Member Reviews

'Gone Crazy' by Terry Korth Fischer is a delightful blend of cozy mystery and detective work set in a charming small town. Detective Rory Naysmith, with his endearing quirks and romantic blunders, makes a compelling protagonist. The plot, offers interesting and unexpected twists that keep the actual intent and murderer's identity a mystery until the end. While the book stands alone, it might be worthwhile reading the earlier books odd the series. A recommended read for those who enjoy a a small town life intrigue.
Recommended read. My thanks to Netgalley for providing me a copy of the book for my unbiased review.

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Enjoyable, readable cozy(ish). A small town detective awkward in matters of the heart, with his capable and strong woman friend are present at a murder scene which later proves to involve her too closely for his liking. I received this as an advance copy from the author via NetGalley and am leaving this review voluntarily.

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A formal declaration of love scares the bejesus out of small town Detective Rory Naysmith. As Valentine’s Day approaches, he evaluates his relationship with bookkeeper Esther Mullins, and decides to take her on a romantic date that ends with a poet’s murder! This book was a bit different for me, it had the usual, it had suspense, intrigue, murder, mystery, a good who done it and a few twists and turns! The story was decent and worth reading but it wasn’t one of my top favorites! Thank you NetGalley and the Publishers for sharing this book with me!

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