Member Reviews

"All souls have secrets, and a human is far better at guarding them than a beast."

That was really crazy, and I can't spill the beans...

The best thing I can say is highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy high fantasy and are passionate about Viking and Norse mythology. Oh, and I have some exciting news, reader of Covenant of Steel, you absolutely need to read this! You not gonna believe this!

"All beauty is an illusion and all charm a lie. Those who may not appear monstrous can yet remain monsters."

Thank you to Little, Brown Book Group UK for the opportunity to read A Tide of Black Steel, the first book of the Age of Wrath series by Anthony Ryan - via NetGalley. I have given my honest review.

“Why? Why were you cursed?”
“For the worst crime committed by those who claim wisdom: pride.”

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Such a riveting, exciting book with rich worldbuilding, interesting characters and a plot that will keep you turning the page. In particular, I really liked how Ryan wove elements of Norse mythology and history to create this world — it comes off familiar enough that I didn't feel lost, but also fresh enough that I could enjoy myself and find moments of surprise and intrigue at how the author had taken these elements in a new way.

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Reviewed for the BFS by Elloise Hopkins.

In the Outer Isles, in the village of Buht Hardta, Ruhlin the Quiet sees a ship approaching. He recognises its sigil, yet the imagery points downwards, not up. Inverted, and nothing he has seen before. It will not be long before Ruhlin discovers that this ship does not come with friendly news. So begins a journey of self-discovery for the young Fire-Blood.

Thera of the Blackspear, Ascarlian’s Vellihr of Justice, has a very specific message to deliver from the Sister Queens. A message that the Veilwald of the Skor Geld, Kolsyg Ehflud, will not be keen to hear. His spoils will be returned, and the Dreadaxe will find a new owner. Thera has one more duty to fulfil – to deliver Ehflud’s only daughter to the queens. She will discover there is more to his child than meets the eye.

Felnir, captain of the longship Sea Hawk and disgraced younger brother of Thera, sails the Liar Sea with his brother and lover faithful at his side,

determined to find glory and a release from his previous downfall. Felnir desires nothing more than a new name, one that will strike Redtooth from the lips of those who despise him, including his sister, and he is determined to succeed at any price.

A Tide of Black Steel takes place in the same world as Ryan’s Covenant of Steel trilogy, and fans will not be sad to hear that we do get a little glimmer of Alwyn Scribe in this new book, though the action takes place decades later. This first book in the Age of Wrath series delivers a tale of warriors and the search for glory, set against a harsh, Norse-inspired landscape of cold seas and unforgiving lands. Battle scenes and betrayals come aplenty, and of course, the rising and clashing of faiths.

Several characters share the point of view role, and through their eyes, the reader begins to understand the power wielded by the Sister Queens and those who hold positions of power around the various islands. The narrative tracks those who follow the faith and the discovery of those who are rising up against it, bringing havoc and destruction in their wake.

As we have come to expect from this author, the worldbuilding and characterisation are formidable, solidifying this world and the stories of those who inhabit it. Ehflud’s daughter proves to be a fascinating supporting character in Thera’s narrative, and along with Ruhlin, promises much unfolding of magics and mysteries as the series continues. A solid series opener that brings to life the brutal civilisation it is modelled on.

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Thank you to netgalley for allowing me an eARC copy of A Tide of Black Steel. As someone who is very interested in norse mythology, i am literally trying to read as many books as possible based around it so when i saw this on netgalley i SPRINTED. And it was so worth it because i absolutely loved reading this, i thought the politics was immaculate and the character work was so well balanced. Genuinely no words. Immaculate. The author ate and left no crumbs. Nom nom nom

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A Tide of Black Steel is an epic Nordic-inspired fantasy with truly masterful storytelling.

Anthony Ryan has incredibly rich world building and we are thrust into the action from the first chapter. We are thrown in at the deep end in the best way and the fight scenes peppered throughout were so well done. I adored the multi-POV; we are able to create such a deep understanding of the wide cast of characters and their dynamics. I particularly enjoyed reading both Felnir and Thera’s stories and I can’t wait to see where Ruhlin’s story goes. It was fascinating to see how their stories slowly intertwined.

