Member Reviews


Honestly this was a little bit boring but it's not bad. I just wanted more to happen. There was no big blowup or anything that really brought any kind of tension and this book needed it.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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This was a fun quick slow burn love story, you can't help love the two main characters. I found myself cheering for them, because the perfect guy is hard to come by and she just stumbled into one. I did not read the other books in this series, but it seemed like I did not need to. It was good book all on its own.

Fake romance to love, we can't get enough of those, well at least I can't.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tisa Matthews Paperback for copy of this book for my honest review.

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Such a fun read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This is book 4 in the Finding Home series and while it can be read as a standalone, it does container spoilers so best to read the books in order from the beginning.

Marcus and Brooke are great together. They were instantly attracted to one another and it didn't take much to convince them that fake dating would be a good option to get Brooke's mother and ex-fiancé off her back when she returns to Connecticut for a visit.

There was no miscommunication (a welcome relief after book 3!) and both characters were open with each other when it counted. They both admitted early on that there was nothing fake about their relationship, that they were both into it because it's what they wanted. Even when Marcus kept his billionaire status from Brooke, when he did tell her she took it pretty well though it did help that she had Maci there to talk some reason into her as well.

This book alludes to issues between Sophie, Dean and their father - this also comes up in their own books but it doesn't really seem like it was much of an issue and now suddenly in book 4 he may not even be invited to Dean's wedding! I'm not sure what has happened but it feels like there is a vital piece of information missing that maybe should have been covered in this book either through Maci and Brooke talking or an epilogue at the end like they did with their story at the end of book 2.

This was a really quick read and definitely one of my favourites in the series. It's spicy but not as spicy as I was expecting when I read there was going to be a bit of BDSM and Marcus liking to be in control. I thought it was quite tame really, but it was still enjoyable.

Thanks to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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This is my first Tisa Matthew read. And OMG!! I couldn’t get enough. I will definitely be going back and reading book 1-3. I ate this book up! (Literally stayed up until 6am because I couldn’t put it down)

This is a romance novel about two people from different worlds who fall in love. The story explores how they deal with their differences and the challenges that come with their relationship. Marcus and Brooke are absolutely perfect for each other. I loved them so much individually but I loved them even more together. The instant connection between them. (is chefs kiss) I feel like they brought the best sides out of each other. (so much better together) This story kept me interested from beginning to end. It's was such a great and easy read if you enjoy romance and drama.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Tisa Matthews & Victory Editing for allowing me to read this amazing book. (This is my honest opinion)

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I read this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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*Tied Up in Riches* by Tisa Matthews is a delightful blend of romance and self-discovery, set against the backdrop of charming Oregon and the complexities of family dynamics. This fourth installment in the *Finding Home* series offers readers a heartwarming tale of two individuals from different worlds who find themselves unexpectedly connected.

The story centers around Brooke Fields, a free-spirited traveler who has spent the last three years avoiding her mother’s relentless matchmaking by exploring the world. Just as she’s about to embark on her next adventure, Brooke’s plans take an unexpected turn when she meets Marcus Cole, a bar owner who is much more than he appears. Marcus, though wealthy, prefers to live a simple life away from the trappings of his fortune. When Brooke’s brief stay in Oregon stretches longer than anticipated, she and Marcus develop a working relationship that quickly evolves into something deeper.

Matthews excels at creating relatable characters with depth and charm. Brooke is independent, adventurous, and determined to live life on her own terms—traits that make her a refreshing and modern heroine. Her wariness of wealthy men is understandable, given her past experiences, and this adds an interesting layer of tension to her developing relationship with Marcus. Marcus, on the other hand, is a grounded and likable hero who values authenticity over wealth, making him an ideal match for Brooke.

The chemistry between Brooke and Marcus is palpable from their first meeting, and Matthews skillfully builds their relationship with a slow-burn approach that is both satisfying and realistic. The “fake boyfriend” trope is employed effectively, adding humor and tension as the two navigate their growing attraction while pretending for Brooke’s family.

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Marcus deserves everything he’s worked so hard to get and more. I loved his character and will definitely be going back to read the first 3 books in this series to get more little *glimmers* of him.

Brooke is an absolute gem and I’m so happy she found everything she had been searching for. Her character growth is so amazing and the 2 of them are so perfect for each other.

My only negative about this book is the long chapters but that’s honestly a personal preference and had no effect on my rating/review of this book.


I really love that the ending/epilogue of this story didn’t progress in the traditional way. They didn’t feel the need to be married because they were so happy with the way things are and are choosing to wake up next to each other rather than doing it because they’re legally obligated to do so.

And them choosing not to have children is refreshing as well because my husband and I have also made this choice and it’s great to see that representation.

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Guys, I can't even describe how much I loved these characters. Tisa writes them so real and honest, flaws and all. And the spice? This book was seriously hot! I was not ready, but I loved every second.I laughed, I cried, and I can't believe this is the last book in the series. I'm going to miss them so much. It was everything I wanted and more.

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I loved this book , Everything was perfect about this book and slow burn .... Goshhhhhhhhhh It's so good , I totally recommended this book and Trust me You would love this , you won't regret 🤌

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The story of Brooke and Marcus. I liked how it was told from both points of view. She doesn't like rich people so he keeps his wealth a secret. What will happen when she finds out?

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I'm not sure how I feel about this book. Although it took until 70% to get spice, I enjoyed the scenes depicted and there was some spice happening even up until 93%.

