Member Reviews

This was a fast paced thriller with a lot of twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. There are 6 friends who go on holiday to Bulgaria. They are all from England and they rent a villa to celebrate the 18th birthday of one of them. A bunch of incidents occur and there’s a shady character as well. I was surprised at the last few chapters how it all came together but felt that it left me hanging at the same time. I thought that it needed an epilogue to wrap up the rest of the characters once they found out the truth.

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The Beach by Lorna Dounaeva is a quick and easy read packed with twists and turns. The story follows Willow, a teenager whose vacation with friends takes a dark turn. The suspense builds as the group uncovers secrets and faces tension. While the book keeps you guessing with its unpredictable plot, the ending may feel a bit flat compared to the buildup. Despite this, it remains an engaging thriller that kept me reading until the end.

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This was such a quick, easy summer beach book. I loved it. The story revolves around Willow and Josh on a Bulgaria vacation. They encounter a lot of twists and turns along the way which makes for very interesting reading. I loved the unexpected ending. I would definitely recommend this book.

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for this ARC.

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I got this as an ARC thanks to NetGallery.

This book was so good it kept me on my toes, and I couldn’t put it down as I needed to know what happened. It is well written and is such a good psychological thriller.

Willow and her brother Josh, go away with 4 friends. Things start to happen to them where someone gets injured or hurt and then Josh disappears and can’t be found anywhere.

I definitely wasn’t expecting the plot twist at the end and to say it left me shocked was an understatement. I had to read it to make sure I had read what I did.

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The Beach ☾𖤓
By Lorna Dounaeva
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 5/5 stars and a must read now!

The only thriller you need this summer! From the twists and turns, to the unknowns… this book will keep you guessing. Willow, Josh and their friends take a trip to an island despite their mother being hesitant. Tragedy strikes and the suspense begins. The rest, you’ll have to read to find out how this ends! I highly recommend this book, you need to read it now!

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Thank you netgalley for the ARC of the book. I enjoyed the story and the character development. I was engaged from the very beginning. As a fan of thrillers, I loved this story.
The mystery and intrigue was there and I found myself staying up late to finish chapters.

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This was decent quick read. I couldn't fully relate as a poor american but I still liked the read. I do not know why they made some of the choices they made but the youth can be like that.

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This was a crazy one this group of friends go on vacation and slowly they are each getting hurt or harmed. Then one of the goes missing and they are all trying to find them. To say the twist surprised me is an understatement because I’m still trying to make sure I read it correctly and then the end I had to go back over too but because I was so shocked. Great writing in this psychological thriller!

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A fantastic summer read. It kept me hooked and guessing till the end

Loved this book. Thank you for the opportunity to review

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Dounaeva's writing is straightforward and easy to follow, making for a quick read. The pacing in the early chapters effectively keeps the pages turning as we wonder what dangers might be lurking for Willow and Josh on their Bulgarian holiday.

However, as the story progresses, it begins to lose some of its initial promise. The plot takes a few turns that strain credibility, and some of the characters' decisions feel forced rather than organic. The teenagers, while initially well-drawn, don't always act in ways that feel true to their established personalities and ages.

Despite these shortcomings, "The Beach" will have you turning the pages until the very end to find out what happens.

Overall, "The Beach: A Holiday to Die For" is a decent thriller that starts strong but doesn't quite live up to its full potential. While it may not satisfy the most discerning fans of the genre, it still provides an entertaining read for those looking for a quick, suspenseful story.

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The Beach by Lorna Dounaeva pulled me in immediately with its Bulgarian travel hook.

Will, her brother Josh, and four of their friends decide to take a trip to a Bulgarian beach resort. At eighteen, Willow seems to be the leader of the group, and her mother, Patsy, has reservations about the safety of her children. Finding a British woman who works in close proximity to the resort seems to be the perfect solution, and Patsy offers to pay her to keep an eye on things. But as the holiday rapidly descends into a nightmare, we are left to wonder about the strange woman's promise to keep things in check.

