Member Reviews

I love this world and this cast of characters which Cass Grafton has introduced me to and truly planted the love for a good romance in my wheelhouse. She creates characters who are real and that you could imagine being your friends that you meet for coffee. The world she has put them in is so well thought of and immersive that you need the two of the as only having one of the elements wouldn't work. I need more from Polkerran Point and Anna, Oliver, Matt, Gemma and all the others. I would and have done put Cass Grafton down as an auto-buy author and I never thought this would happen in the romance genre - Thank You Cass Grafton.

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A “Will They Won’t They” Romance

It was lovely to revisit Polkerran Point and spend more time with some of the characters from the first two lovely books, such as Anna and Oliver. This book features Gemma with her thwarted travel plans and Matt, a troubled musician. It took me a while to get into Gemma and Matt’s story but I thoroughly enjoyed it once I did.

I love the chapter heading quotes in this book.

Looking forward to more visits to Polkerran in the future.

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Gemma's travel plans are delayed, leading her to work as a housekeeper for the reserved and troubled Matt at an isolated mill. Despite their initial clash, Gemma's cheerfulness gradually breaks through Matt's guarded exterior. Their relationship evolves from friendship to a heartwarming romance, complicated by Matt's hidden struggles. Set against the festive backdrop of Polkerran, the story captures the warmth of community, the magic of Christmas, and the joy of new beginnings, including a touching wedding. This charming and festive romance, filled with well-drawn characters and a touch of mystery, makes for a delightful read.

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Cosy Christmas read. Just what you want at Christmas to switch off for a little while.
I liked the characters the location and plot were interesting.
It kept me reading. Not taxing but enjoyable all the same.
Thanks Netgallery

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I love books set at Christmas and this one ticks all the boxes for me. It has a good storyline, excellent characters and is well written.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I loved being back in Polkerran Point.

Gemma was meant to be going on a holiday that she was really looking forward to. But, it didn’t go as planned and now she’s come to her aunt’s house to stay and is looking for a job.

She meets Matt when she is visiting Anna, he needs someone to live with him as a housekeeper, as he is in the process of writing music for his band tour.

Gemma agrees to the job on a temporary basis and settles into her role. But, she thinks that Matt isn’t being honest with her. There is something between them happening, and as her stay in the house is only until Christmas, she’s thinking whether this chemistry between them will become something more or whether she’ll be leaving Polkerran and romance behind.

The new characters were lovely and it was great to read about how the characters from the previous book were doing.

I loved how Gemma looked forward to Christmas and decorating the house.

I also loved the wedding of Anna and Oliver.

I highly recommend this book.

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I love a sweet Christmas story, and this was it! I recommend everyone getting this book for a sweet holiday story. Wonderfully done.

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Gemma’s dream holiday starts off rocky with an accident and a lost passport, forcing her to wait in the charming village of Polkerran Point. Staying at her aunt’s place and seeking temporary work, she crosses paths with Matt, a musician who needs a live-in housekeeper while preparing for a big band reunion tour. As Gemma settles into her new role, chemistry sizzles between them, but Matt seems to be hiding something. With her stint ending at Christmas, Gemma wonders if their growing connection will be enough to keep her in Polkerran or if she’ll have to leave her holiday romance behind.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of Christmas at Polkerran Point in exchange for an honest review.

I am all about romance at Christmas! This book was festive and had a charming sea side town that celebrated Christmas like you would expect in a Hallmark movie. I loved Gemma's Christmas spirit and appreciated the setting.

The characters and romance part was what fell flat for me. It started with Matt's eating disorder. He barely ate. I know that is one of the reasons that Gemma was hired was to cook for him, but his lack of eating was such a strong focus that it was concerning. He also drank way too much and was really dismissive and rude to Gemma majority of the time. It wasn't until all of HIS problems were resolved (which was all Gemma) that he could focus any time or energy on her and what she had gone through. Everything was about him.

I feel like Gemma had a bit of a Savior complex and that was the only reason she fell in love with him because he honestly did not have a single thing going for him until the last few pages. Like I said all his troubles were fixed, and he actually gave a crap about Gemma. He said he had been in love with her since the beginning, but there was no indication of that at all.

Their "we" and "us" and "our home" shtick at the end seemed unreal rather than invoke feelings of festive, romantic cheer unfortunately. I want to love the male main character or hate-to-love him, but Matt did neither for me.

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Gemma goes back to Polkerran to stay with her auntie after having to come home early from her travels for a recuperation break.

Matt is writing music in an isolated location, and when Gemma is introduced to Matt by his sister, Anna, she soon finds herself with a job as a live-in housekeeper for Matt.

Gemma is confused by her feelings for Matt, she thinks she dislikes him - but also likes him! As sparks fly between the pair, will they admit to each other how they feel?

This is the third book in this series and I’ve enjoyed this latest book as much as the first two.

The characters were believable and it was like being back with old friends.

A well-written Christmas story, that left me wishing it was Christmas now!

The chapter titles were well thought out and did make me chuckle at times.

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Fantastic to be back but you can read alone . Another book that proves fame is not all it is cracked up to be. Read in one sitting. You met some lovely new characters and old ones. I love how everyone gathers at Anna's for coffee. Funny how you don't see love coming. Gemma was a great character. Her love of Christmas was fantastic. Her family were amazing. You can't imagine losing every thing. The wedding and ending were great. Poor Matt at times. Read it.

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An enjoyable and cozy Christmas romance. I enjoyed the plot, location and characters though the wrap up was a bit rushed for me. Overall though a good story.

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Gemma estaba disfrutando de viajar en su año sabático hasta que todas sus cosas se quemaron, incluyendo su pasaporte, dinero, ropa y su más precisada posesión: el collar de su abuela. Como no podía seguir viajando hasta obtener el repuesto del pasaporte, tuvo que quedarse con su tía en Polkerran por unas semanas y conseguir empleo. Ahí conoce a Matt, un músico que formaba parte de un banda famosa, la cual se separó hace años y ahora quieren hacer su reencuentro. El libro gira en torno a lo que Matt está escondiendo y como Gemma intenta descubrir por qué él recibe amenazas. Tengo temporadas en las que necesito este tipo de libros en los que sientes que estas poniéndote al corriente de la vida de una amiga, en donde no hay drama entre los protagonista, donde te enteras de los chismes del pueblo y hay romance, pero no demasiado. Gracias a NetGalley, el editor y el autor del ARC a cambio de una revisión honesta.

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I know it’s still summer, but I am so glad to see the Christmas books coming out. Christmas at Polkerran Point was a great start to the holiday season. Pick this one up.

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Canelo is such a beautiful imprint. Always a privilege to read one of their stories. I loved this forgives cozy romance and finish it in one sitting! I loved the rockstar aspect and of course how our main works as the housekeeper and finds love along the way. It goes to show that even when things aren’t going the way you want something better is in store just around the corner

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