Member Reviews

"The Specimen" by Jaima Fixsen is well worth a read if you are into: historical novels, things in jars, Edinburgh, body-snatching and more. Isobel knows she doesn't have much time left with her little boy due to his heart condition but when he goes missing, she is distraught. When she sees a heart (with his condition) in a jar at a doctor's museum (of things in jars) then she grows suspicious. An excellent plan is hatched and the story flows nicely onwards from there. A sad story but one with justice at the heart (pardon the pun) of it.

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The Specimen: Jaima Fixsen 🫀


Thank you so much to NetGalley, Poisoned Pen Press, and Jaima Fixsen for giving me the opportunity to read The Specimen as an arc.

Based on a true story, The Specimen is an intriguing work of historical fiction which explores a woman’s search for truth and vengeance in the darkest of places. Deadly secrets are hidden in plain sight on a freshly dusted shelf…

This book is set in 1826 in Edinburgh and is not the usual genre I would normally go for. However, I am so glad I decided to give it a try.

The Specimen by Jaima Fixsen originally piqued my interest as I have a fascination with specimens and oddities. I was even further intrigued when I found out that it was based on a true story! That true story being Burke and Hare and Dr Robert Knox.

This book is gripping and tense making you want to know more about the characters and the specimens. It is also beautifully written.

I would happily pick up another one of Jaima Fixsens books!

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4+ 🌟

Even without reading the blurb, I get bad vibes off anybody with bits of bodies floating in jars.
Medicine man or not.
A cracking read.
I was there with Isobel every step of the way. I felt her love for Thomas, her grief, and her determination to prove that she was right about dodgy goings on.
She was a tough cookie.
My heart went to Kerr though, he and Nan won me over completely.
A few nice surprises along the way, and the authors notes are well worth a read at the end too.
I VERY much enjoyed this one!

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This was a really excellent and mysterious gothic book set in Edinburgh with well rounded characters and an engrossing story. This flowed so well with good pacing and it was hard to put down

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc

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