It's the plot itself I found myself unsure about. I'm kind of over the rich businessman trope, but there were plenty of other tropes along the way including: boss/employee, forced proximity, fake dating, and only one bed.

The part I can't wrap my head around liking or not liking was the lack of conflict in the novel. There was promise of conflict that turned out to not be a big deal. I mean, I love the odd book that doesn't have a third act breakup, but without conflict, is there much plot at all?

I didn't find myself relating to the FMC or liking nor disliking her either. The MMC falls first and is likeable, but is almost too good with no flaws.

Something I REALLY liked was that the characters explicitly don't want to marry or have kids which is so freaking refreshing! I'm happily married, but we've chosen not to have kids and it's so common for every character to talk about having kids someday.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for my review copy.

This was a wonderful women's fiction with a great plot and memorable characters. A very enjoyable read.

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Thanks you Netgalley and the author for this ARC 💐
To be honest when I read the description of the book, I expected more from the story, especially since fake couples is one of my favourite tropes. I don’t know how to explain but something was missing, the characters lacked depth and the way their relation evolved until they became “a couple” was a bit weird and not natural. In addition, I did not like how the situation with her mother remained open, we don’t know if she still talks to her mother or if she decided to break all relations with her. I think Brooke was a weak character not capable to stand up to her mother or her ex-fiancé, who btw was ridiculous, the “control” he still had over her, when I was reading those scenes I was like what !! 😳 And her issues with someone being rich, lumping everyone in the same category as her ex and then Marcus apologising for being rich ?? It was really ridiculous !! Why should he apologise for this ? Insane really.
Anyway, I still read the whole story and finished the book. I will still definitely check other future books from the author !

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Thank you for NetGalley and Tisa Matthews for this ARC!! 4.5⭐️/5

Tied Up in Riches is a billionaire fake dating romance, about Brooke and Marcus. They meet through a mutual friend while Brooke hides out at Marcus’ home (without knowing he’s a billionaire). The two become close and eventually embark on a fake dating scheme to keep her mother from pushing a relationship with her abusive ex. Tied Up in Riches is smart and sexy - and a lot of fun.

Brooke and Marcus are lovely characters. They’re both smart and witty, while still having moments of vulnerability and uncertainty. Often in romances like this, I find the MMC to be difficult to love until about halfway through. But early on, Marcus established himself pretty clearly in the good guy column. Brooke was a fun character and I loved her concept of “Thai Brooke” and the reminder to do what makes us feel happiest and most in sync with ourselves. Their love story was fun - and Marcus was a great fake boyfriend (even if he worked too much).

I read this pretty quickly, wanting to know what happened. It was fun, enjoyable, and the spice was great. I loved watching the build up happen. Overall a good read!

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I loved reading book three Can We Just Be Happy Now? So I was excited to jump into book four Tied Up in Riches by Tisa Matthews.
This book is truly amazing and definitely keeps you hooked in.
The character development is top-notch. You find the main character easy to relate to.
Matthews paints the perfect pictures in her scenes.
I loved it!

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I really did enjoy this book it was a really good palette cleanser. I really enjoyed the dynamic between the MMC and FMC is amazing.

The spice is amazing 😻

I would highly recommend for anyone to read this.

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Guys…these characters I honestly don’t have word to describe how much I loved them. The way that Tisa writes this characters just feels so honest and real, because like us, they also have flaws and they also grow.

But I have to mention one last think…the SPICY! Girl, this book was damn hot! I was honestly not prepared for this 🥵🥵🥵 (but loved every second)

I laughed, I cried and I can’t honestly believe that this is the last book from the series. I will miss them all so much 🥺🥺

Was everything and more that I could expect from the last book.

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Thank you to Tisa Matthews, Victory Editing, and NetGalley for the eARC of this book. This is my honest review.

This was such a quick, enjoyable read. Brooke just returned after spending the last three years living in Thailand. Her friend offers her a place to live, in a spare bedroom, in their very rich friend/roommate's (Marcus) house. When Brooke's mother attempts to matchmake Brook, this leads to Brooke and Marcus forming a fake relationship.

I think that Brooke and Marcus were a great couple. They really wanted what was best for each other, and did whatever they could for the other person. Their relationship was conveyed so well.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

"Tied Up In Riches" is the fourth and final installment in the Finding Home Series, and I have to say, the author's growth as a writer is evident in this conclusion.

First things first—let’s talk about a man with a man bun. Yes, please! Marcus Cole absolutely rocks the look. If you're into the workaholic type who still finds time to be thoughtful and caring—like remembering your favorite tea and making it for you—then Marcus is your guy. And did I mention he's a secret millionaire? That just takes everything to the next level. Plus, his choice of "props" in the bedroom is sure to make you swoon. But don’t worry, while this book is definitely spicy, it’s more of a sweet vanilla with a few sprinkles of extra fun. ✨

Now, let’s discuss Brooke Fields. She’s a character I found myself deeply connected with; I could relate to so many of her feelings and experiences throughout the book. It was so easy to fall in love with her and root for her to grow into the person she’s meant to be. Brooke feels like that best friend you just want all the good things in life to happen to. We could all use a Brooke in our lives to help us see the glimmers of hope and joy.

This book really has it all! From fun girl chats to swoon-worthy love quotes, and even moments that will have you laughing out loud—it's a fantastic read from start to finish!

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