Member Reviews

You can guarantee a thrilling five stars for an Amanda Brittany book and that's before you've even opened the cover!

Now You Are Mine has a moderately paced dark plot that accelerates a little more with every chapter until we reach the penultimate pages and climatic ending!

The book comes with a large eclectic cast of characters, all of whom went under my suspicions at one point or another.

The Lake District was the perfect setting with its vast open spaces and the lakes. Throw in a lavish old house in the shape of Lakeside House and there you have it, perfect!

A well plotted, engrossing read that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Review for 'Now You Are Mine' by Amanda Brittany

'Now You Are Mine' discusses some topics that may upset some readers or may not be suitable for others. I like to point this out ahead of time in my reviews so you can judge if this book is for you or not. In this book Amanda discusses/includes domestic abuse, some racism, suicide and child abuse.

OMG Amanda, Where On Earth have you been hiding all of my life?!?! How have I never read any of your books so far when you are this blooming amazing?!! Well, I am just so glad I have resolved that problem, and that now while I am waiting for your next book, which is guaranteed to be amazing even if it is just a quarter as good as this book, I can read your previous books while I am waiting!

OMG!!! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! WHAT HAVE I JUST READ!?!?!? Amanda Brittany you are a writing legend!!!

Wow!!! Well fair play the first thing I must say is congratulations to Amanda Brittany on an absolutely HUGE success!! Absolutely blooming fantastic!! I never did work out what was happening and that is quite a feat considering it is quite hard to shock me now that I have read so many suspense and thrillers yet I never did see any of those mind blowing twists coming!! Anyway on with my review....

This book is fantastically written with vivid descriptions that absolutely grip the readers attention and puts them right in the middle of it all feeling the hair raise on your arms and feeling the sweat run down your back. The cover is absolutely stunning and if that doesn't make you want to get absorbed into this page turner the synopsis definitely will!!!

An absolutely fantastic page turner by this brilliant new author to me and I am so glad I have discovered her so I can get stuck into her previous books!! This book has got to be one of the most heart racing books I've read in a long time!!! It had me hook, line and sinker from the first page and I could not put it down!!! Every time I said one more chapter it ended on a cliff-hanger and I just had to know what was going on!!! If you are going to read this then clear your day because it is truly unputdownable. I started this yesterday afternoon and finished it at approx. 2am, I read it in one sitting and although I'm knackered today it was 1000000% worth it!!! In this gripping page turner Amanda picks the reader up and delivers them to a stunning Lakeside House in the Lake District. We meet Polly Ashton who has signed up for an art retreat in this house in order to relax and unwind from the stress she has been going through after she and her friend Nicky were victims of a stalker. Polly's mother also used to live in the home and Polly wants to discover more about her. Polly meets the 5 other attendees of the art retreat along with the owners Xander and Tara. When strange things start happening in the house and one of the guests goes missing Polly worries that her stalker has tracked her down. Is Polly right or is someone else hiding things from the other retreat attendees? Along with Polly we also follow the stories of Tara, Esme and Stephen so with a book filled with drama, mystery, twists, stunning settings, suspense, secrets, danger, tension and absolutely anything and everything that you can ever ask for in a psychological thriller and more then what are you waiting for? With an explosive ending that I was not expecting it makes a nice change as after reading hundreds of crime and psychological thrillers it is getting harder and harder to surprise me s a MASSIVE well done Amanda!!! Grab your copy of this absolutely epic page turner today!! I can promise that you will NOT regret it!! Amanda does an absolutely brilliant job of weaving not only multiple timelines perfectly together but also multiple protagonists ensuring she weaves the chapters, protagonists and history together perfectly to drip feed the reader exactly what she wants the to know and in her own time!!! A true page turner, this book is absolutely compelling with an addictive storyline that kept me guessing throughout. I was continuously questioning who was doing what!! I absolutely loved the gorgeous surroundings of the Lake District and the Lakeside House. Amanda's evocative writing talents ensures the reader is whisked away on holiday where they can feel the fresh air of the Lake District and is left with their heart pounding! I just could not put my kindle down and I was absolutely gutted when I came to the end of the book! It genuinely felt like I had escaped rainy Wales for a few hours and was soaking up the sun and sea air in the beautiful Lake District, even with everything going on it was still a stunning area. The storyline was filled with suspense, drama, secrets, explosive twists and everything you could ask for in a page turner. Filled with suspense, explosive bombshells and tension this book is one must read psychological thriller!! Congratulations Amanda on an absolutely brilliant and unique storyline that I just could not put down!! I cannot wait to get stuck in to your previous and future books!!

