Member Reviews

I read this book in one day on vacation, I could not put it down! It had such a suspenseful buildup, with minor twists being dropped at just the right time to keep you wanting to read more. There were some more fantastical/paranormal elements of it that I am usually not a huge fan of but I honestly think it worked well for this story so I didn’t mind it. The ending was still a shock and although I did see parts of it coming, was genuinely surprised but also pleased with how things wrapped up. The story is told from the viewpoint of the main narrator Kate Marshall in alternating timelines between Now (when she is at the police station being questioned about a fire which multiple members of her family died in but she survived) and Then (the buildup to now, weaving together all the little pieces that the bigger story). Overall, it was a good book and a solid thriller!

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I absolutely loved this book! It had me hooked from the first page, and I never wanted to put it down. The dynamic of the whole family was really intriguing, and I felt genuinely invested in the family members and their fate. This was my first book by Gregg Dunnett, but it will definitely not be my last.

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This is the first book I have read by this author, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Although I'm not a fan of supernatural/ paranormal stuff, it actually fits in well with this story and is credible enough to allow the reader to suspend disbelief. I enjoyed the way the characters were developed and the way the story unfolded as Kate was being interviewed by the police. A nice little twist at the end and the very satisfying ending made this a gripping read. Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for a copy to read and review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, author Gregg Dunnett and Storm publishing for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

I absolutely loved it! The way it was set up as a police investigation with Kate telling the story was so well done. The character development was fantastic and for the most part so very realistic of family drama.

While the book centers around a topic I don’t fully believe in, the author did an amazing job of making it sound so real and believable.

It was a fast paced page turner. I didn’t want to put it down as each chapter opened up more and more of the storyline. I just had to know how it ended.

It was a gripping read that I would absolutely recommend to others. I very rarely give 5 stars, most especially to an author I’ve never read before but in my opinion this book was a solid 5 stars


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After reading “Little Ghosts” I was very excited to read Gregg Dunnett’s new release! This one really threw me for a loop at the beginning. I didn’t know what to make of it but you have to be patient as more information is given.

Then it came to a point where I just couldn’t put it down. The family drama was intense and I’m just sitting there wide eyed as all the family secrets come tumbling out. This is a book that you want to go in blind because if I tell you any more it will ruin all the surprises!

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Well this book kept me not wanting to put it down. You can’t help but want to keep reading, just to find out what is going on. I really enjoyed how Gregg Dunnett has so many details that make you feel like you’re right in the middle of the story. You kinda figure you might have figured out what really happened to Zack but a twist in the end that I did not see coming was great.
I highly recommend this to anyone who wants a good family drama thriller that keeps you reading.
I will definitely look for more of his books.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC

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The finest psychological thriller. - deserves 5 stars

An absolutely fantastic read which keeps the reader guessing right through till the last page. Lots of twists and unexpected turns throughout but a real page turner. A plot unlike I have ever read and I do read a lot.

I never read Gregg Dunnett’s book before but definitely will be on the lookout for others.

Thank you to Netgalley and Storm Publishing

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Dunnett is a new to me author. And even though supernatural is not usually my jam i really enjoyed this book. The family dynamic was complex, but some of them grei on me. And the book made me a firm believer there is more between heaven And earth we do not know about.
Thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest opinion

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Gregg Dunnett is a new author to me, though he comes highly recommended by his many followers. This story had me from the start, as a family conflict is always entertaining. I’m not necessarily a big fan of supernatural though, so I did struggle a little at times.
The story centers around detectives trying to discover the truth about a fatal fire, and is told through the eyes of their current suspect, in the form of background information which explains the lead up to the fire. There are plenty of twists in the story and it certainly entertains.
An explanation of the subject matter is provided by the author at the end of the book, and reading this helped me view the book through slightly different eyes. This is an entertaining novel, and well worth a read.

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When I first saw the cover of this book I knew I had to read it, then when I saw it was True Crime I felt I hit the jack pot!

I love True Crime and I've been known to binge a few True Crime Docs on Netfilx , but as I kept reading this one things were getting weird and I thought to myself this is the oddest true crime story I've ever read. So I did some googling and NO it's not , so that definitely changed a lot of things for me , so my suggestion is go into this one blind and enjoy the ride !

I will try my best not give too much away but this was a fun twisted family drama little thriller !!!

The story starts off with a woman being brought in for questioning regarding a house fire , as Kate walks into the police station , FBI Jim McGee is over powered by the heavy smell of smoke which Kate Marshall is heavily drenched in.

As the interrogation progress's it is clear to Jim that Kate knows exactly what happened that night in the fire that killed four people , as Kate falls silent veteran FBI agent Jim can sense that she knows exactly what took place ,and he is not leaving this room until he has the answers !!

This is my first time reading this author and the writing was so good , from the first page I was hooked and honestly there were many shocking moments that left me gasping and at one point my husband yelled out " you ok '? LOL

There was LOTS of twists of events I really did not see coming , the story was so unusual and I think that's what it made this one extraordinary. The story bounces back and forth between past and present as Kate takes us to the very beginning and the story slowly unfolds before us , which has great climatic build up plunging us in over our heads in a crazy ending that I think will literally have your jaw dropping at some point .

Read this if you like:
* Past and Present timeline
* Stories centered around tragedy
* Supernatural elements
* Crime Interrogations
* Family Drama

I really think fans of Liane Moriarty and Jodi Picoult will inhale this book in one sitting, with the flickers of supernatural elements and family drama it makes this book gripping in a sense which is thought provoking and creepy at the same time !!

