Member Reviews

A wonderful tribology of novellas. They all captured my attention and were thoroughly enjoyable. Very similar, but also unique in their own ways.

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Three of my favorite authors bring us three novellas filled with mystery, suspense, and a little romance. There are some good twists and turns and lots of intense action. All three books kept me hooked until the end; well worth the read!

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This collection of three novellas was hard to put down! All three were intense, fast-paced, and intriguing mysteries with romance and emotion. All three authors are ones I enjoy and these novellas did not disappoint - plenty of action and substance, despite being shorter books. This is definitely worth the read!

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This was my first book by Lynette Eason and Lynn H. Blackburn although I have read one of Natalie Walters books before. I will definitely be reading more books by all three authors.
I absolutely loved all the stories in the book but, I think Perilous Obsession was my favorite. Each story is full of mystery, intrigue, plot twists, and romance. The novellas in this book are connected to a series by each author, and even though I have not read any book in any of these series, I did not feel like I was missing a part of the story. The mystery will keep you guessing and just when you think you have it figured out, PLOT TWIST!, especially in Perilous Obsession. Each novella also has the perfect amount of romance. I highly recommend this book if you are a fan of romantic suspense. Even if you aren’t, I would recommend you try these authors, they might just change your mind.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Ah, the thrilling trio has done it again! Eason brings the suspense, Blackburn brings the swoon, and Walters combines the two perfectly, so no matter what type of story you’re craving, this collection holds something for you.

In the Dark - 4 Stars

With Steph and Tate, the mystery starts on the very first page and ramps up from there. Tate’s compassion for and protection of Steph is admirable, and I instantly liked him. Steph’s desire for justice and empathy with those around her, despite working through her own grief, are inspirational. The tension builds throughout the story, culminating in one of Eason’s signature twists.

The one thing that bugged me about this story was Steph seemed to devolve more and more into a bit of the stereotypical dumb chick in a horror movie who gets killed because of her own stupidity. This is something that frustrates me, as I can’t fathom doing stuff like that, but as it resulted in Steph getting into tricky situations she had to be rescued from, it was just annoying and not an “I don’t want to read this story again” reaction.

Downfall - 5 Stars

I've been waiting for Donovan and Cassie's story since Never Fall Again hinted at it, and I wasn't disappointed. The two are so sweet as they navigate the suspicious events in Cassie's kitchen and interacting after breaking up. Cassie's paralyzing fear is completely relatable, as well as Donovan's protectiveness that gets him into trouble. The pair kept me glued to the page and guessing until the very end!

Perilous Obsession - 4.5 Stars

Ah, Lahela and Briggs. And flamingoes. This story grabbed me from the first page, drawing me in with the suspense and a hint of a thriller feel with Lahela's stalker. I really enjoyed the friend group, and how they both did what they could to protect Lahela, but also respected her wishes. The grit, determination, and concern Lahela and Briggs show for each other is inspiring, and I know this will be a story I return to. And as a bonus, we get Kekoa visit!

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My thoughts: Cornered is a three-story novella collection by three different authors. Each story is standalone. I really enjoyed the first two stories in the book written by some of my favorite romantic suspense authors. They were my favorite stories. The third story is a new to me suspense writer (but I did recognize her name) and I enjoyed that story as well. If you like to read novellas and romantic suspense you will definitely want to read this collection. I was immediately engaged and couldn't put the book down. I had to read to find out what happens next. I was given a copy free and all opinions are my own.

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This book is a strong, solid trio of equally captivating and entertaining romantic suspense novellas from 3 super-talented storytellers. Fast-paced, action-packed plots and engaging, memorable characters drew me in quickly and kept me eagerly reading each story. Each author weaves together the threads of suspense and romance beautifully with just the right balance. I love this collection and highly recommend it as a must read for Romantic Suspense fans. These novellas are not related in story content (except for the danger and suspense), but they all have carryover characters from previous books by the individual authors. Even so, they can each be easily read and enjoyed without having read the previous books. I think, however, you will be compelled to go back and read the previous series from these wonderful authors!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed these three novellas! While I like stories that are longer, as a general rule, I thought that each of the authors did a fabulous job of keeping the suspense and energy going with these stories! I loved getting to know the characters and trying to figure out who is behind each of the mysteries. I liked how this book had a variety, from the sudden (and suspicious) death of a co-worker, to vandalism and secrets, to someone's unhealthy obsession. This is the perfect collection of mysteries to pick up and enjoy as the weather turns cold!

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Amazing book! I really enjoyed all 3 novellas. I loved the suspense of these stories. A great read that keeps you guessing. Another win for these 3 great authors!

