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Review for 'Tis' The Damn Season' by Fiona Gibson'.


This is a fantastically written book that has vivid descriptions which will make you feel that you are hearing the laughter and escaping into it!! It takes you on a journey to the Highlands where you will see the snow all around you. The title, synopsis and cover suit the storyline perfectly.

Well, you may have noticed I have started reading festive books regular and very early considering it is only September but it doesn't matter if you are the type who doesn't want to hear the word Christmas until the day or whether you have already started thinking about getting the decorations down because regardless of how you feel about Christmas you will absolutely LOVE this adorable story! In this fantastic festive fun page turner we meet Shelley, Lena and Pearl who are feeling the stress of Christmas as many mum's feel at this time of year, myself included so I could definitely relate!!! Shelley's children and husband want all the fun of Christmas but wont even consider easing the burden by helping, Lena is in a relationship with Tommy who has a daughter Daisy whose social media posts are either malicious or just from a child wanting her family back together but regardless when she has the parents and ex wife into the situation she is getting fed up and Pearl who is widowed with a son who she loves and works well with but who has also decided to invite his girlfriend Abi to live with him at Pearl's small flat. They decide to have a much needed break before Christmas and with Pearl's cousin Michael running a B&B in the Highlands that happens to have no bookings what better time to do it!! Well, that is what they thought until they are there and the Highlands weather decides they are better off being snowed in and having to work the B&B and entertaining the paying guests. Will they get back in time for Christmas? Will their families realise how much these women do for them when they are not there? Grab this fantastic, funny and page turning book to find out for yourselves!! With a storyline filled with drama, friendships, family, entertainment, snow and everything you could ask for in a Christmas holiday read I can guarantee that you will not regret it!!! I absolutely love the realism of this fantastic page turner which really does go to show the work and stress that Mum's go through on the run up to Christmas which is definitely something myself and many of my friends can relate to!! I was laughing so much reading this that I had tears streaming down my face and my sides were hurting!! It is just an entertaining read and perfect to turn any frown upside down!!! I may not have read any books by this incredible author before but I am so pleased that this has now been rectified and as soon as I have finished writing this up I am off to add all her other books on to my Amazon wish list. Fiona's evocative writing skills brings the story life and one minute you are chilling at home with the book in your hand and the next you've been sucked straight into the Highlands with Pearl, Shelley and Lena . The atmosphere was gorgeous, festive and hilarious and I was completely swept away!! This book had me in stitches on several occasions and at other times left me sitting there going awww and getting some very strange looks!! There was plenty going on and I absolutely loved every moment of it. The storyline is unique and I think it is such a fantastic plot I really would love to see this turned into a movie!! I would be the first barging their way in front to get tickets!! An absolutely brilliant must read!!


There were so many large and unique personalities in this book and thanks to Fiona's amazing writing skills each and every one of them came alive. I was completely invested in Shelley, Pearl and Lena who I was not just completely invested in but I could also completely relate to how they were feeling!!! I also found them to be likeable, fun and realistic strong women and being female I am always a huge fan of strong female protagonists in books and these three women are just brilliant!! I am just gutted that they are only fictional although Fiona really did make them jump out of the pages. I absolutely LOVED watching all the separate relationships, friendships and dynamics develop and change between the characters. Each of the characters had their own unique personalities, strengths and weaknesses and I cannot wait to meet more characters in Fiona's other books. This book was filled with a lovely range of characters and I would absolutely love to meet them all again!! Hint hint Fiona 😉 Regardless of whether you love or hate the characters they all worked perfectly together to make an absolutely gorgeous storyline so a huge WELL done to Fiona for bringing them to life!!

An absolutely stunning read by Fiona!! If you are looking for that perfect read to lift your spirits, bring in the festivities and keep you hooked then what are you waiting for??

Well done Fiona on a stunning page turner and for making me laugh, swoon and smile!!! I'm looking forward to your next success!!! This is exactly why I would like to welcome you to my top 3 rom com authors list ♥

Overall an absolutely gorgeous, festive, feel good, page turning novel filled with friendships, love, community and family that will keep you up late at night.