I would highly recommend this to lovers of high fantasy!

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Love the large cast of characters and all the little cliffhangers when we change perspective from one character to another. Will have to go back and read the Covenant trilogy after finding out one of the (side)characters is a repeat from that series. The norse inspiration with cold mountainous terrain and small villages works well for the story. Looking forward to the next installment in the series.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Anthony Ryan for providing an e-arc of this book.

I haven't read much Norse based mythology but the premise and hearing good things from my friends about Anthony Ryan, I decided to give it a go. I am so glad that I did.

At first, I felt a bit overwhelmed, being thrown into the deep end with four different perspectives to follow: Ruhlin, a fisherman with a hidden power; Elvine, a heretic scholar; and Thera and Felnir, siblings viewed differently due to their status of honour. However, it didn’t take long before I was fully immersed in the world and the unfolding story.

I would grumble at the ends of chapters knowing I had a while before I was with that character again and had to wait to see what happens next, but equally excited to pick up the next perspective change. This is one of the rare multi-POV books where every character’s arc is engaging, rather than making me rush through to get back to a favourite. I could also harp on about the setting and worldbuilding because I am a sucker for a treasure hunt, ruins and archaeological finds.

I will absolutely be picking up the next book to find out what happens and may also grab the previous books set in this world to tide me over!

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Tide of Black Steel is a slow and rumbling start to a series that feels like it could grow into a modern classic. With a cold Nordic setting and a world rich in history and lore, the book feels quite traditional in its setup, but with an excellently honed grimdark atmosphere and the merest hint of the supernatural. It's clear Anthony Ryan has big plans for the land of Ascarlia long past the first book.

There’s a nice balance of protagonists in Tide of Black Steel, ranging from those who have been around the block a few times, to those who are exploring the realm for the first time. Their differences in experience gave the characters very distinctive backstories and inner monologues; it’s great to be able to picture all of our character’s deeds before the start of the novel, as it gives the impression they belong in this world. We have plotlines featuring treasure hunts, prison breaks, naval battles and an unknown enemy that were all greatly entertaining to navigate.

Even by high fantasy standards, I found the bombardment of Viking names (both places and people) in the books opening chapters to be tough going! With four plotlines playing out simultaneously and relatively few characters overlapping, it wasn’t till a third of the way through the story before I had all the names straight in my head. This might well have contributed to how I found the start slow going. There is an excellent building of tension throughout the story though, as the real danger of their new enemy slowly dawns on our protagonists. I also felt the book balanced its ending very well, perfectly setting up the next book whilst providing a few surprises and a sense of closure to round out the first chapter.

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Anthony Ryan’s A Tide of Black Steel, is a fantasy that follows four protagonists: Thera and Felrin, siblings who despise each other, and Ruhlin and Elvine, who are stolen from their land and exploited by the powerful for their own ambition. Each character has a distinctive voice, and their perspectives are impressively written.

Fans of Anthony Ryan will be delighted with this. If you’re new to the author but enjoy reading works by writers such as John Gwynne, you should also give this series a go.

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This was unbelievably exceptional!

Anthony Ryan’s A Tide of Black Steel, is a fantasy that follows four protagonists: Thera and Felrin, siblings who despise each other, and Ruhlin and Elvine, who are stolen from their land and exploited by the powerful for their own ambition. Each character has a distinctive voice, and their perspectives are impressively written.

While the pacing is achingly slow at first, the story quickly picks up, building momentum as Ryan draws readers into a world filled with political intrigue and personal struggles.
If you are a fan of Ryan’s other works, you will enjoy this book!!

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An unexpected continuation of The Covenant trilogy, it’s set about 30 years ahead of that and in a different part of the world. It will enhance your enjoyment if you have read the trilogy, but it’s not entirely necessary.