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Get ready for nail-biting suspense from all three of these novellas. Every one of these novellas tie into other books by these others, but I don't think you have to read them first to understand the characters. Though I have read some of Lynette's books but not any of the other two authors yet. I definitely will be getting the other authors books, because what I read in these novellas makes me want to read their other books. I love how the first story has you trying to crack the code right along with the characters. Will they be able to understand the code and break it before anyone else gets hurt? Then the second story that is set in the state I was born and raised in, starts off with a resorts kitchen being destroyed. From there on out will have you guessing all the way to the end over who and why everything is happening. Finally the last story will have you begging for more, especially after this one statement, "Does he look like a Hawaiian Fabio?" My book wishlist has grown considerably. I received a complimentary copy of these novellas but was not required to leave a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own thoughts of the novella. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an early copy.

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I loved these three stories that gave more insight into side characters from each of the author's respective series. Each story had some twists and turns and kept me reading at a fast pace.

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So, I typically find myself not much of a fan of novellas. I read them, but inevitably I'm disappointed by the (needed) fast progression of the story. Most of the ones I have read feel like the story just doesn't have the same oomph as I've grown to expect of my favorite authors. I don't mind a novella for an author I'm not very familiar with, it gives me a taste of their style, and lets me know whether I want to go find other stories in their portfolio. (I do realize I just supported and didn't support the pursuit of a novella in the same paragraph!)
The collection of novellas found in Cornered pleasantly surprised me! Each of these three authors did a great job continuing the sagas they've developed in their main series. I enjoyed each story and walked away satisfied with the way the story developed and the pace it took. And now I want more of each of these series and cannot wait to see these characters show up again.
Thank you to Revell, NetGalley, and the authors for the opportunity to enjoy this collection and share my honest review.

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In the Dark - Lynette Eason

This book was a fun surprise for me. I am rarely a big fan of murder mysteries, but this one kept me very engaged. Steph and Tate worked well together, and communicated even better. No bad communication trope in this epic book! This book jumps right into the action. The cast is perfect. I thought I had the murder figured out pretty quick…but nope. I was wrong. And that made the book so much more enjoyable. I’ll admit there were several times I tried to put the book down…and I just couldn’t do it. Not even when my own work was calling my name. I had to finish this read. Highly recommend it!!!

Downfall - Lynn H. Blackburn

I LOVED this book! That’s it. Need I say more? Okay. Maybe. I absolutely loved Downfall too. This collection is awesome! Donovan and Cassie were so cute. And the mystery was easy to follow and once again kept me guessing who the culprit was. The sweet second-chance romance literally brought tears to my eyes. Donovan and Cassie are PERFECT together! Lynn H. Blackburn did an amazing job with this one. I will certainly be reading more books by her. This is a MUST READ!

Perilous Obsession - Natalie Walters

What a way to finish off this collection! Natalie did an excellent job in this one. She definitely kept me turning the page. I read this one in about two hours (note: I am a fast reader). Briggs and Lahela were a great couple to end this collection with. Briggs always had her back even when she was afraid to rely on him. The stalker remained hidden until the end of the book. This is another epic book by Natalie Walters. Again I recommend this whole collection!!! It is worth the money!

I received the ARC version of this collection. All opinions are my own.

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What’s better than THREE of your favorite authors in one book? Absolutely nothing! I had high expectations for Cornered and it far exceeded them. Each novella is full of suspense, drama, danger, and the perfect amount of romance that keeps you reading long past your bedtime!

Into the Dark brings us the story of Steph and Tate. We briefly get glimpses of them in previous Lake City Heroes books, but this novella dives into their stories. When Steph’s friend and coworker is murdered, new detective Tate Cooper finds himself thrust into this new case on his first day. As they work together to find the killer, can they fight the sparks flying between them?

Downfall takes us back to quaint Gossamer Falls and Cassie Quinn’s story. Cassie is part of the beloved Quinn family who along with the Pierce family are the founding families of Gossamer Falls. When Cassie is threatened through her job as a chef at the Pierce owned Haven establishment, her ex boyfriend, Deputy Donavon Bledsoe has to find a way to keep her safe while examining why he ever let her go.

Perilous introduces us to Layla who is Keoka’s, from the SNAP Agency series, sister. Layla’s move from Hawaii to Texas has not been easy and she now finds herself the target of an unknown assailant. Her hunky friend, Briggs, finds himself using his law enforcement background to help her, but will he capture her heart in the process too?

While each of these novella’s are connected to a series, they can be read as stand alone. Do yourself a favor and read the series they are connected with! You will not be disappointed!

I was super excited about this collection of novellas as I read every book each of these authors write. They certainly lived up to the hype I had for them and quite honestly, I was sad to see the book end.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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Cornered is an excellent 3 on 1 book by 3 amazing authors.