#TisTheSeason @FionaGibson #BoldwoodBooks #BoldwoodBloggers #theboldbookclub #Boldwood #BookAndTonic #RachelsRandomResources #rararesources

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The holiday season is always stressful. When three best friends chat about needing to get away, they hadn't planned on quite so soon. Between kids, family, and jobs the women jumped on the opportunity to visit the Scottish Highlands for a few days before Christmas.
Pearl was ready for a break from her 22 year-old son, Brandon, and his live-in girlfriend. Lena needed a break to mentally prepare herself for her fiancé, Tommy's, egocentric parents coming to her home for Christmas dinner. Shelley needed a break from
her self-centered husband, Joel, and teenager kids, Martha and Fin.
The women went to visit Pearl's cousin, Michael, and stay at his B&B for a few days. Never did they anticipate the turn of events both at home an away. The holidays had never been like this before!

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'Tis the Damn Season is a wonderful book, and a perfect holiday read. Three longtime friends are at the end of their patience with husbands, children, in-laws. Each one is on their last nerve. So, five days before Christmas, the trio take a trip to Scotland and let their families sort the holidays out on their own. This little vacation was exactly what each woman needed.

I loved 'Tis the Damn Season. Written about women who are taken advantage of, overwhelmed, and frustrated with those they live with, all for different reasons, Shelly, Lena, and Pearl could be any number of women I know, including myself. The author wrote realistic family dynamics, characters with depth and emotion, and relatable situations. I couldn't help but immerse myself in this story.

This book is unputdownable. Once you start, be prepared to get nothing done as you follow Shelly, Lena, and Pearl in an adventure that is life-changing and just was the doctor ordered. The story is filled with drama, challenges, humor, twists and turns, surprises, friendship, and love. I loved the writing style, character development, and world-building. I was completely immersed in the lives of these three strong women and am glad I had the opportunity to get to meet them.

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Book Review: 'Tis the Damn Season

I just wrapped up reading 'Tis the Damn Season by Fiona Gibson, and I can confidently say it’s the festive escape I didn’t know I needed! The premise grabbed me immediately: three old friends—Shelley, Lena, and Pearl—decide to ditch their families for a much-needed mini break in the Scottish Highlands just days before Christmas. The idea of sipping prosecco while leaving the holiday chaos behind was incredibly appealing.

The humor in this book is top-notch. From the very first chapter, I found myself laughing out loud at the relatable struggles these women face. Each character brings her own baggage, whether it’s a fiancé with a demanding family or a son’s new girlfriend taking over. Their candid conversations and interactions are both hilarious and poignant, making them feel like friends I’ve known for years.

However, things take a turn when they find themselves snowed in, forcing them to confront their real reasons for wanting to escape. I appreciated how Gibson tackled deeper issues amidst the laughs, exploring themes of friendship, identity, and the pressures of holiday expectations. The emotional moments were balanced perfectly with the lighthearted humor, which kept me engaged throughout.

The setting in the Highlands was beautifully described, creating a cozy backdrop for the unfolding drama. I could almost feel the chill of the snow and the warmth of their camaraderie. As the women navigate their challenges, I found myself rooting for them to find not just a way back home but also a renewed sense of self.

This book is a delightful reminder of the importance of friendship and the need for a little self-care, especially during the hectic holiday season. If you’re looking for a festive read that’s both funny and heartfelt, 'Tis the Damn Season is a must. I finished it in one sitting, and I can’t wait to recommend it to my book club as a perfect pick for the season!

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A great festive read. The plot is out of the normal parameters of a usual Christmas read where the main characters are away from their families but this makes for a riot of a read. Completely relatable in parts but also a very funny and romantic rollercoaster ride through Christmas.

