Member Reviews

I have loved the other books in this series. This has a great story that ends up tugging at your heart.
This is the story of Anna, who is a hard-working and poor cleaner. She cleans the house of the wealthy and lonely Max Barone. She falls in love at first sight. Max doesn't notice her, though.
One day, she finds a necklace on his desk that says it will grant a wish. She wishes for Max and she to be married. Instead, Max barges in and accuses her of stealing, something she would never do. Somehow, though, the necklace is in her pocket, and she is fired. Her world is falling apart. She gets drunk and falls asleep in her dark, windowless bedroom. But then she wakes up on a soft and comfortable bed with bright light shining in and being called, "Mrs. Barone."
What ensues is a fantastical tale of wishes and two hearts learning what truly matters.
Overall, I liked the story a lot. There was a lot of extra detail to certain aspects that made it drag for me. The actual story of Anna and Max was really good, though.

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The concept of this book seemed so fun based on the blurb. And Anna had her wish fulfilled but life after that, wasn't as dreamy as she imagined. I liked the banter between Anna & Max and how they slowly got to know each other. But again, this book had insta-love and it left me feeling disappointed. Also, the excess description of things was so distracting that I lost track of what the characters were saying. I couldn't decipher their emotions very well. So while the theme of this book was something different, it was just an okay read for me.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review

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Make me wonder, make me dream, wish for every beautiful corner of the world. Then break my heart and put it back together in one last chapter…That is Sarah Ready books for you.
And this series is so gooood, you are going to flip pages back to that good moment when everything fit together, and then going to her newsletter because you need the bonus everything you can get
So yes, Five stars and tears for the last book in the most beautiful and perfect Romance with magic elements series I have read.
Anna Benoit is in her mid-twenties, and is one of two people in charge of cleaning the chateau of Max Barone, one of the most important jeweler magnates in Europe. And for three years she has been in love.
When she sees such a beautiful piece of jewelry, in the middle of her work day she dares to make a wish like when she was a little girl, but a few minutes later, fate shows him that reality is way harder.
But the day after, when she wakes up in a room that is not hers and everyone starts calling Mrs. Barone, the only one who can help her find out what happened is the only person she never wants to see again and the feeling is mutual
For me it is the best part, when the characters are trapped in this new reality and must navigate the path until they find the return point and then the path back to them.
And every moment is so delicious. From the dialogues so perfectly crafted to the images of the most beautiful places in the world, with their fragrances and flavors to the suspense of knowing if it is going to work or not, and the moment where the plot twist takes them to that perfect ending, is simply perfection
I can't believe that this is the end of the series, and it's with a bit of anguish because I have to wait for it to go on sale to have it in my physical library or talk non-stop about it without spoiling anything
But is another Sarah Ready book that I´m going to treasure forever.
Thanks to Sarah Ready and Swift & Lewis publishing LLC for give me a copy of this beautiful book in exchange for my honest and voluntary opinion

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I wasn't bawling at the end...okay, I totally was, but seriously, Wished is a reading delight. Why then did I have was just that good!!

Can happiness really be achieved, even when it's only a wish? Wished is a book that really makes you stop and think, what if I had taken the path to the right instead of the left. Would I still be me, or just a different version of me?

Yes, Wished is a delightful book filled with all the emotions while at the same time it raised philosophical questions that kept my mind reeling. It's also stuffed full of love and romance, which I adored, but most of all it invoked big tears so I know it's a story that will live in my heart for a long time to come. ♥️ It's absolutely fantastic.

Upon wishing that Anna was married to Max Barone she awakens the next morning with her entire world completely changed. Although Max and herself are the only ones who don't seem to be affected by the years that have transpired for them to get to this happily-ever-after, they both realize something is different, but also that something isn't right. I don't know how else to describe it except to experience the moments and really feel their shock.

Max never knew the light and spark he was missing until Anna came into his life and uncovered all the passion he was trying to bury. While this alternate universe is a lot to take in, their attraction for one another grows in spite of it, but Anna is plagued with unease the entire time. Questions bombard her continuously and the biggest one of forcing a wish, forcing someone's will in the matters of love really love after all?

