Member Reviews

The Best is Yet to Come is Escape to the Lakes Book 3. I read and loved the first two and was excited to read this one and to find out the answer to a question posed at the end of the second book. That is sorted out in the prologue here, so you don’t have long to wait.
Jessica is one of my favourite authors, her books are always “must reads” for me and I always love them. Not one of her books has ever disappointed. My favourite was her Hedgehog Hollow series and I wondered how easily I’d get into a new series, but I was hooked from the first one – and I do recommend you read them in order to see how the characters develop.
So this is the Willowdale series set in the Lake District and the scenery really comes to life. I can pretty much smell the fresh air and look out at the beautiful views through Jessica’s words.
After the prologue (no spoilers here!), we meet Emma. She is 47 and giving up teaching after 25 years. She is having a huge career change from being Head of Sciences to running a farm – Bracken Ridge Farm in the Lake district - with her fiancé Grayson. Not forgetting their lovely Border Collie called Monty.
Emma has a lifelong best friend called Rachael, who is mum to 25-year-old twins. They have such a great friendship, it’s lovely to see, Rachael is the sort of friend who can answer an important question both honestly and tactfully. I did enjoy the scenes between them.
Emma’s also got a great family – her mum and stepdad John, her dad, sisters, partners and kids. I enjoyed any time they got together with all the warmth and love that big families bring. There’s a bit of a distance between Emma and her father, which she has never really understood, but don’t worry, it’s all explained.
Now, let’s get onto Emma’s fiancé. From the start, I didn’t like Grayson and could see he was completely wrong for lovely Emma. He’s not interested in the leaving presents she gets from her teachers and students and seems dismissive and patronising. When she has an idea of opening a business doing alpaca or llama walks, he isn’t at all encouraging. And he gets worse. In fact, he reminded me of my controlling ex-fiance. (I’m hoping Jessica will write a version where Emma decides to adopt a pack of wolves and they eat Grayson for breakfast.)
Emma loves llamas and alpacas and if you didn’t before reading this book, you’re going to! I learned so much from this novel, but in such a lovely way, it never felt like I was being taught, it is just picking up bits of information along the way and it’s fascinating! I loved how the alpacas all had their own little ways and different personalities. (Make sure you check out Jessica Redland’s social media posts about her research and look out for the adorable Dave the alpaca!)
Now, stuff happens and Emma has to make some big decisions and changes to her life. The blurb tells you more than I’m going to, because I recommend you all read this glorious book and find out for yourself. I think Emma is one of my favourite fictional characters, she’s so sweet and I love her passion for the alpacas and her love for her new project. She has so much love to give but seems to have been thwarted so many times, so I was really rooting for her to get her happy ever after.
In summary, this book has everything – wonderful, jump off the page characters; a great storyline with lots of subplots to get your teeth into; a beautiful setting which will make you feel like you’ve been there; lovely friendships and family relationships and cute kids. Oh and did I mention the alpacas?
Another 10/10 triumph from Jessica Redland. Stunning.

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As the lucky winner of copies of the two previous books in the series I was extremely excited to read this one. Once again Jessica Redland did not disappoint. A book that includes alpacas (one of my favourite animals), a family mystery to solve and a main character determined to fulfil her dreams is a brilliant combination. I loved this book from the first page to the last and found it difficult to put it down. I look forward to the next in this series! If you’re a fan of Heidi Swain or Jill Steeples then you will definitely love this book. I can’t wait to read more of Jessica’s books and I hope you will pick up a copy of this I can definitely say you won’t regret it!

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I love this series set in the Lake District it has everything you could want, great characters, good storyline and beautiful backdrop of the Lake District. Emma is a lovely character and you can't wait for her to get away from the horrible Grayson and it is also lovely to be back and catch up with Oliver and Rosie and the characters from the other books,. It can easily be read as a standalone but definitely recommend reading the others. Lovely heartwarming story.

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This is a good follow on in the story left in the previous Lakes book, some familiar characters and some new. I kind of felt like I didn't gel with either Emma or Kilian, I don't know why there was just something lacking for me. I loved the alpaca storyline and to see the progression of events at the hall and Emma's relationship with her Dad.

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The twist and cliffhanger ending from the previous book are quickly answered but aren't part of the main storyline line- because there are incredible hooky connections!

