Member Reviews

I love detective Katie Scott! Every book I read with her is amazing and this one was no different. It was gripping and I couldn't put it down! I look forward to more.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I’ve been a HUGE Detective Katie Scott fan from the beginning, and this series just never disappoints! I was reeled in right from the first chapter, and it never let me go! It was suspenseful, action packed, and a great mystery. I’ve loved the character developments and relationships throughout the series, and I really love the partnership Katie and Gav have. And as always, Cisco is the MVP. Can not wait for the next installment and to see what is next for the detectives!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC in exchange for my honest feedback!

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Eerie, intricate, yet fast - paced.

I really enjoyed this,so much so that I found it extremely eerie at times when I was reading late at night in the dark.

The profiling element really sold this for me, it gave that little bit of edge to a police procedural type story.

However, the twist for me and the reveal of who the murderer was, wasn’t shocking to me. It fell quite flat, but as thriller is a genre I road solely, it takes a lot to shock me and be a five star.

If you’re a fan of missing children meets massacres, you’ll enjoy this one.

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5 ⭐️s this book was great!

I haven't read all the 11 previous books and still enjoyed this one. The characters are well developed and I enjoyed following Kate as she tracked down the killer. The cover is chefs kiss and the synopsis drew me in immediately. I couldn't put this book down.

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Chase continues to deliver in book 12 of the Detective Katie Scott Series!!

This story will have you gripped to the end as the body count continues to climb. Katie battles with her ability to find the killer, taking personal responsibility of ensuring that a little girl is found before it is too late. This book has some emotional moments for the characters, Katie in particular, but the friendships of her team and the trust they have in each other will get her through. The climax will have you on the edge of your seat as Katie finds herself once again in danger.

I had my suspicions about one of the characters, so was good to see how that played out.

My mum was a little jealous I had my hands on this next book ahead of when she can read it, after I got both my parents hooked on the series. I did give them one spoiler, Katie for the first time does not write off another Jeep in this book, that comment was for my dad who often comments that she is always destroying her Jeep.

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Count Their Graves (Detective Katie Scott Book 12) is a completely gripping crime thriller by Jennifer Chase.

Detective Katie Scott heads up the cold case unit for the sheriff's department with her partner, Detective Sean McGaven. Katie is out on an early morning run, and her service dog, Cisco, alerts her to something. Katie is horrified to find a little girl alone in the woods, dressed in a white nightgown. The child is unharmed but clearly traumatized. Scooping her up, Katie follows the trail to a large farmhouse. But what she finds there rips the air from her lungs: one, two, three, four bodies laid out side by side, all in matching pajamas.

The story gripped me from page one and it didn't let go until the exciting end. There was edge-of-your-seat action with sad moments, and you couldn't help but feel frustrated at all the twists and turns that the detectives encountered while trying to solve the crimes. Cisco isn't featured too much in this story, but he's still a great character.

I enjoy reading this author as she skillfully unravels this thrilling mystery with credible characters and an atmospheric locale.

I would highly recommend this book and series. I look forward to more and what will happen with Katie, Cisco, Gav, and the town of Pine Valley.

#CountTheirGraves #NetGalley @bookouture

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Katie Scott is at it again! She finds a child and sets out to find the person who killed the child’s family. Who would do this? Why?
A great read. Fast paced. This series is one that you should read if you haven’t.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy.

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Detective Katie Scott, and her dog Cisco, are a great combination! They find a young girl alone in the woods whilst out for a walk and her family are murdered in their home. I really like the plotting and the characterisation but I am sorry about the way Chad has been treated. Funny how you become so invested in some characters and I would have preferred a different outcome for him. That aside, I really love this series, it never fails to deliver and I look forward to the next one. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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I could not put Count Their Graves down! I had to know what happened! Don’t skip this one! A five star read!

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Part of a series featuring Detective Katie Scott and of course,Cisco. An intriguing thriller with much to solve and not many clues. A very good read.

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So I adore Jennifer Chase almost as much as I love Katie Scott! No matter where I am in my shelf, she is getting bumped to the top! I loved this as much as all the previous ones, I love Cisco, Mac, the sherif and the lovely town of Pine Valley!
When Katie is out on a hike she finds a little girl in a nightgown and covered in blood. It doesn’t take long before we are knee deep in murder again - and although not a cold case - Katie and Mac are asked to take the lead.
Due to the close knit community, I do find myself suspecting innocent people - and in this case I was right!
I will not spoil it for others - but the one bit of backstory I don’t love appears to be moving on - so fingers crossed!!
Outstanding again!! Hurry with the next one!

