Member Reviews

4/5⭐️ 5/5🌶️
A Spicy, he-falls-first billionaire romance- check, check, check! The book is called Lorcan's obsession, but it should just be called obsession. the FMC Tristen turns out to be just as obsessed with him but there is a secret event from her past that keeps her from enacting on it. The book is dual-POV and you are just along for the spicy ride. It's refreshing to see a playboy decide that he wants to give up that lifestyle to have something meaningful and forever. Lorcan is an alpha hole with cinnamon roll tendencies that is determined to make Tristen his. Tristen is a commitment-phobe who tries to keep Lorcan at arm's length but fails as he breaks down her barriers. The events of this book take place in the Middle East and there are some things that didn't line up to me (She grew up in Switzerland & Itay but says 'y'all'). There were some scenes where I had to go back a paragraph and reread because I didn't know how the characters got to the position they were in or 'when did she lose her top?" but it was more nuisance and didn't impact my overall reading. This book is labeled as 'dark romance' but I there are minimal scenes where I felt this applied. I thought this was going to be a series that followed different main characters for each book, so I was very surprised with the jaw dropping cliffhanger at the end of this book. I now have so many theories going on in my head and no book 2 date!

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Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book for my honest review.

This book started off strong but fell flat for me after the first half. I so badly wanted to love these characters. Tristan and Lorcan are both toxic train wrecks. But I couldn’t stop reading even though I didn’t love the characters. I needed to know what they would get into next. Not sure I will continue the series BUT I will say it did end in a way that leaves you wanting more. Just wasn’t my cup of tea and that’s ok!

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I was given an advanced copy in exchange for my review. This is my honest opinion I am giving voluntarily. This book really starts out with a bang, he’s obsessed, the mmc is stalking her, it’s really living up to the dark romance that was promised. Unfortunately the characters do not have depth to them, it’s all very surface level. They seem to have the heart to heart conversations off screen and it doesn’t make me feel invested in their love story. It honestly makes me feel like a bystander instead of submersing me into their world.

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This is the sexiest book I've read this year. Tristen and Lorcan make a great couple, girls like to have fun, as much as boys. Love that the story shows both sides of how the romance progressed. Waiting for the next episode .

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Guilty, I'm guilty because I adore this book.. Lorcan and his friend made me laugh so much and despite the smut which was quite steamy the sotry was based on two adults who know what they want but why Lorcan is obsessed with Tristen, she's more frighten and she has her reasons for that but I did like the way they connect and he fighting for her even if she was afraid

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This book felt very bland verse what I believed it was going to be. Do i think there is something here that coukd be better developed...yes.

I never hate a book and I DON'T hate this one.

The bones are there but needs more meat.

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Unfortunately this book didn’t grab me. The characters and storyline could have used more development. The dialogue felt unnatural with the characters repeating the other’s name every other sentence, and talking in a way that no one does in real life - it felt cringey at times. The MMC was portrayed as a player but seemed the opposite from the start. There was hardly a story beyond the sex scenes. The premise was interesting but it just didn’t work for me.

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I think maybe this book wasn't for me, despite the blurb and the tropes making it feel right up my street.
There didn't seem to be much of a storyline until the last 20% of the book which made it hard to connect or feel much towards the characters. It made this feel like a collection of sex scenes with no plot. Some of the dialogue and sex scenes felt very wooden and quite cringey at times which didn't portray any connection between the characters.

Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this ARC.

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I really wanted to like this book. Dark romance, MMC billionaire who falls first? Yes, please! Unfortunately, I found it really cringy and kind of boring. He’s a CEO and she’s a law student. Can their vocabulary consist of more than just “baby”? 51% into the book before they finally do the deed!? And we all know she has a secret, but honestly, I skipped to the end and just read the last few chapters to find out what the secret was. Unfortunately, I didn’t vibe with this book.

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