Member Reviews

This was both a tough and an emotional read.

It is narrated by two teenage girls who are best friends, Ruby and Ash.

When Ruby starts to moan in pain in history class Ash is the first to go to her and to ask for the nurse to be called. However it is very quickly evident that Ruby is actually giving birth which raises many questions.

Ruby signs adoption papers quite quickly but things don't go back to normal as she had hoped. She is the subject of rumours, teasing and the video in the history class being shared. Everyone is also constantly asking her who the father is much to her dismay.

Her "perfect" family try to "help" but her mum just becomes more distant and cold. This isn't helped when Ash is no longer there for her as she is becoming sick of Ruby's attitude.

This is an emotional story which shows that some things in life aren't easily forgotten about and they aren't always nicely summed up.

Thank you to Netgalley for the arc of this book.

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THIS BOOK! An eye-opening and utterly heartwrenching story about teenage pregnancy and how easy it is to fail a young person no matter how close you may be to them. Louisa Reid is an incredible writer, uncovering the deepest of human emotions in all their rawness and putting them into words so beautifully. This story is so moving that it took me ages to even begin writing this review. So much to reflect on. This is one that will stay with readers for a long, long time.

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Ruby and Ash are best friends. They’ll always have each other’s back, whatever happens, so when Ruby starts moaning and doubling over in pain in the middle of history, Ash is there to hold her hand and shout for the nurse. When it becomes apparent that Ruby is, impossibly, giving birth, Ash keeps her head and empties the room as Ruby’s tiny baby is born.
What follows is shock, accusation, denial, and pain. Before long Ruby is signing adoption papers, but life doesn’t return to normal. Anything but. She is the subject of gossip, memes (yes, they filmed her trauma), derision, and endless, endless questions about who the father is.
Ash’s perfect family steps in to “help”, while Ruby’s mother becomes colder and harder. Soon Ruby is living a nightmare existence and her best friend is getting sick of her attitude. Compassion, it seems, comes with an expiry date.
No spoilers, but Handle with Care is a masterclass in how what we do affects others, and how taking responsibility isn’t always enough. The main characters are living, breathing, people with complex inner lives and motives. There are no neat answers here, where what is best isn’t always the best thing to do.
Heartbreaking, important, compassionate - phenomenal.

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A strong YA novel about teenage pregnancy and friendship, this book is powerfully written with well-drawn, complex characters that step off the page. The ending is gut wrenching and shows you how much you’re invested in the characters as a reader. I loved the two different perspectives and how differently they were written.

Definitely one to recommend to YA lovers.

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This is such a powerful novel about teen pregnancy, friendship, and family. Louisa Reid explores the consequences of shame and lack of support for teenage mothers with compassion and honesty, making for a truly heartbreaking ending. I loved the writing style and the dual POV alternating between verse and prose. Looking forward to reading what Reid writes next.

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I’ve just finished reading this and felt compelled to come on to write a review straight away. I love verse novels and always enjoy Louisa Reid’s books - and this one did not disappoint. I loved the different forms for the two main protagonists and enjoyed reading how their relationship developed throughout the difficulties that they experienced. I found the topic of this absolutely heart breaking, especially the ending. I’ll definitely be recommending to my students

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Handle with Care is an incredibly powerful and poignant novel. Ruby's story is one that I don't think has been explored enough in YA literature but one that definitely needs to be spoken more about. Throughout the novel, it was impossible not to feel for both the leads - Ruby and Ashley - and it's safe to say that this book will devastate you in the best of ways.

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Handle With Care is about family, friendship and teenage pregnancy. Powerful writing at its very best, it's left me in pieces!!
Handle With Care is filled with raw emotions captured so vividly, so actutely and so sensitively. Wow!
Emma Perry

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Such a poignant and powerful novel about teen pregnancy and it’s consequences that will resonate with young readers.

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