I could not put this one down, particularly during the first half which was tantamount to watching a car crash. Things did, admittedly, take a turn to the ridiculous in the latter part of the narrative, but overall this was an exciting and thoroughly enjoyable read.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for an ARC.

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“The Beach” by Lorna Dounaeva is a 3-star read. The story follows Willow, her brother Josh, and their close friends as they decide to take a holiday in Bulgaria before entering adulthood. However, things start to go wrong almost immediately after their arrival, and the situation only worsens from there.

The majority of the story is told from Willow’s point of view, with additional perspectives introduced later in the story. The first half of the book was captivating; I was genuinely interested in the unfolding events and curious to see where the story would lead. Unfortunately, the plot took a turn that I found less enjoyable. There is another character who has tragic ties to the resort and that was just weird how that turned out. I didn’t feel a connection with the second half of the story and found myself just wanting it to end. The ending was so far-fetched that I didn’t enjoy it at all.

Thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, Lorna Dounaeva, and NetGalley for providing me with the opportunity to read this ARC and share my honest review.

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This book is a little creepy, but you won't be able to put it down! Willow, her brother Josh, and their friends decide to go on vacation to a resort in Bulgaria. The events that unfold will keep you guessing and trying to figure out what is happening. A good read.

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I got this book as an arc to review so I’m trying to keep that in mind and I was told this is an unedited version
But there were a lot of editing issues and some plot holes and oddities so hopefully the edits catch these

The story is about two teen siblings, Josh and Willow (18/19) who go on holiday with their friend group to Bulgaria for a holiday of booze and sun
But when some of the group are involved in accidents and suddenly one of them goes missing willow has to wonder if it’s not all connected. Is it just a coincidence or is someone out to get them?
The book has a great atmospheric vibe and it starts great with the prologue which is edgy and spooky
I liked where it was set and the characters where interesting enough
Apart from all the errors I was enjoying the book enough but some peoples actions are never explained
The reveal was bizarre too and didn’t quite sit right
It didn’t really make sense but can’t say too much without spoilers obv the whole last section was just far fetched and not believable at all
I think with another round of edits it will be a decent thriller it just kinda missed the mark for me particularly the end

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The Beach by Lorna Dounaeva is a twisty and well told story.
This is an entertaining and quick read with a fast moving plot that immediately grabbed my attention.

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This book was just okay for me it kept me engaged and was fairly enjoyable read.....BUT I found at least two plotholes in the story and the ending was so farfetched it seemed absurdly ridiculous 🙄 and then at the conclusion I was left feeling annoyed that I had read the whole book just to be left hanging not ever really knowing what happened to this certain character.

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This book is gold!! So genius and has left me utterly in awe!

The plot centres around Willow an 18 year old who is delighted to be going on holiday to a Bulgarian beach resort with friends and brother, Josh, who will be celebrating his 18th birthday on the trip. The siblings mother is super anxious about her children's safety and finds comfort in a teen-sitting service offered by Kelly, a middle aged woman who works in a kiosk in the resort (this largely involves Kelly discreetly looking out for the teens and covertly reporting back to their mum!) Things start to go awry when Willows boyfriend Spencer unexpectedly turns up at the airport with the 'surprise' that he has managed to blag himself a plane ticket and invites himself along - before long this comes the least of the party's worries as we begin to wonder these just the unluckiest group of people ever.. ...or whether something a LOT more sinister is at play!

The ending was so good..... and SO unexpected!! I'm largely speechless and cant pick uo another title by this author quick enough!!

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity duty to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance reader copy of The Beach.

I was hooked from the start with this beach thriller. It kept me guessing right to the very end!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

WOW! What a great book! This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Had me guessing! That plot twist got me! lol what a great read!

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Such a wild ride! So many bumps and twists that have you on the edge of your seat! I flew through with the fast pace. I just had to know what would happen next on the holiday from hell!!

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