Member Reviews

I am slowly making my way thru this series but when this popped up on Netgalley I had to jump at it. Once again, this story takes us back to Cranberry Cove which immediately made me think fall. The town sounds picturesque and I really want to visit. Also I have never seem a cranberry bog since I live in soybean and corn country. It feels good to read another book in the Cranberry Cove Mystery series. It feels very comforting.

The mystery is well-constructed with a satisfying ending. It did not take long for the body to appear, at the end of the first chapter. I appreciated the mystery on top of a mystery angle as well. I love it when I have to go through twists and turns to figure things out. It just makes it that much more fun. I enjoyed everything about this book, and I recommend it, even if you haven't read the other books yet.

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This was my first Peg Cochran book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The idea of murder happening around a cranberry farm in Michigan is really what caught my attention. This is definitely not something you see or read about every day, so I was intrigued. Being as how this is the most current book, I knew it would be a little more trouble catching up on everything and everyone. However, it wasn't as bad as I thought. It only took me a few chapters to figure out who everyone was.

I really enjoyed the world building, being able to imagine myself sitting around a massive cranberry bog enjoying the sunshine and the view. I especially liked the idea of a farm store where they turn the yummy cranberries into delicious baked goods sold to visitors and local stores alike. A very neat idea.

Monica is a great character, and I liked the dynamic on new motherhood but also trying to take care of her family, the farm store, and the family farm accounts. I also liked that she left most of the snooping to the police but helped where she could. Yes, you cannot always bypass danger, but a lot of it just kind of fell into her lap. No one asks for bodies to just fall at your feet or that you find blood in erstwhile places where it should not be.

She is very caring, and her maternal side really came through, especially how she had compassion for the victim's daughter, even though most wouldn't have had. But her just having had a new baby, a lot of those hormones and emotions make you see things and people a different way. I appreciated being able to see her character in that light. It all just added together to make the book even more interesting.

I appreciated the mystery on top of a mystery angle as well. I love it when I have to go through twists and turns to figure things out. It just makes it that much more fun. I enjoyed everything about this book, and I recommend it, even if you haven't read the other books yet. The only thing that I could complain about at all was perhaps too many characters in the story all at once. I understand it was at a wedding so there will be naturally more characters but that part, was a little confusing. I still figured everyone out, I am just expressing this thought for the future. That's all.

Thanks to Net Galley, the publisher, and to Peg Cochran for the ability to read and review this book. All opinions are honest and are completely my own.

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“A Berry Suspicious Death”, the ninth book in Peg Cochran’s Cranberry Cove cozy mystery series starts out nicely with a murdered body found in an outhouse at a wedding. Amateur sleuth Monica has plenty of reasons to investigate the murder since it took place at her half-brother’s wedding. However, I found the book didn’t quite live up to the promising opening. Monica doesn’t so much as investigate the murder as she does stumble across clues – no matter where she goes (even the bathroom!) she either overhears conversations that offer clues or initiates conversations where perfect strangers offer her helpful clues. A little of this went a long way and by the end I was rolling my eyes every time she was given a clue (and thinking with her kind of luck she should play the lottery). There are a few mysteries in the book and while most are wrapped up by the end of the book although one was frustratingly not. Perhaps Cochran plans on addressing it in future books in the series but it felt forgotten to me.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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A Berry Suspicious Death by Peg Cochran is the ninth A Cranberry Cove Mystery. It is nice to return to Cranberry Cove and Sassamanash Farm. I enjoyed the description of the cranberry bog filled with the different colored cranberries ready to be harvested. The murder begins at the end of the first chapter (a wee bit early). I found the mystery to be formulaic. Monica, sometimes with and sometimes without the baby, asks questions and searches for clues. A reason is found for Monica to be at certain places where she gathers helpful information or evidence (right place at the right time). The solution to the whodunit was obvious and it did not take long to figure out why. I did find one aspect of the mystery to be unique and amusing. Greg was not prominent in this story. He was helpful in taking care of Teddy and as a listening ear. I feel bad for Greg’s bookstore employee. She has a crush on Greg, and the couple use this to their advantage when they need a babysitter. I did feel that Gina was too much (I do not know why Monica does not put her foot down and tell her no) at times. A Berry Suspicious Death is a nice story, but it is different from earlier books in the series (lacking joie de vivre). This story can be read as a standalone for those new to the series. A Berry Suspicious Death transports readers to Cranberry Cove for a sweet wedding, a bouncing baby, nanny interviews, a slain spouse, fitness fun, and tempting cranberry treats.