I loved reacquainting myself with previous characters and getting to know some new ones.

I felt so sorry for Emma and the way the horrible Grayson treated her. I hated Grayson he's a knob-( to quote Dillon, her brother-in-law)

I loved the alpacas ( the magnificent seven) and that part of the story was so nail-biting! Mu nerves!!

This is the third, in what is 'rumoured' to be a 12-15 book series! So do yourself a favour, catch up on the previous ones before book 4 comes out, trust me you'll love it!

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After supporting her fiancé Grayson’s efforts to take on the running of one of Beatrix Potter’s farms, all while dealing with issues of her own, Emma’s given up her teaching career to help him get established – but it soon becomes clear that’s not going to work out, so she decides to use one of the home paddocks to follow a dream and start her own business. He wants nothing to do with her plans to keep a small herd of alpacas, offering walks in the countryside – and it soon becomes clear that he’s had enough of Emma too. Her father – they’ve never had an easy relationship – comes to the rescue, and introduces her to the team at Willowdale Hall – where they’re more than happy to offer the alpacas a home and add the walks to the activities they plan to offer.

Happy ever after then? Oh no, not yet – there’s so much more to the story! Getting ready for the Magnificent Seven’s arrival, there’s a lot of work needed – and Emma becomes hod-carrier for Killian, the initially rather standoffish and grumpy groundsman. To her surprise, they work together well – he might have a few issues and hidden depths, but he’s kind, gentle and thoughtful (unlike Grayson…), and in time might just bring some happiness to Emma’s life too.

Remembering the cliff-hanger in the last book in the series, you’ll be pleased to hear that situation is resolved – the family complications affecting everyone, for some of them unexpectedly, as they feel their way forward. It’s all beautifully worked through, but not without some extra issues and a few tears along the way. I’d urge everyone to read this series from the beginning – you’ll be meeting old friends again, and it would be such a shame not to catch up with their earlier stories – but just this once, I don’t think anyone would struggle too badly if they picked up this book as a standalone.

The author always has the most perfect emotional touch with her relationships – whether family, friendship or romantic. But she also has a very sure hand when dealing with life’s issues – mental health, the impact of endometriosis, or the legacy of hurt within a fractured family along with the challenges of starting afresh. And she’s certainly done plenty of in-depth research into caring for alpacas – there’s also some very nicely handled drama surrounding their arrival, but a lot of joy when they’re finally safely at their newly (and hastily) finished home. I learned a lot about these beautiful animals – and will deliver the preferred strokes and be a far better communicator when I next come across my favourite local herd! And that wonderful setting, so well described – I really must try to get to Keswick as part of my holiday plans next year and enjoy some of those gorgeous views.

The whole story was beautifully told, with a cast of characters I really didn’t want to leave behind. But we’ll be back at Willowdale in future, and that’s something I’ll be very much looking forward to – this was the loveliest addition to an ongoing series I’m thoroughly enjoying, and a book I’d thoroughly recommend.

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Another fantastic addition to the ‘Escape to the Lakes’ series.
After two failed relationships, Emma is left without a job, a home, self esteem and confidence. Luckily she is able to build bridges with her father, uncovering secrets along the way, and continue with her dream of owning a herd of alpacas and offering them as walking companions.
My initial thoughts after the first chapter were, beautiful scenery but not sure about the characters. But I should not have worried as my doubts were soon dispelled and I throughly enjoyed this captivating story.
Waiting eagerly for the next instalment.

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This was a lovely read about second chances and going after what you want in life. Emma did seem pretty I,mature for her age though, I would have guessed her at early 30s with her mindset. But it was nice to read about someone nearing 50 for a change. Would love a book about Christian and his new lease on life. Looking forward to more in this series.

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After the Hedgehog Hollow series came to an end, I didn't think I'd like another series as much. But hey, here we are book three already!

The Lake District is one of the most beautiful places our country has to offer, so I jumped at the chance to revisit my friends at Willowdale Hall.

Emma's story is the main thread of The Best Is Yet to Come and it was such a heartbreaking story that I truly hoped she was going to get the chance to rediscover herself and get the happiness she so deserved.

It's a thoroughly enjoyable inclusion to the series, written with warmth and heart in Redland's inimitable style.

