Member Reviews

When I was reading the previous book, Fated, I was sad for a moment that Max wasn't her person. Until I read the description for this book, and realized he was going to get his HEA too.

Insta love is usually not my favorite (with the exception of fated mates) but this was definitely an exception.

I loved that we got to fall in love with Anna and Max again and again as they fell in love in the different timelines and enjoyed the twists and turns as Anna tried to get them into the right one.

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It's amazing. It's one of my top books of the year.

When I started reading this book, I thought it was just a romance novel, but I was wrong. It's so emotional and beautifully written that I can't express it.
I adore Emmi and Dorene.
I loved the story of Anna and Max, I even cried a few times. The descriptions of Paris and Geneva are also worth highlighting, they are wonderful. I'm glad that this book turned out to be much better than my expectations of it.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC

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Thank you NetGalley for the E-Arc!

This was such a fun read and I could not put it a down!

Anna is so cute and full of life. She just wants everyone to be happy and it is contagious.

And Max. He was so weirded out at the beginning but the way he fell for Anna was so wholeheartedly wholesome. I dunno, I love everything about this book.

The love, the communication, the characters. It was so cute and fun.

I need something light and fluffy after all of the fantasy I’ve been reading and this was just what I needed.

The author’s writing is so fun and flowed so well. I cannot wait to read more from her

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I want to first state that I did not leave a review on goodreads as I attempt not to leave negative reviews on ARCs prior to release dates.

I wanted to love this novel as the premise and cover were so cute! Unfortunately, the writing felt incredibly immature and neglected to show anything. Additionally, the main characters were both immature themselves with their thoughts and actions. As much as I wanted to love it, I struggled with reading and didn’t end up continuing. Thank you so much for the ARC, and I would love to try out more of this author’s works in the future!

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I don't think I've ever read a book like this; it was the perfect introduction to Sarah Ready! I already adore her writing style, and oh goodness the cover is just beautiful.

Our FMC Anna was selfless, and so kind. She wished to be married to Max, the man she cleans for; a boy oh boy does she get her wish! Max's reaction was so relateable; I honestly think he has become one of my favourite romance men.

It's cute, it's cozy. It's a whirlwind! It gave me the world building of my favourite fantasy novels, with an escape from over complicated plotlines.

I will be highly recommending it to all my friends!

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A lovely and charming story and a great addition to this series. I loved seeing the character growth for Max and Anna was a worthy love interest for him.

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Wished by Sarah Ready was a book that I was so hoping that I would get to preview. I am not sorry that I read this book and I am happy to give it five stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for allowing me to read an ARC of Wished by Sarah Ready, in exchange for my honest review.!!

Wished is the 4th book in the Ghosted series, and in my opinion, the best! You do not need to have read the other books, or read them in any particular order, to understand and enjoy each one.

I so much love Sarah Ready's writing. I am typically not a fan of descriptive writing; however, Ms. Ready is magical!

There was so much to love about this book, you really need to read it yourself.

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This is my third read from this author and this was as good as the other books that I have read. I enjoyed each bit of the book, starting from the first chapter till the last chapter. Each character was well drafted and penned by the author and the plotline, I loved it so much.

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3.5 stars.

This charming romance follows the journey of Anna and Max after Anna makes a wish for them to be married. When this wish comes true, everyone else perceives them as having been happily married for seven years, while only Anna and Max are aware of the underlying truth—though they are left with memories and feelings of their relationship they cannot fully comprehend. I appreciated how the author portrayed Max's struggle between the two realities in his mind. It added depth to his character, highlighting that the wish was not simply a matter of forgetting his past.

As they embark on the quest to reverse the wish, it is heartwarming to witness Anna and Max truly getting to know each other, allowing their connection to flourish.

I found it delightful that the story took unexpected turns; it certainly kept me engaged and eager to continue reading.

Personally, I have a preference for dual or multiple POV, and I believe that alternating between Anna and Max’s perspectives could have enriched the narrative, providing insight into Max's internal conflicts from a first-hand perspective.

The descriptive narrative is wonderfully immersive, enabling readers to vividly envision the scenes unfolding before them.

Overall, this was a sweet and enjoyable romance that many readers would likely appreciate.

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Warning to other reviewers: This review is full of spoilers


A big thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC for this ARC!

