Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Owl City Press for the ARC copy of Of Kingdoms and Curses.

I really loves this book and I am so excited to read the next one when it comes out.

The way the timeline was set out was quite intriguing, We start off after Bridget has become trapped in Elyria and then later we go back to before when she is in the human realm. The memory loss aspect adds interest into the plot as well.

With the rich world-building, great characters, and a thrilling plot, this first book promises that the rest of the series will continue the exciting journey and I am excited to see where the author takes us.

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Loved this one and wish the next book was out already 😭

It was about a human girl forced into a marriage “competition” with the winner getting married to a prince. The catch is that everyone else can use their magic to win their tasks and she doesn’t have any.

It had a modern tie in which I personally love (based in present day rather than in centuries past).

Highly recommend to my romantasy lovers.

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This was SO GOOD. It definitely combined a lot of fantasy/ romance I loved, but it was so unique with the Before and After sections. It really made the book a completely different experience to read. I can not wait for the next book!

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I received this book from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I think this story has a lot of potential. The concept of the world is intriguing. The story was told well but I found it too easy to put down. I can't put my finger on why but it just didn't suck me in.
The main setting of the book is based in Elyria, another realm where horseback is the preferred method of transportation, so when the characters used words like gym, it pulled me out of the world. Now I completely understand that most in that world can travel back and forth to the human realm and it shouldn't have affected me like that but that blend of the two worlds wasn't made apparent enough early on.
The beginning of the book moved far too quickly for me, Bridget was only just being introduced, then we had Cora and I would've liked a little more time with just the two of them to delve into their relationship a bit more because later on in the book, things could've made more sense.
Most of the characters fell a bit flat for me.
Cade has very little interaction with Bridget for a long time in the book but she's very aware of him.
All of a sudden, Bridget is thrown into a tournament and things happen and no one has any clue what's going on really. And Bridget doesn't seem to be one bit interested at finding out because she just wants to go home. Fair enough. Not a lot makes sense because no one finds anything out and it's frustrating. During this time the world isn't really expanded on or delved into in greater detail.
Then FLASHBACK! I adored this part of the book! It was so well written and the characters went from cardboard cut outs to real characters. I was enthralled during this part of the book and didn't want to put it down. Everything flowed and made sense.
Then back to Elyria where everything seems so disjoined and the finding out of information seemed like it came out of nowhere. This part of the book had more guts to it but lacked feeling. How they figure it all out in the end is mentioned in the previous chapter and not made a big deal of, fair enough, don't give it away. But it should have been a seed planted a lot earlier on in the book.
The ending is a cliffhanger and I think I need to know what happens next...

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4.5 stars/5

I have to say, I liked this book so much more than I expected.

The way it is structured is interesting, first we read the after, but then, when the FMC remembers everything, we get the before, and after we learn everything, the story continues.

The only small issue I had with this book is that at times, the characters' choices seemed a bit odd and I still didn't don't get why they decided that.

The ending was pretty good and clearly now I need to know what will happen next!

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Arc Review:
Overall Rating: 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice Rating: 2 🔥🔥
Cover Rating: 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Fantasy Romance
- Star-Crossed Lovers
- Magically Binding Bargains
- Deadly Magic
- Contemporary Setting
- Powerful Artifacts
- High Stakes Trials
- Found Family

Honestly at the start before reading this book then a little bit after reading I didn’t think that I was going to love this book as much as I did, but what a nice surprise because I actually really really enjoyed reading this book. I really enjoyed the writing for this book, it was well executed, I think that the plot was a pretty unique and creative one that had me hooked. Sometimes I wished that we got to have Cades pov on things but then again I still loved the point of view of this story as it was. I also liked the use of the different timelines with the after, before, and the now (I think the before might have been my favourite timeline). Also I loved a vase majority of the the characters, not just Bridget and Cade even though I really did love Bridget and Cade, but I loved some of the side characters we got to see and I am hoping we get to see more from them. Lastly that cliffhanger at the end though killed me, so if you were to ask me if I am planning on reading the second book of this series my answer would be a definite yes.
Thank you NetGalley, the publishers , and the author Amy Woodruff for the arc copy of this book, I really really enjoyed reading this one.

