Member Reviews

A captivating story unfolds with two intriguing mysteries intertwined as Cal embarks on a quest to unravel the truth behind Aaron’s disappearance. Amidst this pursuit, he grapples with the emotional aftermath of his sister’s murder trial, which has yielded no justice. The author’s masterful storytelling keeps the reader enthralled throughout the book, ensuring a thoroughly engaging and immersive reading experience.

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The crime podcaster trope has been overdone to an alarming extent in recent years, but Heather
Critchlow's character Cal Lovett is the real deal. I really enjoyed the first two books in the series and this third one is a good addition.

In this story, we discover Cal investigating the puzzling disappearance of a young man in Edinburgh, who went missing over a decade ago. His parents insist their son, Arran, went from being a happy and well-adjusted boy to someone who was clearly troubled.

In the course of his investigations, Cal becomes increasingly convinced that Arran's university friends - who must surely have witnessed the changes in his personality that his parents described - are hiding something.

But why would they lie? And what are they lying about?

This one is definitely worth a read, especially if you liked the earlier books, as I did.

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ARC Review 🌟 Unsound by Heather Critchlow
Pub Date Sep 05 2024 
🌟He left for university… and never came back
🌟Absolutely gripping crime thriller. This book is the third installment in the Cal Lovett series. Cal is a true crime podcaster. I haven't read the first two, Unsolved and Unburied, but I can deduce a lot about them after reading this one, but I would love to read the whole series.

Sharp and clever writing with two timelines. One is past, 20 years ago, from the 19 years old, Arran's point of view, his start at the university, the problems, the struggles he faced, the cruelty of privileged kids and second is Cal's view point in present, his daughter starting the university, the trial of his sister's killer, caring for her aging mother, and moving in with new partner, Shona.
As Cal unravels the truth about Arran's dissapeance, he finds so many ugly truths and shocking revelations that came out in the open. It's truly heartbreaking to read about Arran, the way an innocent boy suffered and all the culprits walk free and his parents, who were still finding answers for the last twenty years.
Fast-paced and suspenseful, twists on every end, and the climax is just horrifying and gritty. It is an excellent thriller, highly recommended.
Thanks to @Netgalley and @canelo_co and the author for the eARC.

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This is the third book in the Cal Lovett Files series. Although some of the story lines surrounding Cal’s life are a continuation from the previous books, Arran’s story is new, so this could be read as a stand alone.

I am a big fan of a cold case and I’m really enjoying the podcast element of this series, the mixed media format works really well. The setting this time around is Edinburgh, a favourite of many crime writer and the perfect location for this university based mystery.

As the details of Arran’s disappearance emerge, the story takes a dark and disturbing turn examining the secret lives of the privileged and affluent. It looks at culpability, cause and effect and atonement. It asks who should be held accountable and are some more responsible than others.

The one thing which Heather Critchlow does brilliantly is to explore the effects that cold cases and violent crimes have on the loved ones that are left behind. My heart broke for Arran’s family, in particular his mum. The emotions feel very real.

Another great story to add to the series - I’m already looking forward to the next one!

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Cal, our intrepid podcaster is back in action.  He's dealing with the trial of sister's killer, his daughter leaving for Uni, dealing with his difficult and ageing mother and Shona, his new partner who wants them to live together.  More than enough problems for one man to handle simultaneously.

A friend of Shona hands Cal a case of her missing son, 19yr old Arran. Is it fate that Cassie is going to University in the very same city? He can maybe grab another couple of moments with his daughter whilst helping another family learn the whereabouts of their missing child.

I really enjoy the overlapping time periods - we get to see Arran going to Uni, making friends, seeing the problems he faces.  We then see Cal in the present trying to untangle the story and find fresh leads. I struggled with identifying the "baddie" - I usually have some kind of an idea but I was completely stumped this time!  Since I work in the world of law and order, I'm keeping that quiet from my colleagues!

I'm thoroughly enjoying this series.  It's based on enough real world fact and procedures that you can easily immerse yourself in Cal's world.  Well paced and twisty enough to keep you guessing!

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Overall this book was full of tension and suspense, I loved having a character that is a true crime podcaster, for me it added excitement and a tinge of reality,

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Told over 2 timeperiods, this book is about Cal, a crime podcaster who tries to bring closure for cold cases. In this book, Arran, the son of a highland farmer leaves for university . At the beginning of the second term he disappears. Cal has his own family problems and these are also dealt with along with his investigation into Arran's disappearance. The third in the series, I would advise reading all the books, more because you understand Cal's personal situation as well as the way he works, though regarding the main investigation, the book reads fine as a stand alone. It took me a couple of chapters to get into this book but once the investigation in Edinburgh got going, I could not put the book down The descriptions of emotions and of student life are well done and Cal's reactions in the investigation are considered and believable. He does have his own troubles as well and I like the ongoing personal factors as well as the completed investigation as it gives the book an extra dimension.
A great read, thanks to Net Galley for the ARC

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Unsound by Heather Critchlow is a very highly recommended mystery and the third book in the Cal Lovett series.