Clear your schedules and get ready to be whisked off to the Lake District for an intriguing, page turning psychological thriller by an extremely talented author!!!

It is set over multiple time lines. When books show what has happened in the past and what is happening in the present I find it really helps the reader (if it is well done) understand why things are happening and what has lead to the present activities and decisions. It also shows the bigger picture.

The characters were very realistic and well rounded and again their personalities reflected the storyline and how they would act, etc perfectly. The descriptions gave a really good in depth view of how Polly, Tara, Esme and the rest of the characters were feeling and what they were thinking. The characters were complex and each seemed to be hiding their own secrets which leaves you questioning who is telling the truth and who can be trusted, if any of them. My heart completely went out to Polly and Esme who were such likeable characters with a sad and tragic past/life. In regards to some of the other characters one moment I was all for one character and the next Amanda managed to completely flip things on their head leaving me with no idea of what I was thinking!!! I will leave you to read this amazing book and work it out yourself. I will say that by the end of the book my opinions on certain characters changed from the beginning then the middle and then again at the end!!! Each of the characters were well developed, unique and thanks to Amanda's fantastic evocative writing skills they all came to life before my eyes. I was absolutely shocked when some of the characters true personalities came to light and it took me a while to believe it even though I was "seeing" it happening myself. That is all I will say as I don't want to run the risk of dropping any hints or spoilers. However, whether you love or hate these characters, they all have their own strong unique personalities and they all bring the story to life playing their roles perfectly.

An absolutely HUGE SUCCESS by this extremely talented author. This is EXACTLY why I would like to welcome you to my favourite authors club Amanda and here is to your next success 🥂!!

Overall a page turning addictive psychological thriller that will have your heart racing and will blow your mind with the explosive twists.

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Polly Ashton has signed up for an art retreat at the beautiful Lakeside House in the Lake District, it's a chance to unwind from the stress of the last few months after she and her friend Nicky were both the victims of a stalker, but that's not her only reason for being here, she is certain that her biological mother used to live here and she wants to find out more about her. On her arrival she meets up with the other five attendees and the new owners, Xander and Tara and it would appear that Polly is not the only one harbouring a secret. Strange things start to happen and then one of the guests goes missing, could it be linked to someone on the retreat or, as Polly suspects, has her stalker tracked her down?

Now You Are Mine is the latest thriller by this author, told across a dual timeline; in the present day by Polly and Tara and then twenty six years earlier by Esme Frampton, the previous owner of Lakeside House who was believed, alongside her husband Stephen, to have committed suicide, although the bodies were never discovered. This is a dark and disturbing read with a great plot and lots of twists and turns which kept me gripped throughout, Brittany certainly knows how to draw her readers in with a fast paced, creative tale that kept me second guessing and on the edge of my seat from the first page. This is only the second book I've read by this author, although I do have a few of her others on my kindle and I'm looking forward to bumping those up my list.

I'd like to thank Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the approval, I will post my review on Amazon and Goodreads.

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A woman named Polly attends an art retreat in the Lake District to escape a stalker and learn more about her family. However, things take a sinister turn as the retreat becomes plagued by threats, sabotage, and mysterious disappearances. Polly and the other guests must unravel the secrets and figure out who is out for revenge before it's too late.

This book initially had a slow start, requiring me to revisit and re-read several chapters. However, once I pushed through the sluggish beginning, the story began to captivate me. The narrative featured multiple points of view, alternating between Polly, Esme, and Tara, shifting seamlessly between the present and the past. It demanded my full attention to avoid getting lost in the intricate storytelling.

I found myself drawn to the main character and the plot, which included unexpected twists that kept me engaged. This book defied my expectations, ultimately leaving me satisfied with the experience. I highly recommend giving this page-turner a chance, as the dynamic and intriguing female characters will keep you guessing until the very end.

Thank you, Boldwood Books for digital ARC copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Now You Are Mine is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps you on edge from start to finish. Amanda Brittany masterfully weaves tension into every scene as Polly embarks on an art retreat in the remote Lake District, hoping to escape her past and learn more about her family. The eerie setting of Lakeside House, paired with the dark history of its previous owners, adds an unsettling atmosphere. With sabotage, secrets, and sinister events unfolding, Polly begins to wonder if her stalker has returned or if something even more sinister is at play.

The cast of characters—each harboring their own secrets—keeps the suspense high as trust erodes and fear takes over. Brittany's ability to mislead and surprise makes for a page-turning read, as each twist leaves you questioning who is friend or foe. The novel's chilling pace and dark revelations make Now You Are Mine a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers like Lucy Foley and C.L. Taylor.

