Member Reviews

An Education of Malice is a look in academic rivalry, the intoxication of secrets and a deep desire to possess another. Gibson’s writing is very easy to read and enjoyable to engage with. The two point of view characters, Laura and Camilla, are written differently enough to be distinct even as they go through similar tribulations. Laura and Camilla have a sort of rivals to lovers relationship, with a lot of unspoken lust and care. You root for them the whole time!! The addition of Ms De Lafontaine and her secrets surprised and entertained, as well as the obstacle it provides adding to the tale to make it an interesting read.

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I was sucked in by the haunting allure of An Education in Malice, where the halls of Saint Perpetua’s College are as twisted and dark as the secrets they harbour.

S.T. Gibson delivers another amazing tale that blends dark academia with gothic horror, creating a world you’ll be both thrilled and terrified to enter.

From the moment Laura Sheridan steps onto the isolated, ivy-clad campus, you know you’re in for a wild ride. Saint Perpetua’s isn’t just a college, it’s a living, breathing entity, steeped in history and mystery, where ambition is a dangerous game, and the price of knowledge might just be your soul. Laura’s rivalry with the enigmatic Carmilla is the heartbeat of this novel, pulsing with a delicious tension that quickly evolves into something much more sinister and captivating.

Gibson creates a tale of power and obsession, where the academic rivalries are as cutthroat as the clandestine ceremonies that bind the students together. The shadowy poetry professor, De Lafontaine, adds another layer of intrigue with her dark fixation on Carmilla, leading Laura into a labyrinth of blood-soaked rituals and forbidden desires.

But what made An Education in Malice truly addictive for me was its exploration of the darker side of academia—the hunger for knowledge that consumes, the sacrifices everyone is willing to make, and the blurred line between love and domination. The writing is lush and evocative, pulling you deeper into the twisted relationships and the gothic atmosphere that drips from every single page.

If you’re a fan of dark academia, gothic tales, or just love a story where the characters are as complex and dangerous as the magic they wield, this book is an absolute must-read.

Thank you to the publisher Orbit, The author S.T. Gibson and Netgalley for a copy of this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book perfectly encapsulates everything good about BookTok in 224 pages. It has the gripping dark academic mystery that keeps you thoroughly enamoured while also presenting an equally addictive enemies to lovers story that guarantees to have your unwavering and undivided attention from start to finish.
I also enjoyed that it can be read as a stand-alone and that its main characters: Laura and Carmilla are such deeply complicated and wonderfully written characters. Laura and her obsession with religion and god, and Carmilla with her craving for approval have deeply intertwined themselves into my mind.

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✨4 stars✨

I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to people who enjoy books containing complex, vampiric characters, a fast-paced plot, or books with dark academia themes.

I would say that I enjoyed the first half more than the second half. This was just down to the pacing with I found more interesting in the first 50% but overall still a fast easy read.

I really enjoyed the descriptions of the settings as well!

I received an ARC from the publishers via NetGalley. Thank you!

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Sapphic vampire dark academia.

Laura is a new student, having moved across the country for her college of choice. Carmilla, on the other hand, has been at the college for a while, and is disgruntled to have to share her favourite professor's attentions with a newcomer.

I knew very little about this book going in, and quite a few things about the setting surprised me. For example, it's set in the 1960s. And there is a lot of poetry reciting.

I enjoyed the relationship building and dynamics between Laura and Carmilla - I felt bad for them how often their kisses were interrupted though!

Even though it made sense for the circumstances, I definitely felt uneasy with students regularly being invited to a professor's apartment. The student-professor dynamic made me a little uncomfortable at times.

But overall I definitely enjoyed reading this. Different style to a lot of the vampire books I read, so a nice bit of variety there.

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Title: An Education in Malice
Author: S T Gibson
Pages: 352
Rating: 4/5*

Arc Copy - review left voluntarily
Paperback publish date - 3rd September 2024

My first ever Dark Academia and I loved it!!

Laura is trying to survive the year at Saint Perpetua's College. She's forced into a rivalry with arch nemesis Camilla and the two girls become drawn to each other.