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*Of Kingdoms and Curses* by Amy Woodruff is an exciting entry into the fantasy genre, blending magic, mystery, and romance in a unique and captivating world. The story follows Bridget Adams, a human trapped in the magical kingdom of Elyria, where every use of magic comes with severe consequences. Forced to join a marriage competition for the Fae Prince Cade, Bridget embarks on a journey filled with danger, self-discovery, and unraveling her forgotten past. The world-building in this novel is a standout feature, with the magical system, the blend of human and magical worlds, and the tension surrounding memory loss adding layers of intrigue to the plot.

While the story takes time to establish its world and characters, it truly picks up once the tournament begins, providing non-stop action and emotional depth. Bridget, as a human in a world dominated by fae, witches, and nymphs, feels vulnerable yet determined, which raises the stakes significantly. Her relationship with Cade evolves in unexpected ways, and their chemistry keeps the reader hooked as they navigate the mysteries surrounding her past and the dangerous magic that binds them. Though some twists are predictable, the execution is well done, making the journey enjoyable and leaving readers eager for more.

Despite a few pacing issues early on and some plot points that could have been further fleshed out, *Of Kingdoms and Curses* delivers an engaging narrative that will leave readers wanting more. The cliffhanger ending and unresolved mysteries set the stage for an exciting sequel, and the unique blend of familiar and fantastical elements makes this a must-read for fans of fantasy romance. With rich world-building, compelling characters, and a thrilling plot, this first installment of the *Blood and Curses* series promises an even more exciting journey ahead.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC. I found the whole concept really interesting. Nowadays, I tend to shy away from urban fantasy stories since they are often very similar and just do not engage me as much as they used to do. However, Of Kingdoms and Curses engaged me a lot. The story was very entertaining and I loved how it evolved. The cliffhanger also makes me very interested in the sequel, which is great. What I struggled with were the characters. It took me some time till I had a connection with them and could undertstand their motivations and actions. But now, I am very much looking forward to what the next book holds for them.

Overall, an easy and entertaining fantasy perfect for fall reading evenings. I give this book 4 stars.

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Okay, firstly you need to get through a bucket load of info which is going to be overwhelming to some readers.
A human gal is trapped in a far realm and has to compete in a tournament against her will so the prince can choose a bride.

The storyline was good, I’ve never read a story that was broken up into sections such as before, after and now. I thought that was cool but there was still a lot of questions left unanswered.
At times I also felt Bridget was a little emotionally immature which made me eye roll a bit.
There was a good cliffhanger which will leave readers with questions and keen for the next installment!

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this arc

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Now this was spectacular. I loved the concept and find it very unique. The division of the novel in after and before was well made and didn’t created confusion as I feared at first. Now I want more!

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This was an interesting fantasy book. I think the concept is original and fun! I tend to struggle with urban fantasies (aka fantasy books that are set in contemporary settings), so it isn’t totally my jam, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I read it in a day!

There is a part of me that feels like the ending was left incomplete. I maybe would understand more if I read it more carefully, but since I’m more of a brain-off reader, I still have some questions haha.

Overall, a fun read!

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Amy Woodruff's Of Kingdoms and Curses offers an engaging fantasy adventure filled with magic, mystery, and romance. With a relatable protagonist trapped in a dangerous magical realm, the novel strikes a balance between high-stakes action and emotional depth, though it occasionally stumbles in pacing and world-building. This 3.5-star read is a solid introduction to the Blood and Curses series, providing enough intrigue to leave readers eager for the next installment.

The story centers on Bridget Adams, a human who has been trapped for seven months in the magical Kingdom of Elyria, where all humans lose their memories upon arrival. Bridget’s frustration and desire to return to her world are palpable, and her struggle to reclaim her identity and freedom is one of the novel’s most compelling elements. Woodruff does a commendable job of portraying Bridget’s vulnerability while also highlighting her resilience, making her a relatable and likable protagonist. Her interactions with Cora, the leader of a merciless Witch coven, underscore the tension and stakes, as Bridget’s failed attempts to escape keep the reader engaged in her plight.

Cora’s manipulative hold on Bridget—compounded by a forced participation in a marriage tournament to win the hand of the Fae Prince, Cade—creates the central conflict. The tournament structure provides an exciting, if familiar, backdrop, reminiscent of The Hunger Games or The Selection, with dangerous tasks and intense competition adding layers of suspense. However, it’s the unexpected binding contract that locks Bridget into the tournament that shifts the plot into higher gear, trapping her within the palace grounds and forcing her to confront both her circumstances and the enigmatic prince.