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Looking to escape a recent stalker, Polly has enrolled in an artist retreat owned by the young couple Tara and Xander.

As others join Polly, readers learn the other participants are also escaping something and hold secrets of their own.

The story is told from the prospective of three woman across two timelines. Polly and Tara’s perspectives are told in present day while Esme’s is told from 25+ years ago.

In this locked room thriller readers are taken through a journey as everyone’s dark past collides with the present as events are brought to life.

I rated this 3.5 stars, rounding up to 4 stars. There were times I had to go back and reread sections to remind myself which character was which and how their past was impacting the present. There seemed to be a lot happening and toggling between the current and past timelines while keeping each character’s stories straight was often challenging as I found myself being easily distracted.

I’ve read other books by the author and have absolutely loved them! I will continue to excitedly check her books out as they are released! If you enjoy thrillers from Amanda Brittany and enjoy locked room mysteries, I would recommend checking this out for yourself!

This book is available now!

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #BoldwoodBooks for the book #NowYouAreMine by #AmansaBrittany. I could not out this book down, I had to know who was behind everything. Polly goes to an art retreat to find out information about her mother, who died in childbirth, who was from that place. Things get sabotaged and threats are everywhere. Is anyone at the retreat not hiding a secret?

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Interesting thriller with twisted crimes. Twists and long buried secrets along with murders. Fast-paced chapters with multiple points of view added the suspense. The plot is good and the climax satisfying. At last, Polly finds all the answers she was searching about her biological family. It is an easy-to-read mystery. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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I loved this book from the very first page and found it so hard to put down once I started. Full of twists and turns to keep you hooked.

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Who doesn't love a thriller involving stalkers, secluded areas and so many secrets?

Now You Are Mine takes place at an art retreat with six guests and the crew of the resort. Polly has come to get away from a stalker and to learn, hopefully, about her birth family, She takes us on a twisted ride as she stays in an eery resort looking for answers and solving a mystery for the ages.

Great, quick-to-read thriller that leaves you wanting to read more from Amanda Brittany.

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Now You Are Mine by Amanda Brittany

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


A remote lakeside house. Six strangers with something to hide.
Who's out for revenge? Who will survive? When Polly signs up to an art retreat in the Lake District, it's an escape from the stress of recent months, when a stalker preyed on her and her friend.

It's also an opportunity to find out more about her family Polly believes her biological mother once lived here, at Lakeside House.

But things quickly turn sinister. The previous owners supposedly took their own lives here, years before – and the glamorous new owners are now receiving disturbing threats. Someone is sabotaging Polly's artwork. The five other guests on the retreat all seem to be hiding something.

Then one of them goes missing.

My Opinion

A quick psychological thriller. For me this was an entertaining premise. Whilst I didn't like most of the characters I enjoyed the overall book and I really enjoyed the twists.

This was the first book I have read by Amanda Brittany but I am sure that I will read more in the future. Amanda uses different perspectives to tell the story as well as different timelines but it was all easy to follow.

Rating 4/5

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A chilling psychological thriller.

I was reeled in immediately by that ominous prologue. Eager to find out everything!

This is a twisty, tension filled whodunnit, that will keep you guessing.

This book is told through past and present storylines and multiple character POVs. There are so many suspects with all kinds of secrets, some darker than others. It was hard to know who to trust! I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense that was maintained throughout and all of the twists and turns. A very enjoyable read.

An absolute must read if you love a good thriller. I highly recommend it.

Thank you Boldwood Books and Netgalley for my copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you, Netgalley, Amanda Brittany, and Boldwood Books for the ebook. This was a great thriller with an idyllic setting. I love a good retreat getaway location with a historic background. I enjoyed the way the story unfolded and how everything and everyone was somehow connected. Made me really question, is it really worth knowing?!

