Member Reviews

Loved the premise and it started out so so eerie, I really had high hopes that this would have me not able to sleep after I'd finished but it kind of lost that edge and dragged on a bit as the book went on. Not sure if it's because I just didnt click with any of the MCs or care what happend to them. It's still a pretty creepy concept and a decent read though

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I thoroughly enjoyed The Man in My Attic, a gripping psychological thriller that masterfully blended elements of creepiness, suspense, and heart-pounding action. After Lauren and her husband invested heavily in renovating their home, strange events began to unfold, causing their life and marriage to unravel. The short chapters, attention to detail, and suspenseful plot, which still managed to surprise despite some predictable moments, all contributed to a compelling narrative. A well-deserved four-star rating.

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This had such promise to be a super creepy and chilling thriller, the beginning started off super strong. It was eerie and giving so much tension. But then it just started to get repetitive and nothing truly happened to keep me hooked. I did feel like it was dragged out a bit and wanted it to get to the point, but the twists did catch me off guard.

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Gary just wanted to be part of a family, he would get attached, hide away in their home and would think nothing of killing them if they found him.

The first few pages got me thinking damn this is a good creepy thriller.
But unfortunately not a great deal happened after that. I found it boring and repetitive. The characters were irritating and frustrating.

Jacob, the husband, wanted you to feel sorry for him when things went wrong after an affair, I'm sorry but keep it in your god damn pants then you wouldn't have an issue.
Lauren the wife was so irritating, withholding information knowing it would help the police find a killer.

By the time the reveal came about I really couldn't care what happened.

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This was a wild ride! It centers on Lauren, who is living in her newly renovated house in northern VA with her (jerky) husband Jake and son Noah, when weird things start to happen around the house, like sounds she can’t explain. Her son then tells her about a new “friend” named Billy who “lives in the walls”. There also happens to be a string of unsolved murders in the area. The chapters are told from various perspectives- it’s primarily Lauren’s story but the other POVs are interesting and tie the story together well.

The story was fast paced and the chapters were short. I liked both Lauren and the police detective and felt that I could understand where both were coming from even when they didn’t make the right decisions. There were some definite creepy parts throughout. I also enjoyed the police investigation part, as it didn’t get really deep but it was just enough detail to tie together pieces of the story and I felt like good decisions were made. The twist at the end was a complete surprise to me (which is rare!) but that twist did lead me to another question that I didn’t think was answered. The ending of the book worked for me and I was satisfied with how it turned out.

Overall, I really liked this one and would love to read more from this author. I thought this was a creepy and engaging read overall. Thanks to Netgalley for pricing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was really twisted and I for sure didn’t see that ending coming. This was very well thought out and written it hooks you right in from the start and keeps you there. This is a first time read for me from this Author and I’m excited to see what others they have.

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I am going to go through my old home and check every corner. I was a bit weirded out by the different narrators for each chapter but it worked. It is shorter book. I probably could not keep up on a longer book.
This scared me, that makes it a decent read.

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The Man in the Attic will have you jumping at every little noise in your house as you read it. This book grabs you and doesn't let go as the suspense builds at a blistering pace! Lauren and Jacob have just finished having their Virginia Colonial renovated. The house is beautiful and Lauren can't believe how well it turned out. Every older house has creaks and noises, right? What if those noises weren't actually just from the old house, but from someone within the house? That's the premise of The Man in the Attic and I loved this book!

Lauren works as an accountant at a law firm and Jacob is a partner at a big law firm. Noah, their son, is 4 years old and attends preschool for half of the day. Their elderly neighbor picks him up and watches him at their house until Lauren comes home. When Noah is upstairs in his playroom watching tv he hears a voice. The voice is talking to him and tells Noah he wants to be friends. He tells Noah to call him Billy. Noah is excited to have a new friend even if he can't see him. When Noah tells his parents at dinner that he has a new friend named Billy they tell him to invite him over. Noah tells his parents that he lives in the walls. Lauren and Jacob are shocked and think that Billy is just an imaginary friend. Jacob convinces Lauren that this is totally normal at this age. Is it though?

Lauren suspects that Jacob is having an affair and thinks Noah has picked up on the stress between them. Maybe that's why he's created this imaginary friend. At dinner a few days later, Noah tells Jacob that Billy has a message for him. Noah tells Jacob that Billy knows what you did. Jacob loses it and screams at Noah, scaring the boy. Lauren doesn't know how much more she can take of Jacob. He's always been a good father, but he's coming unhinged. He comes home late, misses dinner, and now blows up at their son. What's Jacob hiding? When Lauren hears a thump one night it wakes her up. The noise came from the attic. She goes up to investigate, but doesn't see anything from the top of the attic steps.

