Member Reviews

I'm on my 30's and yeah I did like it it was short and fun and actually adorable.. But to be honest I would like to have seen a little more because the pace was a little bit to quick, for me personally

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“Last Dance, Second Chance” by Emma Bennet follows ballet dancer Jessica Stone who secures her lifelong ambition in New York at age thirty-one, landing the role of prima ballerina. Eager to share her joy with her parents in England before rehearsals start, she returns home to find her family preparing for a holiday without her. Stranded in Surrey, she cares for Monty the dog, who becomes her loyal companion until an accident leaves her injured during a walk. A familiar face, Nathan Townsend, comes to her aid—a childhood friend she hasn't seen in two decades. Despite their instant connection, Jessica's imminent return to the U.S. and Nathan's recent heartbreak complicate their burgeoning romance.

I expected a charming romance from this book, but I was disappointed because I didn't connect with the writing style. The author heavily relies on showing rather than telling, which didn't work for me. The characters felt bland and uninteresting, and the dialogue was particularly hard to endure.

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Esta bien la historia, pero le faltó emoción. Todo el libro lo sentí plano.

Jessica una bailarina de 31 años que está viviendo el sueño. Está tan centrada en su carrera que no tiene tiempo para salir, ni para ver a su familia, entonces cuando tiene unas pequeñas vacaciones aprovecha para regresar después se años a su ciudad natal y visitar a sus papás, pero se lleva una sorpresa cuando llega y sus padres le dicen que se irán de vacaciones por lo que no pueden quedarse con ella.
Jess decide quedarse y cuidar al perro de su pap. En un paseo tuvo un accidente, se rompió el pie y su puesto como bailarina principal se pone en peligro.

Nathan es doctor, vió el accidente de Jess, la ayudo, la llevo al hospital y la dejo quedarse en sí casa para que no tenga que subir escaleras. Poco a poco se hacen amigos y desarrollan sentimientos románticos, sin embargo, él está pasando por algo y no quiere tener una relación.

Durante su tiempo juntos ella se fue dando cuenta que estaba dejando que su vida pase, que aunque ame su trabajo debe encontrar un equilibrio en su vida laboral y personal.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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3.25 stars
This was a cute, short romance. I did feel like there was a lot of telling instead of showing and the romance was sort of quick and out of nowhere even though they’re “old friends”, they haven’t seen each other since elementary school so I’m not sure how the chemistry got there so quickly. I did really enjoy the dogs, they were super cute. I’d recommend this book if you want a light hearted romcom, love dogs or love ballet.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC! I'm rounding up to 2 as I was unable to complete the story.

Unfortunately, I had to DNF this novel. The book suffered from telling and not showing. The interactions and characters were not believable and the dialogue was stilted. I don't mind a romance that defies logic, but was a too nonsensical for me. I do appreciate the author trying to show a ballerina in her 30s as well as a cute cover. This was simply not for me.

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This was such a beautiful story. I love second chance romances and this one was super cute and hit the spot.

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Heart warming romance in Last Dance, Second Chance.

Highly recommend this book and it was a quick read.

When Jessica finally lands her prima ballerina spot in New York, she decides to fly back to England to surprise her parents and give them the good news. She then learns that her parents are headed out for vacation with her brother and his family for 10 days and she suggested she could house sit their dog. With an untrained dog, she winds up breaking her foot and she looses her prima spot, but she ends up finding her true love.

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