Member Reviews

Wow, I honestly did not see that ending coming at all. The book follows several perspectives. While normally, that would be hard to keep track of, it was very easy with this book. The perspectives made sense and gave you so much more in the book. The book gets your attention and keeps it the entire time you are reading. I was honestly so hooked that there were times I had to go back and reread things to make sure that what happened really did happen. The characters are both loveable and scary. The way some of the characters think is astonishing. Overall, if you are looking for a murder mystery that throws in some loops, this is definitely the book for you. Every time I thought I knew what was going to happen, something else would happen.

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I liked the storyline overall. In my opinion, the additional storylines around Jacob seemed underdeveloped and the book could’ve done without it and still ended up at the same point. I liked the different POVs and I think they were helpful in providing background about the characters and bringing it all together in the end.

A decent read and it did keep me turning pages, but the ending was a little underwhelming. I did enjoy the writing style.

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I'll be honest: the synopsis really appeals to me, even though it also sounds cliché. But, personally, I'm a sucker for domestic thrillers of all kinds.
But the execution of this one, even though I won't say it is a bad one (the writing is decent, accessible and fast-paced enough; the characters are clichéd but easy relatable; the setting can be creepy depending on each person's real life fears), it isn't exactly original or engaging.
I personally tend to enjoy thrillers or mystery novels with small kids in the centre of the story, too.
I'd recommend reading this indoors, in the dark and silence. I believe it'll help set the proper mood for such a story.

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This book had some creepy vibes to it. I enjoyed it and couldn’t stop reading until the end. I wasn’t expecting the twist. There was murder, serial killer, lies. If you are a fan of Freida McFadden, I think you’d enjoy this book. I definitely recommend. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Do you wanna know what is scary? A strange man living in your attic. What happens next? Read The Man in My Attic to find out.

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He’s in our house. I never imagined that moving into our dream home, a beautiful Virginia Colonial, would unravel my life. The renovations are finally complete and I revel in the quiet moments, sipping coffee in the morning sun. But something is off. At first, it’s little things, a creak in the floorboards, a misplaced item. I brush them off, chalking it up to the house settling. My husband Jacob is more distant, buried in late night meetings and coming home reeking of whiskey and lies! Wow some creepy vibes in this one! Good book! This book had suspense, intrigue, murder, mystery, serial killer, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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