Thank you Netgalley , Storm Publishing and Gregg Dunnett for this thrilling read !!

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Wow! The Lake House Children grabbed my attention from the very beginning and held on. Three sisters and their families are summoned to their father’s lake house, where they have spent many wonderful times growing up. They are upset because they think their father is planning to marry again, but the truth is the first shock in the story. Later, the middle sister, Kate, begins to believe that her young son is having memories of a prior life…as the child of the youngest sister who drowned at the lake house. The story is told as Kate is being interrogated by an FBI agent and his partner after a devastating fire at the lake house is being investigated.
The Lake House Children is suspenseful…what did happen when the child drowned? Is Jack actually Zack reincarnated? What happened the night of the fire? The story is emotional and exciting, with a great ending. I’ve now discovered another author (Gregg Dunnett) that I will add to my must read list.
Thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC.

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The Lake House Children by G. Dunnett, published by Storm Publishing, is a psychological thriller of its finest. Gripping, raw and gritty, the story ket the reader guessing through twists and unexpected turns til the very last page.
An absolute fabtastic read that deserves all the stars.
Blurb: FBI Agent Jim McGee is weeks away from retirement when he’s handed one last case: a devastating fire at an isolated lake house that’s killed almost a whole family. One of the survivors, Kate Marshall, knows exactly what happened, but from the moment the young mother starts to speak, something feels wrong.

Under the harsh lights of the interview room, the weight of tragedy hangs in the air. With four victims and one suspect, this should be an open-and-shut case. But the things she’s saying happened are impossible – so why is she saying them? And if they’re not impossible, then it’s the whole of McGee’s career that makes no sense.

When the grieving woman falls silent, McGee's unease grows. "Just tell me what happened, what really happened," he almost begs.

The woman’s eyes, filled with an unreadable emotion, lock onto his. "You want the truth, Agent McGee?" she whispers. "I'll tell you, but you won’t believe me. Even my family thought I was imagining what my son said. And now... they’re all gone."

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FBI agent Jim McGee is faced with a challenging and difficult case where a fire in a lake house killed almost a whole family. The story revolves around Kate Marshall who is weaving an impossible tale about what happened. The author writes in the present in a police interview room, and Kate’s story about the recent past. The first part of the book reveals a very surprising twist which hooks the reader in and doesn’t let go. Kate and the many family members are extremely well developed characters. The author also tackles the issue of life after death and maintains an interesting mystery. With thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC. My opinions are my own.

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THE LAKE HOUSE CHILDREN (the first I have read by Gregg Dunnett) is an exceptionally compelling psychological Suspense Thriller, a spiraling puzzle that draws the reader both in and down, elucidating multiple layers of secrets and characterization, inciting characters and readers to question "reality," exposing human evil and apathy, and eventually, arriving at truth...or not.

This was a Wild rollercoaster ride, a one-day/evening read from which I could not pull my attention. Definitely I'll be looking out for all Mr. Dunnett's other novels!

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The Lake House, a picturesque family getaway. A house where children make memories and adults make up lies…

A thriller with a supernatural twist, this is unlike anything I’ve read before. Imaginative and gripping, this kept me turning the pages, desperate to find out what really happened. And boy, did my jaw DROP at one point.

Gregg Dunnett never fails to disappoint, he’s one of my favourite authors. If you haven’t read anything by him before, I would definitely recommend you do.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for my advanced copy.

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I've read most of the author's previous offerings, and he is one that doesn't disappoint. This streak continues with "The Lake House Children." It was easy for me to dive into the story, and I was even able to accept the paranormal aspect of the tale. The writing was sharp and succinct as normal, and frankly, the author just tells a good story.

My one complaint, and it's not a large one, relates to how it was formatted on my Kindle app and how the app measures how much of the book you've read. I was at 90% read, and I was really looking forward to the last section, when the book ended abruptly. It took me a little aback, because I incorrectly assumed there was more story to come, and I hadn't prepared myself for the story to be over.

Aw well. I still really enjoyed this.

I received a complimentary copy of the novel from the publisher and NetGalley, and my review is being left freely.

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It was a race against time this morning, me and the battery on my kindle.
Because it was about to die, and I needed to finish this book!
It was a proper page turner.
I've never read this author before, but glad I have now.
Fairly early on I had an inkling of where this book was going, and I don't think anything surprised me, but it was just so readable.
Interesting story, a bit different to usual mysteries.
Solid 4 stars from me.

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If you are in the mood for an unputdownable thriller, The Lake House Children is the book for you. This was a one of a kind story that had me turning the pages until the very end.

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As I am writing this review, I’m still considering how many stars to give it. It was a quick read for me and I liked the storyline. There was a lot of details in it that I didn’t think was needed. I found myself skipping to the dialogue a lot just to see what happens. There was a twist I wasn’t expecting, but it didn’t leave me in shock. This is labeled a psychological thriller, but isn’t as thrilling as many I have read. It was an interesting storyline, but I am going to have to give it 3 stars. Thank you NetGalley and storm publishing for the ARC.

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FBI Agent Jim McGee is weeks away from retirement when he’s handed one last case: a devastating fire at an isolated lake house that’s killed almost a whole family! Good book!! This book had a bit of a supernatural?! Vibe to it? I’m usually not really into that but I definitely enjoyed reading this one! This book had suspense, murder, mystery, violence, family secrets, a great who done it and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was really interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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