Thank you Netgalley

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Fiona Gibson's "Tis the Damn Season" is a delightful and hilarious holiday read that will have you feeling cozy and festive, no matter the time of year. I really love the themes of self-discovery, female friendships, and the magic of the holiday season. Oh, and I can't not mention Shelley's husband - a character who truly embodies the term pure trash. The drama!

Thank you, Boldwood Books and NetGalley, for my eArc. This was my first Fiona Gibson book and I'm a NEW FAN!

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I did not sign up for adulatory in a christmas book and also we are supposed to root for the adulterer and his wife to get back together?? Are you kidding me?! Definitely not for me

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Brilliant! Such a good fun read.
I’ve been a fan of Fiona Gibson for years at this point. I always find her books to be well written, fast paced, full of humour and interesting, relatable, female characters.
This book is no exception. I guarantee this is the perfect read to get you ready for that time of year, especially when you’re starting to stress about it and feel like you’ve had enough before you’ve even begun.
Sit down with this, relax with a drink and lose yourself in the story. You won’t be disappointed, you’re never disappointed with a Fiona Gibson book in your hand. Definite 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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First of all thank you for approving my request!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The authors writing style had me hooked throughout this book.

I didn't want it to end, a book I really couldn't put down.

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What women, especially mom's, but really all women wouldn't want and need an escape from managing all the things especially holidays.

A great fun read while having so many real relatable themes and even some tough moments.

I loved seeing Shelley, Lena and Pearl and the journey that this trip was for them,

Would definitely recommend this book.

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This was a lovely Christmas read. I found it quite easy to identify with the women as I too am the mother of teens and the distracted grunts off them whilst studying their phones were bang on, until there’s no food they want to eat or clean underwear in their drawer, then all hell breaks loose! 😂

I could identify with the ladies striving to make Christmas wonderful and magical for everyone, at the detriment of their own happiness. When really, all they want is a small amount of help and some recognition for how much they do.

It was interesting to see the relationships with their partners evolve and change as they discover what they really want to be happy and their men either evolve with them or they get dropped along the way.

Some amazing descriptions of Scotland covered in snow and great community spirit, I almost wish I was snowed in at the guest house, although maybe not with the Sampsons!

A wonderful festive funny read I would definitely recommend.

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I just had to start reading Christmas themed books and this one was so cute and a lot of fun. I loved the friendship between the three women, Shelley, Lena and Pearl and the trip they take to the Scottish Highlands just a week before Christmas. With so much going on in their lives this is the break they need before all the craziness of Christmas.

But there is more craziness to come when the arrive at the B&B. This is such a cute book with a loving setting you can just picture in your mind. I love teh Christmas craziness theme and the different family dynamics in this story. It is fun, there is some romance, there is a lot of friendship and even some family dramas along the way.

This is a great holiday read with some fun, quirky and enjoyable characters. It is an easy read and I found it very enjoyable and entertaining.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Great fun book that will get you ready for Christmas. As always the book is full of great characters, lots of humour and good storyline that you can relate to. The three main characters all have their own hassles back home and this is pure escapism and I loved it

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Tis the Damn Season by Fiona Gibson was so damn good! This is definitely a holiday read to add to your wishlist!

Shelly, Lena, and Pearl are three women who met years ago when they worked together. Through the years their friendship has blossomed and grown and they always look forward to time together.

However, with the holidays quickly approaching, each is feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and often unappreciated at home. Taking a step back, each believes it would be wonderful to escape….before the holidays! Family and friends are shocked to hear they don’t plan to return until Christmas Eve.

As the three make their way to a B&B in the Scottish Highlands, they have no idea how much their lives will change upon their return.

This was a great four star read and one I would certainly recommend! I can’t wait to check out other books from the author!