In Lynette Eason's story, In The Dark, Steph is told by Tate, the police detective, that her friend was murder. With Tate trying to solve the reason for it and Steph helping, they're soon in the killers crosshairs. This story kept you turning pages to get to an ending you will not see coming!!

In Downfall, by Lynn H. Blackburn, Cassie is a chef helping her friend, Bronwyn, at her inn. But someone is harassing Cassie, and it's up to Donovan, her ex, to protect her and figure out who's after. With the harassment getting more dangerous as they figure out what's going on, will they get a second chance, or will they be killed. This story keeps you turning pages.

Perilous Obession, by Natalie Walters, is another fantastic story by this author. Lahela is a teacher with a dangerous stalker. Her friend Briggs is determined to keep her safe and keep his feelings for her hidden. This story was so exciting and the ending! That totally blew me away, I didn't see that coming at all.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher, and this is my honest review.

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All 3 of these novellas were do good! I just wish they were longer! I’ll have to read the rest of the series that these connect to now. I want to know more.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the authors and all opinions are my own.

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You know how hard it is to wait for the next book in a favorite series? I do, and that's why Cornered is so fabulous! This collection of novellas by Lynette Eason, Lynn Blackburn, and Natalie Walters takes you back to their recent story worlds and adds a story to each one.

In the Dark by Lynette Eason takes you back to Lake City where Brenda's friend has been murdered, and hunky Detective Tate is investigating. Adding to the cast of characters in her new Lake City Heroes series makes this automatically intriguing, because I've loved the others, and this novella was just as good. Eason kept me guessing all the way - I couldn't figure out who the 'bad guy' was! She kept presenting characters and teasing them with possibilities before presenting another. Eason's stories just keep getting more and more mysterious, and I love it!

Downfall by Lynn Blackburn revisits her latest storyworld in Gossamer Falls, where family feuds are alive and well, but so are family ties. I loved seeing the interplay between family members, between generations, and watching all them struggle to overcome past hurt feelings. I wanted to know what mysterious thing happened to both Cassie and Donovan, and Blackburn drove me crazy as she trickled out the details. With realistic emotions and sizzling chemistry, I'm impatient once again for Blackburn's next addition to her Gossamer Falls series.

If you've read any of Natalie Walters' SNAP Agency books, then you know about Kekoa Young. He's my favorite book hunk from all the books I've read over the past few years, so how excited was I to discover that the main character in her novella Perilous Obsession was his younger sister Lehela? With a stalker on the loose, will cowboy Briggs make his move - or have to spend all his time keeping Lehela safe? I loved the interactions of this tight group of friends and the way that, once again, I kept second-guessing who I thought the 'bad guy' really was. Walters keeps the action creative and the tension high, making this story both fun and exciting. Please, though, Natalie - bring us more of that "Hawaiian Fabio!"

Any book written by these three authors is going to be a winner - but put them together, and it's dynamite. Don't sit on this one - Cornered should go on your TBR list today!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the authors. All opinions are my own.

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By far, a favorite. Each story grabbed me in a different way and challenged my faith in a different way. I'm of fan of each of these authors and this collection did not disappoint. Can't wait til purchase date as this is a book worth sharing.

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The writing trio of Eason, Blackburn, and Walters strikes again with a pitch perfect set of suspense filled novellas you most definitely need to read!

I received an advance copy from the publisher. My review has not been solicited.

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Loved it! I am stingy with 5 stars for novella collections but each story was fantastic by these three amazing romantic suspense authors. This novella collection hit it out of the park!

1) In the Dark by Lynette Eason
Wonderful romantic suspense story! I really enjoyed Steph Cross and Detective Tate Cooper's page-turning story! Steph's friend and co-worker died on a dangerous stretch of road in the mountains, but when she checks her friend's desk and finds a notebook with encrypted messages, she's beginning to think this was no accident.

2) Downfall by Lynn Blackburn LOVED This latest story in Gossamer Falls! Even though it's novella size, I was totally invested in the story and couldn't put it down. Cassie Quinn is in danger, she's put under the watchful eye of her ex-boyfriend Detective Donovan Bledsoe for protection. I love her extended family who look out for her and won't take no for an answer. Romantic suspense told with humor and sweet well-developed characters, I couldn't put it down! Loved it!

3) Perilous Obsession by Natalie Walters
Great story, character development and suspense!!! Lahela Young (Kekoa's little sister for those familiar with the author's SNAP series) becomes the target of someone with an obsession. Her friends, especially Briggs, have her back. I loved Briggs and Lahela"s story, and it's connection to the SNAP series which is one of my favorite heart pounding suspense series! Couldn't put it down!

If you like romantic suspense you can't beat these three authors! I highly recommend Cornered!
Thank you to the authors and Net Galley for allowing me to read an early copy. All opinions are my own.

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