Much of this is set at sea, so expect sea trips, sea battles and interesting landing spots. Quite a large (and sometimes confusing) cast of characters are presented to us just as a bunch of bad guys are coming from out of the unknown. The author is moving his characters together, many with slightly different agendas and a hint there there may be a lot more at play than you suspect.

It does have a slow start, but the action and tension then does ramp up as do the links to the previous series. This is good stuff as you would expect from an author who knows the art of writing action packed fantasy.

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A Tide of Black Steel is the first novel in Anthony Ryan’s new series, Age of Wrath. The novel is set around twenty years or so after the conclusion of the author’s previous series, Covenant of Steel. Whilst strictly speaking there is no need to have read the previous trilogy before commencing this one, be aware that the conclusion of The Traitor is revealed within this pages.

Whilst the Covenant of Steel had a medieval flavour, A Tide of Black Steel enters the world of norse-inspired fantasy. The story is told from four points of view: Thera, the Vellihr of Justice for Ascarlia, sent to investigate rumours of rebellion, Felnir, her disgraced brother, Ruhlin, a young fisherman with a hidden power stollen from his home by invaders and Elvine, scholar and daughter to Ascarlian librarian Berine Jurest.

I initially struggled to get into this book due to the sheer number of characters. There is a character glossary at the start of the book which should be of help – it’s just not so easy to flick back to whilst reading an e-arc. Despite my initial difficulties, I’m really glad I persevered. This is a really good book! All four characters are engaging and well-nuanced and the world-building is superb. I’m looking forward immensely to the next instalment of the series.

Fans of Anthony Ryan will be delighted with this. If you’re new to the author but enjoy reading works by writers such as John Gwynne, you should also give this series a go.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers, Orbit, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book in the Age of Wrath series. While I enjoyed it overall, I struggled a little initially with the number of characters to keep track of, as I found I wasn't getting fully invested in them. The world building is fantastic though - definitely a highlight of this book. The plot was a little slow at times but overall compelling.

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Going into A Tide of Black and Steel, I didn’t know it was a sequel series to Age of Covenant but I’m glad that it is because I really liked that series.

A Tide of Black and Steel is a great start to this new series. I’ve long been a fan of Ryan’s writing and this book is no exception. His world building continues to be top notch and the story is gripping. It is set in the same world as Age of Covenant but it feels different and fresh. It starts at a slow pace but it builds and builds until it you don’t want to put it down because you want to know what happens next.

The characters are just as good. I enjoyed reading all of the POV characters and I think that they all have something to add to the story. When you see the Dramatis Personae at the beginning of the book, you can see that there are a lot of characters but they’re all interesting in their own way. There aren’t any characters that I think are superfluous or not needed.

A Tide of Black and Steel is an intriguing and exciting beginning to this new series. I loved the characters and it is great to return to the world of Age of Covenant and see another part of it. I thought the writing was excellent and the plot kept me interested from beginning to end.

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**A Tide of Black Steel** by Anthony Ryan is an impressive addition to the world first introduced in *The Pariah*, set a few decades later with a distinct Nordic-inspired atmosphere. The story follows multiple compelling characters, each contributing depth to the world-building and pulling you deeper into the intricate political and mythological landscape of Ascarlia. Ryan’s world-building is exceptional, immersing us in the politics of the region, the pantheon of Norse-inspired gods known as the Altvar, and the looming threat of invaders on the shores.

The narrative is well-paced, shifting between perspectives in a way that keeps each storyline fresh and engaging. We follow a variety of characters: an orphan with uncontrollable rages, a brutal servant of the enigmatic Sister Queens, a young academic uncovering dangerous secrets, and two brothers (with a focus on the elder) driven by their grandfather’s orders. Each storyline is distinct yet gradually converges, creating a satisfying sense of interconnectedness.

Ryan masterfully weaves together politics, plots, and violence, making the political tensions feel grounded and real. The Sister Queens are intriguing, the magic system is well-realized, and the rich history and mythological depth make the world feel fully fleshed out. There’s war, gods, and mystery, all seamlessly coming together in what promises to be an exciting new series.

