Member Reviews

This is a must have for Swifties and readers! I have been working through a Taylor Swift reading challenge that I created for myself to get through some of my TBRs but after reading this book I need to go back and redo some of the prompts! I cannot wait to get a physical copy of this book! As an academic I am adding Rachel to my list of dream collaborators! I have made a note to come back and post a goodreads and instagram review once I have physical copy so that I can show off the beautiful artwork

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Thank you to NetGalley and Quirk Books.

Like Feder's last book, "The Darcy Myth: Jane Austen, Literary Heartthrobs, and the Monsters They Taught Us to Love," I found issue with Feder's lazy scholarship and lack of editing. This book also struggles with who the intended audience is and because of that, the tone shifts often, too often. Is this book for younger Taylor Swift fans? Academics of literary legacies (like myself)? Serious academics? General Swifties? I have no idea. This book also really takes a lot of credit away from academics who work at illustrating ways in which classic texts are still present in contemporary pop culture.

One of my biggest issues is how often Feder will cherry pick lines from songs and go off from there for their entire thesis. This I think is incredibly lazy because it and the following analyses ignore the rest of the song. If I wanted a book that just pointed out potential links, I would rather look at a particular Google spreadsheet that a Swiftie had made that contains all potential literary references in Swift's music. Instead, Feder seems to be pulling theories out of gossip magazines and social media rather than from interviews with Swift herself, of which I believe are plenty. I generally just found the "analysis" and connections quite lazy because Feder and her cowriter attempt to go through Swift's discography but again, only tackling song lyrics rather than a song. It would have been better for Feder's work quality to instead look at one or two songs and focus on that rather than multiple albums and songs.

I might be particularly critical of this book because I recently started work on a potential dissertation chapter that links one of Swift's songs to a literary text/author.

ANYWAYS. I found myself very optimistic because again, I had recently started my own research and found it to be easy (easier at least than my Beach Boys project), but unfortunately, like her previous work, I was incredibly disappointed and annoyed. With the low level of work that Feder does, it really does seem like she continues to be published not because of the quality of her work but because she picks buzzworthy projects.

And also, who the hell is the audience? There's a tone at the start that implies this is for high school aged readers but then as they delve further, the tone juggles between the former and experienced academics and Swifties. There is absolutely a way to write this that appeals across all levels and Feder and her cowriter did not write in that way. On top of struggling with supporting their thesis and their shoddy scholarship, they really struggled with just general tone. This really stems from the lack of direction in their central idea and thesis and it shows in every aspect of the book.

The art is nice.

Would not recommend, not even for a Swifty. As a Swifty and an academic whose research is in literary legacies (literally this), I find myself disappointed and annoyed. Don't pick up.

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"Taylor Swift by the Book: The Literature Behind the Lyrics, from Fairy Tales to Tortured Poets," Rachel Feder and Tiffany Tatreau have crafted a captivating resource for those interested in immersing themselves in literary terms in a way that is both accessible and engaging.

By dissecting Taylor Swift's lyrics, the book offers a deep dive into allusions, motifs, and literary devices, providing a richer understanding of Taylor's songwriting prowess. Whether you are a die-hard Swiftie or a casual fan, this book will undoubtedly deepen your appreciation for the depth and intricacy of Taylor's lyrics. Additionally, the book's exceptional ability to present complex literary concepts in an understandable manner makes it an invaluable tool for educational purposes and self-study.

Through its captivating exploration of various literary eras, from the Romantics to modern Gothic, the book offers an informative and enjoyable journey, using each song's lyrics as a gateway to explore broader literary themes. The stunning layout and illustrations enhance the reading experience, making the connections to literature even more vivid.

"Taylor Swift by the Book" is not just a fascinating exploration of Taylor's music; it is an inspiring educational journey that unveils the beauty of literary terms in an accessible and enjoyable manner.

Whether you are an educator seeking to inspire your students, a dedicated Swiftie yearning to unravel the layers in Taylor's music, or simply a lover of literature, Taylor Swift by the Book is a fantastic resource. This book takes readers through literary history by breaking down Taylor Swift's lyrics and explaining the allusions, motifs, and literary devices she uses in her songwriting. Whether you're a seasoned Swiftie or a casual fan, this book offers a deeper appreciation of the genius behind Taylor’s lyrics.

One of the book's strengths is its ability to make complex literary concepts easy to understand. Feder and Tatreau do a remarkable job of explaining literary terms through the lens of Taylor's music, making it a perfect tool for teaching and self-study. The journey through different literary eras, from the Romantics to the modern Gothic, is informative and enjoyable, with each song’s lyrics serving as a springboard for exploring broader literary themes.

The book's layout and illustrations are stunning, enhancing the reading experience and making the literary connections even more vivid. The book doesn’t just educate—it inspires. Teachers and librarians will find it an excellent resource for creating authentic lessons that connect literature to popular culture. The book can spark a love for music and literature in readers of all ages.

Taylor Swift by the Book is not just a deep dive into Taylor’s lyrics; it’s an educational journey that brings literary terms to life in a way that’s both accessible and fun. Whether you're a teacher looking to inspire your students, a Swiftie eager to understand the layers in Taylor's music, or someone who loves literature, this book is a must-read.

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Thank you Netgalley and publisher for this book.

I will read literally anything that mentions Taylor Swift!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC version of Taylor Swift by the Book!

Swifties will love this book! It is a deep dive into Taylor's lyrics and their place in literary history. It is also incredibly pretty. I enjoyed the explanations of the different types of metaphors she uses in her songs and the brief biographies of poets/authors in each era. Taylor Swift by the Book was incredibly easy to read and it flowed seamlessly between different topics. I did learn many things about certain tropes

The reason for my low review is that at times it became a bit confusing. Because I am just a casual fan of Taylor Swift, a lot of the lyrics seemed to be taken out of context. I wish there were longer sections of the songs that could have been used to give a more in-depth reading of the song. By only having one short line, such as "I get more angry" from Mad Woman or "I ride off alone" from The Archer, it gives the sense that many of the literary connections are mental leaps rather than any solid connection. It gave the impression that you needed to be a diehard fan who knows every word to fully appreciate the Taylor Swift by the Book. I also became confused about which level of education or age this book was targeted at. Some entries felt like the book was suited to middle school or high schoolers, while others gave the impression it was for adults.

As I said at the start of my review, I am sure Swifties will love this title, but I am not sure if I would recommend it for a casual fan.

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This book feels like someone crawled into my brain and wrote about some of the main things I think about; books, and Taylor Swift. It's so well researched, and you can tell that the authors are experts on the subjects, not just TS fans who happen to have read a book once. I cannot wait to get a physical copy of this book! I think even Taylor herself might be interested in the literary parallels found here.

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Very interesting book that delves into literary references and devices used by Taylor Swift. A wonderful book for a swiftie and not a bad book for someone looking to learn literary terms in an accessible way. It's inspired me to try some new authors too. Interesting profiles about other tortured poets too

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The Swiftie in me had to check this out, the ELA nerd in me couldn’t stop reading, and the teacher/librarian me cannot wait to order a copy for my own daughter and my patrons. I love the journey through the eras as song lyrics are broken down with explanations of allusions, motifs, and more. I really feel this book can be used to inspire and create authentic lessons for the classroom as well as make any Swiftie new or old appreciate the genius behind Swifts lyrics on a deeper level. Beautiful layout and illustrations.

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