Member Reviews

I finished this book several days ago, but I preferred to wait a bit before writing this review. The fact is, the book is... complex. I found the plot very promising: a young university student, pregnant, with an abusive father and the hope of a better future. You can imagine I was very curious to see what the author would pull out of her hat to tell the evolution of these characters. However, as I read, I realized that the direction wasn’t what I had hoped for. A plot like this needs lively characters, appreciated by the author, capable of moving within the setting she created.

In this case, though, it becomes clear after the introductory chapters that the author doesn’t seem to love her characters, or at the very least, she constantly sees them through a harshly critical lens. There’s no love in her descriptions, nor even a hint of care for these protagonists who should be the heart of the story. It’s frustrating to see how a potentially captivating narrative, one that could have truly moved readers, turns into a caricature of itself. I would have preferred more substance, more attention to the protagonists, more love in the descriptions and storytelling. I would have preferred a story that grabbed the reader, played with their emotions, held their attention, and made it impossible to tell the story without care. I probably would have preferred a story that came from the heart rather than a narrative that at times felt bland.

One point I really did appreciate was the choice of language. I believe the author still has room for growth in this area, but she’s on the right track to understanding how to improve.

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This is an ode to being a woman, I just loved this book.. But is not a book for everyone the story is intense, born from an abusive father she gets pregnant at 18 and follows the same path as her mom.. Some parts are dark but it's a great fiction book with some important lessons to be learned which can open some woman and girls who find in the same situation as Grace

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Are you looking for your next fiction book? Falling From Grace was a great book set in the Arizona heat.

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I almost gave up on reading this because of the words all running together. I thought at first it was a stylistic choice of the author and then realized it must be because it is not a finished ready for production book.
I am glad I stuck with it. When the spacing was correct the book flowed. The writing style was engaging to me and I will definitely be on the lookout for more books by Mel Foster.
The story is one of triumph and finding chosen family. Standing up for yourself and allowing yourself to love. This book presented characters that were complex and relatable.

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She was born on the wrong side of the tracks and she’ll still there. Grace is a pregnant 18 year old living in poverty in a small trailer park in the desert in Arizona with only her abusive alcoholic father. Her mother walked out on them when
Grace was nine. Her mother was pregnant teenager when she marries her father and Grace seems to be following in her footsteps.

The story held my internet but much of it was unbelievable, especially an event that happened in the last few chapters. I see the value this book might offer to young adults/girls who are stuck in similar situations. And hope that an empathy might be fostered from readers who have more fortunate circumstances.

One critique I have is that this book is told totally in the first person, narrated by Grace. She uses bigger, loftier words in her thought than when she opens her mouth to speak. She talks that rough, quit school, not too well-educated language that is common to her station. Nonetheless, I’d be interested to read this young new author again to see how her writing develops over time.

I appreciate the opportunity Netgalley has given me to express my honest opinion.

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A truly interesting subject but told incredibly badly. It’s just poorly written. I almost feel bad writing this review but I had to force myself to get through this book. It almost seems like the author looks down on her own characters and their circumstances. It reeks of someone who is writing about people she feels are beneath her.

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This book screams feminism! It’s a touching story about what a woman would do to pull herself together in the darkest times of her life. I found this story empowering, heart breaking, and justified. It broke me and put me back together again, over and over. Kuddos to the author for knowing how to make the story come to life.

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