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Eleonor se acaba de mudar a Austin para trabajar en una biblioteca musical. Mientras limpiaba se encuentra una foto de una mujer y por alguna razón se obsesiona con saber que fue de esa persona.

Luke es promotor musical, por casualidad conoce a Eleonor y decide ayudarla a encontrar a la mujer de la foto.
Él esconde un secreto que pondrá en peligro su relación con ella.

La forma en como ella reaccionó al enterarse de toda la verdad me incomodo y me molestó, o sea en ese momento él necesitaba consuelo y no una tipa chismosa tratando de volver una traición en algo positivo. Sólo tenía que abrazarlo y callarse.

Lo de Diane y Frank fue horrible, no se como lo perdonó su esposa. A parte esa tontería de que recibió a Claire con los brazos abiertos, no me gustó.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I think a lot of this could have been scrapped. The mystery was not knowing who the woman in the photo was, but finding that out 30% of the way in kind of took away the excitement from the book. I was hoping it would be that air of mystery with the side of romance, but it wasn't. I also wasn't too fond of the fact that Luke knew exactly who was in the photo yet deceived Eleanor and led her on this goose chase and let her get so let down and disappointed about the end results when he could've just ... told her. She wouldn't have been so attached if Luke had just told the truth, but he wanted an excuse to get closer to the pretty woman and saw his chance and took it and that didn't sit right with me. I liked the idea, but it could've been executed much better.

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Luke has quickly turned into one of my favorite ‘book boyfriends’. He’s confident, reassuring, selfless, and endearing. Eleanor is curious, almost sarcastic, and you can tell that there’s more layers to her that we weren’t able to peel back. I think she could have used a little more character development as i would have loved to understand her insecurities. This was a decent read for me.

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I really enjoyed this book! I was hooked from the start by Sinclair's voice; plenty of description and emotion without feeling forced. I loved the setting and the way Eleanor and Luke's relationship felt so organic. The twists kept me on my toes and I never managed to guess any of them, and the tension and jeopardy had my stomach twisting. A great read.

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A cute romance book with a lot of self discovery and adventure!

I rated this book 3.5 star as it failed to peak my interest in the first half of the book and left me with questions of why; why that picture out of probably hundreds?, why do you care enough to investigate it?, why should I care about this picture?…Honestly the lack of reasoning ruined the excitement for me and I felt like I was being dragged a lot in a meaningless quest and just came across as random and insignificant.

The second half of the book was a lot more attention grabbing as it give me something to be curious and excited about and I genuinely enjoyed reading it. All the twists and turns making the journey worth it. I just wish we got here faster.

Thank you for the opportunity to review this book and I hope my insight has brought value.

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This is a sweet, entertaining meet-cute story remarkably well told. The characterisation, pacing writing style and narrative structure are excellent. The setting and locations within it are well portrayed. I wish more contemporary authors were this accomplished. I am somewhat perturbed, therefore, to find no information about the writer or the strangely-named (alleged) publisher: Lost Lust. Really??!! Is this novel independently or self-published? Some may say, it doesn't matter who or what wrote and published it if it was enjoyable to read and didn't feel like the waste of time many novels written in the last ten or fifteen years are. It's precisely *why* it matters who the author and publisher are. I would hate to think this novel has been created by AI or some other suspect method. If Lolu Sinclair is a real person, then she deserves full credit and recognition for her authorship.

Many thanks to the publishers and to Netgalley for the ARC.

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I really like the plot of this book. Eleanor's curiosity about the woman in the picture gave her and Luke something that brought them together in a natural way. It gave a good structure to the book. Their search for an answer made for a good driving plot and I wanted to know the history behind the picture as much as Eleanor.
The main characters' first meeting didn't feel forced. You can feel their connection and their chemistry. They actually got on well together. Their banter had me giggling. The dual point of view gave great insight into both their feelings.
The thing that bothered me was how when Luke had a hard time after a big life change for him happened Eleanor was kinda unemathetic and just didin't seem to support him through it. I understand that she was mad at him but I still think she should've backed him up. But other than that I really liked how they felt for each other and how down bad Luke was for Eleanor. Their relationship seems genuine and realistic.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚:

Eleanor’s temporary job takes a turn when she discovers a photo of a mysterious musician from 1993. Her investigation leads her into the city's vibrant music scene and into a romantic partnership with a music promoter (Luke).

𝑴𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔:

As someone who has lived in Austin for about 10 years, I was excited to read this book. However, I felt that the portrayal of Austin's vibe was somewhat exaggerated and caricatured.

The romance felt very insta-love, and Luke came across as overly obsessive and insistent on taking charge in a stereotypical "manly" way.

Additionally, I dislike relationships that start with a lie (even a white lie), which was a major drawback for me.

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A lovely dual point-of-view romance I absolutely adored. Will make romance readers swoon as much as I did!

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This book has a lot of potential as a cute romcom: archivist Eleanor is looking to identify a woman in a photo and a well connected local, Luke, helps. As Eleanor and Luke learn more about the women in the photo, they start to fall for each other. And as Eleanor starts to build a life on Austin, Luke starts to feel more and more guilty about a small lie that was the foundation of their friendship.

Unfortunately, the direct writing style made out hard for me to find the book enjoyable. I never understood why Eleanor wanted to find out who this woman was. I struggle to find her actions relatable, like when she tells Luke she’s scared of a new relationship before they’ve even kissed. And I really don’t see how Eleanor shows no empathy when Luke learns such big news towards the end of the book. Luke’s character of equally un-relatable to me (e.g., buying her boots after knowing her a week, third act breakup, etc).

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book and couldn't read it fast enough! I love a dual POV and found both Eleanor and Luke's perspectives endearing. If I had one take-away from this book it would be to find a man like Luke who is the perfect gentleman of book boyfriends.

Favorite quotes:
* "In fact, I like watching you. Makes me reconsider what I'm looking at, you know? I'd love to see the world the way you see it"
* "You're mean to yourself. For no good reason"
* "I don’t know your order, so I went off vibes"
* "I’m taking a picture, so I never forget this moment"

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