This is a sapphic, vampire love story one with issues of manipulation, obsession, power dynamics and cohesion. It is dark, it is heavy. The spice scene is so beautifully intimately written. A gentle, sensual, read.

I adore an enemies to lovers romance and the dark, intoxicating narrative had an intensity to it that really enhances the obsessive nature of the female leads. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Have you read it? What did you think?

*Note from me: I never want to dim people's shine. It's brave for the author to put themselves out there in the public eye. Books/stories are personal preferences. What might be my cup of tea may not be yours. And vice Versa! Keep on creating!

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Sapphic, Gothic, Vampires, Dark Academia Vibes... I was SOLD.

I was hesitant going into this because I usually am not the biggest dark academia girlie, but I'd heard really good things so I dove in head first! I've only heard wonderful things about S.T's other books, and I'm really glad I decided to give it a chance. It's bloody, desperate, and intoxicating - the dynamic between the three leads had me hooked. I LOVED the dark aspects of their relationships, and the intense web they weaved and just how complicated things got. The tension could be sliced with a knife!!! One critique I would have is that the romance developed very quickly and the slow burn, enemies to lovers will they won't they could have been dragged out further to really tease the readers. But aside from that, I have no complaints. This was a really seductive, enjoyable read!

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I was drawn to the concept of this book, but I found it difficult to connect with the characters. The abundance of emotional tension between them seemed to slow the story down for me. While the book excels in creating a moody, atmospheric setting, the plot didn't fully capture my attention. However, if you're a fan of dark academia and sapphic vampires, this might be right up your alley. If that's not your style, you might want to explore other options.

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S.T. Gibson’s A Education in Malice excels in creating a richly atmospheric and beautifully written story, typical of Gibson’s style. The prose is captivating, enveloping readers in a dark, Gothic world that’s both haunting and mesmerizing.

However, the romance between Laura and Carmilla feels rushed. The transition from rivals to lovers is abrupt, lacking the gradual development needed to make their relationship feel authentic. This sudden shift diminishes the impact of what could have been a more compelling love story.

The ending also feels hurried, leaving some elements unresolved. With more attention to pacing and character development, this novel could have lived up to its full potential. Despite these flaws, the book’s atmosphere and prose make it a worthwhile read for fans of Gothic fiction.

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Young love, sapphic vampires and a little bit of kink. It's a quick, easy read and overall I enjoyed the story.

In my opinion it could be more suspenseful and some of the storylines could have been developed with more detail (it felt a bit jack of all trades master of none).

I was expecting more dark academia than vampires based on the description, but that could have been my comprehension.

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The summary for this book missed out one major factor that is pretty important for readers and is not at all a spoiler: this is a vampire romance.

That being said, this book just isn't for me. I DNF'd at 26% for a few reasons. Mainly, I found the writing style repetitive and didn't differentiate the characters enough.

There are two POVs you cycle through - Carmilla's and Laura's. While I found Laura interesting both due to her withdrawn yet wild nature, Carmilla was disappointing as she revealed too much too quickly which minimised a lot of the tension early on. Also, her voice didn't feel distinct and I often found myself cringing at her internal thoughts (for example, "I had always so loved being loomed over, especially by beautiful people. I was, at my core, a brat who adored the guidance of a firm hand."). Add to that the constant use of "I" for sentence starters... It just wasn't working for me unfortunately which was a shame as the more descriptive moments in the writing are beautiful.

That being said, the overall vibe is definitely spooky and makes for a good autumn read if you enjoy vampires, dark academia atmospheres with poetry and a vintage university setting, or sapphic romance with a twisted edge.

This is an enemies to lovers plot with feelings of loss, abandonment, performance anxiety mixed in with abuses of power, academic rivalry, and hidden desires. If you like a slow burn, this might be for you.

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A gothic, dark academia book perfect to pick up in autumn. If you’re a fan of sapphic romance, enemies to lovers and vampires, this is definitely one for you to pick up!

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4.5/5 Stars

Thank you to Orbit/Little, Brown Books Group UK for providing me with an arc.

I read Dowry of Blood at the end of 2022 and I really enjoyed it. I love S.T. Gibson’s writing style and it so perfectly fits gothic dark academia. This sapphic Carmilla retelling was everything I wanted, I couldn’t put it down and was entranced by the writing.