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A new setting for me, they raise cranberries. Likable characters. Fun mystery at mc step brother wedding. when body shows up. Many colorful characters who could have committed the murder

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This is the ninth book in the Cranberry Cove Mystery series. The writing was great. It’s too bad that people can’t take responsibility for themselves and their actions. Learn to work and make your own way in life.

I have notes to this book that say “Cry me a river! For Pete’s sake do what you can legally to get the life you want to lead.” Expecting others to give you everything is just unfathomable to me.

I am glad that we kept babies and pets safe in the book. I would expect nothing less in a cozy mystery. The mystery was well plotted with enough twists and turns to keep me turning the pages.

I was given an advanced copy and am not required to leave a positive review. I would rate it 3.5 but since the rating system is whole numbers, I’ll be rounding up.

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During her half-brother's wedding Monica finds out about another marriage that seems sort of suspicious. However, she really was too busy to think much about it until a body is found in an unusual place.

A Berry Suspicious Death is another enjoyable installment in the Cranberry Cove Mystery series. It has a nice balance of family, friends and mystery.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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I fell in love with the gorgeous cover and loved this well plotted and entertaining cozy mystery.
Well plotted, it kept me reading and guessing.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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This is the 9th. book in the Cranberry Cove Mysteries.

Death by porta-potty? The porta potty happens to be an important element in this book, and it is all revealed at the end.

I liked the fun plot, and the characters, well…most of them. This is a typical cozy in that there are so many characters, and you are led to believe one of the characters is the guilty one, but then things change and you believe that another is the murderer.

One important fact that is explained in this book is how to alert a policeman when you are in danger without saying a word. I like to learn from books in addition to getting involved in a mystery.

I give this book 4 stars because of the fact that since Monica just had a baby, obviously she had to feed it. In my opinion, there was too much written about feeding times. I felt this was overdone, and distracting.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it.

Thank you to Beyond the Page Publishing and Net Galley for making an advance reader’s copy available for me to read and then post a personal review.

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A Berry Suspicious Death by Peg Cochran takes us back to Cranberry Cove, Michigan where we join Jeff’s and Lauren’s wedding in progress. All is beautiful until well after the reception, when the bride and groom have left for a short honeymoon and the vendors are tearing down the food and the tent. The port-a-potty guy is there to take those back to his yard when one falls off his cart and a body falls out. Several people rush to her side only to find out it’s too late. What a weird end to a glorious day. Monica was still on maternity leave after birthing adorable Teddy, but that didn’t stop her from investigating. It was all odd. First Mick, her baker, introduces her to his new wife, a woman several decades his elder, and now she is dead. Thankfully Jeff and Lauren missed this part.

Monica did as much research online as she was able, but she also drove into town and asked questions of several people. She also listened when people were talking to others. It was a complicated mystery with many moving parts and they were slow to come together. Then, her prime suspect ends up dead. Meanwhile there was Teddy and the farm shop to occupy her time. Monica is a good character. She is a regular person living her best life in a small town. She is clever and curious, but also loyal and loving. Her marriage to Greg appears to be going well and in her spare time she is packing to move to their new home. Jeff and Lauren will move into her cottage. This are all lovely people that Peg Cochran has written into a community. They are just everyday folks, like the ones the readers all know. It is a fun series and this was a good addition. Thanks Peg Cochran for creating this series!

I was invited to read A Berry Suspicious Death by Beyond The Page Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #BeyondThePagePublishing #PegCochran #ABerrySuspiciousDeath

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A Berry Suspicious Death is book #9 in the Cranberry Cove Mystery series by Peg Cochran.

Monica’s half-brother is celebrating his wedding and it is going well, until a body is found in a porta-potty. We didn’t have to wait long for the murder. I was sure who was guilty, but I was wrong. Monica gets investigates while juggling the rest of her busy life, including baby Teddy. I enjoyed this story.

Thank you to the author, Beyond the Page Publishing, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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This is the ninth in a series. Monica has just had her baby Teddy. Much of the book deals with feeding Teddy and putting him in his carry cot. This is not a term I’m familiar with and it seems odd each time I read it. The story begins with a body falling out of a porta potty at an outdoor wedding. Monica tries to solve the murder between taking care of Teddy and wandering in to places where clues fall into her hands. I had a hard time with this book.