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A lovely book continuing the series set in the Lake District, which has been wonderful. Especially the alpacas, which I have a soft spot for. Jessica writes excellent books, long may it continue.

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I'm reviewing this via NetGalley, as part of a tour with Rachel's Random Resources.

This is part of the Lake District series, and I haven't read any of the others in the series, but I have read a few others by this author and enjoyed them, so I was looking forward to this.

At the start of the book, the protagonist, Emma, decides to give up teaching and move to a farm with her partner, Grayson. I really liked Emma from the beginning, but I wasn't sure that she was being entirely true to herself. At least, that was how I felt to begin with.

It was heartwarming to follow Emma's journey, even if there were a few bumps on the road. I actually found this quite emotional to read in places; I loved some of the deep conversations, and the bonds that formed between Emma and some of the other characters.

The message that I took away from reading this was that sometimes, things in life may not work out the way you planned, but they might work out to be even better. Just like the title says - the best is yet to come.

Thank you to NetGalley, Rachel's Random Resources, Boldwood Books, and to the author, for the opportunity to read and review this.

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I am loving this fabulous series set in the beautiful Lake District. This is book 3 and another cracking read. Our main character. Emma is likeable and relatable but she hasn't had much luck with her 2 previous relationships and isn't in a good place when the story begins. However, with a cast of kind, warm and supportive people in her corner, her healing process begins and with an unlikely but delightful herd of alpacas, she finds joy and a new purpose in life. I knew very little about alpacas before reading this book but am now a firm fan of these gentle, sweet and delightful creatures and would love to be able to enjoy the experience of walking them as described in the book. Jessica Redland writes beautifully with a kindness and heartwarming passion for her subjects. Her previous books have had us readers falling in love with hedgehogs, bees and now alpacas. I don't know how she does it but long may her magic continue. My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Best is Yet to Come by Jessica Redland

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Emma is having a fresh start.

After a successful teaching career, an exciting new chapter awaits Emma – helping her fiancé Grayson run one of Beatrix Potter's farms. While imagining days spent supporting Grayson with his dream, working the land and helping with the animals, Emma harvests a dream of her own – to set up an alpaca-walking business around the farm.

But working together isn’t as easy as Emma expected. Soon her dreams are in tatters and, broken-hearted, she must start over yet again.

When Oliver, Rosie and the team at Willowdale Hall welcome Emma with open arms, she can't believe her luck. But starting a new business in a new place is a daunting prospect, especially when it comes with unexpected obstacles. With a reserved, prickly groundskeeper as a partner, rapidly changing family dynamics to contend with, and time running out to get her new career off the ground, Emma may have bitten off more than she can chew.

But even though things are not going to plan just yet, the best is yet to come for Emma, if she can just take a leap of faith and follow her heart...

My Opinion

Jessica Redland is an author that I really enjoy reading. I think I may have missed a book in The Lake District series but I was still able to keep up. Emma is one of those characters that I instantly felt like I knew and I couldn't wait for her to get her alpacas.

This was such a delightful read and I cannot believe it took me so long to discover Jessica's books. The Best is Yet to Come is such a heart-warming book and is going to be lovely to read over the changing seasons.

Rating 4/5

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Boldwood Books for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

I found the fmc rather annoying and the writing poor at times with lots of info dumping. I also don’t think the chronic pain rep was very well done.

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Jessica Redland - The Best Is Yet To Come.

I’m delighted to head back to the Lake District with Jessica Redland, as she brings us book three in her Escape To The Lakes series.
All three books can easily be read as stand alone stories. However, I’d suggest reading all three in order so as to get the most out of each gorgeous book.

#TheBestIsYetToCome is primarily Emma’s story. As she leaves her teaching job for a fresh start in the country, it doesn’t all go quite to plan and I really felt for Emma as she realised that her relationship wasn’t what she thought it was.
Emma bravely moves forward and maybe, as the title suggests, the best is yet to come her way.

We also catch up with characters from the two previous books. Some loose ends are tied up and we see life continue with all its ups and downs for some of our favourite Willowdale residents.

Jessica Redland is renowned for dealing with some tough subjects in her books. The Best Is Yet To Come is no exception. As well as Emma’s relationship issues, the book also covers the subject of endometriosis. As always, JR writes with knowledge and compassion and covers these topics with sensitivity.