Max said that he didn't want passion in his life, but perhaps he just hadn't met the woman who stoked the fire within him. Could Anna’s wish be what he needs? The time these two spend together, while married within their wish dream, is really a dream come true for both of them. Something pulled from both of their hearts, but is it really a dream when its not made from personal choice? The philosophical side of this book tugs quite hard at every emotional side possible. Sarah does an excellent job of melting the emotional with the mental and that is why she pulled the big tears from me with this engaging couple.

Thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for access to this book!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for access to this book!

Time of Death: 61 %

Now, the premise of this book was very interesting to me and I am someone who likes refreshing ideas when it comes to romance because it is such a popular genre, however, this book did fall very flat for me.

In terms of characters, Max was very annoying and rudeee, I know the girlys like the morally grey men but I just can't get behind men who are straight up rude. Anna was very sweet, not the most well rounded flushed out character, but none of them really are.

The plot had a bit of weird pacing to it? Idk if I liked that we start out in Max’s pov when she’s already his wife it felt weird and rushed, and then we never return to his point of view.

It feels like the authors writing is striving towards micro detailing everything but the relationship — Max has spent 30 % of this book pining over another woman EW and she's still so down bad for him. And then all of a sudden his attitude just SHIFTS, and i feel like this shift would’ve been better had we gotten his perspective in the book.

What I DID love was the way you can tell as a reader, that the author has an obvious love and appreciation for architecture. Her descriptions were very beautiful and detailed but not in an excessive way.

Ultimately, if I had finished this book I probably would've given it 2 stars because there were a couple things I liked, just not enough to finish the book.

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"Wished" by Sarah Ready is an enchanting romance that combines whimsy with heartfelt emotion. The story revolves around a protagonist whose life takes an unexpected turn when a magical wish sets off a series of transformative events. Ready’s writing is both charming and evocative, creating a captivating narrative filled with romance and self-discovery. The well-drawn characters and imaginative plot make this a delightful read for those who enjoy a blend of magic and meaningful connections in their romance novels.

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I loved this book so much! It was just what I wanted in a book! The romance and the banter were so entertaining!

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A light and fluffy romance with a whimsical magical twist.

''I've fallen asleep at my desk and I'll wake up any minute. When that happens, I'll go back to work and you'll go back to...' he waves his hand again --'stealing. Lying. Hoovering. Whatever.'

This was a short and playful contemporary romance with a sprinkle of enemies-to-lovers tension and little bit of steam. I had some issues with the pacing and the plot, but I think for most fluffy romance enjoyers this will hit the right note.

Max and Anna are enjoyable characters and I thought their dynamic, in every reality, was charming. I liked the 'What If?' concept and the setting, and found the banter between all of the cast to be fun and consumable.

I had some issues with the pacing. The word 'love' was thrown around far too soon for my personal tastes but this IS a short read, at only 250 pages on the eARC. Likewise I found the jet setting, destination hopping to be a bit much, and the exploration and travel chapters in the middle of the book overshadowed the romance development a bit, while also propelling it forward much too quickly for me.

The writing was playful and easy to sink into, I flew through the first 50% in one sitting without really feeling the passage of time, which is exactly what I want in a romance. But I do think some of the dialogue needs to be edited down. There's a lot of passages where the characters wax poetic about philosophy and personal struggles and it just felt a little much all in one go. I think breaking this apart and having Max and Anna approach these topics with a little more hesitation might allow them to feel more authentic. There were a few occasions where they stopped feeling like characters and started feeling like mouthpieces. I like a bit of mystery in my characterisation, and while the honesty felt natural for Anna it felt less so for Max.

I do also want to mention that I wasn't particularly keen on Max's suggestion that the blame for him not knowing Anna's name, or the names of any of his staff, lay at her feet for 'hiding' herself from him. I don't think it is the role of employees to project their personalities and physical merits to their employers in order to get basic recognition and respect. I was left wishing that Max came to this realisation himself, but instead it felt like Anna accepted this answer too easily and turned her criticism inwards as a result.

