Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this ghost story. It moved at a good pace and kept me on the edge the entire story. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys ghost stories.

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I found the beginning of this book really interesting and creepy. However, this book is just incredibly too long. I found out later that it's 3 stories (previously published books??) combined into 1 book. I feel that was a detriment to the overall story. All 3 parts felt very disjointed and didn't flow together well. I also felt the writing was very simple. I was engaged during the first part, sort of interested in the second part, but by the third part I just didn't care what happened. Also, I feel the ending wrapped up a little too easily and nicely. Overall it was an ok story, but not one that I would recommend.

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Overall, this book is 3.5-4 stars.
Part One (and had it ended there) was five stars all day. The spooky vibes were there and my heart was racing more than once.

I got through the first part so quickly, and even ate up the second part (I'm a sucker for a backstory). The way part two started I was slightly confused for a minute until realizing it was indeed a backstory.

I enjoyed parts of part three - namely the marshmallow bit. But I felt this part was mostly unnecessary.

Part four and, finally, five had me feeling some type of way because we met so many new people throughout the book, and even more people were coming in. But the ending was solid, even though I'm still curious about the Funeral Home guy.

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This was an interesting read. It looks like it was originally multiple stories put together, and I think I would have preferred as a two or three parter, but it was a fantastic story with compelling characters and beautiful haunting moments.

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Quite slow paced and I thought the romance element detracted from the horror element. Not for me. I was expecting more.

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Starting off strong, we meet a formidable scorned woman who haunts her former homestead. But this is not a ghost story. The truth is much more unbelievable. I really enjoyed the first half of this book. I found it slowed down after the first half and there were a lot of new characters to keep straight. The ending was solid.

This book would be enjoyed by a reader looking for a new type of supernatural antagonist and wants a descriptive long read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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My hackles were up wading through the author's foreword and hearing about how this story was 'the leanest it's ever been' only to then still be faced with a 600+ page story...but I'm always willing to go into things with a positive mindset.

However, I just couldn't click with this at all. The writing was dull and the story did nothing for me. I stuck with it as long as I could, but ended up bailing a quarter of the way through.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Sorry we didn't vibe on this one!

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Just in time to get me in the spooky mood for Halloween I was excited to get this ARC from NetGalley and the publishers. I haven’t read horror in a while and what a way to jump back into it, and jump I did. Wow! I am new to this author and I am so impressed. This was a story you don’t want to put down. With amazing attention to detail of characters, back story, surrounding and hair-raising horror it will all together keep you on the edge of your seat, even from the first page. You're in for a spine tingling treat.

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Reviewed on goodreads.

The Legend of Mildred Wells is a horror novel that blends suspense and chilling/creepy moments. Michael Clark is very good at envoking the feelings of dread and creepy ghosts around the corner of a dark hallway.

I liked the characters. They weren't perfect people but I was focused more on the creep factor. Each character's interactions add emotional weight to the unfolding terror. The blend of supernatural elements with relatable human experiences makes the horror feel all the more real and you can feel the fear.

I would auto read Clark's books.

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First of all , I Absolutely Loved Patience of a Dead Man Trilogy. They were 5🌟 reads for me. This book is a rewrite of those books all in one. I didn’t feel the story as much like I did in those 3 books and this was just too long. If I would’ve started with this story, I’m sure I would have DNF’d.

I Highly recommend reading the trilogy.. (Patience of a Dead Man, Dead Woman Scorned, & Anger is Acid).

Thank you NetGalley and Brigids Gate Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. First of all it was way too long with too many different story lines that were confusing to follow. I enjoyed part 1 and felt it would've been better off as a standalone story with perhaps some of part 2 intertwined for Mildred's backstory. The additional parts felt like a slog. They didn't seem necessary and took away from the creepiness of the first part. Mildred as a character was not fleshed out enough and her reasons for being "angry" felt a little lacking. She was no longer scary by about halfway through the book and while I'm glad she got as happy an ending as a character like her could get, it was a bit anticlimactic. Overall, parts were entertaining but it could have been about 250 pages shorter.

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The Legend of Mildred Wells has plenty of New England creep and dread and downright spookiness in spots. Michael Clark is evidently talented, writes well, and can put together an interesting plot with many themes and sub plots intertwined. The book is over 600 pages and while I do actually enjoy a long juicy book, the three parts read like their own separate books with different writing styles, mood, and pacing. Based on the description, I expected book one and loved book one. So, when I also got book two and three; these were stories I wasn't expecting. The shifts between them, felt like three distinct reads which is where I began to struggle with reading it. It may benefit readers to include the synopsis for each section in the book's overall description. Part One was excellent. From the first page I was hooked. A haunting atmosphere, good character development and dialogue, a budding romance, mystery, fear, a secret journal, genuine chills, I loved it.