Laura is trying to survive her first year at Saint Perpetua’s College but she is thrust into an academic rivalry with Carmilla. Together both of them are drawn towards each other and into the confidence of their poetry professor, De Lafontaine. De Lafontaine has a dark obsession with Carmillia and Carmillia is drawn towards both De Lafontaine and Laura in different ways. But when their rivalry grows into something even more passionate they are both drawn into the darkness they never knew existed.

Gibson knows how to write toxic vampire relationships and I love it. If there is one thing I absolutely love it is toxic relationships and breaking free of them. I really liked Laura and Carmilla and enjoyed how their relationship progressed throughout the book. I also liked reading Carmilla’s pov with everything going on in this book. I did wish for a tiny bit more romance in this book but overall I really loved it.

I can’t wait to see what ST Gibson writes next as she quickly has become an instant buy author. I recommend this even if you didn’t like Dowry of Blood, it has similar vibes but it is first person instead of second and is amazing.

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I loved this one!

S. T. Gibson has done it again! A Dowry of Blood was excellent and so is An Education in Malice. This book is a brilliant blend of dark academia, gothicism, vampirism, and queerness. The setting is divine and the writing flows effortlessly.

A retelling of Le Fanu’s Carmilla, the novel takes place at an all girls college, St Perpetua’s, an ivy covered institution deep in the hills of Massachusetts. Here we follow two enigmatic characters, Carmilla and Laura, and their rivalry to become top of their literary class and win the affections of their seductive and alluring poetry professor, De LaFontaine. A story full of obsession and infatuation, it is also one of both life and death, light and dark, love and hate.

This is the perfect book for Autumn if you enjoy the following:
- dark academia vibes
- fantasy in the form of vampires
- sapphic romance
- enemies to lovers trope
- dual POV

Pub Date: 3 September 2024

Thank you kindly to @netgalley and @LittleBrownBookGroup_UK for allowing me to ready this early copy in exchange for my honest thoughts. This was a pleasure to read and review!

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A great easy read for spooky season with dark academia aesthetics and philosophy and poetry reading lesbian vampires

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This was my first book written by S.T. Gibson. I dove in not really knowing what to expect (apart from the blurb). It took me a while to get comfortable with the writing style, but the story flowed easily, which made me adapt fast.
The characteres are well written.

I will post no spoilers, but I must say I was positively surprised by this book and the plot.

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Set in the world of Dowdry of Blood, well written and gripping. An intriguing and fascinating story that kept me hook and turning pages
An excellent retelling of Carmilla and a well plotted novel.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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An Education in Malice is dark academia at it's best. Told from the viewpoint of Laura and Camilla, we learn of life at Saint Perpetua’s College and the instant energy between the students.
The dynamic between our two students and a professor with darker alternatives, is attention grabbing from the start, with a sapphic love story at its centre. Of course, being a dark academia novel, this is not a simple, straightforward love story but one with issues of cohesion, obsession and manipulation.
Each of our three female protagonists, is strong, complex and well, less morally grey, more ambiguous. Laura seems the most innocent of the trio, and certainly less under the influence of de LaFontaine, but there is a dangerous side to Laura that is revealed as the storyline progresses.
A Study In Malice is not a lighthearted read, but then dark academia is not a lighthearted genre, and S.T. Gibson has perfectly captured the dynamics and drama in this complex relationship as our characters hurdle towards a dangerous fate.

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Loved this!!! The cover was the first thing that got me to read this book, I loved the story and the world building was really drew me in! The fact that its Sapphic as well, whats not to love!

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An Education in Malice has been a great introduction to Dark academia for me. It helped me to get into the genre because where the setting and themes cover academia, the main focus of the work is the dynamic between the three main characters, two students and a professor. Although the dialogue felt fabricated at times, I did find that the underlying interactions between the characters made the book interesting.

My biggest criticism is that the sex scene felt out of place. I believe that literature is a safe place to write and read about sexual things, but it felt more like a fantasy of the author than a natural interaction of the characters, which I would have preferred.

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