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3.7 stars
One Liner: A heartwarming read (though some of it could have been better)

Old friends and women in their forties, Shelley, Pearl, and Lena decide to take a break for three days before Christmas and go to stay at a B&B in the Highlands. When they get snowed in and realize they cannot go back to celebrate the festival with their families, the women have to face the real reasons for their escape and decide what they want to do with their lives when they go back.
Will they continue with their old lives and same old frustrations or find the courage to break the patterns?
The story comes in the third-person POV of Shelley, Pearl, and Lena, with a few chapters from Joel, Tommy, Michael, and Martha’s POVs.

My Thoughts:
This is a quick yet heartwarming story about three women and how they face the issues in their lives (and come out stronger). Given the premise, I wasn’t looking for romance. There’s a bit of new love but the focus is on how three women deal with different situations.
It was heartwarming to read about their friendship. They share a deep bond, and it shows in their interactions.
The Highland setting during Christmas, the snow, and the cozy B&B are beautiful. I enjoyed the descriptions that provide the necessary detail but don’t distract the reader from the plot.
There’s a cute doggie, Stan, who is adorable. Then, there is a five-year-old guest, Theo, who is NOT cute; a proper brat!
The side characters are decently done. Not too deep but works for the plot. We hate those we need to hate and feel bad for those who need our sympathy. However, I did want more from Tommy’s character and was disappointed a little.
It seems that teenagers are given a free pass for certain things. Since a couple of important questions are not answered, I’m left wondering about their intentions. Can’t say I could feel bad for them (in fact, it’s the opposite).
While the ending is hopeful for all three ladies, I do wish Lena’s track and Brandon’s track were explored a little more. A kind partner is an asset. But a weak person with a kind heart is a headache.
Anyway, the book ends on a positive note and suits the Christmas mood with a bittersweet-cum-hopeful vibes.

To summarize, 'Tis the Damn Season is a quick read about three women whose time away from their families helps them reevaluate their lives and make some much-needed decisions. You can finish in a single sitting (or two).
Thank you, NetGalley and Boldwood Books, for eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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A really enjoyable and entertaining festive story.
I loved the clever way in which this story was written, three characters with fascinating stories that were masterfully intertwined to create a enthralling story.
All three of the main characters had something going on back at home, and it was interesting to watch what was happening and how this had a knock on effect to their futures.
Scotland was a beautiful setting and it was fabulous to see the ladies embrace a very unexpected lead up to Christmas.
It was fun to read a different sort of Christmas book, with some surprising moments that kept me turning the pages.
This book was damn good and a great way to celebrate the season of goodwill.

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Fiona Gibson’s 'Tis the Damn Season is a charming and hilariously relatable holiday romp that perfectly captures the chaos, exhaustion, and magic of Christmas. With its blend of laugh-out-loud moments and heartfelt introspection, this novel is a delightful escape for readers who can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the festive season.

The story centers around three old friends—Shelley, Lena, and Pearl—who, like many women, have shouldered the burden of holiday preparations for far too long. Five days before Christmas, they reach their breaking point and decide to book a much-needed getaway to the Scottish Highlands, leaving their families to fend for themselves. It’s a brilliant premise that taps into the frustrations of the holiday season with humor and wit, as the three women sip prosecco and relish their newfound freedom, miles away from the holiday madness.

However, the fun takes a turn when the friends find themselves snowed in, stranded far from home and the very Christmas they were trying to escape. This setup allows Gibson to dig deeper into each woman’s personal life, revealing the real reasons they needed to get away. The novel balances lighthearted comedy with more serious reflections on family dynamics, the pressures of tradition, and the ways in which women are often taken for granted during the holidays.

Shelley, Lena, and Pearl are distinct and relatable characters, each facing their own unique challenges. Shelley is trying to navigate the holiday with her fiancé and his overbearing family, Lena is dealing with the intrusion of her son’s new girlfriend, and Pearl is feeling overlooked by a family that takes her for granted year-round. As they confront these issues together, their friendship provides warmth and humor, and readers will enjoy seeing how the bonds between them evolve over the course of the story.

The Scottish Highlands setting adds an extra layer of charm, with its picturesque snow-covered landscapes providing the perfect backdrop for the characters’ introspective moments. And while the plot unfolds somewhat predictably, with each woman coming to important realizations about her life, it’s done with enough heart and humor to keep readers engaged.