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I was a huge fan of The Patience of a Deadman trilogy, which was originally presented as three separate novellas.

However, this expanded edition felt excessively lengthy. The original novellas captured a raw, New England horror atmosphere that was hauntingly effective. This version seems to modernize that eerie vibe, making it feel more polished and accessible, with an edit that gives it a broader appeal. While the updated format makes the story more commercial and likely to reach a wider audience, it's a testament to the author’s talent and their well-deserved success.

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First, I absolutely loved The Patience of a Deadman trilogy- which is basically this book separated into 3 novellas.

This revamp was waaaaay too long though.

I liked the original 3 novellas because they had that raw New England eerie horror vibe throughout- the way this was written seemed wanted to update the vibes though. I liked the editing. It felt a bit more commercial (more readable for the masses if that makes sense)- which is good because this is a great story and we all want nothing but success for the author.

Reading this consolidated book felt a bit disjointed. I think because you have Mildred's back story (Gothic-eerie-spooky vibes) in the middle of Tim's story (more thriller suspense with a dash of spooky vibes).

Overall- big fan of his writer and his stories.

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Ok, as much as I liked the sound of the book and it started off strong, I’m sorry to say that j really struggled with this.
Part one, as a book on its own? Really good! The storyline and characters were there, the set up was there. If this had been the basis for the whole book, a bit of tweaking overall and it would have been great on its own.
Unfortunately, part two just fell off for me. The pacing was different, somehow the writing style felt different to me also, and I just couldn’t continue. If you’re someone who enjoys a big, lengthy story then this is sure to be a hit for you, for me though I had to DNF during part two.
Thank you for the opportunity to read.

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Reading the blur this was a must read for me.....I didn't realise how long this book was and how this was split up into different parts. I think it would appeal to people more if it was separate books. The first part was brilliant I loved it but then I moved onto part started well and then just went off point fir me so much so it's become a be honest it just went a little weird...

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I found it hard to rate this book and here's why...

Overall I'm rating The Legend of Mildred Wells a 2.5 Stars BUT the context for my rating is necessary.

First of all this book is waaaay too long. It really didn't need to be and the writing is very average at times, especially in the beginning.

Although the writing almost turned me off initially, I'm glad that I stuck with it because I actually really enjoyed Part One. I love horror and I find that it's difficult to find books that actually feel creepy but I was pleasantly surprised with how creepy this was! I found the story really unique and had a good time reading it. Aspects of it felt a bit rough at times but I happily overlooked it because of the overall storyline.

And this is where I think the book should have ended.

I think the author would have been better off adding a bit more to this story and just focusing on this period of time. If this had been the whole book I think this would have been 3.5 Stars for me as is. With improved writing I think this would have had the potential of 5 Stars. I really enjoyed the plot.

While I wasn't mad about reading further into the history of the characters it suddenly felt like a completely different book. I enjoyed Part Two but I think this should have been the second book of the series or maybe as an additional novella. For me, it no longer really felt like it fit, it was missing the horror element of Part One.

By this point I lost interest. The book really should have ended after Part Two. I feel like we had gotten enough of a back story, I just didn't care to read about the zombies that had nothing to do with Part One of the story. I had to DNF at 50%, hence the 2.5 Star rating.

So to summarise, there are some really great aspects of this book, but it's definitely not perfect in this form.

Thank you to NetGalley and Brigids Gate Press for the ARC of this novel.

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Even the introduction was a bit scary! The first page made me jump! I found the story fascinating and enjoyed the insight into how Mildred Wells grew up most interesting. I even felt sorry for her in places. But mostly terrified!
It's not often I refuse to read a scary book in bed or after dark. But this just really gave me the creeps. I would love to see this made into a movie, where I can watch from behind a pillow of course.

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Several years after releasing the three books in the Patience of a Dead Man series, Michael Clark unleashes a lean, mean, streamlined version of a story in the way it was always meant to be experienced. A continuous journey. Each "part" of the book has its own unique character, from propulsive action to intense character work to lingering darkness and pure creeps. Clark takes us through a story so compulsively readable and plumbs its depths without ever allowing the reader to feel lost. This is the kind of book with flashbacks, lore, sideplots, and immersive atmosphere that belongs to the doorstop horror novels of the 1980s.
If you read Clark's original trilogy, strap in and prepare to take the ride the way it was meant to be. If you're new to the author, this is a great place to jump in.

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I was thoroughly captivated by 'The Legend of Mildred Wells.' Michael Clark has crafted a well-written and engaging story that kept me hooked from start to finish. The haunting atmosphere and compelling characters made it a memorable read. Highly recommended for horror fans!

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