While the pacing starts off a bit slow, it steadily builds toward thrilling events and cliff-hangers that leave the reader eager for more. The writing and character development are top-notch, making *A Tide of Black Steel* an engaging and satisfying read. I want to thank Net Galley and the publisher orbit for granting me access to an advanced reader copy. I am very much looking forward to the second book in the series.

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A Tide of Black Steel by Anthony Ryan Review

Review copy was received from NetGalley

A Tide of Black Steel kicks of with groups of seemingly unconnected characters and events taking place. This sets up plot points all over the place that you know somewhere must connect and A Tide of Black Steel delights from the start in dropping little nuggets around that will keep you guessing as to how the plots and characters connect. This adds a aura of great puzzlement from the start as you try to leap ahead and work out how everything slots together! The story picks up plot points from the previous book but at the same time is set in a different area so it will keep you guessing as to to what ties in or not.

As the story progresses you get to be introduced to the various characters from Thera Blackspear who works with the Sister Queens and is their Vellihr of Justice, her brother Felnir who has been declared a exile. Needless to point out they don not get along though both are absolutely convinced they are in the right, Elvine, who happens to be the daughter of the Ascarlian librarian Berine Jurest who gets pushed into helping out the Sister Queens, Ruhlin who get taken from his village but has fire blood in him that transforms him when he loses it into a being that is almost impossible to stop unless you have a tranquillizers and/or handy magic to hand amongst a constant stream of new characters that you always find yourself wondering how they are going to fit into what is going on! As we get to learn their backstories and why they are doing what they are doing the connections that they have to each other and events start to become clearer. This is neatly handled as we as we start to see things coming together. This forms a complex mesh of motivations and alliances that you do not realise straight away exist further adding to the mysteries that are going on. At the same time though the plot has more lots upon plots and as it is revealed and the commonalities between the characters are revealed things are really take in directions that you would not expect making you check for any name drops or information that may shed light on things.

The Sister Queens are cleverly portrayed though you are immediately suspicious of their motivations. Sister Lore and her mysterious origins immediately makes her suspect but the others seem to always be playing a game close to their chests as well so even though you get vibes off them you do not know at the start exactly what they are up to in term of their plans. There are nuggets spread throughout though from the outset that are dropped in that certainly give you clues as to what is initially up though and this seeding of information is cleverly handled and keeps you guessing from the start. There are number of signs that things may not be as stable in their reign as you would expect. At the same time the exiled characters clearly have a part to play and the revelation regarding them are brilliantly handled and come with right turns to their character arks that you will not see coming. A Tide of Black Steel cleverly deals with older plot lines but at the same time neatly sets up news ones that are like a can of worms and you are never sure from the outset which way the plots are going to take. Ryan loves to put his characters through the wringer and this shows on every page. Whenever a characters gets comfortable they are off into a different direction to what they expect. This keeps you on you toes trying to guess where every thing is going to go.

Felnir and Sygna and their encounters with Wohtin while on the questing this one being for the Vault of the Altvar where there may be treasure and this takes things in a completely different direct than what you are expecting. The epic world building drips off the page really surprising you in where the book is taking the characters. Felnir right turn in cleverly handled as is Sygna's reaction to it. This puts Felnir and Sygna on a different footing and in direction opposition to the Sister Queens. How Felnir and Sygna deal with this is neatly handled and at the same time sets their questing on a different level. This makes perfect sense though with the character and keeps the book expanding. The revival of an ancient empire is neatly handled and really deals with old plots and sets up new ones. We also have Wohtin's story expanded on with glimpses as to what he is. At the same time the character of Ruhlin is also getting a band together and you get the distinct impression of things coming together. At the same time it is very apparent that Aleida is going to be a large part in up coming events. The two of them clearly make a great team. The gang that Ruhlin and Aleida have got themselves is clearly the making of an army. Given the invasion coming Nihvalrians, who are a bunch of fanatics from across the ocean, it is clear that the Nihvalrians are on the hop as things are taken n a totally different and whole new direction to what they were expecting. They are most certainly going to be facing something that they were certainly not expecting from the rear of their lines. Really cleverly set up! These are all cleverly handled set up that you spot but you do not know which way things are going to go. Ancient lands and discoveries abound and A Tide of Black Steel keep things coming thick and fast. This is all handled cleverly while still tying into old plots setting up new ones. Whole lands keep getting added which really propels the plot forward and keeps you guessing as anything can happen on every page.
A Tide of Black Steel neatly sets up events as well as introducing us to new characters we are also shown epic world building as more unknown empires are revealed as they come into contact with each other. We have the classic situation of a people who reckon they are superior ostentatiously encountering people they call savages. This though in keeping with the twists sharp turning plot points is set to up nicely to reverse this situation as the book delight is throwing things on their head from the beginning.