Cade is a more complex character than initially expected, and his evolving relationship with Bridget is one of the novel’s highlights. Their growing closeness and the slow-burn tension between them are well-paced, though their romantic arc follows some familiar fantasy-romance tropes. Cade’s own secrets—including his connections to the human realm—are intriguing, though more development could have been given to fully flesh out his motivations and the role he plays in the overarching conspiracy. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that Bridget’s presence in Elyria is part of a larger plan, with deeper and deadlier consequences than she anticipated.

The world-building in Of Kingdoms and Curses is creative, particularly the magical realm of Elyria, where magic comes at a price, and humans are cursed to forget their past. The rules of this world are interesting but not always fully explained, which at times leaves readers with more questions than answers about how magic operates or why the human realm and Elyria are so intricately linked. This lack of clarity slows the narrative in places, making the stakes feel less immediate. However, the novel still manages to build a richly atmospheric setting, with the magical palace and dangerous tournament providing vivid backdrops for the action.

Where Of Kingdoms and Curses truly shines is in its exploration of trust, identity, and the emotional consequences of Bridget’s situation. As secrets unravel and Bridget learns more about her past and the real reason she’s in Elyria, the emotional weight of her decisions deepens. The love story, while central to the novel, is entwined with larger themes of agency, memory, and freedom, giving it more substance than a typical fantasy-romance subplot.

That said, the pacing of the novel can be uneven. While the initial setup is intriguing, the middle sections slow down as the tournament begins, and the tension between characters sometimes lacks the urgency needed to keep the reader fully invested. The novel picks up speed toward the end, but by that point, some readers may find that key moments feel rushed or underdeveloped, particularly as major revelations come to light.

Final Thoughts:
Of Kingdoms and Curses is an entertaining start to the Blood and Curses series, with a strong protagonist, an intriguing magical realm, and a romance that blossoms amid a high-stakes tournament. Though it suffers from occasional pacing issues and could benefit from more detailed world-building, the novel’s emotional core and suspenseful plot make it a worthwhile read for fans of fantasy romance. A solid 3.5-star read, this book sets the stage for an exciting sequel as more secrets and curses are revealed.

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Ahhh I was not expecting to like this book so much!! Love books that end on a good cliffhanger. Cannot wait to continue this series.

Loved that the book was divided into the after, then the before, then the now. I felt so confused at first and knew so much had to be happening in between the lines, similar to From Blood and Ash where you understand more after reading more in the series.

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Book 1 in an adult fantasy romance series and it was so good!! A fae prince, magic of lost memories, and a kingdom with a coven of witches - what more could you ask for? Highly recommend and I cannot wait for the sequels in this series!

Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I want more!!! I loved the magic world & human world concept & travelling between them. The memory loss made for an interesting concept. The way the book was broken up into after, before & now worked really well! I’m usually not a fan of books that do this but the author made it work well. The characters were interesting & had depth. The storyline was packed with action & plot twists that kept me hooked! Cade & Bridget are fated to be! This is only the start of their story; I can feel it. This book definitely delivered. I was lucky enough to receive a free arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Fastpaced romantasy - maybe a YA story? It had everything: Fae, Witches, HUmmans, Warlcks. A Trial, magic and different kingdoms AND universes.
The story was unfolding in 3 timespaces, with a After, Before and Now.
I was intriged in the After, it was a little slow in the Before, but the Now! Wow, things got crazy :D

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Thank you Negalley for fhe chance to read this.

This book was sadly a miss for me. I felt like the worldbuilding was all over the place. The different realms and the Fae, Witches, Humans and Nymphs was all so convoluted.

For being in a different realm the MC was far to instantly trusting and truthful. She really didn't have much of a purpose and felt very bland. The tournament was never really explained much except for okay now your fighting for the Fae Princes hand in marriage. The MC was basically like alright this is what we are doing now and suddenly it was an instant romance rather than a I want to get back to the human realm and restore my memories kind of deal. The before during and after timeline was kind of ascued but unique. They needed some more world building and character building for sure.

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First, thanks NetGalley for the arc! Second that cliff hanger was MEAN!! It took me a little bit to get into this book but I’m so glad I stuck it out!! Once I got through the world building (which was well done, I’m just impatient and want to instantly know all of the things) I couldn’t put it down. I have so many questions and can’t wait for the next one to come out!

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For me it was a little slow but still very enjoyable! Witches, fae, nymphs, lots of fun magical beings and a marriage competition with the far prince as the prize. A solid romantasy.

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Any and NetGalley thank you for letting me read this ARC. I really enjoyed this book, I found the story and the characters compelling. I am looking forward to more!

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