The Idea / The Style
The idea of both characters finding themselves in another world is intriguing and fresh. Usually, only one person is unaware. Sarah Ready’s world is full of creativity and surprises. Just when you think you know what’s coming next, she surprises you again. Yet, these many twists are understandable and not overly complicated. The story is easy to follow and has a clear, cohesive narrative.
I appreciate that despite Anna’s confusion, the rules of this world are explained. All questions were answered. The book is simply written and very readable, even if English is not your first language.

The Characters
At first, I was quite put off by Max immediately wanting to sleep with her as soon as he sees her. It honestly disgusted me, and I was quite critical of the book. Luckily, I continued reading, as even this thought of his had a purpose.

The main character seemed too unrealistic to me. Anna is described as the most selfless person ever, always sacrificing and wanting the best for everyone. She’s the embodiment of honesty, never having a bad thought. However, this feeling isn’t really conveyed through the story, which is quite interesting. The only scene where this side of her is shown is when she leaves Max because he loves her.

I liked Max as a character. Confident, disciplined, charming, and humorous. One might think his behavior towards Anna in Paris is out of character. So passionate, so kind and caring. But considering he carries feelings and memories from two pasts, his actions make perfect sense. He has memories of something he hasn't experienced. He knows Anna in a different way and wants to finally experience it.

Especially impressive was his love for her after seven years of marriage, so strong that she initially thinks it’s still the real Max. However, their relationship still seemed one-sided. It felt like Max (the married Max) did everything for Anna, while she made him happy just by her presence. He brings her breakfast in bed, takes care of her family, designs jewelry for her, etc. Yet, I couldn’t discern what Anna did for him. I don’t mean to suggest she should perform some service to show her love or anything like that. It just seems Max is always giving, and she doesn’t reciprocate emotionally or in any other way. Perhaps this is why their marriage felt unappealing to me.
Of course, it’s a nice idea to make your partner happy just by existing. But that’s not enough for a seven-year marriage. It’s completely unrealistic, even if it would be nice.

Moreover, Max made everything too easy for himself in the end, which didn’t fit his character. The book is set in Switzerland. Here, you can get an employee’s contact details or call the municipality to find out where someone lives. He could have left her some sign where the bottle was. Surely, he could have figured out where her employer is… He could have put in a bit more effort. Plus, he surely knew her mother’s name or where they lived, even if it was seven years ago.
But a bit of drama was necessary! (:

Reading Experience
The book is very gripping. I could hardly put it down and wished there were more chapters. From page 55, it really captivated me. I felt the excitement, could empathize, smiled, and started really liking the book!
At first, I was sure how the book would unfold. I thought, even if Max didn’t remember, he would fall in love with Anna (she would probably pretend everything was normal and they were already married) and they would live happily ever after.

I didn’t expect so many twists and magic and was truly surprised. Sarah Ready turned an old concept into something new, honest, and complex, without adding unnecessary drama. The only drama is the love between the characters, which precedes them.
This will be a book I often think about. The idea that she has the real Max who loves her, but remembers both versions of him, and she wants him back, is impressive. She can’t just have it easy. She wants his feelings to build up, to be genuine. She can’t skip to the end, to the happy ending, because it wouldn’t be his free will. This is what impressed and convinced me most about this book.

I love sex scenes in books when they complement the story and seem necessary. At times, it felt like the book was written for the sex scene, not the other way around. This is probably due to its length and the long foreplay. We all knew what was coming.

Also, the scene in Paris was way too long. Too many descriptions of unnecessary things that aren’t relevant later. I understand that readers are meant to get a feel for the couple and that’s why the day is described in such detail. Still, I think there could have been a better way to show their connection. I skipped over a lot and only looked for the scenes with interactions between them. Ultimately, every reader has their own perspective. Maybe it’s interesting for flower and diamond enthusiasts, but for the average reader without deeper knowledge, it’s unnecessary.
What bothered me a lot were the seemingly endless descriptions and digressions in important, hectic scenes. I understand his eyes soften, he smiles, and it reminds Anna of the first or second time she saw him, etc. But I’d rather know who decided what and what they remembered. My eyes only sought the next quotation marks so the story could finally continue.

Max’s best friend seemed completely unnecessary to me. I gathered his fear of passion didn’t come from her, but his upbringing. So, I don’t understand why she exists. She doesn’t really contribute to the story. Even without her, Anna would never have approached Max when she worked for him. Just like the girl (the best friend’s daughter?) at the end. Both contribute nothing and could have been omitted.

Unfortunately, there were typos that were bothersome. Occasionally, she left the comma inside the direct speech (e.g., “I love you,” he said …). One automatically expects more to follow.