A Tide of Black Steel by Anthony Ryan Review will keep you up late seeing which way things are going. It is full of creatively luring the reader into guessing what is going to happen to have things thrown up in the air leaving you guess where everything is going to land. A Tide of Black Steel from the start will keep you guessing as to which way things are going to from the three-dimensional characters, who definitely have their own motivations, to the epic world building that brings in new lands and peoples, the constant revelations that put the characters in new contexts hat also plays into the humour that also that permeates the book as different characters have to learn to get along which provides some cleverly insights on all of them! From the outset there is the relentless adventure that flows constantly from the beginning that never lets the A Tide of Black Steel let up keeping you on your toes that neatly works with the visceral action.

A Tide of Black Steel delight in keeping you guessing from the very beginning! The epic event never let up keeping you on your toes from the start. The interconnectivity under everything is cleverly handled as well as you have to work out the connections between everything that need to be worked out but things in a different light indeed. A Tide of Black Steel work brilliantly keeping the mystery and plot revelations coming. It is full of plot twists that you won't see coming plot twists taking thing in unexpected direction, full of unbridled heroics and morally variable characters, epic world building from the start, constant adventure as we explore new place and unrelenting action from the start. Get it when you can!

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One thing that kept running through my mind since I finished A Tide of Black Steel is the butterfly effect inside of the ripple effect. Evadine Corlauin's ascension to martyr and her brief rule is mentioned several times in the book as being a disgraceful mark in the recent history of the world, but never more as in the lands of Ascarlia where she is called Spedkryl, The Blackheart. Tensions between kingdoms of Ascarlia and Albermaine was long-standing due to contested land of Fjord Geld, a place of great historical and cultural significance to Ascarlians. And back in The Pariah, Alwyn told us all about the battle for Olversahl, the most significant port city of Fjord Geld, that was attacked and overtaken by Ascarlians in a swift move of underhand politics and brutality. But the butterfly effect in that event was the scene when Alwyn and Swain board across the ship and come across two very young boys, with equally blond-haired braids shivering as Albermainers figured out they were just a decoy for the real threat and let them live.
You see, this scene was really not that important in the great scheme of events and I wouldn't be surprised if you don't exactly recall it, but it's somehow it's the point that firmly put the protagonist of this novel on their own destined path.

Set twenty years after the events of Covenant of Steel trilogy, this book centers on a neighboring kingdom of Ascarlia. The old man, Margnus Gruinskard, principal advisor to Sister Queens is, to use Alwyn's own word, miraculously still kicking and plotting. He deploys several people to do his bidding whether they know it or not, whether they want it or not and his great-grandchildren are definitely in the latter category. One of them is Thera Spelrenda, his pride and joy, who is also the Vellihr of Justice to the Sister Queens. She is the one they send to deal with any problem that reach their ears be it by negotiation or be it by force and deliver judgment in the name of Sister Queens. So, her instructions are to sail to Kast Geld, the only geld in the Outer Islands to fail to deliver the required tally of stockfish in recent months and investigate why.
Her disgraced brother, a smuggler Felnir is used to do dirty business for his great-grandfather without right to question or refuse, is instructed to sail to Albermaine's duchy of Cordwain and extract the valuable prisoner.
Elvine Jurest, the newest unwilling employee of Margnus is forced to exchange her safe life as a scribe at the Archive of Sister Queens and use her great knowledge of Albermaine culture and ancient runic of Ascarlia to sail with Felnir in search of the mythical Altvars's Vaults, great treasure of old King of Ascarlia that would gave them a great advantage.
And in the northernmost parts of Ascarlia, black ships with red sails bring death and carnage to Outer Islands.