What makes 'Tis the Damn Season such a winning read is Gibson’s ability to capture the absurdities of family life and holiday traditions with wit and sharp observational humor. Whether it’s the frantic last-minute shopping, the endless list of tasks, or the balancing act of keeping everyone happy, the book offers plenty of moments that will resonate with readers who have found themselves in similar situations. But underneath the humor is a message about self-care, boundaries, and the importance of asking for help—a timely reminder during the busy holiday season.

Final Thoughts:
'Tis the Damn Season is a delightful, feel-good read that combines festive chaos with heartwarming moments of friendship and self-discovery. Fiona Gibson delivers a fun, witty novel that is sure to make readers laugh while also tugging at their heartstrings. Fans of lighthearted holiday reads with a touch of emotional depth, like those by Sophie Kinsella or Jill Mansell, will find this a perfect companion for the festive season. Four stars for its charm, humor, and relatable portrayal of the holiday hustle!

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Tis the Damn Season is just the kind of read that I had hoped it would be. It was the story of 3 old friends one married(Shelley), another engaged (Lena), and one single (Pearl). They decided to go to Scotland the week before Christmas to get away from the stress of the season and things that were going on in their lives.
There was just the right amount of comedy and drama and some surprises along the way as the friends end up snowed in at their B & B with some other guests. The women were very likable and seemed like friends you would want to have. The writing was good and nothing too heavy and not silly. The story came together beautifully. And this would be a lovely read as a stress reliever for the holidays for those of us who can’t escape to Scotland for the week. Really fun and quick read! I will definitely be looking for more books by Fiona Gibson. Thanks for the opportunity to read it #netgalley #TistheDamnSeason

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Really enjoyed this book from beginning to end. The plot was well done and the characters were not too cloying. Nice to have the different perspectives during the story. The ending was satisfying and didn’t take a wild turn from the story as a whole. It was nice to read about a tight knit group of friends and their everyday issues vs some huge issue or a book full of grief.

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The Blurb :
Old friends Shelley, Lena and Pearl have reached their limit with the festive preparation that has always fallen to them, and five days before Christmas, they’ve booked a mini break… without their families. Up until Christmas Eve, they’ll be sipping prosecco in the Highlands while their kids wrap bacon around 100 chipolatas and their partners brave the supermarkets.
It’s exactly what they need… until they’re snowed in. Facing the prospect of Christmas 500 miles from home, each woman is forced to confront her real reasons for needing to escape: the fiancé with the obnoxious family; the son’s new girlfriend who is taking over their home; the family who take their mother for granted all year round…
Will the friends make it home before Christmas day? And if they do, can they really go back to their old lives?

My Thoughts :
We meet friends Shelley, Pearl and Lena. Having had enough of their families and the up coming festive preparations, they all decide on a last minute break to Scotland at Shelley’s cousins bed & breakfast for a few days before Christmas begins.
What better way than to relax hundreds of miles away from home and let their families tend to the organising of Christmas this year.
As we begin to learn the back story of the 3 friends, theres no wonder they wanted a break.
Shelley’s husband and children are always taking her for granted.
Pearl who is a widow, has had enough of her son’s girlfriend taking over in her own home and Lena’s in laws announce they are coming to stay despite questioning and criticizing her over everything she does.
After settling in to the B&B the weather takes a turn for the worse and this forces them to stay on longer than planned. With guests arriving they end up managing the B&B and entertaining the guests even some awkward ones.
As the friends embrace their time away and revaluate their lives, what happen when they finally return home and will their families be waiting for them!?.
Fiona Gibson is one of my go to Authors and this book didnt disappoint, I love how Fiona takes her characters under her wing and makes them into people we care about. A very heart warming funny festive read and one I didnt want to end as I could just see these friends on many more adventures.
Looking forward to more from Fiona Gibson in the future.

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