Member Reviews

It’s packed with both familiar and surprising facts about each president. A delightful read for everyone!

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for the opportunity to review

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Great facts and graphics that will keep readers of all ages engaged and entertained! I loved the timeline especially.

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What is there not to love about this book? Fun, interesting facts about the presidents that most people don't know, including dispelling some common misconceptions. The artwork is also pitch perfect. It will help to keep kids engaged and interested, even when they are learning about dusty old history.

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I really enjoyed Presidents by Eric Huang and illustrated Sam Caldwell.

Perfect timing for this book with the upcoming presidential election in the US in 2024.

A major theme throughout the book was "Oh No He Didn't" (or some variation) and dispels many widely held beliefs ... such as George Washington not cutting down the cherry tree and George Bush not liking (and banning) broccoli from the White House.

The Presidents also goes on and discusses Vice Presidents and First Ladies and First Pets. Very highly recommended and very educational. I loved how the book pulled me in and made learning fun.

This is a book that I plan to purchase for my niece and nephew. I think they would enjoy it.

Many thanks to NetGalley for approving my request to read the advance review copy of Presidents in exchange for an honest review. Publication date is Sept 3, 2024. 64 pages.

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This was a very interesting book about the President's of the United States. I found out a lot of things I did not know.
Great book for middle schoolers, but also for people of any age. All can find out something they didn't know.

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I'm from Ukraine, so I know only the most basic information about US presidents and, of course, not about all of them, so I found this book very interesting to read, to be honest. It is written extremely easily, each page is full of various illustrations, in which there is nothing special, but it is still pleasant to look at.

In general, there are several sections. One of them tells one (mostly) fact about each president in chronological order. Others are devoted to vice presidents, first ladies, and (most importantly, in my opinion!) the pets of each president.

I will repeat that it was really interesting for me to spend an hour reading this book because there was a lot of new (for me) information, the facts are not dry, and it is written quite humorously, so I advise you to pay attention to this book as well.

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Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.

Although I am a Canadian that lives in Canada, I found this book both education and entertaining. I learned a lot and learned what I thought I knew was completely wrong in some cases.

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What a great book! I'm an adult who loves American history and politics, and am trying to get my own children (age 9 and 12) interested as well. This book is full of interesting facts - many that I didn't know myself - about presidents, vice presidents, and first ladies. Would definitely purchase a copy to add to our family library. Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for providing an ARC of this book.

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Oh No They Didn’t: Presidents by Eric Huang is a wonderful picture book for children. I think the book would appeal to children of many ages due to its format. I read this book with my son and we were both fascinated with the facts, many of which were new to us. Such a great book! I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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A very decent junior non-fiction book, that gives us a lot of trivia about the American Presidents, including an attempt to demolish many rumours. No cherry trees were harmed in the making of America, it seems. The piece is topped and tailed about facts regarding the prezzes in general – where they were born, what rules they abide by to get the role, etc. In between is a large chunk going through all the relevant men in order – the one that came and went and came back, the one that had four terms, the ones that didn't live in the White House and the ones that weren't born American. There's then a smaller but still detailed section about the veeps (seven of them have died in office, as opposed to four of the big guns, so it clearly pays to get the promotion to the top seat) and a similar one about the first ladies. Oh, and seeing that all but two presidents have had White House pets, those crop up too – alligators and all.

In summary it feels quite the trivia book, but this isn't purely trivial, when talking about the ending of slavery, who was and who was not impeached, and suchlike. And despite the early talk of "our country" this is a book that is worthwhile for all to have a look at, not just those within the relevant borders. A strong four stars, then.

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Such a fun book! I flew through this and learned SO MUCH! As an adult! My kids thought it was great. The facts and tidbits were interesting and some blew my mind! Seriously loved this book!

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We absolutely LOVED this book. Some of the facts were a little more obscure and the information was presented in such fun way with big illustrations.
My 8 year old immediately asked if we could get this one for our bookshelves as he enjoyed this one immensely.

Thank you #Presidents #NetGalley for a digital ARC of this book.

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Thanks to Quarto Publishing and NetGalley for the digital copy of this book; I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This 64-page children’s book, geared to grades 2- 6, was an interesting read. As someone who devours Presidential history, there was very little new information to me but would be appealing to a child doing a book report. The illustrations are bright and bold and engaging. There’s even a section on First Ladies, Vice Presidents, and Presidential pets like FDR’s Fala or Clinton’s Socks the Cat. One would hope that reading these little nuggets could encourage a child to read more about a particular president (at least that’s how I have always approached books like this, even as a child). The fact that this book is being released during an election year, when interest in the presidency is higher, is a bonus. Recommend!

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What a fantastic book. I read this book and was absolutely absorbed in everything I read. I learned so much I didn't know. The illustrations were so good too. I had a fun time with this book and would love to see younger generations also learn from it.

There were some errors in the book. On one page author said Harriet Lane was sister to James Buchanan but on another page said she was his niece. The niece one was correct.

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Okay I was really interested in this one, as someone who doesn't live in the US and knows the bare minimum about their presidents!

I really like the way they've set this out to make it really easily digestible. I also like the rumour crushing aspect, but I'm too lazy to fact check everything so I'll just have to trust this *absolutely not-peer reviewed book* for now! I really like how it was in chronological order too, making it really easy to follow!

Also the art is stunning and really adds to the feel!

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me review this book. This book has presidential tidbits and facts on the various presidents upto our present day President. This would be a fun book for those interested in learning more about the presidents.

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This is a 64 page fact book that is sorted into four categories: Presidents, Vice Presidents, First Ladies and Pets. Adorable illustrations. Great for ages 8-14 . Timely for the election year. Since it is a short read, there was a long list of facts which are interesting but I would have liked more context for the facts rather that fast facts. Perfect for a trivia night.

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Fun, colorful and easy read for kids. Packed with interesting facts about the presidents. I think any kid that likes to learn about history would enjoy the book!

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Fun book focusing on younger readers but some of the misconception facts were not interested enough.
I first read the book before showing to my 8 years old child who browsed through it but said it was not interesting enough.
Positive points on pictures though! We love the cover and the art inside.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this e-copy of Presidents- Oh No They Didn’t in exchange for an honest review.This book is perfect for independent readers grades 2-6 who love history and historical trivia.This book debunks a lot of the popular misconception surrounding our presidents, vice- presidents and First Ladies such as Washington never chopped down a cherry tree.This lore has been spread throughout our country over the ages but was never substantiated.This book has great Illustrations and tons of factual knowledge connected to each president.

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