Despite all the criticisms, the author managed to evoke genuine feelings about the two characters. The love between them was palpable, as was the dilemma. I love slow burn, and somehow Sarah Ready managed to convey that, even though the important part spans only a week, and the story overall covers three or four weeks.
The ending is beautiful and still surprising. However, I would have loved to know how her employer and mother would have reacted!


Vielen herzlichen Dank an NetGalley und Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC für diesen ARC!

Die Idee / Der Stil
Die Idee, dass beide sich in einer anderen Welt wiederfinden, gefällt mir sehr und ist neu. Normalerweise weiss es ja nur eine Person nicht. Dieser Welt von Sarah Ready mangelt es nicht an Kreativität und Überraschungen. Jedes Mal, wenn man denkt, man wüsste was als nächstes kommt, überrascht sie einen wieder. Dennoch sind diese vielen Wendungen nachvollziehbar und nicht zu kompliziert. Man kann die Geschichte gut verstehen und sie hat einen klaren, roten Faden.
Ich mag es, dass wir trotz der Verwirrung von Anna die Regeln dieser Welt erklärt bekommen. Es wurden alle Fragen beantwortet. Das Buch ist einfach geschrieben und sehr gut lesbar, auch wenn Englisch nicht die Muttersprache ist.

Die Charaktere
Zu Beginn hat es mich sehr abgestossen, dass Max sofort mit ihr schlafen möchte, sobald er sie sieht. Es hat mich ehrlich angewidert und ich war dem Buch gegenüber sehr kritisch eingestellt. Zum Glück habe ich aber weitergelesen, denn auch dieser Gedanke von ihm hatte einen Sinn.
Der Hauptcharakter ist mir zu unrealistisch. Anna wird als die selbstloseste Person überhaupt beschrieben, die auf alles verzichtet und nur das Beste für alle möchte. Sie ist die Ehrlichkeit in Person, hat nie einen schlechten Gedanken. Andererseits bekommt man dieses Gefühl nicht wirklich, wenn man die Geschichte liest, was sehr interessant ist. Die einzige Szene, bei welcher sich diese Seite von ihr zeigt, ist wenn sie Max verlässt, weil er sie liebt.

Max als Charakter hat mir gefallen. Selbstbewusst, diszipliniert, charmant und humorvoll. Man hätte denken können, dass es Out of Character ist, wie er sich gegenüber Anna in Paris verhaltet. So leidenschaftlich, so nett und fürsorglich. Bedenkt man aber, dass er Gefühle und Erinnerungen von zwei Vergangenheiten in sich trägt, ergibt sein Handeln perfekten Sinn. Er hat Erinnerungen an etwas, was er nicht erlebt hat. Er kennt Anna auf eine andere Weise und möchte es endlich erleben.

Vor allem, dass er sie nach sieben Jahren Ehe so sehr liebt, dass sie zuerst denkt, es sei noch der echte Max, hat mich beeindruckt. Irgendwie schien deren Beziehung aber dennoch einseitig zu sein. Es schien, als würde Max (der verheiratete Max) alles für Anna tun, während sie ihn alleine mit ihrer Präsenz glücklich macht. Er bringt ihr Frühstück ans Bett, kümmert sich um ihre Familie, entwirft Schmuck für sie, etc. Ich konnte jedoch nirgends rauslesen, was Anna für ihn macht. Damit möchte ich nicht sagen, dass sie irgendeine Dienstleistung für ihn ausüben soll um zu zeigen, dass sie ihn liebt oder sonstwas. Es scheint nur, als würde Max nur geben und sie gibt ihm weder emotional, noch sonst irgendwie etwas zurück. Ich denke, dass mir deswegen die Ehe so unsympathisch wirkt.

Natürlich ist es eine schöne Vorstellung, seine Partnerperson mit der blossen Existenz glücklich machen zu können. Für sieben Jahre Ehe reicht das aber nicht. Es ist komplett unrealistisch, auch wenn es schön wäre.
Zudem hat es sich Max zum Schluss alles viel zu einfach gemacht, was nicht zu seinem Charakter passt. Das Buch spielt in der Schweiz. Hier hat man die Kontaktdaten der Mitarbeitenden oder kann in der Gemeinde anrufen, um herauszufinden, wo jemand wohnt. Zudem hätte er ihr irgendein Zeichen hinterlassen können, wo die Flasche war. Er hätte sicher herausfinden können, wo ihre Arbeitsgeberin sich befindet… Er hätte sich einfach ein bisschen mehr Mühe geben können. Zudem hätte er sicher gewusst, wie ihre Mutter heisst oder wo sie gewohnt haben, auch wenn es sieben Jahre her ist.
Aber es musste ja ein bisschen dramatisch sein! (:

Das Buch ist sehr packend. Ich konnte es kaum aus den Händen legen und hätte mir gewünscht, es gäbe noch ein paar Kapitel. Ab Seite 55 hat es mich wirklich gepackt. Da verspürte ich diese Aufregung, konnte mitfühlen, habe gelächelt und angefangen das Buch wirklich zu mögen!
Ich war mir zu Beginn sicher, wie das Buch verlaufen wird. Ich dachte, auch wenn Max sich nicht erinnert, wird er sich in Anna verlieben (sie wird wahrscheinlich so tun, als sei alles normal und sie längst verheiratet wären) und sie würden glücklich bis ans Ende ihres Lebens sein.
So viele Wendungen und Magie hatte ich nicht erwartet und war wirklich überrascht. Sarah Ready hat ein altes Konzept in etwas neues, ehrliches und kompliziertes verwandelt, ohne unnötiges Drama zu ergänzen. Das einzige Drama ist die Liebe zwischen den Charakteren, die ihnen Voraus ist.

Es wird ein Buch sein, als welches ich oft denken werde. Diese Vorstellung, dass sie den echten Max hat, der sie liebt, sich aber an beide von ihnen erinnert und sie ihn zurück möchte, beeindruckt mich. Sie kann es nicht einfach haben. Sie möchte, dass seine Gefühle sich aufbauen, ehrlich sind. Sie kann nicht zum Schluss, zum Happy End springen, weil es nicht sein freier Wille wäre. Das ist das, was mich an diesem Buch am meisten beeindruckt und überzeugt hat.

Ich liebe Sexszenen in Büchern, wenn sie die Geschichte ergänzen und notwendig scheinen. Teilweise hat es sich aber so angefühlt, als sei das Buch für die Sexszene geschrieben worden und nicht umgekehrt. Dies liegt wahrscheinlich an der Länge dieser und an dem langen Vorspiel. Wir alle wussten, was kommt.

Zudem war sie Szene in Paris viel zu lang. Viel zu viele Beschreibungen von unnötigen Sachen, welche später auch nicht weiter relevant sind. Einerseits verstehe ich, dass man als Lesende ein Gefühl für das Paar bekommen soll und der Tag aus diesem Grund so ausführlich beschrieben wurde. Ich finde dennoch, man hätte einen besseren Weg finden können, deren Verbindung zu zeigen. Ich habe vieles übersprungen und nur die Szenen mit Handlungen zwischen den beiden gesucht. Schlussendlich hat jeder Lesende seine eigene Vorstellung. Vielleicht ist es für Blumen- und Diamantenkenner interessant, für den typischen Leser, ohne tieferes wissen, jedoch unnötig.
Was mich sehr gestört hat, waren die scheinbar endlosen Beschreibungen und Abschweifungen in wichtigen, hektischen Szenen. Ich verstehe ja, dass seine Augen weich werden, er lächelt und das Anna an das erste oder zweite Mal erinnert, als sie ihn gesehen hat, etc. Aber ich möchte doch lieber wissen, wer sich wie entschieden hat und woran erinnert. Meine Augen haben nur die nächsten Anführungszeichen gesucht, damit die Geschichte endlich weitergehen kann.

Die beste Freundin von Max war meiner Meinung nach komplett unnötig. Ich habe rausgelesen, dass seine Angst vor Passion nicht von ihr, sondern seinem Elternhaus kam. Daher verstehe ich nicht, weshalb es sie gibt. Sie trägt nicht wirklich etwas zur Geschichte bei. Auch ohne sie hätte Anna Max nie angesprochen, als sie für ihn gearbeitet hat. Genauso wie das Mädchen (die Tochter des besten Freundin?) am Schluss. Beide tragen nichts bei, man hätte sie streichen können.
Leider gab es Tippfehler, die gestört haben. Ab und zu hat sie das Komma innerhalb der direkten Rede gelassen (Beispiel: „I love you,“ he said …). Da erwartet man automatisch, da käme noch mehr.