Overall, while perhaps not the perfect romance for me, I do think a lot of people will have fun with this one. The humour was great and I would love to see more romances on my radar with a whimsical twist like this as well.

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3.5 ⭐️ that I’m rounding up as I think romance fans may like this fluffy and predictable enemies to lovers romance

I am thankful to have gotten the eARC for free from Netgalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing so I can leave my voluntary review.

Well I think I liked this the best out of the Ghosted series. It’s a pretty straightforward romance with some magic. The FMC makes a wish and ends up on a journey of falling in love with some twists.

It’s “fluffy”. So you you just like the sentiment of watching people fall in love this may be the perfect book for you. It’s a really fast read. While it’s the 4th in a series all the books can be easily read as stand-alone books as they aren’t interconnected except for the world that has touches of “magic”.

There were parts for me that dragged that I just wanted to get through and it was really predictable but in the end it was enjoyable enough.

The book comes out October 1, 2024

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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With a unique and interesting premise, Wished by Sarah Ready is about a woman who's been in love with her boss for three years and wishes that they were married and in love upon a necklace before taking it back but to no avail.

Summary: Anna Benoit has been in love with her boss Maximillian "Max" Barone for the past three years ever since she set her eyes on him, but it seems that Max doesn't even know who she is. One day, she comes upon a sapphire necklace that is said to grant wishes and wishes that they were married and in love. Despite taking it back immediately, her wish came true!

• magical realism
• urban fantasy
• contemporary romance
• set in Geneva, Switzerland and Paris, France

Review: This book has such a unique and interesting premise, and I feel that the author executed it well. There are a couple of twists and turns, which pleasantly surprised me. There are also many sweet moments between the main characters, Max and Anna, who are fun and likeable.

It's easy to be upset at Anna because of the wish she made, but she's "honest to an appalling degree" (exactly what Max said) and such a sweetheart. She's just a human being, and she immediately felt bad about the wish she made and actively made sure that she didn't do anything that could possibly be against the wishes of the real Max. She's so honest and simple-minded that she's so easy to like.

Max got me laughing at the start of the book in the prologue. He doesn't believe in passion when it comes to love. I honestly understand his sentiment, and the author did a great job expressing it. It's nice to watch him develop throughout the story and grow to understand better the beauty of passion in a relationship. It took Anna's wish, which led to the alternate memories, to get him there. That's what I like about the execution of Anna's wish. It didn't take away who Max was; instead, it added a different side to him. That's so cool! Max is a logical person, and the author portrayed that very well.

The two couldn't be more perfect for each other. Max cherishes honesty, while Anna is deeply honest. They complement each other so well. It's so nice to see him fall for her in spite of the wish. One can easily tell that it wasn't the wish that compelled the real Max to fall for Anna. Instead, all the wish did was help Max know more about Anna by instilling these fake memories about their past 7 years of marriage. It's such a nice take on this idea!

This book takes readers through the different phases of the wish: before Anna's wish, after Anna's wish and how Max and Anna try to resolve the issue. As they try to bring everything back to normal, you just know that something will not go according to plan. The author never fails to surprise readers with twists and turns. I like how the author showed readers the value and beauty in building a relationship instead of magically having it presented to you.

In conclusion, this is an enjoyable read with a unique and interesting concept. It's such a nice take on the concept of love potions (except in this case, it's wishing for someone to love you). I recommend this book to readers who enjoy romance and magical realism.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the read!

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This was surreal and sweet and romantic and lighthearted and tearjerking all at the same time. It was reminiscent of those childhood feelings of reading fairytales for the first time. Sometimes you just need to slip away from reality and live in a world full of true love and wishes.

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I really enjoyed this book. Sarah Ready has become one of my favorite authors. Max and Anna's story is sweet and I loved both characters. I will say this book is probably my least favorite of all her most recent books. Her books usually are infused with so much emotion that I am wrecked after reading. This book had some of the emotion but not as much as I would've loved to have seen as in her previous books. Overall still a very good book and definitely worth the read.

