enough of a cliffhanger to make me sad book two isn't out yet.

I received an ARC copy (thank you!) and am leaving this honest review voluntarily.

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La Vie de Guinevere is an enchanting and original take on the Arthurian legend, bringing together time travel, romance, and magic in a way that hooked me right from the start. Our protagonist, Vera, gets pulled from her ordinary life and into the heart of Camelot, and I felt every bit of her awe and confusion as she navigated this magical and mysterious world. The characters were so three-dimensional that they felt like real people, and I couldn't help but get deeply invested in their journeys.

One of the things I loved most was the perfect balance between fun adventure and poignant moments that really hit home. The witty banter had me laughing out loud, while some scenes were so emotional that I was reaching for tissues. The dialogue was spot-on, making the characters come alive in a way that made me feel like I knew them personally. I was especially drawn to Vera's relationships with the others, full of romance, friendship, and tension that added so much depth to the story. For those who might wonder about the spice level, it’s relatively low, with only one short open-door scene that’s important to the characters’ development. But the slow burn and tension? Those were off the charts.

The world-building was incredible. The blend of historical and magical elements made Camelot feel both familiar and fantastical, and the vivid descriptions pulled me right in. The pacing was just right, with enough action to keep me on the edge of my seat and quieter moments that deepened the story. I absolutely adored this world and didn't want the story to end. If you're into character-driven fantasy with strong relationships and emotional storytelling, do not miss this book. I haven't been able to get into another book since finishing it because nothing compares, and I'm just not ready to leave Camelot behind. The next book cannot come soon enough!

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What a great start to the series!!!! I loved seeing the little nods to Arthurian legend and the wonderful relationships that are built throughout the book.

I thought it started sort of slow but once I got into it, it flew past, dragging me into the world.

I am so lucky to be able to have an ARC but also that means I have to wait even longer for book two. Oh I cannot wait.

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This was an unexpectedly good read! I have read several retellings of Arthur and Guinevere, all good but not spectacular, and find that this is the best so far! It is different from all the rest and stands out as one that I can read over and over again. There were certain parts where I thought, "OH, NO!" thinking it would turn around and become typical but I was wrong. I simply needed to be patient, and find that it is certainly not typical at all - now, my only regret is that I will have to wait for the sequel to see what is next in this version of Arthur and Guinevere.

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Wow, I was so excited about this book and not disappointed! This book was all I wanted from an Arthurian retelling and more.

From the characters to the plot, this story had me hooked. This book and the themes of friendship, loss, and love completely consumed me.

For a debut author, Paula Lafferty nailed things that even seasoned authors have difficulty doing, like seamlessly weaving in threads of a bigger plot brewing behind the pages, tension amongst the characters, and staying true to her own voice.

I have read so many stories over the years that they all start to sound alike. But, with the unique premise of this book and Lafferty’s unique and clear writing style, I can safely say I have never read anything like this before. While it takes a few pages for the story to set off and the writing to find its flow, once you reach Camelot, there is nonstop action, drama, and fun waiting for you.

The fairytale and urban fantasy elements will surely please fans of shows like Once Upon a Time and those who prefer something more epic like Lord of the Rings. Above all, I think this book is for those who understand the importance of friendship and good storytelling. I was absorbed by this book and truly loved it so much. There is nothing I love more than a great adventure and finding my home in a book, and that's what this was for

*I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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