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Monica’s brother Jeff gets married as fall comes to the cranberry farm. It’s a beautiful day for Jeff and Lauren, and they leave for their honeymoon before anything goes wrong. A dead woman tumbles out of a porta-potty when it is being picked up at the end of the wedding.
Monica intends to stay out of it as she is now Mom to baby Teddy (Theodore). I have to say I’m glad we final know Monica and Greg had a little boy. I was a little bit put out to not know the gender of the baby at the end of the last book.
Back to A Berry Suspicious Death. Jeff’s Mom Gina keeps pulling Monica away to go to this new health spa that has opened up in town. The owner Kiran conducts classes in an interesting fashion. He also seems a bit suspicious with some of his activities and what Monica is hearing about his past.
There are suspects that don’t pan out, there are new issues that rise to the surface, and I didn’t suspect who the murderer turned out to be.
I enjoyed reading A Berry Suspicous Death and taking a journey with Monica as a new Mom and preparing to move to the new home she and Greg were building in a previous book.
Thanks to Netgalley and Beyond the Page for the opportunity to read this book.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for my review copy.

This was a wonderful cozy mystery with a great plot and memorable characters. A very enjoyable read.

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I'd say 3.5 but round up to 4 stars. Nice clean murder cozy, flows well and the characters are well written. I have not read any other previous books in this, and it was easy to get into the comfort of the setting, although I might get tired of cranberries in everything. There are a couple of mysteries in this, a murder, drugs, and another murder, along with shenanigans from an employee of a hospice center. All are solved, but I don't know that the evidence would hold up in a court of law as to how they were found. Not nitpicking I did enjoy this cozy and the characters. Several suspects looked promising. I received a free copy of, A Berry Suspicious Death, by Peg Cochran, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A Berry Suspicious Death is the 9th book in the Cranberry Cove Mystery. It takes place in the town of Cranberry Cove, Michigan. Monica Albertson is the main character. She lives on a cranberry farm named Sassamanash Farm. It is owned by her half-brother, Jeff Albertson. She had come from Chicago to help him run the farm. She also owns the bakery and store on the farm. She is married to Greg Harper who owns the book shop Book'Em. They have a new baby named Teddy. Other characters from the other books that make up the town as well as new characters that add to the story make it a fun read.

Jeff and his fiance, Lauren, are getting married. All their friends and employees are invited to enjoy the day. At the wedding, Mick, her baker, introduces Monica to his wife,Joline Spencer Amentas. Monica is surprised as she didn't know he had a wife. There are people there that Monica doesn't know. At the end of the wedding, Timmy who works for Johnny-on-the-Spot comes to pick the port-a-potties up. When moving one to take back to the office the door opens and a body falls out. It was Joline dead. She had been suffocated. They call the police and they come along with detective Tammy Stevens. Monica knows detective Stevens from when she helped her with the headminister's murder. She tells Monica to stay out of the investigation, When Greg hears about the questioning, he is aware that his wife will be looking into the death herself.

This is where the story takes off with all kinds of twists or turns that leaves Monica, Greg and her friends on an adventure to an exciting ending. As there is so much to tell I will leave it for the reader to enjoy.

I have read this series from the beginning and have enjoyed them very much. I look forward to the next book.

Thank you NetGalley and Beyond the Page for this ARC.

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After her brother’s wedding, a body is found in one of the porta potties that was rented for the event. Doesn’t really concern Monica, even if it was found on the farm, she finds herself drawn in to helping her stepmother Saul a Billing issue with the Porta potties. This then turns into links that tie to other people and places in town.

Being Monica, she can’t help but pull the threads and try to solve a mystery that is right in front of her. But as a new mother, can she do it without bringing danger home to her family?

This is another solid entry running series. I love the setting on the farm with the cranberry bogs. I find myself craving cranberry bread and a cup of tea whenever I read a book in this series. This goes along really well with the mystery so have a nice cuppa and a couple slices of bread ready when you start reading.

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recipes, amateur-sleuth, rural, small-town, small-business, cozy-mystery, Michigan, local-law-enforcement, family, family-drama, family-dynamics, baker, bookseller, inheritance, green-card, wedding, greed, murder, investigations, farming, siblings, situational-humor, folklore, ghosts, baby****

The body in the porta-potty was not an asset to the wedding breakfast. The victim was a shady woman suspected of overdosing her terminal husband then marrying a man needing a green card. Add in a couple of believers in ghosts and folklore and you have the basic background. But it's the group sleuthing that held my interest through the plot twists and odd red herrings. Besides, I really like this series.
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from Beyond the Page Publishing via NetGalley. Thank you!

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Monica's brother is getting married. While a somewhat informal event under tents on the farm, several unexpected guests are in the mix. When Jolie is found dead after falling out of a port-a-potty, there are plenty of suspects. This is a twisty tale and lots of good side suspects. I loved the characters and the baby made a fun addition to the story. A good read, well plotted and there was a practical clue that helped Monica later in the book.
Thanks to Netgalley for giving me an ARC of this book, in exchange for a review.

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