Cal, a true crime podcaster, has a life in transition. He is in the midst of the trial to convict his sister's killer. His daughter Chrissie is leaving home for the university in Edinburgh. He is the only one to keep track of his elderly mother and Shona, his girlfriend, wants them to live together. When unforeseen circumstances delay the trial, Shona brings a new case to his attention. A friend of hers had her nineteen-year-old son, Arran, disappear from college and seemingly from the face of the earth. Nothing was ever discovered by the police. His parents have been looking for closure for years. Cal heads to Edinburgh to look for clues about what happened to Arran.

The narrative alternates between the past and the present. Cal in the present day investigation is looking into Arran's disappearance. Alternate chapters follow Arran's story in the past when he arrives at the university and makes three close friends. Both time periods are equally interesting and compelling. The novel is well paced and the plot moves forward quickly with some surprising twists along the way. The final denouement was unpredictable. I thought I had figured it out but I was

Unsound is a well-written, compelling mystery and the third book in a series. The first two are Unsolved and Unburied. Admittedly, I started with Unsound and haven't read the first two - yet. Although it was still easy to extrapolate much of what happened in the two previous books, this novel was enjoyable enough that I'd recommend reading the whole series, if possible, before starting Unsound. I have a feeling that it would have made this third novel even more enjoyable.

In any event, Unsound is an excellent fast-paced mystery. Thanks to Canelo Crime for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.

The review will be published on Edelweiss, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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This, third book in the Cal Lovett Files, was every bit as gripping as the first two!
It opens with Cal dealing with the trial of the man he believes responsible for the death of his sister where he might finally gain some closure and relief from this event from his childhood which has influenced so much of his life. We also see him coping with Chrissie moving away from the Midlands and starting her own journey in life at university in Edinburgh.
Cal is having a tough time in life right now and that’s even before we mention Shona and his mother, let alone get into what he’s doing with his podcast! But at least with that Shona has some information for him that leads him on a new journey of discovery in trying to find out what has happened to Arran.
This is another interesting case with Cal following the clues but will he find all the answers this time? You’re just going to have to read it and find out!

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This is Book 3 of The Cal Lovett Files. Cal is asked by Angela and Bill McDonald to investigate the mystery surrounding their 19 year old son, Arran about 14 years ago in Edinburgh, where he was a first year student studying. Meanwhile, Cal is anxious as his sister's (Margot) murder trial is taking place around the same time. Cal is a true crime podcaster - Finding Justice so the investigation into Arran's disappearance is the reason for Angela and Bill to ask him for his help. The story is told over time periods using different POVs and we learn things are not what they seem. The sub plots come together with a dramatic twist. I found the book to be well written with plenty of plot twists that I could not put this book down till I reached the ending. I highly recommend this book.

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This is the third instalment in a series and I think its my favourite one yet. I laughed, cried and couldn't breathe at times. What a brilliant book. Highly recommended.

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He left for university… and never came back! Arran went missing in Edinburgh fourteen years ago. The last time his parents saw him he was withdrawn and on edge where he’d once been happy and carefree. Still searching for their son, they turn to their last hope, true crime podcaster Cal Lovett! Good book! This book had the usual, it had suspense, murder, mystery, kidnapping, intrigue, action, and a good who done it! The story was interesting! It wasn’t one of my all time favorite but still worth reading! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I have read the others in this series so was familiar with Carl’s back story. In this book, he is dealing with personal issues regarding the trial of the man responsible for his sister’s death and his daughter is leaving for university.
I loved the descriptions of Chrissie in the present day tackling university life and Arran in the past dealing with the same issues. It brought back my own memories of leaving home near Glasgow and moving to Edinburgh to study. The story also deals with ‘class’ issues - where does privilege get you in the world? Echoes of Eton and Oxford and their secret societies- and what they get up to! I felt quite sorry for Cal , he’s overwhelmed and won’t ask for help. A cracking story with some unsavoury revelations near the end. Can’t wait for the next one! Thanks to NetGalley and Canelo for an ebook ARC.

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Twenty years ago, Arran was in university but in his first year there he disappears. He has always lived on a farm with his parents and two sisters, and the plan was for Arran to take over the farm management which is why he enrolled in this course to complete studies. On his last visit home before his disappearance his family felt Aaron was not alright, he seemed withdrawn and not in a great state of mind, but he would not discuss any issues with them.