This is the basic premise of the story that's actually much greater in scope than Covenant of Steel was. The biggest reason for that is the narrative change because Ryan abandoned the first person recount of events (and in my humble opinion, it's what he excels in) and spread the story to four point of view characters in alternating chapters. This narrative choice actually helps to depict the vastness of the land of Ascarlia where news travel by sea and wind and how hard it is to control every corner of the kingdom even if you have Tielwald Margnus Gruinskard in your service. So, the connection between two series is there, but merely tangential as this is a completely different setting and differently told story. For one, the obvious inspiration for Ascarlia are vikings and Norse mythology as they give the great importance to heroic life and even more to heroic death- to be a hero of the saga. They are in the stark contrast to more modern Albermaine, especially when it comes to religion as they worship the pantheon of old gods who give them their blessing with a clang of strikers made in their likeness at the hull of the ship. They scoff at the Covenant faith and their Martyrs pointing at Evadine as their justification. Magic was a present, but a fleeting thing in Alwyn's recount, something more present in Caerith lands, but the message I think Ryan went for is that the more modern and progressive the kingdom is, people are less willing to see, explain and accept something as magic. So, in Ascarlia, with their old gods, magic is definitely a more prominent thing. I actually welcomed this as it brings the whole different vibe to it, with more stakes, and it made me look back and think how Albermainers were actually willingly blind to some things. I especially liked how this was even more accentuated through the fourth point of view, Ruhlin, the boy who who taken as slave from his village in one of the Outer Islands by the red sail invaders due to power in his blood that was thought to be lost and mentioned only in old sagas. Outer Islands are to Ascarlia kind of how beyond of the Wall is to North in GRRM's A Song of Ice and Fire. There are remnants of old magic and times still present there and to them North is South, and thus modern and they know nothin'. Plot at the center of the novel deals with familiar theme Ryan is clearly intrigued by and researched a lot: it's religious fanaticism and doing heinous things in the name of god. He explored this especially with Nihvalrians and how it reflects their society as little as we see it through Ruhlin's eyes, but it poses a question for Ascarlia as well, going all the way to issue of Fjord Geld.
The names and titles are Scandinavian inspired and it can get a bit tricky to follow at the beginning as they are also very similar, but I wanted to read this book so much as I was intrigued by the notion of three Queens of Ascarlia, Sister Queens who, in a way, represent a separation of powers. It's an intriguing notion for a fantasy setting and I really wanted to see this kingdom and how it functions and Ryan made my wish come through. Thoroughly.
When it comes to characters, there were no parts I skipped to rush to other as I was interested in what happens in each of them, but I have to say Felnir's was my favorite. Thera is very straight and narrow, a viking version of paladin. The only blemish of her character is her beef with her brother that's kind of childish and nonsensical, and in contrast to her Felnir is living up to his name, brutal and efficient, a bad guy she is ashamed of. But you know there is more to him in how he evokes loyalty of his crew, in how he cares for his younger brother- the youngest of the siblings, in his admittance of being jealous, in not being dignified about unfair cards life has dealt him. Elvine's story is intertwined with Felnir's and Ruhlin's arc of slave trained for gladiator fights were fun to follow as well, but the relationship between siblings and their great-grandfather is the drive of this story. Each of the pov chapters open up with some interesting and violent event and considering it's a new place, unfamiliar to reader. BUT the story really kicked up for me the moment the old man Margnus appeared on the page and he remained to the end the one character whom I looked forward to see. He infused everything with intrigue, with magic and more risk. He is absolutely badass if losing an eye and his wolves didn't convince you from Olversahl where we first got the glimpse of him. And it's not just him: a lot of side characters who our protagonists picked along on their way are more interesting than them: Lynnea, a non-verbal apprentice to Thera, Colwyn whose proves with sword is almost as good as his way with words. Julette Ahlpert who somehow ended up as Nihlvarian slave alongside Ruhlin. And yes, there is a lot of easter-eggs for fans of previous trilogy if you pay attention. :)