When detectives stop by because of the call from the house the night before they tell Lauren and Jacob that there have been 3 other families that were all killed in their sleep. There was no forced entry and it was like the killer was living somewhere in the house. They give the detectives a list of the contractors who worked on the renovation of the house. Maybe one of them is doing this, if there's anything going on at all? Could it be Jacob has an imaginary friend? Could the noises be just an old house settling? You'll have to read The Man in the Attic to find out! I rate The Man in the Attic 5 stars with my highest recommendation. If you love a suspenseful read that unsettles you, this is the book for you! The Man in the Attic is available now. I'd like to thank NetGalley and Joffe Books for an advanced copy of The Man in the Attic in exchange for a fair review. #TheManInTheAttic

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The premise sounded good but unfortunately the story bored me early on and I DNFed. The different characters didn't have a jnique vouce either, I felt the story didn't have a good flow. Maybe is just me that I expect something different from thede type of books.

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Wow, what a seriously crazy ride!

The story revolves around Lauren and her family, including her four year old son, Noah. Lauren finally has the house of her dreams. Renovations are done and everything looks perfect. She hears some creaking floorboards in the night, but chalks it up to the old house settling. Although Lauren's house may be perfect, her marriage is anything but. She is well aware that her husband is having an affair, but has yet to confront him.

One night, when Lauren's husband is actually home for dinner, Noah tells his father that, "Billy said he knows what you did". Now Lauren is panicking. has Noah found out about his father's affair and this is his way of dealing with it? Kids have imaginary friends all the time, right? Sure, but what if the imaginary friend is real?

This book is really well written. I loved the alternating chapters between different characters. It made for a cohesive storyline and also, in part, led me to finishing the book in one day (I had to see what was going to happen to a certain character, but their chapter was still a few I kept going lol) Such a fast paced and twisty read that you will not be able to put down!

Creepy vibes galore - it is kind of crazy to think that someone could be living in your house without you knowing! I've heard of phrogging and squatters, but this books takes things to a whole new level - and it is very creepy! Let's just say you will be feeling quite unsettled next time you hear a random creak in your house...

Cannot wait to read more by Robin Mahle!

Thank you Joffe Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Great plot & fast paced…loved the ending
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I struggled to get through this book. I didn't like how each chapter had a different narrator. It made it hard to connect to the characters. The second half of the book was much more fast paced, but the storyline became too outlandish.

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This was such a creepy and thrilling read overall, I was hooked right away and I found myself not being able to put it down until I had devoured the whole book.

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This was read by myself and my 14 year and in her words it’s amazing and I would read it again. It’s full of twists, secrets being revealed, and it kept me on my toes trying to guess what is going to happen, I enjoyed this book thoroughly. Overall it’s a good read, I recommend anyone into books in this genre, or similar to it to read The Man In My Attic. Daughter said it was one of the best books she has ever read 4.5 stars. She enjoyed the regular switching of which characters POV we were reading through.

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Fast paced, short chapters that end on a cliff hanger each time which keeps you wanting to read on to find out more.
I do think some parts are a bit far fetched and it all gets wrapped up a bit too quickly but I didn’t see the twists coming.
Overall a good, gripping psychological thriller.

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Thank god I don't have an attic, because if I did, I'd be scared to go up there now. Thanks a lot, Robin Mahle, and thanks a lot for ruining my sleep.
It was totally worth it ;)

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Creepy!! It will make you think twice when you hear unexplained noises in your house!
The beginning dragged on a but, but once it picked up, it was a thrill ride.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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Thank you NetGalley and Joffe Books for this eCopy to review

The Man in My Attic is a gripping psychological thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. The story revolves around a family who moves into their dream home, only to discover that their new house harbours dark secrets. Lauren is grappling with a strained marriage and unsettling occurrences, is forced to confront the terrifying reality that someone is living in their attic.

Mahle masterfully builds suspense, with each creak and misplaced item adding to the tension. The characters are well developed especially Lauren's growing paranoia and fear. The twist involving the imaginary friend, Billy chilling and unexpected.

The novel’s pacing is excellent, with a blend of slow-building dread and sudden, shocking moments. An intricate plot and the final twist leave a lasting impact

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This was my first time reading anything by this author. The beginning of the story was slow and I did have to push through however once it got to the middle, boy, did it pick up. It was a great storyline with lots of suspense and twists along the way. It left me with goose bumps and I can wait to read more from this author

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

WOW! What a great book! This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Had me guessing! That plot twist got me! lol what a great read!

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