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Wow this book! I read it all in one sitting and cancelled all plans 🤣

Thankyou netgalley for this ARC!

This was such a fun & wholesome read. I loved the writing of this author and it’s the first book I’ve read from her, I’ll definitely read more!

Loved the character Anna so much and the communication between her and max!

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Wished by Sarah Ready is a delightful, heartwarming read that feels like stepping into a real-life fairytale. 🌟 In this enchanting story, Anna Benoit, a romantic at heart, dreams of being married to Max Barone, the enigmatic owner of the chateau she cleans. When her wish magically comes true, she finds herself in a topsy-turvy world where everyone believes they have been happily married for years. 💑✨

The novel beautifully explores themes of love at first sight and the idea that love knows no boundaries, even when the lovers come from different worlds. 💖 Anna's journey from unrequited love to a dream-like marriage is filled with passion, romance, and a touch of magic. As someone who has read several books by Sarah Ready, I found this one just as enjoyable and captivating. It perfectly captures the charm and wonder of childhood fairytales, making it a truly delightful read. 📚🧚‍♀️

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Rating: 3.75

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC. This is a completely honest review, that I’ve written from my own perspective.

“I like you. You’re not a damn petunia. You’re a woman.”

I have no complaints! This book delivered exactly what it needed to, it was a sweet romance filled with fluff. I loved the characters personalities and felt as if I could grow close to basically all of the main characters. Each chapter was interesting and so cute, it definitely kept my interest, so much so that I finished the entire book in one sitting 🫶🏽 I understood and even related to a lot of Anna’s mindset, I loved that she was a romantic and eventually learnt that she had to express her love with courage instead of waiting for Max to notice her. That’s something we all need to understand and that especially hit me hard 🥲 This was a short read but I liked the fast pace and free flow of it all, having it any longer would have drawn out the plot.

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This was a really nice easy read. If you’re a fan of fluffy romance you will like this book and I really enjoyed the extra element of magic added. It reminded me of something similar to the enchanted movie!!

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I love this author's "Ghosted" series, this is the fourth installment in the series and it didn't disappoint. Max Barone (who we've already met in the 3rd book, Fated) runs his family jewel empire in Switzerland, and thinks himself free from passion but instead it's that he shies away from strong emotions. Our fmc is Anna, a 25-year-old who cleans his chateau and falls in love with Max, getting to know him over the three years she cleans for him but only through his environment and not from interacting with him. She makes a wish on a 200-year-old necklace that is a Barone family heirloom, and throws both her life and Max's life into turmoil. I loved the premise but the flow was a bit uneven for me, especially in the middle. Even though the middle drags a bit, stay with it because the last third of the book is where the meat is. Like with others in this series, there's a heavy reliance on mystical happenings influencing our world, and you will definitely have to suspend disbelief to fully enjoy the story. Unlike the other 3 stories, this one felt less twisty and the mystery of what was going on felt more straightforward for most of the book. It's a well-written book and very enjoyable, but in some ways this book feels like a departure as it seems like more of a love story first and a mystery second. That's not a bad thing, just not quite what I was expecting. Although this is the fourth in a series, you do not have to read the previous 3 books to enjoy this one. But I would urge you to, mainly because they're all such fun reads! Thank you to NetGalley for providing an Ebook ARC of this story. Publishes 10-1-24.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this book!

I really enjoyed this book. Such a cute quick and easy read. I loved the storyline and the characters. Great writing style.

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Wished is the first book I've read in Sarah Ready's Ghosted Series, and I was pleasantly surprised by it. I've read the same theme a few times now, where the FMC wakes up suddenly married to the MC, but this book has its own surprising and unexpected take. I felt a lot of emotions while reading this. I went from being sorry for Anna and annoyed by Max to rooting for them to keep the love they stumbled into.

Ready takes very careful time and is so generous in describing scenes in detail that you'll really feel like you're seeing the events happen before your eyes. It's refreshing, and I like it. It makes me want to binge-read her other works.

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What a cute book! Max and Anna are adorable! The writing was great, the plot and challenges they faced were very well written, and the relationship was everything! I loved this book so much!

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