It's a long review, with a lot of thoughts, but Ryan's book often leave that kind of impression on me. When on earth did Ryan start plotting this trilogy? He covered so much ground when it comes to history of Ascarlia it had to be on his mind for a long time. Magic was so much more detailed (it did get info-dumpy in parts) and used in various ways. There is so much that happened already... and it's like we barely scratched the surface. As fragmented as each of the story felt, you are aware they lead to same place; that all their troubles are only a taste of what's really coming.
And I can't wait to see how big of an effect will Ascarlia in war have for the world.

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I should start with the fact that Anthony Ryan is one of the instant buy authors for me, and his latest book just confirmed my love for his work,
In A Tide of Black Steel, we are back in the Covenant of Steel series world, and 20 years have passed after the events of the last book.
Although it can be read without knowledge of the previous series, the depth it gives the story will add a lot to the enjoyment of this new journey.
It is with a Nordic vibe, and we witness everything through four characters—Elvine,Ruhlin and Thera, and Felnir (those two are my favorite with all that is going on between them)
Brother and sister with complicated relationship that is making the plot more intricate with their nuances, a fisherman stolen from his home with unnatural abilities and a scribe, daughter to the Ascarlian librarian Berine Jurest - which is another sweet connection to the Covenant of Steel, working for the Sister Queens.
Impeccable attention to detail, flawless world building, and the balance between action and the character development in their separate storyline are so masterfully made that it keeps you at the edge of your seat.
It goes without saying that I will be following with great interest the rest of the series.

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I received a copy from netgalley to give an honest review, and what an excellent opening to a new trilogy it is. Please note, however, this is heavily related to The Convenent of Steel Series, so don't jump into this unless you are okay with spoilers or have previously read his work.

The Tide of Black Steel is a norse based epic fantasy novel that contains a large cast of characters. You get points of view of various people of all different backgrounds, beliefs, and abilities. Ryan expertly crafts these characters to where they all feel unique and enjoyable in their separate ways. Early in the book, it can be a bit jarring or confusing when this switches, but in time, that alleviates, and you really see the difference throughout. They are, for the most part, completely separate elements of the story, which is a bit dissapointing as I would prefer to see exactly how each character responds to each other but I can only assume this will improve later down the line now that the characters are set up.

While this book is related to a previous series, Ryan does a great job at building the world and explaining everything you need to know, even where the previous books main characters are involved. Sometimes, it feels a bit over the top, but I appreciate the fact that Ryan doesn't want the users to feel confused or miss areas of the world that he clearly spent many hours crafting.

My main area of critique with the book will be with the lack of real impact, a lot of the more exciting areas of the story is near the back end of the book. With a majority of the first half being used for exposition and character development. I understand this is a common problem with epic fantasy and is a common complaint for The Blade Itself. However, it's still a problem in this book to a degree. This can make it feel a bit of a slow burn, and some will call it a slog to get through.

I will also say there is a lot of discussion about boats, boat warfare, and sailing, which I was in no way interested in. It comes hand in hand with the theme as the level of technology is in the stereotypical level you would see in, say Vikings, so I know it's more of a personal issue than the authors writing.

I can't wait for the next story, and I think, even with the spoilers, I am going to go back and read the previous novels set in this world. Just to get my next fix, I would absolutely recommend it.

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Wow, what a great introduction to a new series! I love Norse fiction and this itched a scratch I’ve had for a while. The writing was masterful and I’d definitely recommend if you love vikings!

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