Arran finds university to be a whole new world, he is quite shy and has anxiety regarding how he will fit in with his fellow students. But on his first day he meets Jono, a young man with wealthy parents, full of confidence and charisma. People are just drawn to Jono, and he and Aaron become good friends, Arran also develops friendships with two girls and the four of them become inseparable.

Cal Lovett is a podcaster who focuses on missing persons, his sister Margot disappeared many years ago so when he is asked if he can help Arran’s family find some answers he agrees to do so. Cal feels the three other friends may know more about what happened to Arron but are keeping quiet.

The story is told moving back and forward regarding both Cal and Arran’s past lives and as it progresses, we fed more information that leads to a book that is gripping and very enjoyable. Clever twists along the journey will keep you turning the pages, and I found this book very hard to put down reading it is a few hours.

Thank you to Netgalley the author and publisher for an ARC, all opinions are my own.

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True crime podcaster Cal Lovett is back for the third installation of this series. In this book, Cal has been enlisted to determine what happened to a university student named Arran who went missing fourteen years ago in Edinburgh.

For Arran’s family, it is a chance to have closure; for Cal, it is a distraction from the trial of his sister’s murderer. However, as Cal begins to uncover what happened to Arran, he finds himself becoming more invested than he anticipated.

As mentioned, this is the third book of a series, but I haven’t read the other two and found this one works as a standalone. However, I enjoyed it enough I would read the earlier works, and it probably would help to enhance this story.

Cal’s struggle with personal issues rings true; he is not overly stoic and is just the right amount of self-destructive where he is sympathetic but not infuriating.

Regarding Arran, there are flashbacks to give the reader insight into his story. These flashbacks help move the story forward while also making the reader feel invested in Arran; however, near the end of the book, it all starts to feel a bit rushed, and the ending feels somewhat anticlimactic.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read and a good selection for someone looking for a new, well-written mystery series.

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Unsound is the third instalment in the Cal Lovett series and the best one yet. This time, Cal is delving into another cold case to solve the disappearance of a Uni student. But the case coincides with his sisters murder trial leaving Cal fearing that he will lose everything. This series just gets better and better. Tense and pacey, Heather Critchlow has a masterful way of making you feel for the characters. Bravo!

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Another Case..
The third outing in the Cal Lovett Files series and true crime podcaster Cal finds himself very much a last resort for the parents of a missing boy. As Cal begins to dig, his own personal trauma begins to resurface. Another well written instalment in this series with well developed characters populating a propulsive plot. The writer, as always, proceeds carefully with an empathetic pen.

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Loved this book for a number of reasons;
1. Great premise - it can be hard to find an entirely unique angle in books nowadays, but this was very close
2. I really liked Cal as his POV, and I was especially sucked in my his raw and honest emotions at the start of the book
3. A gorgeous setting - this book is set in Edinburgh, my favourite city in the world, and it is beautifully written, with absorbing descriptions
4. Good twists and pay off, I won't post spoilers but the twists in this book were satisfying, often unpredicted, and made for a neat ending.

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HER BEST BOOK YET! This book has to be my favourite of the Cal Lovett series so far! I loved the storyline and the return of certain characters, the atmospheric setting and the emotions that came with it. This book took me on an emotional rollercoaster as I feel by now, (book 3) that I really know Cal, what he’s been through and how he’s feeling… each issue he went through hit a little closer to home! I loved the classic twists and turns of the series, thinking you have it all figured out only to be thrown in a completely different direction! I honestly cannot recommend this series enough and I cannot wait for book 4!
Huge huge thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for my ARC!

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I am a big fan of the Cal Lovett files series and it just keeps getting better and better!

We rejoin podcaster Cal as he is in the midst of his sister’s killer’s trial. Tensions are high, his daughter is moving away to university, his relationship with girlfriend Shona is currently rocky, and he’s worried about his relationship with his Mum whose health is rapidly deteriorating. It’s definitely not the best time for Cal to take on a new unsolved case, but he does so as a favour to Shona.

Arran went missing in Edinburgh fourteen years ago during his first year of uni. The police were quick to dismiss it as suicide, given Arran’s recent change in personality, but Arran’s family do not believe this. With Cal’s help, the truth about Arran’s disappearance slowly begins to unravel, and it is truly shocking.

The book alternates between Arran’s past and Cal’s present. I love this format and I was really invested in Arran’s story. The twists were clever, I didn’t see any of it coming! I love it when a book completely blindsides you, the final revelations shocked me!! Tense, dark and gritty…this book completely captivated me and I read it in one day. I love Cal and I can’t wait to see what case he takes on next. There’s definitely unfinished business with his sister’s killer too, so I hope there are many more books planned in the series 🤞🏻

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