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The sinister beginning makes the reader aware that something terrible has happened, but the people involved and what happened is a mystery. Nothing in the story that follows is as it seems. The six people at the retreat all have secrets. The owners are not as happy as they outwardly appear, and the house is full of echoes of its traumatic past. The confusion of the protagonists and the web of lies surrounding them is emphasised by gentle pacing. The suspense increases with each character's reveal, and the mystery deepens as unscheduled disappearances and events occur. I like the unreliability of the narrators, the gradual connections with past events and the intense conclusion.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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Thank you Boldwood Books for a copy on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Now You Are Mine is marketed as a “pulse pounding dark psychological thriller”.
Unfortunately for me, I didn’t get that.
Welcome to the art retreat at Lakeside House.
Polly arrives for some peace and quiet after dealing with a stalker that caused distress for her and best friend and roommate Nicky.
Followed by a bunch of strangers with something to hide.
As well as hosts, Xander and Tara, all the guests are a bit suspicious.
The grand recently renovated manor has a disturbing past and when strange happenings occur…… things get interesting!
A mediocre read.
This started off good but became like a chore to read in the middle and finished ok, also I found there was a plot disconnect at times.
There’s no big surprises for me and found I didn’t connect to the characters.
A tame plot and an average ending.

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A Lakeside Artist retreat at a sprawling isolated property with a tragic and questionable past. Threats that are becoming more dangerous. A stalker. A search for one’s past. All these elements combine for an enthralling psychological thriller.

Read this if you like:
-English countryside setting in the Lake District, with creepy undertones
-somewhat locked room vibe due to isolated setting and poor weather conditions
-multiple POVs
-a glimpse into the world of art retreats
-dual timelines
-stalker trope
-historic missing persons
-people who are not who they say they are, so many secrets and lies
-many twists and turns with a satisfying ending

My rating: 4 out of 5

Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this eARC that will be published September 9 2024.

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Not so much a locked room but a large house and estate where people go missing or are killed, and you know that one of them is the killer. There is also a subplot as Polly has decided to come to the art course due to a stalker but also to try and track her biological relatives whom she has just found out about. Plenty going on in the book to keep the reader guessing with some great descriptive writing too.

Thanks to Netgalley / Boldwood books for the ARC to review

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Genre ~ psychological thriller
Setting ~ England
Publication date ~ September 9, 2024
Publisher ~ Boldwood Books
Est Page Count ~ 299 (p+ 53 chapters +e)
Audio length ~ 7 hours 48 minutes
Narrator ~ Julie Maisey
POV ~ multiple 1st & 3rd
Featuring ~ multiple timelines, domestic abuse, child abuse, locked room vibe, a lot of rain

The prologue is rather intriguing with someone dumping two bodies. As the story unfolds we slowly learn who the bodies are and who put them in their final resting place.

Soon after a stalking incident at home Polly heads to Lakeside House for an art retreat hoping to find out more about her birth mother. She doesn’t know much, only has a picture with her of her mother standing in front of this house. The house has secrets though and the rumor around town is that the original owners, Esme and Stephen, died by suicide, but their bodies were never found. Will Polly get the answers she desires from any of the other attendees or staff? Or will she get more than she bargained for in her 5 day stay?

Tara, the new homeowner, chimes in with her POV a few times. Her marriage to Xavier isn't as it seems to outsiders.

We meet Esme 42 years ago when she lived in Lakeside House. She’s in an abusive marriage when she learns she’s pregnant. Her chapters were heartbreaking to read and told in the 1st person.

Overall, I loved the description of the house and the secret tunnels and bunkers. I wish my house had a secret tunnel, how fun would that be! I did feel like it was one thing happening after another after another after another, almost too much going on. And it rained constantly. I found it odd that picnics and outings were scheduled when they were in a flash flood warning. Maybe that’s just me because I hate when I have to go out in the rain. There were a few twists I hadn’t seen coming, so that was nice. If you liked locked room vibes due to storms with some tense moments then I think you'll like this one.

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This is a great psychological thriller.
Polly goes to the Lake District for an art retreat to get away from it all. She also wants to look into her past while she is there.
There's quite a lot of characters to get your head around but it soon falls into place.
Whilst there, people start to go missing and Polly wants to find out what's happening in this quiet retreat.
Most of the characters are hiding something so it's hard to work out who is behind this.
There's also a few twists and turns to keep you guessing as well.
Thanks to Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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I'm reviewing this via NetGalley, as part of a tour with Rachel's Random Resources.

This psychological thriller follows Polly, who was adopted as a child, and goes to Lakeside House, hoping to find out more about her birth mother. Initially, I imagined Lakeside House as a calm, peaceful place, with something more sinister under the surface. I enjoyed how the author set the scene, and found that I could picture the characters and surroundings as they were described.

I think the characters that intrigued me the most, at least in the beginning, were Tara and Xander, I felt like they were the ones to watch. As the story progressed, I felt the suspense, and there were some nail-biting moments. Towards the end, I felt as though I couldn't turn the pages quickly enough.

Thank you to NetGalley, Rachel's Random Resources, Boldwood Books, and to the author, for the opportunity to read and review this.

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