The stars of this book are probably not the humans, but quite possibly it’s the alpacas.
These woolly beauties are a delight and I have now added, ‘walking alpacas’ to my bucket list.

#TheBestIsYetToCome is a joy. I loved being back in this big hearted community. I’ve fallen in love with alpacas and quite simply can’t wait to read what comes next.

#TheBestIsYetToCome is a charming read. It’s full of love, friendship, fresh starts and of course, alpacas. Did I mention them?

An utterly fabulous five star read.

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After leaving her successful teaching career, Emma is looking forward to starting a new life with her fiancé Grayson on an idyllic Cumbrian farm, however, this move isn’t anything like Emma expected and when things go badly wrong she has to restart her life once again. Willowdale Hall in the Lake District is home to a delightful collection of characters who soon rally round in order to give Emma the new start she so richly deserves.

This is a delightful story which has all the trademarks of this author’s lovely warm style of writing. She makes all the characters so realistic that they immediately work their way into your heart and you can’t help but want everything to work out for them. As this is the third book in the Escape to the Lakes series there is a sense of returning ‘home’ to all the lovely people who we have grown to love with the added joy of meeting new characters who each have their own story to share. I have especially enjoyed reading Emma’s story, it has been so refreshing to have a forty-something character making a new start, her determination and enthusiasm shines throughout but there are also other lovely characters who make their own distinctive impression. I must mention The Magnificent Seven who were a real delight and such an integral part of the story.

Covering some difficult topics in a very readable way is what this talented writer does best and The Best is Yet to Come looks at complicated relationships but does so with a lovely light touch and a reminder to embrace what life has to offer and to make the most of every opportunity. Whilst it works as a standalone story I do think that it makes sense to start this delightful series from the beginning as that way you get to know and love all the characters who make this series so special.

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The story begins with a recap of Rosie and Oliver's lives and Rosie's search for Oliver's father. Then, we meet Emma, who is about to start her new life. While she is positive and supportive, Grayson, her partner, is not, and his attitude and behaviour deteriorate, making Emma question her new life and relationship. When he shows his true self, Emma is devastated. Unexpected family news gives Emma another new start with a hopefully better outcome. Emma's story is heartbreaking in parts, and you want her to have the chance of something better. The alpaca walk project and meeting her new family and Killian make lasting happiness a possibility. I like the balance of dark and light, negativity and positivity; it makes the story real. I love the characterisation; it makes you invest in Emma and her family, and the Alpacas are charming and give the story a delightful uniqueness.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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The third book in Jessica Redland's Lakes series follows on immediately from the cliffhanger at the end of book two, when Rosie realised who boyfriend Oliver's long lost father was. I would definitely advise reading the previous books in the series before this one to get the full story.

Alongside old favourite characters, this time round we meet Emma, who gives up her teaching life to run a farm with fiance Grayson. Along the way, she decides to create an alpaca walking business - this was especially well researched by the author!

At the start, I couldn't figure out how Emma tied in with the characters from Willowdale Hall, but Jessica tied the threads together beautifully. A lovely read, a great addition to the series, bring on book 4!

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It’s great to back in the Lakes and visiting Willowdale Hall again. After the cliffhanger from the previous book, with Rosie realising who Oliver’s dad was, I was eager to know more. I love how it unfolded and the threads all tied up. Meeting Emma was amazing and I loved her personality, so positive and bright even when life tries to knock her down. My heart went out to her when Grayson cast her aside, but I loved how she reached out to her dad. When one door closes another opens and what she discovers about her dad and their growing relationship was so much more than anything Grayson could have given her.

The information and descriptions of the Alpacas was phenomenal and there was clearly a lot of research and love for the animals behind the scenes. It really showed in the writing.

Emma at Willowdale really blossomed and Killian and his girls really opened her eyes to life and love. I don’t want to give any spoilers but Killian was just the tonic Emma needed.

The continuing storyline of Oliver and his dad was really good, the diaries from his mother shed light on to what was happening and her true feeling for Christian. So touching. Oliver and Rosie’s vision for the Hall and grounds is amazing and I can’t wait to see what they do next.

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I enjoyed this story of self acceptance and finding self worth, not to mention love. Heart ache starts the story but it ends warm and fuzzy… not just alpaca fuzzy either. Great little escape just like Redlands other books.

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