Member Reviews

This book strips the romantic hue off of the 1940's, and is a raw and gritty portrayal of New York from the point of view of several police officers of the bomb squad. Written true to the events of the time, the story is engrossing as you follow the bomb squad on calls. Although the writing impeccable, I was disturbed by the mindset of our primary characters. Ateer was the best man of the crew, though he has little personality. Acorso and Pedrotti are just ... well, yucky. They are entitled, arrogant and morally reprehensible - and it saddens me to know that they may be portrayed accurate to the time. I cringed each time they left the office because I feared for the fate of any girl or woman that would cross their paths. This book ends abruptly, just when you are fully invested in the story. Now I anxiously await Book 2, where I hope the wives of Acorso and Pedrotti band together and find a way to take their husbands down a peg!

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The Bomb Squad: a Crime Story

New York, 1940 an explosion at the World’s Fair leaves the city on edge. A pipe bomb is found hidden in a red sock… the first device of the sort delivered leaving a strong message to the city. Who is this madman leaving a trail of devastation and brought three detectives at the heart of this nightmarish puzzle.

My thoughts:

I had a terrible time with this story and apologize to the author for not giving him full credits. I was hooked by the cover story I though stepping aside from my usual read would give me another view I rarely step unto. My error.

What I found excellently done is the story has a feel of authenticity: men in the 40’s wore spiffy clothes, fedora hats, had greasy hair and depending of the job status used very colourful languages: picture them holding a cigarette in one hand and whiskey in the other hand chatting with their colleagues and criticizing their wives. We read this page after pages yes once in a while they are sent on a defusing mission… But the development is so slow I actually had to skip pages of never ending day to day life till yes once in a while they have a bomb to diffuse. In my books the exciting parts are too short and lack excitement…. Or was my negativity regarding this story the fact that I skipped too many pages?

This story did not gel for me but you may like it, so don’t judge this story by my feelings give it a go if the hypnosis appeals to you.

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I was hooked by the cover, title, and story, but turned off by all the profanity. Histfic true crime fans not bothered by a massive amount of "French" will surely dig it. Just not for me.

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I know I'm in the minority and I know the author is writing authentically. But I'm done with reading the "F" word 4 or 5 times per page. When that isn't used, the "S" word is. I'm so hung up on OMG - another one is coming! that I'm not enjoying the book. I read for enjoyment and to learn. Nothing enjoyable here.

If this doesn't bother you, get into it. I think there's some good history in there about bombs.

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