Trotz aller Kritikpunkte hat es die Autorin geschafft, ein echtes Gefühl über die beiden auszulösen. Die Liebe zwischen ihnen war deutlich spürbar, genauso wie das Dilemma. Ich liebe Slow Burn und irgendwie hat es Sarah Ready geschafft, mir das zu vermitteln, obwohl der wichtige Teil nur eine Woche umfasst und die Geschichte insgesamt drei oder vier Wochen.
Das Ende ist schön und dennoch überraschend. Ich hätte aber sehr gerne gewusst, wie ihre Arbeitgeberin und Mutter reagiert hätten!

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. I enjoyed reading Max and Anna's story and seeing how everything unfolded.

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I was so happy to be able to read an ARC of this because I love Max after reading Fated, and couldn't wait to get to his story. Max deserved everything he got in this book and it was a wonderful wrap-up to the entire series.

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This literary work provided a refreshing respite from the preponderance of thriller and fantasy novels. Its lighthearted and charming nature was thoroughly enjoyable. The characters are exceptionally well-developed and endearing. Although this was my initial exposure to this author's works, I intend to peruse the remainder of this series promptly.

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After having read Fated, I was so excited to get Wished by Sarah Ready. Max and Anna are fun characters to follow as we see a wish be made and watch it unfold.

Thank you netgalley for an arc of Wished by Sarah Ready.

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I am enjoying this book series, and appreciate the opportunity to review it!

I have loved this whole series from Sarah Ready. The magical qualities of the world influencing these couples is so interesting, and I love each couple. The humor in this one was great!

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.
All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to netgalley and publisher for this ARC. Easy and sweet read. Have read books from this author before, always puts a lot of pvoe and care into her books. Can't wait to read more!

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I’m guessing this is the final book in Ready’s Ghosted series, and it is such a heartwarming, truly romantic read. Ready has quickly become one of my favorite contemporary romance writers with her well-written, heartfelt, and engaging stories.

After poor Max was rejected by Fiona in Fated, I was hoping he’d find a woman who inspired passion and made him trust that love didn’t have to be destructive. Anna is the perfect love interest for him, but it takes an impulsive wish on her part using an antique necklace as a talisman for Max to even notice her. For her, it was love at first sight when, as his housecleaner, she accidentally interrupted him working from home. However, because she was so good at hiding herself with baggy clothes and oversized glasses, he never would have noticed her if it weren’t for the wish fulfillment: she wakes up the next day learning that’s they’ve been married for seven years and everyone but Max believes it. She knows it isn’t real, but Max has memories that he can’t explain. As they embark on a trip to Paris and St. Tropez with a plan to reverse the wish, they begin to realize that a housecleaner and a wealthy jeweler might have more in common than they’d ever imagined, but is it real, is it magic, or is it just a dream?

As with the other books in the series, Ready beautifully blends magical realism, romance and a bit of mystery to create unforgettable love stories that transcend space and time. Anna and Max are fully realized and the chemistry between them is off the charts. One of the most endearing elements of the book is how they see the best in each other which gives them the space and security they need to let go of the past and allow room for happiness, love, and laughter. Although this can be read as a standalone, I encourage readers to start with Ghosted and go from there. Highly recommended.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from Swift and Lewis Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

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I was eagerly anticipating Max's story after enjoying "Fated," and "Wished" did not disappoint. This fun, light, and whimsical read explores the daydream of having a wish come true.

The story follows Anna, who wakes up to find her wish of being married to Max, the oblivious owner of a jewelry empire, has become reality. Despite enjoying the wish, Anna regrets its fakeness and tries to undo it. The dynamic between Anna and Max is engaging, with Max retaining memories of their "marriage" while knowing it's all a wish.

Set in Geneva, Anna is a hardworking, dedicated protagonist who always wishes for others' happiness. In love with Max for years, she embarks on a magical adventure when she wishes upon a family heirloom. The story is unique and filled with tension, comedy, and well-written romantic moments.

Sarah Ready's storytelling gave me that fluttery, romance movie feeling. The plot, characters, and narrative style made this a 5/5 read for me. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys sweet, magical romances.

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After reading Fated, I was really looking forward to Max's story. I have really enjoyed this entire series and I am glad I was able to read this one early. I was not disappointed. Wished was a fun, light, and whimsical read. I think everyone has daydreamed about what would happen if one of their wishes came true.

Anna wishes she was married to Max, who doesn't even realize she exists. When she wakes up to her wish being a reality, she tries to undo her wish. I liked that fact that Max had memories of their "marriage", but also had the knowledge that it was all fake. I think it added to their dynamic. Max deserved to find that passionate love after Fated and I was very satisfied with the way this story played out. I wouldn't mind seeing this whole series play out onscreen.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy.

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