Member Reviews

The Complete ADHD Parenting Guide for Girls is a book I would recommend to all of my patients' parents. The author has a good understanding of ADHD and conveys this well in their writing. There are a lot of good tips and exercises recommended as well. I am interested to read their book directed for boys to see what would differ in their recommendations. I will be seeking out other books by this author in the future. Highly recommend!

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This book had a lot of information I e read in other books on the topic but also had some new insights. I enjoyed the graphs and tables to help break down important points. Thank you for the chance to read.

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The Complete ADHD Parenting Guide for Girls is what parents have been looking for. ADHD looks so much different in girls and how they act and react. That you might question if the diagnoses is true. This book was a godsend for this momma who has a household full of ADHD.
Readers will find guidance, suggestions and ideas on who to help guide their daughter while she struggles with ADHD. It gives insight into the unregulated emotions and outburst that come with ADHD. The book can also help parents with boy who do not show the "normal" signs of ADHD.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of The complete ADHD Guide.

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I think this book had a lot of great and helpful information about how to parent a girl with ADHD but wish there was more focus on older/teen girls. It had a lot of great suggestions and things to do to help your child but I think my teen would look at me like I was going crazy if I attempted some of the suggestions in the book. Great book for parents of younger girls with ADHD.

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I wish I had had this book as a kid. Maybe then I would have seen the signs in myself and been able to better cope. Alas, I was only diagnosed in my early twenties. 😅
I cannot stress enough how great and helpful this book is to girls with ADHD. The recognition of subtle signs and tips to handle certain aspects of the diagnosis are depicted in a great way. It also is a good tool to communicate your needs for support and problems to others.

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Put aside for when I’m in the head space to complete it. I did flip through and I love how detailed it is.

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‘The Complete ADHD Parenting Guide for Girls’ by QC Harmony is a well-rounded resource for parents navigating the challenges of raising girls with ADHD. The book addresses the unique aspects of ADHD in girls, offering practical advice, strategies, and insights to help parents support their daughters effectively.

Accuracy: ★★★★☆
The book presents information that is generally accurate and grounded in the current understanding of ADHD. QC Harmony has done a good job of compiling research and expert opinions into a guide that is both informative and reliable. However, like many parenting guides, it simplifies some complex issues, which might not cover the full spectrum of experiences for all families.

Perspective: ★★★★☆
The perspective is empathetic and understanding, recognising the distinct challenges that girls with ADHD face. The author emphasises the importance of tailored strategies that cater to the specific needs of girls, who may present symptoms differently from boys. This focus on gender-specific approaches is a valuable addition to the ADHD parenting literature.

Relevance: ★★★★☆
Given the rising awareness of ADHD in girls and the increasing demand for resources that address this need, the book is highly relevant. It provides timely advice for parents looking to better understand and support their daughters, making it a useful tool in today's parenting landscape.

Engagement: ★★★★☆
The book is engaging, with a writing style that is approachable and relatable. QC Harmony uses anecdotes and examples that resonate with parents, making the content both informative and enjoyable to read. The practical tips and actionable advice keep readers invested in applying what they learn.

Readability: ★★★★☆
The guide is well-organized and easy to follow, with clear explanations and a logical flow of information. The language is accessible, avoiding overly technical jargon, which makes it suitable for a wide range of readers, from those new to the topic to more experienced parents.

Enjoyment: ★★★★☆
Parents of girls with ADHD are likely to find this book both helpful and reassuring. The supportive tone and practical advice make it a pleasure to read, providing not only guidance but also comfort to those navigating the complexities of ADHD.

‘The Complete ADHD Parenting Guide for Girls’ by QC Harmony is a valuable resource for parents seeking to understand and support their daughters with ADHD. With accurate information, a compassionate perspective, and practical advice, it offers a comprehensive guide that is both relevant and engaging. Whether you are just beginning your journey or looking for new strategies, this book provides the tools needed to help your daughter thrive.

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So happy to be able to read the girl version of this book!
There were quite a few times I stopped reading and was blown away at how it described my daughter. Sometimes you can feel alone while helping your children but this book was very reassuring to read to get more tips and resources. My daughter was 8 years old when she officially diagnosed with ADHD. I had done some research prior with my son also having ADHD too. I am always looking for new tips and tricks to learn and share so that we have all the resources we need to be as successful as possible. This book is one of those resources. It provides a wide range of information crossing different age levels. If you have a daughter with ADHD, I highly recommend this book.

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As a mom with a daughter who has ADHD I was excited for this book. I was looking forward to tips to help with things like getting ready in the morning, getting homework done, bath time, etc.

While I felt the book had a little too much background info for me (I already know my daughter has ADHD and I already know how it presents in her) and the chapter takeaways seemed a bit redundant, I was able to get some great advice, such as keeping a trigger diary, having weekly family meetings, having a strength jar and so much more!