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Detective Katie Scott has been through many rough times: the loss of her parents, war, PTSD, and the kidnapping of her fiancé. Finally, things should be settling down for a while. However, there are storms brewing that she does not expect. Out for a morning run on a different path, her canine partner discovers a little girl in the woods with blood on her ill-fitting white nightgown. In looking for clues about the child, Katie discovers her family murdered. The case quickly becomes complicated because the murder victims were in witness protection. Another murder scene is discovered at the same time with a missing little girl. When a man shows up at Katie's home late that night, he identifies himself as a US Marshal assigned to the case because of the witness protection victims. As Katie, her partner, and this new guy work the case, there is no clear suspect. It is an exciting and twisty plot that keeps you guessing until the end.

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On her morning run, Detective Katie Scott and her military K9, Cisco, come across a five-year-old girl crying in the middle of the woods. When Katie probes further, she finds the little girl's family has been murdered in a very unique way - and they were also in the witness protection program. This brings a U.S. Marshal into the case to work with Katie and her partner, Gav. As they work the murder scene, another family is killed in an identical fashion, and their youngest daughter is kidnapped. With multiple scenes and confusing evidence, these cases push Katie and Gav to develop a profile and find out why these families were targeted. There are so many twists and turns - the author, Ms. Chase, does a wonderful job at evolving the partnership between Katie and Gav, as well as her affection for her Uncle, the sheriff. Absolutely fantastic! I love this series so much! And, I cannot wait to see what Ms. Chase does next with Katie Scott in Book 13! Thank you to Bookouture for an advanced reader of this book - the opinions expressed are my own.

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There is something about this series that brings me back over and over. And I don’t do spoilers.

But there has been a thread throughout this series that has never sat well with me. It just didn’t seem like a good fit. And with this book she completely eradicated that thread but I still feel like something is just off. As I said I love Cisco and Katie for the most part is a character that keeps me returning. As well as John & Gav.

I’ll definitely be interested to see how this aspect shakes out. Because in my opinion throughout this series it was something that just never seemed to gel.

I will also say I knew from the beginning that a certain character was knee deep in it.

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Five stars all the way , and now I want book 13, this series is one of my favorite, can't believe I've read all of them ,will except book 3 ( I some how missed that one) but no matter I'm 100% hooked . This book had setting on the edge of my set the inter time , which means as soon as I got it from NetGalley I started reading it , there was so many twist and turns and even though I kept say it was sorting someone , and I actually guessed right ,I still enjoyed it , and fingers cross that Katie ends up with the person I wanted her to end up with since book 1 ,even though she ended up with someone else.

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This is a series I adore and not only because I think the world of Katie and Gav, but also because of Cisko, the German shepherd who plays a very active role. He is always ready to help, protect and console Katie as well as victims of a crime.

In a few of the previous books I had the feeling Cisko was put a bit on the back burner, but in this one he was the star of the show in my opinion and it seems like I was not the only one who felt this way. :)

Sometimes, when a character is introduced, I feel there is something off about them. Sometimes I am right about that and sometimes I completely miss the ball. I can tell you I scored a goal this time. :)

There is also one of the recurring people I never had a warm heart for and in this book I exactly know why this was. I understand people wanting to live their dreams, but was this really the way to do it? Shame on them.

This was a finger licking page turner and I cannot wait for more. 5 stars

Thank you

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book

Detective Katie Scott and her K9 Cisco are out a job early morning, when they come across a young girl. On further searching, Katie finds the rest of the girl’s family murdered. It transpires that the family are in witness protection so a Marshall is sent into help with the investigation. When a second family turns up dead, and the little girl Emily disappear, Katie and her partner Gav exhaust every possible clue.

What a page turner. This hinted that someone in law enforcement was involved, and the author planted many many red herrings as to who that could be. I did have my suspicions as to who the killer was, and was proven right. However the way the story is teased out with a lot of twists and turns, I wasn’t disappointed and was always second guessing myself. If I had to criticise anything, it would be the Chad angle. chad has been missing from the past few books after being kidnapped. I’d don’t think the direction his storyline took was deserved or fair on Katie. Perhaps this is because I really like Katie as a character. She’s a strong independent woman and I love her strong bond with Cisco. This was one of the best in this series. I really enjoyed it. Couldn’t put it down. Would highly recommend.

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I have read all the Katie and Cisco books and this one did not disappoint. It was a thoroughly enjoyable read which drew you in from the beginning and was hard to put down. Great characters. Fascinating storyline. A rollercoaster of a thriller with plenty of twists to keep you guessing. Look forward very much to the next instalment. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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