This book is not only great for parents whose daughter already has the diagnosis, but it would also be ideal for parents who are not sure yet if their daughter has ADHD.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

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As a woman with ADHD, I wish my parents had something like this when I was growing up as I feel like it would have made the process a lot easier to not only understand what I’m going through but also how to help me. We're not perfect at diagnosing ADHD in girls yet, but we've come a long way. It's really encouraging to see the progress, and books like this are a big help. They’re not just full of useful info—they also empower girls and their families with the tools they need to handle ADHD with more confidence and ease.

This book is jam-packed with tons of great tips and tricks to help girls with ADHD. I really wish my mom had this when I was growing up—it would've made a huge difference. I love how it includes lots of fun games and real-life scenarios that make learning practical and enjoyable. Plus, the chapter summaries are super helpful for remembering all the key points.

*Thank you to NetGalley, QC HARMONY, and BooksGoSocial, for providing the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for a review, but all thoughts are my own*

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This has so many awesome tips and tricks for helping girls with ADHD! I wish my mom had owned this back in the day. I appreciate how there are lots of helpful games and scenarios included, and the summaries at the end of each chapter help the reader to retain information.

We’re not there yet with accurately diagnosing females with ADHD, but we’re in a much better place, and books like this are a tremendous help and resource.

I received an eARC from NetGalley and BooksGoSocial (thanks!). All opinions are mine.

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As the (non- ADHD) mother of an ADHD daughter, this was a super helpful book in learning how to manage my daughter’s behavioral tendencies.

It helps you understand active listening and be able to acknowledge their thoughts and feelings even when you don’t understand their thought process.

I definitely recommend this one!

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This book helped me better understand my own ADHD diagnosis and how to break the cycle of parenting in a way that isn't conducive to a caring relationship for someone with ADHD. My daughter is undergoing a potential ADHD diagnosis and I was at a loss for how to set up our relationship and our household that works for her and me and one that made her feel safe to express herself and emotions as well as function in a way that she is needing. I appreciate the tips in this book and found it to be a good resource.

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A terrific guide for raising girls with ADHD, offering a ton of info on the condition and tips on dealing with it. A must-read!

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A great resource for parents raising girls with this presentation of ADHD. It can be overwhelming and advice can be conflicting or non actionable but this will be really helpful for many people. We definitely have taken some valuable pieces from this book. Thank you so much for this ARC opportunity

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Covers the basics and beyond for parenting, up to par with modern research and really accessible. Felt a bit repetitive to me as I have read many ADHD books for Women and Girls, but that's not the books fault

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This was a good guide to the different strategies required for the lesser known presentation of ADHD in girls. It had a nice lot of extra knowledge, such as why the brain does what it does and lots of helpful strategies.

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This is a useful read for anyone who is not familiar with ADHD, its challenges and how to support a young person with ADHD. It is written by an American author so some information regarding schools etc would not apply to UK readers. The book informs on ways to be a more supportive parent to your daughter and explains some of the science behind the condition. There are also chapters on ideas to improve executive functioning and support the mental health of the child.

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QC Harmony’s “The Complete ADHD Parenting Guide for Girls” provides a thorough and wise guide for parents of girls with ADHD. It contains practical solutions and tips that are aimed at developing emotional regulation, executive functioning, and social skills.

Content and Structure:

Starting with an in-depth understanding of ADHD, especially in girls, this book is well-structured. The unique problems faced by girls as opposed to boys who are mostly associated with the disease have been noted. Different parts of the book include areas such as emotional regulation, executive functioning as well as social skills which have been broken down by the author systematically thus providing clear steps on how each can be achieved.

Emotional Regulation:

One of the best sections of this book deals with emotional regulation. To help parents teach their daughters how to manage their emotions, Harmony offers realistic and compassionate ways. These include mindfulness exercises, emotional coaching among others which she explains effectively and makes them simple enough to be used daily.

Executive Functioning:
In the chapter on executive functioning, the author emphasizes the importance of routines, organization, and goal-setting. Harmony’s strategies are designed to be adaptable and sustainable, recognizing that consistency is key in supporting children with ADHD. The book includes useful tools like planners and checklists that can be customized to fit individual needs.

Social Skills:
The social skills section is particularly valuable, addressing the often challenging social dynamics for girls with ADHD. Harmony discusses how to build self-esteem, navigate friendships, and handle social conflicts. The advice is grounded in positive reinforcement and encourages parents to foster a supportive and understanding environment.

Writing Style:
QC Harmony’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making complex psychological concepts easy to understand. The author balances professional expertise with personal anecdotes, which adds a relatable and comforting tone to the guidance provided.

The book is rich with practical tips and strategies that can be immediately implemented. Each chapter ends with a summary and key takeaways, which help reinforce the main points and provide a quick reference for busy parents.

"The Complete ADHD Parenting Guide for Girls" is a valuable resource for parents seeking to support their daughters with ADHD. QC Harmony’s thoughtful and thorough approach ensures that readers are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to make a positive impact on their child’s development. This book is a must-read for any parent looking to enhance their understanding and effectiveness in raising a daughter with ADHD.

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